1.5. VRML 1.0 state

In previous sections most of the examples were given only in VRML 2.0 version. Partially that's because VRML 2.0 is just newer and better, so you should use it instead of VRML 1.0 whenever possible. But partially that was because we avoided to explain one important behavior of VRML 1.0. In this section we'll fill the gap. Even if you're not interested in VRML 1.0 anymore, this information may help you understand why VRML 2.0 was designed the way it was, and why it's actually better than VRML 1.0. That's because part of the reasons of VRML 2.0 changes were to avoid the whole issue described here.

Historically, VRML 1.0 was based on Inventor file format, and Inventor file format was designed specifically with OpenGL implementation in mind. Those of you who do any programming in OpenGL know that OpenGL works as a state machine. This means that OpenGL remembers a lot of global settings [5]. When you want to render a vertex (aka point) in OpenGL, you just call one simple command (glVertex), passing only point coordinates. And the vertex is rendered (along with a line or even a triangle that it produces with other vertexes). What color does the vertex has? The last color specified by glColor call (or glMaterial, mixed with lights). What texture coordinate does it have? Last texture coordinate specified in glTexCoord call. What texture does it use? Last texture bound with glBindTexture. We can see a pattern here: when you want to know what property our vertex has, you just have to check what value we last assigned to this property. When we talk about OpenGL state, we talk about all the last glColor, last glTexCoord etc. values that OpenGL has to remember.

Inventor, and then VRML 1.0, followed a similar approach. What material does a sphere use? The one specified in the last Material node. Take a look at the example:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

Group {
  # Default material will be used here:
  Sphere { }

  DEF RedMaterial Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 }

  Transform { translation 5 0 0 }
  # This uses the last material : red
  Sphere { }

  Transform { translation 5 0 0 }
  # This still uses uses the red material
  Sphere { }

  Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 }

  Transform { translation 5 0 0 }
  # Material changed to blue
  Sphere { }

  Transform { translation 5 0 0 }
  # Still blue...
  Sphere { }

  USE RedMaterial

  Transform { translation 5 0 0 }
  # Red again !
  Sphere { }

  Transform { translation 5 0 0 }
  # Still red.
  Sphere { }

Figure 1.13. Spheres with various material in VRML 1.0

Spheres with various material in VRML 1.0

Similar answers are given for other questions in the form What is used?. Let's compare VRML 1.0 and 2.0 answers for such questions:

  • What texture is used?

    VRML 1.0 answer: Last Texture2 node.

    VRML 2.0 answer: Node specified in enclosing Shape appearance's texture field.

  • What coordinates are used by IndexedFaceSet?

    VRML 1.0 answer: Last Coordinate3 node.

    VRML 2.0 answer: Node specified in coord field of given IndexedFaceSet.

  • What font is used by by AsciiText node (renamed to just Text in VRML 2.0)?

    VRML 1.0 answer: Last FontStyle node.

    VRML 2.0 answer: Node specified in fontStyle field of given Text node.

So VRML 1.0 approach maps easily to OpenGL. Simple VRML implementation can just traverse the scene graph, and for each node do appropriate set of OpenGL calls. For example, Material node will correspond to a couple of glMaterial and glColor calls. Texture2 will correspond to binding prepared OpenGL texture. Visible geometry nodes will cause rendering of appropriate geometry, and so last Material and Texture2 settings will be used.

In our example with materials above you can also see another difference between VRML 1.0 and 2.0, also influenced by the way things are done in OpenGL: the way Transform node is used. In VRML 2.0, Transform affected it's children. In VRML 1.0, Transform node is not supposed to have any children. Instead, it affects all subsequent nodes. If we would like to translate last example to VRML 2.0, each Transform node would have to be placed as a last child of previous Transform node, thus creating a deep nodes hierarchy. Alternatively, we could keep the hierarchy shallow and just use Transform { translation 5 0 0 ... } for the first time, then Transform { translation 10 0 0 ... }, then Transform { translation 15 0 0 ... } and so on.

This means that simple VRML 1.0 implementation will just call appropriate matrix transformations when processing Transform node. In VRML 1.0 there are even more specialized transformation nodes. For example a node Translation that has a subset of features of full Transform node: it can only translate. Such Translation has an excellent, trivial mapping to OpenGL: just call glTranslate.

There's one more important feature of OpenGL state machine approach: stacks. OpenGL has a matrix stack (actually, three matrix stacks for each matrix type) and an attributes stack. As you can guess, there are nodes in VRML 1.0 that, when implemented in an easy way, map perfectly to OpenGL push/pop stack operations: Separator and TransformSeparator. When you use Group node in VRML 1.0, the properties (like last used Material and Texture2, and also current transformation and texture transformation) leak outside of Group node, to all subsequent nodes. But when you use Separator, they do not leak out: all transformations and who's the last material/texture node properties are unchanged after we leave Separator node. So simple Separator implementation in OpenGL is trivial:

  1. At the beginning, use glPushAttrib (saving all OpenGL attributes that can be changed by VRML nodes) and glPushMatrix (for both modelview and texture matrices).

  2. Then process all children nodes of Separator.

  3. Then restore state by glPopAttrib and glPopMatrix calls.

TransformSeparator is a cross between a Separator and a Group: it saves only transformation matrix, and the rest of the state can leak out. So to implement this in OpenGL, you just call glPushMatrix (on modelview matrix) before processing children and glPopMatrix after.

Below is an example how various VRML 1.0 grouping nodes allow leaking. Each column starts with a standard Sphere node. Then we enter some grouping node (from the left: Group, TransformSeparator and Separator). Inside the grouping node we change material, apply scaling transformation and put another Sphere node — middle row always contains a red large sphere. Then we exit from grouping node and put the third Sphere node. How does this sphere look like depends on used grouping node.

#VRML V1.0 ascii

Separator {
  Sphere { }
  Transform { translation 0 -3 0 }
  Group {
    Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 }
    Transform { scaleFactor 2 2 2 }
    Sphere { }
  # A Group, so both Material change and scaling "leaks out"
  Transform { translation 0 -3 0 }
  Sphere { }

Transform { translation 5 0 0 }

Separator {
  Sphere { }
  Transform { translation 0 -3 0 }
  TransformSeparator {
    Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 }
    Transform { scaleFactor 2 2 2 }
    Sphere { }
  # A TransformSeparator, so only Material change "leaks out"
  Transform { translation 0 -3 0 }
  Sphere { }

Transform { translation 5 0 0 }

Separator {
  Sphere { }
  Transform { translation 0 -3 0 }
  Separator {
    Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 }
    Transform { scaleFactor 2 2 2 }
    Sphere { }
  # A Separator, so nothing "leaks out".
  # The last sphere is identical to the first one.
  Transform { translation 0 -3 0 }
  Sphere { }

Figure 1.14. An example how properties leak out from various grouping nodes in VRML 1.0

An example how properties “leak out” from various grouping nodes in VRML 1.0

1.5.1. Why VRML 2.0 is better

There are some advantages of VRML 1.0 state approach:

  1. It maps easily to OpenGL.

    Such easy mapping may be also quite efficient. For example, if two nodes use the same Material node, we can just change OpenGL material once (at the time Material node is processed). VRML 2.0 implementation must remember last set Material node to achieve this purpose.

  2. It's flexible. The way transformations are specified in VRML 2.0 forces us often to create deeper node hierarchies than in VRML 1.0.

    And in VRML 1.0 we can easier share materials, textures, font styles and other properties among a couple of nodes. In VRML 2.0 such reusing requires naming nodes by DEF / USE mechanism. In VRML 1.0 we can simply let a couple of nodes have the same node as their last Material (or similar) node.

But there are also serious problems with VRML 1.0 approach, that VRML 2.0 solves.

  1. The argumentation about flexibility of VRML 1.0 above looks similar to argumentation about various programming languages (...programming languages that should remain nameless here...), that are indeed flexible but also allow the programmer to shoot himself in the foot. It's easy to forget that you changed some material or texture, and accidentally affect more than you wanted.

    Compare this with the luxury of VRML 2.0 author: whenever you start writing a Shape node, you always start with a clean state: if you don't specify a texture, shape will not be textured, if you don't specify a material, shape will be unlit, and so on. If you want to know how given IndexedFaceSet will look like when rendered, you just have to know it's enclosing Shape node. More precisely, the only things that you have to know for VRML 2.0 node to render it are

    • enclosing Shape node,

    • accumulated transformation from Transform nodes,

    • and some global properties: lights that affect this shape and fog properties. I call them global because usually they are applied to the whole scene or at least large part of it.

    On the other hand, VRML 1.0 author or reader (human or program) must carefully analyze the code before given node, looking for last Material node occurrence etc.

  2. The argumentation about simple VRML 1.0 implementation misses the point that such simple implementation will in fact suffer from a couple of problems. And fixing these problems will in fact force this implementation to switch to non-trivial methods. The problems include:

    • OpenGL stacks sizes are limited, so a simple implementation will limit allowed depth of Separator and TransformSeparator nodes.

    • If we will change OpenGL state each time we process a state-changing node, then we can waste a lot of time and resources if actually there are no shapes using given property. For example this code

      Separator {
        Texture2 { filename "texture.png" }

      will trick a naive implementation into loading from file and then loading to OpenGL context a completely useless texture data.

      This seems like an irrelevant problem, but it will become a large problem as soon as we will try to use any technique that will have to render only parts of the scene. For example, implementing material transparency using OpenGL blending requires that first all non-transparent shapes are rendered. Also implementing culling of objects to a camera frustum will make many shapes in the scene ignored in some frames.

  3. Last but not least: in VRML 1.0, grouping nodes must process their children in order, to collect appropriate state information needed to render each geometry. In VRML 2.0, there is no such requirement. For example, to render a Group node in VRML 2.0, implementation can process and render children nodes in any order. Like said above, VRML 2.0 must only know about current transformation and global things like fog and lights. The rest of information needed is always contained within appropriate Shape node.

    VRML 2.0 implementation can even ignore some children in Group node if it's known that they are not visible.

    Example situations when implementation should be able to freely choose which shapes (and in what order) are rendered were given above: implementing transparency using blending, and culling to camera frustum.

    More about the way how we solved this problem for both VRML 1.0 and 2.0 in Section 3.10, “VRML scene”. More about OpenGL blending and culling to frustum in Section 6.4, “VRML scene class for OpenGL”.

[5] Actually, they are remembered for each OpenGL context. And, ideally, they are partially remembered on graphic board. But we limit our thinking here only to the point of view of a typical program using OpenGL.