Donate to Castle Game Engine

Michalis Kamburelis at ITDevCon 2023, Pascal / Delphi conference, presenting the Castle Game Engine

We are making an open-source game engine, 3D and 2D, with comfortable visual editor and a powerful API. We proudly cooperate with open standards (X3D, glTF). We like modern Pascal, continuous integration, being cross-platform (desktop, mobile, consoles, soon web). We're passionate about open-source and free software and tools to design engaging stories in the form of computer games.

The primary goal of donations is to cover the cost of people, so that we can work on the engine more, which in just translates to more features, faster. By 2024, Michalis Kamburelis, the lead engine developer, spent most of his life on the engine and doesn't plan to stop :) Moreover, since May 2024, Michalis works on the engine full-time counting only on your support. So anything you can give is really appreciated!

Whatever option to donate you choose — thank you!

The suggested method of donating is to support us on Patreon.
We offer a few perks, including cool stickers :)

Support us through OpenCollective.

If you are a company and would like a b2b cooperation (for features, consulting, support) with formal invoices, this is easy with us through OpenCollective. Thanks to our OpenCollective page we can act as a company in all legal / tax ways.

Donate using PayPal.
You can pay directly using your credit card, or use a PayPal account.

Donate using Ethereum.
Send funds to this address: 0x0b0e37c7391C7268DEc9c0De63bA5A3b1B42baCe

Donate using BitCoin.
Send funds to this address: 1FuJkCsKpHLL3E5nCQ4Y99bFprYPytd9HN

Donate using LiteCoin.
Send funds to this address: LSQzhb96SiBejZW5VSV5ebzeRE67XGg16W