Copyright © 2011, 2022 Michalis Kamburelis
This documentation is open-source and we welcome pull requests to improve it.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
- 1.1. Japanese shrine model with more and more effects applied
- 5.1. Toon and Fresnel effects combined
- 5.2. Volumetric fog with animated density
- 5.3. Textured spot light with shadow
- 5.4. Cellular texturing
- 5.5. ShaderTexture doing an edge detection operation on a normal ImageTexture
- 5.6. Texture effects are not concerned with the texture resolution
- 6.1. Converting mesh into a dense line and point sets by geometry shaders
- 8.1. ElevationGrid with 3 textures mixed (based on the point height) inside the shader
- 8.2. 3D and 2D smooth noise on GPU, wrapped in a ShaderTexture
- 8.3. Water using our effects framework
- 8.4. Flowers bending under the wind, transformed on GPU in object space