Class TCastlePointLight



type TCastlePointLight = class(TCastlePunctualLight)


Point light is a point in 3D space that shines uniformly in all directions. The rotation of this transformation doesn't matter.

See X3D PointLight specification for various details.




Public nested const DefaultRadius = 100.0;
Public nested const DefaultIntensity = 100.0;


Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override;


Public property Color: TCastleColorRGB read FColor write SetColor;
Public property Attenuation: TVector3 read FAttenuation write SetAttenuation;
Published property Intensity: Single read FIntensity write SetIntensity default DefaultIntensity;
Published property Radius: Single read FRadius write SetRadius default DefaultRadius;
Published property ColorPersistent: TCastleColorRGBPersistent read FColorPersistent ;
Published property AttenuationPersistent: TCastleVector3Persistent read FAttenuationPersistent ;



Public nested const DefaultRadius = 100.0;

This item has no description.

Public nested const DefaultIntensity = 100.0;

This item has no description.


Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

This item has no description.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

This item has no description.

Public function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TCastleComponent.PropertySections.

Section where to show property in the editor.


Public property Color: TCastleColorRGB read FColor write SetColor;

Light color shining over surface. By default white.

Public property Attenuation: TVector3 read FAttenuation write SetAttenuation;

Attenuation determines how quickly light intensity falls off with distance. By default Vector3(0, 0, 1), which means light falls off according to inverse square law.

Published property Intensity: Single read FIntensity write SetIntensity default DefaultIntensity;

Intensity, multiplied by color. Can be anything >= 0. Intuitively, how bright is the light.

Following glTF lights specification, the point light's intensity physical unit is luminous intensity in candela (lm/sr). This is exactly like TCastleSpotLight, but different than TCastleDirectionalLight.

The default intensity is 100.0, which is a reasonable value for a point/spot light, it remains bright for a few meters around the light source.

Published property Radius: Single read FRadius write SetRadius default DefaultRadius;

Light doesn't shine at all outside of a sphere with this radius. For performance reasons, set this as small as possible, to avoid even considering this light at further shapes. Set to -1 to have no limit.

Published property ColorPersistent: TCastleColorRGBPersistent read FColorPersistent ;

Color that can be visually edited in Castle Game Engine Editor, Lazarus and Delphi. Normal user code does not need to deal with this, instead read or write Color directly.

See also
Light color shining over surface.
Published property AttenuationPersistent: TCastleVector3Persistent read FAttenuationPersistent ;

Attenuation that can be visually edited in Castle Game Engine Editor, Lazarus and Delphi. Normal user code does not need to deal with this, instead read or write Attenuation directly.

See also
Attenuation determines how quickly light intensity falls off with distance.

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