More downloads are available on . They contain:
Alternative "non-bundled" versions for some platforms (without the -bundle in zip name). Use them if you want to install the Pascal compiler (like FPC or Delphi) yourself. Remember to point CGE to your compiler using the "Preferences" editor window.
For Windows, alternative zip versions instead of self-installing exe.
Win32 platform, which we still support but discourage. The world has largely moved to 64-bit (for Windows and other OSes) so we recommend using Win64.
Head over to Castle Game Engine on to download the engine from
For extra comfort, use app. It’s very nice and allows to download + install the engine, or later update, with really 1 click.
Arch Linux users can install Castle Game Engine from AUR (Arch User Repository).
The package is available on . Follow the standard AUR installation process:
Do it manually following AUR docs, like
wget tar xzvf castle-engine-git.tar.gz cd castle-engine-git/ makepkg -sri
Or use a helper like yay or paru. Once you have it working, execute yay -S castle-engine-git or paru -S castle-engine-git on the command-line.
yay -S castle-engine-git
paru -S castle-engine-git
To improve this documentation just edit this page and create a pull request to cge-www repository.