Castle Model Viewer reimagined for mobile, available for Android now

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Castle Model Viewer on mobile
Castle Model Viewer - file choice
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Castle Model Viewer - viewpoints
Castle Model Viewer - Spine model
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Castle Model Viewer on Android

We’re proud to officially release today Castle Model Viewer for Android!

Get it now from Google Play.

It’s a free 3D and 2D model viewer that supports all Castle Game Engine model formats: glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, sprite sheets, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, 3DS, STL, Collada, and more. It also allows to open a ZIP file that contains a single model and associated media (like textures, sounds etc.).

The viewer includes a few demo models built-in, but naturally you can also open your own model files. The important thing to remember is that models must be self-contained — we explain exactly what this means in the documentation, but the short version is: you will probably want to pack model with textures into ZIP.


  • You can change navigation type (walk, fly, examine, 2D),

  • jump between viewpoints,

  • play chosen animations,

  • save a screenshot,

  • display scene statistics (triangle, vertex count) and more.

  • Overall, we included the features from our desktop viewer that have been most useful, and adapted them to the mobile UI.

Have fun! If you find it useful, please support us on Patreon or a number of other ways.

The viewer is free, open-source, and has no ads or tracking naturally. Enjoy open 3D standards!

If you have any feedback, you know where to find me 🙂 Report bugs as GitHub issues. Oh, and if you like it — we’ll appreciate a 5.0 rating on Google Play 🙂

Big thanks for developing initial version of this application (originally known as view3dscene-mobile) to Jan Adamec, long-time contributor to our engine, also author of e.g. Room Arranger. It took us a lot of time before making a public release but here it finally is! Thank you!

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