Double click in the output to open code editor

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Castle Game Engine editor - sample compilation error

Let’s kick-off the weekend with a small but important new feature:

You can now double-click in the Castle Game Engine editor “Output” list to open an editor at auto-detected file, with auto-detected line and column. Great to easily jump to the error message.

  • It can detect various message types — errors, warnings, notes, progress “compiling …” messages.

  • It can find units within your project or even CGE sources. So it’s great for CGE engine development too.

  • Not all editors support opening at particular line/column of the file: only VS Code and (if you specify a specific command in “Preferences”) your custom editor.

    I already submitted a feature request to Lazarus to make it also possible there. You watch it / upvote (“thumbs up”) on GitLab.

    You can configure Emacs as a “custom editor” to handle this: emacs +${LINE}:${COLUMN} ${PAS} (put this as “Open Pascal file at line/column” in preferences).

    You can configure Notepad++ as a “custom editor” to handle this: notepad++ -n${LINE} -c${COLUMN} ${PAS} (put this as “Open Pascal file at line/column” in preferences).

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