Upgrading to Castle Game Engine 7.0

This page documents some compatibility-breaking changes in Castle Game Engine API version 6.5 (unstable) and 7.0 (upcoming stable release), compared to the last 6.4 release.

Note that we try to do most of our changes without breaking compatibility, merely marking old API as "deprecated". This way you can keep using old API, and compiler nicely warns about it (although we advise to eventually upgrade "deprecated" stuff too, as "deprecated" stuff may be removed after a couple of more releases). The page below only lists changes that had to be done by removing/changing something previously available, and you just have to upgrade your code along with upgrading to CGE 6.5 / 7.0.

  • TUIControl.RenderStyle is removed. It was a convoluted way to specify rendering order. Now, only the position of the control among the children (when you InsertFront, InsertBack etc.) determines the rendering order.

  • The default TCastleLabel color is now Black, not White. This compatibility break seemed unavoidable, unfortunately our UI controls were inconsistent — most assumed a modern "black colors over white background scheme" (TCastleEdit, TCastleRectangleControl, TCastleCheckbox…​), but TCastleLabel was by default white. So it e.g. was invisible over default TCastleRectangleControl.

    If you depended that the label is by default white, then now simply adjust your code to always set MyLabel.Color := White after creating MyLabel := TCastleLabel.Create(...). Alternatively, temporarily, you can set Theme.DefaultLabelWhite := true at the initialization of your game. (But beware that Theme.DefaultLabelWhite is only a temporary compatibility crutch. It doesn’t play nicely with designs created in CGE editor, since the (de)serialization will still assume that by default label has white color.)

  • The default TCastleSceneManager.BackgroundColor is now very dark gray Vector4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1), instead of pure black Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1). This makes a better default, as pure black things (3D / 2D models, or user interface, like labels) are still visible over this background (as well as pure white things).

    If you’d like to restore the old default, just set MySceneManager.BackgroundColor := Black after creating any TCastleSceneManager instance. If you use TCastleWindow or TCastleControl or TCastle2DControl, they contain a default scene manager. You can trivially modify it’s properties by e.g. Window.SceneManager.BackgroundColor := Black.

    Note that this doesn’t matter if you use Background node to specify a background color (or skybox textures) in X3D. It also doesn’t matter if your scene manager is transparent (TCastleSceneManager.Transparent is true). In these cases, scene manager BackgroundColor doesn’t matter.

  • The user interface coordinates (all positions, sizes, as well as font sizes) are float-based now. See this post for details. In some cases, you may need to adjust your code. For example if you do SomeIntValue := MyOtherControl.Width div 2;, now you will have to change it to SomeFloatValue := MyOtherControl.Width / 2;.

  • The interpretation of FullSize=true is now consistent across all TCastleUserInterface ancestors. It always overrides the control to fill the parent.

    So FullSize=true works the same. Even for TCastleButton. Even for TCastleImageControl with TCastleImageControl.Stretch=false value.

    Also, changing Left/Bottom properties doesn’t matter when you use FullSize. Previously, it was possible to use FullSize to have a rectangle with the same size as parent, but still move it using Left/Bottom properties. It is no longer possible: FullSize always means fill the parent, so the rendered area of the control covers the parent. You can use WidthFraction := 1; HeightFraction := 1; to set size equal to the parent, but control the position as you like.

  • TCastleImageControl.ProportionalScaling values psFit and psEnclose work a bit differently.

    Previously, they placed the scaled image in the middle of the rectangle determined by Left,Bottom,Width,Height. Now, auto-sizing changes size, but the content keeps at the same left-bottom corner. So the scaled image’s left-bottom corner is always at the position indicated by Left,Bottom properties.

    To center image, just use MyImageControl.Anchor(hpMiddle); MyImageControl.Anchor(vpMiddle);.

    This is consistent with other UI controls.

  • Anchors are always on now. The ability to turn them on / off in previous CGE versions was more confusing than helpful, and it was also useless.

    Previously you could deactivate anchor by setting HasHorizontalAnchor to false (in fact, it was false by default). Now, you should achieve the same effect by calling Anchor(hpLeft); (which is also the default state). This aligns left control border to left parent border with 0 delta, which has the same effect as "no anchor".

  • Some components are no longer registered on the component palette. To bring them back (e.g. to open LFM files that refer to these components), you can define {$define CASTLE_REGISTER_ALL_COMPONENTS_IN_LAZARUS} to the src/castleconf.inc file. See this commit log for reasons.

  • TCastleFont.Scale was removed (as it was a trap, due to how it was implemented and specified, it was only working on some TCastleFont descendants). Use only TCastleFont.Size. For TTextureFont (which is the most commonly used font descendant) the Scale property is still present, so usually writing Font.Scale := 0.5 continues to work, if Font is of class TTextureFont.

  • By default, fonts show a fallback glyph (like "?") if you try to render a missing character in the font. This is usually a good idea — it allows the user to see that something is there (so e.g. "backspace" makes sense, otherwise you would "backspace" invisible characters sometimes), the developer knows that something is missing (the log will also contain warnings about missing characters). However, if you want to restore previous behavior (that silently ignores missing glyphs) set TTextureFont.FontData.UseFallbackGlyph := false.

  • TGLImage.ClipLine and TCastleImageControl.ClipLine are expressed in local (texture) image coordinates, in which image (X, Y) span from (0, 0) (bottom-left) to (1, 1) (top-right). Previously, they worked in the final screen coordinates. The new definition is much more useful, it allows to express common use-cases with a constant equation, e.g. reject left half of the image by ClipLine = (1, 0, 0.5), regardless of the image size and position on the screen. It also plays nicely with UI scaling — the previous definition was working in final device screen coordinates, and we avoid exposing them in UI API.

  • TCastleButton.Image and 4x TCastleButton.CustomBackgroundXxx properties change from TCastleImage to TCastleImagePersistent. Instead of assigning them like

      MyButton.CustomBackgroundNormal := LoadImage('castle-data:/my_image.png');
      MyButton.OwnsCustomBackgroundNormal := true;

    you should now use

      MyButton.CustomBackgroundNormal.URL := 'castle-data:/my_image.png';

    Eventually, you can also do more elaborate version:

      MyButton.CustomBackgroundNormal.Image := LoadImage('castle-data:/my_image.png');
      MyButton.CustomBackgroundNormal.OwnsImage := true; // actually this is no longer needed

    The contained image is now owned by default, which makes the usual use-case simpler. So the behavior is like previous TCastleButton.OwnsImage, TCastleButton.OwnsCustomBackgroundXxx would be true by default. This change is the reason why we break compatibility — although we could make an API that seems backward-compatible (that is, compiles OK), but it would have bad consequences at runtime, with applications crashing, since the default of OwnsXxx is now true (and you would free the same pointer two times, in some circumstances). We decided that it’s better to break compatibility at compile-time.

    This change makes it possible to easily configure these images using CGE editor. But it also makes configuring these images through code easier.

    Moreover, there is an underlying cache (of both TEncodedImage and TDrawableImage) used. So you can set multiple images to the same URL, and don’t worry about the resources duplication on GPU — we will actually share all the resources underneath, across all TCastleImagePersistent with the same URL. (You can turn it off by TCastleImagePersistent.Cache is special circumstances, e.g. when loading image from URL but then editing it at runtime in some controls.)

    Also TCastleButton.CustomBackgroundCorners and TCastleButton.ImageAlphaTest are removed. They are replaced by new settings inside TCastleImagePersistent subcomponents, In particular you have MyButton.CustomBackgroundXxx.ProtectedSides and MyButton.Image.Alpha.

  • The callback TAdClosedEvent (used by TAds.OnFullScreenAdClosed) parameters changed.

    • Previously they were (const Sender: TObject; const Watched: boolean).

    • Now they are (const Sender: TObject; const WatchedStatus: TAdWatchStatus). The WatchedStatus enum provides more detailed information why the ad was not watched.

    • To upgrade your code easily, change the Watched: booleanWatchedStatus: TAdWatchStatus declaration and instead of Watched use WatchedStatus = wsWatched.

  • If you use sounds XML file with importance note that the default value of default_importance is now 10 (not maximum 2147483647). So sounds that had default_importance not explicitly specified are now treated as less important than e.g. default_importance="player". To easily restore previous behavior, just add default_importance="maximum" for sounds without explicit default_importance attribute.

    Note that this doesn’t matter if you use sounds XML file, but never specify default_importance. In this case, all sounds have the same importance, and it’s numerical value doesn’t matter.

    It also doesn’t matter in practice if you never play more than 16 sounds simultaneously at once. The "importance" doesn’t matter if you don’t play too many sounds at once.

  • We disabled the default behavior of limiting gravity to only work within the level bounding box. It was non-obvious, and often a trap for newcomers ("why does gravity not work if I jump high?").

    An improved version of it (eliminating the above "why does gravity not work if I jump high?" problem) is now available through PreventInfiniteFallingDown, which is by default false (to be safe). So if you relied on this, consider using Viewport.PreventInfiniteFallingDown := true.

    You can also assign SceneManager.OnMoveAllowed event to do something like this:

      { Don't let objects/camera fall outside of the box because of gravity,
        as then they would fall into infinity. }
      if BecauseOfGravity then
        Allowed := Items.BoundingBox.Contains(NewPosition);
  • When creating resources from CastleCreatures and CastleItems units, pass SceneManager.LevelProperties as 1st argument, instead of SceneManager.Items.

  • Since this commit: TShapeNode.Material is now TAbstractMaterialNode, not a more specific TMaterialNode.

    This may affect you if you used construction like this:

      Shape.Material := TMaterialNode.Create; // this still works OK, although is deprecated
      Shape.Material.DiffuseColor := GreenRgb; // this will not compile anymore

    Since Shape.Material is now TAbstractMaterialNode, and TAbstractMaterialNode doesn’t have DiffuseColor property, this will not compile anymore.

    Instead use local variable Mat: TMaterialNode and do it like this:

      Mat := TMaterialNode.Create;
      Mat.DiffuseColor := GreenRgb;
      Shape.Material := Mat; // deprecated but compiles

    Even better (not deprecated):

      Mat := TMaterialNode.Create;
      Mat.DiffuseColor := GreenRgb;
      Appearance := TAppearanceNode.Create;
      Appearance.Material := Mat;
      Shape.Appearance := Appearance;

    Reason for breakage: Other material descendants are possible in CGE 7.0:

    • TUnlitMaterial. Useful for unlit shapes, see X3D 4.0 materials.

    • TPhysicalMaterial. Physically-based rendering, see X3D 4.0 materials.

    • TTwoSidedMaterialNode. Acting just like one-sided material for now (separateBackColor is ignored, and the two-sidedness is actually determined by geometry solid field, following X3D spec).

  • TCastleSceneManager.OnMoveAllowed callback is removed. You can use TCastleWalkNavigation.OnMoveAllowed instead. Or set invisible colliders to limit the movement.

  • TCastleViewport by default has FullSize, AutoCamera, AutoNavigation set to false. Set them to true to have exact behavior from previous engine versions.

  • The management of levels and player in CastleLevels, CastlePlayer was upgraded in a few ways. In particular, you should now never add Player instance manually to Viewport.Items (so do not call Viewport.Items.Add(Player) yourself). Also, always assign TLevel.Player before calling TLevel.Load.

  • TCastleTransform.DefaultOrientation changed from otUpYDirectionMinusZ to otUpYDirectionZ. Reason:

    • First of all, this matches the default orientation made by Blender exporter to glTF and Wavefront OBJ. This way, if you create a model in Blender following Blender’s conventions of views (Front / Back, Left / Right, Top / Bottom) and then load this in CGE, then TCastleTransform.Direction will behave in an intuitive manner out-of-the-box.

      I checked how it looks for formats exported from Blender (by default):

      • Exporting to obj, bvh, fbx, gltf: changes up from +Z (Blender) into +Y, and has axis_forward='-Z' (which matches our otUpYDirectionZ)

      • Exporting to x3d: changes up from +Z (Blender) into +Y, and has axis_forward='Z' (which matches our otUpYDirectionMinusZ)

      • Exporting to ply, stl: makes no change (Blender’s +Z remains +Z after export)

        This can be checked by searching orientation_helper in Blender’s scripts sources (done on 2.82):

        io_scene_obj/__init__.py:52:        orientation_helper,
        io_scene_obj/__init__.py:58:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')
        io_scene_obj/__init__.py:328:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')
        io_mesh_ply/__init__.py:56:    orientation_helper
        io_mesh_ply/__init__.py:95:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='Y', axis_up='Z')
        io_scene_x3d/__init__.py:51:        orientation_helper,
        io_scene_x3d/__init__.py:57:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='Z', axis_up='Y')
        io_scene_x3d/__init__.py:165:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='Z', axis_up='Y')
        io_anim_bvh/__init__.py:53:    orientation_helper,
        io_anim_bvh/__init__.py:58:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')
        io_mesh_stl/__init__.py:67:    orientation_helper,
        io_mesh_stl/__init__.py:76:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='Y', axis_up='Z')
        io_mesh_stl/__init__.py:206:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='Y', axis_up='Z')
        io_scene_fbx/__init__.py:57:        orientation_helper,
        io_scene_fbx/__init__.py:63:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')
        io_scene_fbx/__init__.py:378:@orientation_helper(axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')

        So X3D is the only format where otUpYDirectionMinusZ made sense. And Blender[Blender X3D exporter isn’t really useful right now] and we advise using glTF.

    • Looking at sample glTF characters from Khronos — they confirm this convention. So it’s not a Blender+glTF convention, it’s a glTF convention. (Actually, convention of all other 3D formats too, looking at above.)

    • And exporting models like this makes more sense, so it’s actually good that most formats follow it. It means that model front looks into +Z. So if you view it with the default camera (that has direction -Z) then you see model’s front (e.g. face).

  • Some CastleCameras properties were still in degrees (while the majority of engine used radians for angles). They were changed to be in radians. You may need to update your constants/limits. This affects MouseLookHorizontalSensitivity, MouseLookVerticalSensitivity, RotationHorizontalSpeed, RotationVerticalSpeed.

  • TPlayer.Navigation is now TCastleMouseLookNavigation instance, not TCastleWalkNavigation instance. That’s because TPlayer.Navigation is now a function, it can return either TPlayer.WalkNavigation (TCastleWalkNavigation instance) or TPlayer.ThirdPersonNavigation (TCastleThirdPersonNavigation instance).

    Bottom line: If you have code doing Player.Navigation.Xxx where Xxx is some TCastleWalkNavigation property, just change the code to use Player.WalkNavigation.Xxx.

  • TCastleTransform.PointingDeviceActivate has been removed, and replaced by 2 events TCastleTransform.PointingDevicePress, TCastleTransform.PointingDeviceRelease. They also get additional information as an argument Pick: TRayCollisionNode which allows you to e.g. instantly see what shape (what material etc.) was clicked, if your scene had detailed collisions (Spatial includes ssDynamicCollisions). Like this:

    function TMyScene.PointingDevicePress(
      const Pick: TRayCollisionNode; const Distance: Single): Boolean;
      Result := inherited;
      if Result then Exit;
      WritelnLog('Pressed pointing device');
      if (Pick.Triangle <> nil) and
         (Pick.Triangle^.MaterialInfo <> nil) then
        WritelnLog('Pressed on material ' + Pick.Triangle^.MaterialInfo.Node.X3DName);
  • The RenderContext singleton and related types has been moved to CastleRenderContext unit. Add it to your uses clause, if necessary.

  • Some enumerated types have been moved to CastleRenderOptions. Add it to your uses clause, if necessary.

  • Do not use CastleRenderer unit anymore. It contained a lot of internal things, which are now moved to CastleInternalRenderer. The only important feature there were rendering attributes, now in unit CastleRenderOptions. The CastleRenderer unit is now only a skeleton for backward-compatibility.

  • NewGLUQuadric and CastleGluSphere are removed. These were "thin" wrappers over libGLU quadric routines, and we no longer use libGLU. They have been marked "deprecated" since a long time, and they never worked on mobile.

    To render quadrics, use TCastleScene, with various 3D and 2D primitives https://castle-engine.io/x3d_implementation_geometry3d.php , https://castle-engine.io/x3d_implementation_geometry2d.php like TSphereNode, TDisk2DNode etc.

  • TCastleTransform.Press, TCastleTransform.Release are now only called when TCastleTransform.ListenPressRelease is true.

    The need to process keys in TCastleTransform is very seldom (we only had 2 use-cases for it in the engine, one is in soon-to-be-deprecated CastlePlayer, the other was for X3D key sensors which are not very useful to normal engine usage).

  • TLevelLogic is now TCastleBehavior descendant. Overriding TLevelLogic.Create and TLevelLogic.Update still has the same effect though, so you may not notice much difference. Note that TLevelLogic instance is not yet part of the world when TLevelLogic.Create happens (override TLevelLogic.ParentChanged to do something once it’s part of level; we may introduce event like WorldChanged if necessary too).

  • The speed of movement in case of TCastleExamineNavigation with orthographic projection and standard dir/up (+Z/+Y) is now more natural. You can revert to previous behavior by setting TCastleExamineNavigation.ExactMovement to false.

  • TCastleFont is now TCastleAbstractFont, and TTextureFont is now TCastleFont. If you use TCastleFont class name explicitly, this affects you. Now:

    • TCastleFont is the (non-abstract) font class that allows to load font from file (ttf, otf)

    • TCastleAbstractFont is the abstract ancestor for all font classes (TCastleFont, TCastleBitmapFont, TCastleFontFamily etc.)

  • We used to support randomization in sounds XML file:

    An alias could have more than one target, which means that actual sound will be randomly chosen from the available options each time you play this alias.

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <alias name="random_test_sound">
          <target name="test_sound_1" />
          <target name="test_sound_2" />
          <target name="test_sound_3" />

    This no longer works, and it will not work. As we move away from sounds XML file (in favor of settings sounds in file like all_sounds.castle-component) and keeping this functionality would require some hoops (SoundFromName would have to return something else than TCastleSound, making it cumbersone for more typical usage). That is, defining a "random" sound name (that, each time you play it, randomly chooses one actual sound from a list) in the sounds XML file no longer works. It will now randomize only once (at "SoundFromName" call, i.e. when you resolve String -> TCastleSound), and later use this sound each time you play it.

    If you want to have such random sounds, now we advise you implement this on top of CGE. Just define a few TCastleSound instances, and choose a random one yourself, like

      function BulletSound: TCastleSound;
        case Random(3) of
          0: Result := SoundBullet1;
          1: Result := SoundBullet2;
          2: Result := SoundBullet3;

    A complete example how to realize this approach, in a way as-backward-compatible-as-possible, is on https://gist.github.com/michaliskambi/5f9e8df6021434a0dd47508a3cac1ec3 .

    Another possibility, temporary, to resolve it is to just use SoundFromName each time before playing such sound. So do not store the SoundFromName result for a longer time, instead play it like SoundEngine.Sound(SoundFromName('xxx')).

  • TCastleUserInterface.LocalToScreenPosition was removed, as both the word "local" (was actually implemented as meaning "parent coordinate system", not local) and "screen" (was actually meaning "container") were confusing. Use LocalToContainerPosition, Parent.LocalToContainerPosition, ContainerToLocalPosition, Parent.ContainerToLocalPosition depending on needs.

  • We made some changes to vectors. X, Y, Z, W are now fields, and setting them is the only non-deprecated way to modify the vector "in place". See https://castle-engine.io/wp/2022/02/11/vectors-changes-to-avoid-a-trap-with-modifying-a-temporary-value/ .

  • We had to remove some hacky ways to make things non-existing:

    • TCastleTransform.Enable/Disable

    • TCastleTransform.GetExists, TCastleUserInterface.GetExists as virtual methods (they are now deprecated properties that just return Exists)

    • OnCreatureExists, OnItemOnWorldExists

    To new solution is to just assign TCastleTransform.Exists property to change existence. If you want to easily disable/enable a bunch of items, put them under a common group (like TCastleTransform) and disable/enable the group.

    This change allows to track on engine side when the existence changes reliably. In particular it allowed to implement ExistsInRoot with a straightforward implementation.

  • T3DResource is now a descendant of TComponent, and inherits a virtual constructor constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);. If you were overriding old constructor constructor Create(const AName: string);, you need to change the parameter. Outside code sets Name later, after construction.

  • CastleRenderingCamera unit and RenderingCamera singleton no longer exist. Access rendering camera only during rendering, using RenderParams.RenderingCamera (RenderParams is a parameter passed to TCastleTransform.LocalRender). Outside of rendering, you only have usual camera in MyViewport.Camera (accessible in TCastleTransform as World.MainCamera).

  • If you use CastleLevels and friends, note that all creatures are now under Level.CreaturesRoot group (not directly in Viewport.Items; instead, the Level.CreaturesRoot is in Viewport.Items). Similarly all items are in Level.ItemsRoot. This matters if you iterated manually over Viewport.Items searching for some creature/item.

  • We had to break some compatibility when introducing new cameras and navigation. See https://castle-engine.io/wp/2022/07/09/huge-update-to-cameras-navigation-viewports-in-2d-and-3d/ and https://castle-engine.io/wp/2022/05/06/camera-and-navigation-rework-almost-finished-todo-this-news-announcement-is-too-long-we-have-too-much-new-stuff-to-announce/ .

To improve this documentation just edit this page and create a pull request to cge-www repository.