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Darkest Before the Dawn 1.2.0

Darkest Before the Dawn - game screen 1
Darkest Before the Dawn - game screen 2
Darkest Before the Dawn - title screen

Darkest Before the Dawn is a tiny game developed by Michalis Kamburelis during the TenSquareGames gamejam on 23-24th of November 2013. It is the first game made using Castle Game Engine specifically for Android (although it can be compiled as a normal, standalone game for Linux, Windows etc. too).

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Source code

The full source code and data are available on GitHub.

See the README.md for compilation instructions. For a standalone compilation all you need is the engine and FPC. To compile the Android version, you will need Android SDK, NDK, and FPC set up as a cross-compiler to Android+Arm. See the Castle Game Engine docs for details.


The game code and some of the data are licensed on GNU GPL (version >= 2). The rest of the game data is licensed on Creative Commons (various versions, see AUTHORS.txt files in the source code for details). The underlying Castle Game Engine is licensed on more permissive GNU LGPL with static linking exception.