We’re proud to announce the release of Castle Game Engine 6.2!
Download it from our main page.
New features in this release:
Trivially easy recompilation of your games for iOS (through an XCode project). You can now use our build tool to recompile the same game for all our platforms (desktops, Android, iOS, web plugin…). The iOS documentation was extended to describe everything necessary.
CommonSurfaceShader is our new “material on steroids” that allows you to configure material by normalmaps, specular maps, shininess maps, ambient maps… We include an extensive documentation and examples of it (in new demo models).
Improved Blender exporter. It’s now easier to install (it’s now a normal Blender add-on), and it can generate a CommonSurfaceShader node with all the goodies described above. The artist can now comfortably set normalmaps, specular maps and much more in Blender, and they “just work” in the engine.
The CommonSurfaceShader and Blender exporter improvements were implemented thanks to the support on Patreon. If you like what we do, please consider supporting the engine development on Patreon. This really helps me spend more time on the engine, and develop cool features like this!
Other build tool improvements, for all platforms:
Other API and examples improvements:
- TSound.Offset to get/set sound offset in time.
- Sound/music player in
- STL format support
- Our ray-tracer now supports textures and smooth normals.
- TCastleEdit (example in
- Application.ParseStandardParameters, Application.Version
Together with the new engine, we also release a new version of view3dscene 3.17.0, our viewer for X3D and other 3D formats. As a tool developed using the Castle Game Engine, it inherits all the enhancements 🙂 You will probably be most interested in new CommonSurfaceShader node and STL format support.