Castle Game Engine internals
(Outdated) Overview of the Castle Game Engine and VRML 1.0

Most of this documentation was originally written as my master's thesis, passed in September 2006. Although I was occasionally updating and adding content to this document later.

Warning: This document isn't a good introduction to the Castle Game Engine (anymore)!

  • It talks too much about engine internals.
  • It shows too little of the engine API (and features) used during normal game creation by a developer. It doesn't even mention many of the key engine features added in engine >= 3.
  • It discusses many features of VRML 1.0, which is a very ancient 3D format nowadays. The document doesn't show (in depth) features of VRML 2.0, modern X3D, and many enhancements of X3D in Castle Game Engine. Or glTF.

View in various formats:


Sources archive (full DocBook sources, Makefile, XSL, images — everything you need to remake the HTML / PDF outputs above) :
vrml_engine_doc.tar.gz (11.5 MB)

You will need docbook (search for docbook, docbook-xsl, xmlto packages) to make HTML version of the document from DocBook sources. Additionally you will need fop (version >= 0.9x) and ttf-dejavu font if you want to make PDF version.

You can also get the latest version from the GitHub repository (in vrml_engine_internals).

The example VRML 1.0/2.0 models, used for screenshots in this work, are available inside our VRML/X3D demo models (see in vrml_engine_doc_simple_examples subdirectory). So you can view them comfortably in Castle Model Viewer etc.