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We’re proud to present Connect4, a free game for Android published by Benedikt Magnus and LanIstAn today!
The game is using Castle Game Engine, with our 2D user-interface rendering, and includes music, localization (English, Polish, German, Spain), and networking support. You can plan against a computer, or against a friend over the network. I believe this is the first game with networked play done using CGE.
I really like this part of developing Castle Game Engine — seeing how others are using it to create the coolest things. Congratulations and thank you!
We also have a ton of new features added to Castle Game Engine lately. In particular, thanks to Benedikt Magnus we now have:
- cross-platform support for networking using TCP,
- FreeType library available on Android, and
- we will have a custom localization system (in addition to being able to just use GetText for localization).
Thousand thanks!
And I’ll be posting more about the new CGE features later.
Hi, this is a very cool game. Can you tell me, what tools are you used to compile this game please? Using Lazarus/FreePascal or another IDE/RAD? Thank you so much.
Benedikt Magnus is the developer behind the game “Connect4”. You can ask him directly using the email address listed as “Developer” on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.benediktmagnus.viergewinnt.app .
That said, I know that Castle Game Engine (which was used to develop Connect4) can be used with any IDE that can be integrated with FPC. E.g. Lazarus, or a general text editor (like Atom or Emacs). But I don’t know which one Benedikt uses 🙂
The compile the game for Android, we use the Castle Game Engine build tool ( https://github.com/castle-engine/castle-engine/wiki/Build-Tool ).