Our website has moved: It is now on https://castle-engine.io/ . Our own server (in Los Angeles), our own domain. This makes our website independent from SourceForge. And it opens the door for some cool new features (online 3D models converter, screenshot generator, notifications from WordPress).
The website on SourceForge https://castle-engine.sourceforge.io/ continues to work, but it now simply redirects to https://castle-engine.io/ .
Our most important downloads (engine, view3dscene) have also moved, to be independent from SourceForge. They are now hosted on GitHub. This makes downloading smoother (no more SourceForge “download redirect” page). BTW, did you know we have a permanent link to the latest CGE download: https://castle-engine.io/latest.zip.
Important fixes:
Mouse look handling on Windows 10 has been fixed.
Fix for Windows Intel GPUs version <= 8: use fixed-function pipeline.
Small new features:
TCastleImage.DrawFrom3x3, to draw using 3×3 algorithm on CPU. Equivalent to TGLImageCore.Draw3x3, which does the job on GPU and should be usually preferred.
The drawing_toy example (examples/mobile) uses now fast TGLImage.DrawFrom for drawing.
New TCastle2DSceneManager, with more consistent
, just like TCastleSceneManager, and making TCastle2DControl opaque by default).
I have some more cool news to share, stay tuned! 🙂
Hi, why the FPS is so low (17), are you doing there something very resource expensive. And what are the PC specs? Thanks. I’m interested in your engine, just started sniffing around.
On the screenshot, there was a very CPU-intensive animation of rain (not optimized, a lot of transformations each frame), and the engine was compiled in debug mode (which makes all CPU operations checked — for range and overflow errors). A final release easily runs with 60 FPS, and that’s on a rather old PC 🙂 (~10 year old Linux PC with NVidia “GeForce GTS 450” with < 1 GB texture memory).
See https://castle-engine.io/manual_optimization.php for some general optimization advices when working with the engine.
And once http://store.steampowered.com/app/746750/The_Unholy_Society/ is released, you will be able to see yourself that the location from this screenshot works fast 🙂
Thanks for your detailed answer! 🙂 Congratulations for the game on Steam! wishlisted.
Another thing I can’t confirm around is if your engine is exclusively to work with FreePascal, or it can support Delphi too?
I saw your question through Disqus, the answer is on https://castle-engine.io/features.php#comment-3821474108 🙂