You can load an XML file configuring various player properties.
Below is a sample player.xml
with links to documentation for every attribute.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <player knockback_speed="20.0" head_bobbing_time="0.5" head_bobbing="0.02" sick_projection_speed="2.0"> <jump max_height="1.0" horizontal_speed_multiply="2.0" time="0.125" /> <fall> <sound min_height="4.0" name="player_fall" /> <damage min_height="5.0" scale_min="0.8" scale_max="1.2" /> </fall> <swim breath="30.0" sound_pause="5.0" /> <drown pause="5.0"> <damage const="5.0" random="10.0" /> </drown> </player>
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