a camera, that determines what is visible (initially) for the user,
a light source, so that things are not completely black,
a 3D plane,
a background (by default just some gradient to simulate ground and sky, and see where the horizon is).
In this chapter we show how you can design 3D world using Castle Game Engine editor. We assume you have already read the overview of the viewport and scenes.
You will learn:
How to create a project,
design 3D contents in a viewport,
add scenes to display and animate glTF models,
control camera at design-time (in editor) and run-time (determines what the user sees),
control navigation at design-time (in editor) and run-time (determines how the user can move in your 3D world),
manipulate lights.
The complete result of this tutorial is in the Castle Game Engine. Just open the project examples/viewport_and_scenes/viewport_3d_tutorial in the editor. If at any point you get lost, just look there.
Run Castle Game Engine editor, create a new project using the Empty template.
Open the data/gameviewmain.castle-user-interface
design using the Files panel at the bottom of the editor. Enter data
subdirectory and double-click on gameviewmain.castle-user-interface
Add a TCastleViewport
by right-clicking on Group1
(the root component in the hierarchy) and choosing "Add User Interface → Viewport (3D)".
The new viewport includes by default:
a camera, that determines what is visible (initially) for the user,
a light source, so that things are not completely black,
a 3D plane,
a background (by default just some gradient to simulate ground and sky, and see where the horizon is).
Delete now the 3D plane (Plane1
). The rest of components will be useful for us.
Note that viewport has by default FullSize
set to true
and so it fills the entire design area. If you want, you can set FullSize
to false
and resize the viewport however you want.
You want to move the new viewport in the hierarchy, such that it is underneath the LabelFps
component. This way you will see FPS counter over the viewport.
Add a TCastleScene
to TCastleViewport.Items
. It is easiest to do by right-clicking on the Items
in the editor hierarchy (panel on the left side), and choosing "Add Transform → Scene (TCastleScene)" from the menu that appears.
Now you need some 3D assets to actually play with.
We advise at this point that you take the sample 3D asset of a car and road we have in our examples. Open in your file manager the examples/viewport_and_scenes/cars_demo/data subdirectory of your Castle Game Engine sources. Select there the files:
Whole textures/
Optionally, select also car.blend
and road.blend
. Castle Game Engine doesn’t read .blend
files, but you can modify them in Blender and export to glTF, to play with what you can do in 3D.
Copy these files into your new project, into the data
subdirectory. It is easiest to open it by right-clicking on data
in CGE editor, and choosing "Open In File Manager" from the context menu that appears.
If you already have some 3D assets (see 3D assets formats we support) you can of course use at this point already.
Try the preview feature of the editor at this point. Just select (click once) the car.gltf
file. If you copied everything correctly (including car.bin
and textures/
), it will display the 3D car model in a preview window that appears in the bottom-right corner.
Set your Scene1.URL
property to the car.gltf
model in your data. To do this, select Scene1
in the hierarchy (left panel of the editor), then look for URL
in the object inspector (right panel of the editor), and click on the small button with 3 dots …
in the edit field next to the URL
. This will open a normal dialog window, where you should select the car.gltf
in your project’s data.
Once you accepted this, note that the Scene1.URL
changed the castle-data:/car.gltf
. In general, this is an URL of the file. It uses a special castle-data
protocol to indicate that the file is in the project’s special data directory.
Note that instead of clicking on the button with 3 dots, you could have also pasted the URL castle-data:/car.gltf
in the edit field. It’s a simple text field, you can edit it like any other text field if you need to, and it will reload the loaded model. You can set the URL
to empty always to unload the model.
Select the Camera1
to see a preview of what is visible from the point of view of this camera. This is what the user will see right after running the application.
You can adjust the camera in 2 ways:
Fly around in the design by holding right mouse button and pressing AWSD (move forward, backward, strafe) and QE (move up, down) keys. Change the speed using mouse wheel. Once you have a view that satisfies you, use the menu item "Viewport → Align Camera To View" (key Ctrl + 0) to align camera to the view.
Or use the "Move Transform", "Rotate Transform" tools to move / rotate the camera. Observe the preview (you can "pin" it using the appropriate button) to see the results.
Allow user to navigate during the game. For start, we recommend using the TCastleExamineNavigation
. Right click on the Viewport1
and choose "Add User Interface → Navigation/Examine". This will add ExamineNavigation1
component to your hierarchy.
Other navigation methods are available, like TCastleWalkNavigation to walk or fly. You can also just control the camera completely through your own code, not relying on any built-in TCastleNavigation descendant. For example, you can process the keyboard input in your view to move/rotate the camera.
Move the light a bit higher. Switch to "Move Transform" tool, select the light, and drag it up.
The default point light (TCastlePointLight
) makes a nice local light effect. Later, to have a light nicely shine over a larger area, you can tweak it:
increase TCastlePointLight.Intensity
(don’t be afraid to experiment with really large values; default is 100, larger values are OK too; lights in the Real World also do not have any brightness limit),
or set TCastlePointLight.Attenuation
to 0 0 0
(this makes unrealistic light that has no attenuation, so it remains bright even far away; completely unrealistic, but then we don’t always want to be realistic),
or add a new TCastleDirectionalLight
to make everything brighter (this is a light that shines in a given direction, like a sun). Maybe you will not need the point light anymore then — you can remove it.
There is a simple animation called wheels_turning
defined in the car.gltf
model. Let’s configure the scene to automatically play it.
To do this, just edit the AutoAnimation
property. You can choose one of the existing animations using the combo box there. Leave the AutoAnimationLoop
property at default value of true
to make the animation looping.
During the game, you can switch the animation to a different one. You can do this by setting the AutoAnimation and AutoAnimationLoop from code, but usually it is more comfortable to use the PlayAnimation method. Chapter Writing code to modify scenes and transformations shows how to do this.
Your viewport may contain many scenes. This is how you can design 3D game levels using the Castle Game Engine editor — just add various TCastleTransform
(including TCastleScene
) instances to the viewport, and arrange them (move, rotate, scale) as needed.
Add another scene to the viewport (right-click on the Items
property of the viewport).
Call it SceneRoad
(edit the Name
property in object inspector, or press F2 in the hierarchy to edit the name).
Set its URL
to point to the castle-data:/road.gltf
Edit the car scene name too, to make it more obvious in the hierarchy. Right now it is called Scene1
, we recommend to edit it to SceneCar
Add more cars. While you could add new TCastleScene
instances, by repeating the process above, it is easier to use "Duplicate" command (key shortcut Ctrl + D) available when you righ-click on the SceneCar
New car scenes, named like SceneCar1
, SceneCar2
…, will appear at the same position as the original car. Use the "Move Transform" tool to show a "gizmo", to move each car to a unique position. Click and drag on one of the arrows to move the car.
You can observe that moving the car using gizmo also updates it’s Translation
property in the Layout tab. You can also move the car by just editing the numbers there, to manually input X, Y, Z movement values.
Now that we have constructed a simple 3D world, composed of multiple scenes (cars and road), it would be nice to walk around in this world using typical FPS (first-person shooter) controls.
We recommend first to duplicate the SceneRoad
a few times, to have a large floor area to walk on.
Switch navigation mode to walk. To do this, select ExamineNavigation1
component and delete it (just press Delete key), then add to Viewport1
new navigation by right-clicking and choosing "Add User Interface → Navigation/Walk". This will add WalkNavigation1
Change the TCastleWalkNavigation.MoveSpeed
property of your WalkNavigation1
to move faster. We recommend to set it to 10 now, which means you will move with speed of 10 units (meters) per second. This is not realistic (people are not that fast), but it allows for comfortable testing. Players in games often move unrealistically fast.
Increase the TCastleWalkNavigation.PreferredHeight
of the WalkNavigation1
component. The default value is 1.6, which means that player’s height is 1.6 meters when standing — this corresponds to a normal (not very tall) human. For games, reasonable (but still somewhat realistic) values could be considered between 1.6 and 2.0 (players in games are often tall).
For this demo, for now, we recommend you set this value to a big number: 4.0. This is not realistic at all (humans are rarely 4 meters tall :) ), but it will allow to test walking quickly, and will allow you to "walk over" cars. It also matches the unrealistic
You can add, modify, delete lights on the level.
To add a new light in Castle Game Engine editor simply click on the Items
property of the viewport and choose a new "Add Transform → Light…". Then move/rotate the light as needed. The following light sources are available:
- omnidirectional light that shines with a certain Color
, Intensity
and Radius
. The rotation of this light doesn’t matter, only the position influences the actual effect.
- light that shines along a certain direction, with certain Color
and Intensity
. It approximates a light source that is very very far away, like a real-world sun. The position of this light source doesn’t matter, only the rotation influences the actual effect.
- light that shines from a given position, in a given direction, within a cone. The cone angle is configurable (by CutOffAngle
and BeamWidth
), as well as Color
, Intensity
and Radius
You can also place a light as a child of the camera. This is an easy way to make a headlight. Simply add a TCastleDirectionalLight
instance as Camera
child to have a headlight, i.e. light shining in the direction you are currently looking.
Watch the presentation how to use light components:
The walk navigation is easiest if you use mouse look. It will allow to move the mouse to rotate around.
You can activate this by just setting WalkNavigation1.MouseLook
property to true
. Setting this property doesn’t change the navigation in the editor, but once you run the game the mouse look will work. The game will grab your mouse, and you will rotate by moving the mouse.
Note that, as we grabbed the mouse but didn’t provide any way to "escape" from it, you cannot easily close the game window by clicking on the usual "close" button on the window frame. Just press Alt+F4 on most systems to close it.
Instead of having the mouse look just active by default, we can make it active e.g. only once you click the right mouse button. Clicking the button again could deactivate it.
Such behavior has to be implemented using the code. Chapter Writing code to modify scenes and transformations describes how to edit the game code. We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves… But actually it is quite easy. Just edit the code/gameviewmain.pas
file, and
Add CastleCameras
unit to the uses
clause in the interface
Declare WalkNavigation1: TCastleWalkNavigation;
inside the published
section of the TViewMain
, under the comment { Components designed using CGE editor…. }.
In TViewMain.Press
implementation, add this code:
if Event.IsMouseButton(buttonRight) then
WalkNavigation1.MouseLook := not WalkNavigation1.MouseLook;
The collisions work correctly in this simple demo, as both the road and cars have simple shapes that can be approximated using boxes. In general, your levels will probably have more complicated shapes. To make any shape work nicely with default navigation collisions, set the PreciseCollisions
property of your scenes to true
. This means that level collides as a set triangles.
Do this for all your scenes, both cars and roads. Note that you can select multiple scenes in the hierarchy with Ctrl and then edit the PreciseCollisions
property of all selected scenes at one.
As outlined in physics, the PreciseCollisions property will at some point in the future be deprecated. What we will recommend instead is that you add a TCastleMeshCollider to your scene. This waits for TCastleWalkNavigation to be able to use physics to move.
It is possible to optimize the usage of resources, when you want to instantiate the same resource multiple times, and each instance has the same state (which means that it is static, or plays the same animation).
Remove the car copies you made with "Duplicate" command earlier. You’ll add copies in a different way. Leave only one car, SceneCar
To make things more intuitive in the following points, remove any translation you may had on SceneCar
. You can do this using "Reset Transform" in the "Layout" tab of the object inspector. You could also just type 0 0 0
into the SceneCar.Translation
If you need to translate even this one car, then add an intermediate transformation like TransformCar . Add this to Viewport.Items , and drag SceneCar to be a child of TransformCar . Then you can change translation of TransformCar to move your 1st car.
You can also just disregard this advise, and leave non-zero translation on SceneCar . It works, but it means that each reference also has a shift — you’ll see what we mean by this next. It may be non-intuitive at the beginning.
Add a TCastleTransformReference
to the Viewport.Items
Set it’s Reference
property to point to the SceneCar
And move it wherever you like.
Change it’s name to be something better than default TransformReference1
. We propose to change it to SceneCarReference1
Duplicate the SceneCarReference1
as many times as you want to, and translate each instance differently.
Done. Now you can have lots of cars — yet they all share the same data, by referencing (in memory) the same SceneCar
instances. This is great to conserve resources and speed when you need a lot of instances of something. E.g. this would be great for trees on a big outdoors level.
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Copyright Michalis Kamburelis and Castle Game Engine Contributors.
This webpage is also open-source and we welcome pull requests to improve it.
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