5.5. Texture effects

Just like the light sources, also each texture node may define its own effects:


MFNode [] effects [] # Effect

X3DTextureNode is an ancestor for all the standard texture nodes, like the ImageTexture. This allows to modify any X3D texture by shader effects. A plug texture_color may be used to change the texture color, taking into account the current texture coordinates and other information.

5.5.1. Procedural textures

A new X3D node ShaderTexture is available for creating procedural textures using the GPU shading languages. The texture contents are not stored anywhere (not even on GPU) and the renderer does not manage any texture resources. From a GPU point of view, there is no texture. There is only a shader function that generates colors based on some vectors. By wrapping such function inside the ShaderTexture node, it can be treated exactly like other textures in the scene. In particular, texture coordinates (explicit or generated) can be comfortably provided for the procedural texture. Effectively, it behaves like a normal texture node, with all the related X3D features.

The new texture node specification:

ShaderTexture : X3DTextureNode

MFNode [] effects [] # Effect

SFString [] defaultTexCoord "BOUNDS2D"

Actually, the effects field is already defined in the base X3DTextureNode class mentioned previously. It is repeated here only for completeness.

An effect overriding the texture_color plug should be included, otherwise texture colors are undefined. Our implementation sets the default texture color to pink (RGB(1, 0, 1)), so it stands out, reminding author to override it.

The texture coordinates, or the algorithm to generate them, can be explicitly specified, just like for any other texture in X3D. This is done by placing any X3DTextureCoordinateNode node inside the geometry texCoord field. Both explicit texture coordinate lists (TextureCoordinate, TextureCoordinate3D, TextureCoordinate4D) as well as the coordinate generator nodes (like TextureCoordinateGenerator and ProjectedTextureCoordinate) are allowed. Note that projective texture mapping by the ProjectedTextureCoordinate is also our X3D extension, see [X3D Shadow Maps].

When the texture coordinates are not given, the defaultTexCoord field determines how they are generated:

  1. "BOUNDS2D" generates 2D texture coordinates, adapting to the two largest bounding box sizes. The precise behavior of "BOUNDS2D" follows the X3D IndexedFaceSet specification.

    This is most comfortable when the texture color depends only on the XY components of the texture coordinate. The 3rd texture coordinate component is always 0, and the 4th component is always 1.

  2. "BOUNDS3D" generates 3D texture coordinates. The texture coordinates are adapted to all three bounding box sizes, precisely following X3D specification section "Texture coordinate generation for primitive objects" of the Texturing3D component.

    This is most suitable for true 3D textures. The 4th texture coordinate component can be ignored. Or the 4D vector may be treated as homogeneous, as "BOUNDS3D" will always set the 4th component to 1.

The "BOUNDS*" names are consistent with another extension of our engine. We allow the same values to be used in the TextureCoordinateGenerator.mode field. See [X3D TexCoord Bounds].

In the end, the idea is that using a ShaderTexture should be as comfortable as any other texture node.

5.5.2. Example of a procedural texture

As an example, we present an outline of a procedural texture code using the cellular texturing idea. This is a nice approach to computing segmented textures, resembling various combinations of Voronoi diagrams. We override the PLUG_texture_color to calculate a feature point that is closest in 3D space to our current texture coordinate. The distance to this feature point, combined with the distance to the next-closest feature point, can be combined to achieve interesting visual effects.

ShaderTexture {
  effects Effect {
    language "GLSL"
    parts EffectPart {
      type "FRAGMENT"
      url "data:text/plain,
        #version 120

        void PLUG_texture_color(inout vec4 texture_color,
          const in vec4 tex_coord)
          const int count = ...;
          const vec3 feature_points[count] = vec3[count](...);
          const vec3 feature_colors[count] = vec3[count](...);

          float[count] distances;
          int closest0, closest1;
          for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
            distances[i] = distance(vec3(tex_coord), feature_points[i]);
            /* ...
             Update closest0 to indicate the closest feature point,
             that is distances[closest0] is smallest among all distances.
             Update closest1 to index of the 2nd-closest feature point.

          texture_color.rgb = pow(distances[closest1] -
            distances[closest0], 0.3) * 2.0 * feature_colors[closest0];
  defaultTexCoord "BOUNDS3D"

Note that this is a very simple approach to implementing cellular texturing. Much more optimal implementation is possible. There are also many variations that achieve different visual appeal. See our engine demo models (http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/demo_models.php) for a complete and working implementation.

Figure 5.4, “Cellular texturing” shows this texture used in various settings. It can be combined with other textures without any effort — in this case, we show it combined with a cube map texture that simulates a mirror.

Figure 5.4. Cellular texturing

Cellular texturing
Cellular texturing.
Cellular texturing
Cellular texturing mixed with a mirror by cube environment mapping.

5.5.3. When to use the ShaderTexture

For textures other than the ShaderTexture, when the texture_color plugs are called, the internal shaders have already calculated the initial texture color by actually sampling the texture image. This is useful if you want to modify this color. If you'd rather ignore the normal sampled color, and always override it with your own, consider using the special ShaderTexture node instead. Using a normal texture node (like ImageTexture) for this would be uncomfortable, as you would have to load a dummy texture image, and the shaders could (depending on optimization) waste some time on calculating a color that will be actually ignored later.

Note that in all cases (effects at ImageTexture, at ShaderTexture, etc.) you can always use additional textures inside the effect. Just like inside a standard ComposedShader, you can declare an SFNode field inside an Effect to pass any texture node to the shader as a uniform value. This allows to combine any number of textures inside an effect. The only difference between ShaderTexture and other textures is what the system does automatically for you, that is what color is passed to the first texture_color plug.

Figure 5.5. ShaderTexture doing an edge detection operation on a normal ImageTexture

ShaderTexture doing an edge detection operation on a normal ImageTexture

5.5.4. Texture resolution does not matter

The shader effects for textures are calculated at each screen fragment, not at each texel. So the effects are not concerned with the texture size or texture filtering options. The texture_color plug receives the interpolated texture coordinates. Figure 5.6, “Texture effects are not concerned with the texture resolution” shows a blue arc drawn on a texture by our effect. The arc border is perfectly smooth, without any concern about the pixel resolution of the underlying texture.

Figure 5.6. Texture effects are not concerned with the texture resolution

Texture effects are not concerned with the texture resolution