1. Intro
A practical overview of using Castle Game Engine to create 3D and 2D games, and building them for various platforms. The talk is directed at both FPC/Lazarus and Delphi users.
Lost? Contact me:
Example project I made: https://github.com/michaliskambi/salamanca2

2. Monday: Overview - objects, classes, designing 3D levels and 2D UI
What we have covered:
Overview of CGE editor,
Overview of initial skeleton - code, views, data, ui
Views: Example: main menu, play, options - options on top of play, paused or not
How to react to event - button click
Generate log from code
Change objects from code, change any property of published: Add box, change box Translation from code
Basic reaction to button press:
procedure TViewPlay.Start;
MyButton.OnClick := {$ifdef FPC}@{$endif} MyButtonClick;
procedure TViewPlay.MyButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
WritelnLog('Button clicked');
// translation is 3D vector, TVector3
Box1.Translation := Box1.Translation + Vector3(0, 1 , 0);
Homework if you want:
Learn how to change views from code. Read how to:
read https://castle-engine.io/view_events, https://castle-engine.io/views ,
examples: e.g. examples/platformer/ , examples/fps_game/ in CGE.
3. Tuesday: Designing a level, playing with physics
Using Castle Game Engine to design 3D environment from ready pieces
Add rigid body physics for environment interactions
Homework if you want:
Learn Blender :)
Learn how to export from Blender to CGE: https://castle-engine.io/blender
4. Wednesday: Coding, behaviors
What we have covered:
Sketchfab ( https://castle-engine.io/sketchfab )
Designs ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peiWjieZpbM )
Bulllet collisions using physics
Shooting bullets:
function TViewSomething.Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): Boolean;
SphereWithStuff: TCastleTransform;
Pos, Dir, Up: TVector3;
Body: TCastleRigidBody;
Result := inherited;
if Result then Exit;
if Event.IsKey(keyEnter) then
{ Executed when user presses space key. }
WritelnLog('Space key pressed');
//Sphere := TCastleSphere.Create(Self);
//Sphere.Radius := 0.1;
SphereWithStuff := TransformLoad('castle-data:/bullet.castle-transform', Self);
MichalisViewport.Camera.GetWorldView(Pos, Dir, Up);
SphereWithStuff.Translation := Pos + Dir * 10.0;
Body := SphereWithStuff.FindBehavior(TCastleRigidBody) as TCastleRigidBody;
Body.LinearVelocity := Dir * 100.0;
Body.OnCollisionEnter := @CollisionEnter;
Result := true;
Make enemies disappear when bullet hits them:
procedure TViewSomething.CollisionEnter(const CollisionDetails: TPhysicsCollisionDetails);
{ TODO: put enemies in a list (e.g. TCastleTransformList)
to make this code less error-prone. }
if CollisionDetails.OtherTransform = DesignMouseWithHat1 then
DesignMouseWithHat1.Exists := false;
if CollisionDetails.OtherTransform = DesignMouseWithHat2 then
DesignMouseWithHat2.Exists := false;
if CollisionDetails.OtherTransform = DesignMouseWithHat3 then
DesignMouseWithHat3.Exists := false;
Homework if you want:
Learn about CGE behaviors, https://castle-engine.io/behaviors , to attach information (like life points) and actions to enemies, and to detect enemies better.
See also "3D FPS Game" template for example of using behaviors with enemies.
Rework above code to use 1 behavior for each enemy.
5. Thursday: Sound, savegames, using GitHub actions
Using spatial and non-spatial sound effects
music - OggVorbis (.ogg) or wav
sound - emitted by some object in 3d
sound - emitted by some object in 3d, from time to time, when user pressed key "keyP"
if Event.IsKey(keyP) then begin SoundSourceManual.Play(SoundAlien); end;
Saving persistent data (savegames)
c:/Users/<YOU>/AppData/Local/<name of your project>/<name of your project>.conf
~/.config/<name of your project>/<name of your project>.conf
procedure TViewSomething.SaveGame(Sender: TObject); var Pos, Dir, Up: TVector3; begin MichalisViewport.Camera.GetWorldView(Pos, Dir, Up); UserConfig.SetVector3('player_position', Pos); UserConfig.SetVector3('player_direction', Dir); UserConfig.SetVector3('player_up', Up); UserConfig.SetValue('player_saved', true); UserConfig.Save; end; procedure TViewSomething.LoadGame(Sender: TObject); var Pos, Dir, Up: TVector3; begin UserConfig.Load; if UserConfig.GetValue('player_saved', false) then begin Pos := UserConfig.GetVector3('player_position', Vector3(0, 0, 0)); Dir := UserConfig.GetVector3('player_direction', Vector3(0, 0, -1)); Up := UserConfig.GetVector3('player_up', Vector3(0, 1, 0)); MichalisViewport.Camera.SetWorldView(Pos, Dir, Up); end; end;
Using GitHub Actions ( https://castle-engine.io/github_actions )
Example project I made: https://github.com/michaliskambi/salamanca2
Homework if you want:
Deploying the game to Android, integration with Google Play Games
Building and testing the game on Android
Using CGE services to manage a leaderboard and achievements in Google Play Games
Using CGE services to send analytics to GameAnalytics
https://castle-engine.io/android, https://castle-engine.io/android_services .
Pickup items - inventory UI if you want, at least log
Shoot instant (see "3D FPS Game template")