Spanish translation of our tutorial “Bad way to play chess: 3D physics fun using Castle Game Engine”

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Bad Chess - physics acting

Today we have a treat for our Spanish users: our latest tutorial Bad way to play chess: 3D physics fun using Castle Game Engine is now available in Spanish!

Read it here:

  1. Part 1 (installation, using editor, testing physics…).

  2. Part 2 (coding).

Big thanks for this go to Jorge Turiel (aka BlueIcaro) and his blog where he frequently writes about Pascal and our engine. I’m sure you will enjoy this if you read Spanish, so be sure to check out the tutorial — highly recommended reading, this is our latest tutorial that is right now the best introduction to using the engine, showcasing all important engine features.

If you have any questions in Spanish or just wanted to say thank you to Jorge, please use the “Comments” section at the bottom of every linked article! And share the links with your fellow Spanish Pascal and Castle Game Engine users 🙂

In related news: I have rearranged our main page linking to this tutorial, to clearly link to all article versions, including the new Spanish. If you’d like to translate the tutorial to your language, we welcome it! Every approach is good. For example, you can host the translation on your own blog, if you so desire, just like Jorge does, and organize your local community. Or you can submit PR to our bad-chess repo, adding localized article versions inside the article/ subdirectory, like castle_game_engine_bad_chess_1_polish.adoc. I (Michalis) will then take care to review and link it everywhere.

Thank you everyone for together spreading the knowledge about our engine!

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