Unit CastleColors


Color utilities, including HSV <-> RGB conversion.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record TCastleColorHelper  
Record TCastleColorRGBHelper  
Class TCastleColorRGBPersistent TCastleColorRGB record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it.
Class TCastleColorPersistent TCastleColor record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it.
Class TSerializationProcessColorsHelper Helper methods you can use from TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization to manage reading/writing of colors.

Functions and Procedures

function GrayscaleValue(const v: TCastleColorRGB): Single; inline; overload;
function GrayscaleValue(const v: TCastleColor): Single; inline; overload;
function GrayscaleValue(const v: TVector3Byte): Byte; inline; overload;
function GrayscaleValue(const v: TVector4Byte): Byte; inline; overload;
function Grayscale(const v: TCastleColorRGB): TCastleColorRGB; inline; overload;
function Grayscale(const v: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte; inline; overload;
function Grayscale(const v: TCastleColor): TCastleColor; inline; overload;
function ColorGrayscaleByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function ColorRedConvertByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function ColorGreenConvertByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function ColorBlueConvertByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function ColorRedStripByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function ColorGreenStripByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function ColorBlueStripByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;
function HsvToRgb(const Value: TVector3): TCastleColorRGB;
function HsvToRgba(const Value: TVector3; const Alpha: Single): TCastleColor;
function RgbToHsv(const Value: TVector3): TVector3; overload;
function RgbToHsv(const Value: TVector3Byte): TVector3; overload; deprecated 'use float-based colors, like TCastleColorRGB and TCastleColor, not Byte-based like TVector3Byte';
function HsvToRgbByte(const Value: TVector3): TVector3Byte; deprecated 'use float-based colors, like TCastleColorRGB and TCastleColor, not Byte-based like TVector3Byte';
function LerpRgbInHsv(const A: Single; const V1, V2: TVector3): TVector3;
function ColorToHex(const V: TCastleColor): String;
function ColorRGBToHex(const V: TCastleColorRGB): string;
function HexToColor(const S: string): TCastleColor;
function HexToColorRGB(const S: string): TCastleColorRGB;
function ColorOpacity(const Color: TCastleColor; const Opacity: Single): TCastleColor;
function FadeDarkColor(const Color: TCastleColor; const FadeIntensity: Single): TCastleColor;
function FadeColor(const Color: TCastleColor; const FadeIntensity: Single): TCastleColor;


TCastleColor = TVector4;
PCastleColor = PVector4;
TCastleColorRGB = TVector3;
PCastleColorRGB = PVector3;
TColorModulatorByteFunc = function (const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;


Maroon : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Red : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Orange : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.65; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Yellow : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Olive : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Purple : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);
Fuchsia: TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);
White : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);
Lime : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Green : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Navy : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);
Blue : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);
Aqua : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);
Teal : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);
Black : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);
Silver : TCastleColor = (X: 0.75; Y: 0.75; Z: 0.75; W: 1.0);
Gray : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);
LightRed : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.33; Z: 0.33; W: 1.0);
LightGreen: TCastleColor = (X: 0.33; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.33; W: 1.0);
LightBlue : TCastleColor = (X: 0.33; Y: 0.33; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);
WhiteRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0);
BlackRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0);
RedRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0);
YellowRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0);
GreenRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0);
BlueRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0);
GrayRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.5);
White3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0) deprecated;
Black3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0) deprecated;
Red3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0) deprecated;
Green3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0) deprecated;
Blue3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0) deprecated;


Functions and Procedures

function GrayscaleValue(const v: TCastleColorRGB): Single; inline; overload;

Calculate color luminance (intensity), for converting color to grayscale.

function GrayscaleValue(const v: TCastleColor): Single; inline; overload;

This item has no description.

function GrayscaleValue(const v: TVector3Byte): Byte; inline; overload;

This item has no description.

function GrayscaleValue(const v: TVector4Byte): Byte; inline; overload;

This item has no description.

function Grayscale(const v: TCastleColorRGB): TCastleColorRGB; inline; overload;

This item has no description.

function Grayscale(const v: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte; inline; overload;

This item has no description.

function Grayscale(const v: TCastleColor): TCastleColor; inline; overload;

This item has no description.

function ColorGrayscaleByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

Convert color to grayscale.

function ColorRedConvertByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

Place color luminance (intensity) (calculated like for grayscale) into the given color component. Set the other components zero.

function ColorGreenConvertByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

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function ColorBlueConvertByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

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function ColorRedStripByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

Set color values for two other channels to 0. Note that it's something entirely different than ImageConvertToChannelVar: here we preserve original channel values, and remove values on two other channels.

function ColorGreenStripByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

This item has no description.

function ColorBlueStripByte(const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

This item has no description.

function HsvToRgb(const Value: TVector3): TCastleColorRGB;

Converting between RGB and HSV.

For HSV, we keep components as floating-point values, with hue in 0..6 range, saturation and value in 0..1.

For RGB, we keep components as floating-point values (0..1 range).

function HsvToRgba(const Value: TVector3; const Alpha: Single): TCastleColor;

This item has no description.

function RgbToHsv(const Value: TVector3): TVector3; overload;

This item has no description.

function RgbToHsv(const Value: TVector3Byte): TVector3; overload; deprecated 'use float-based colors, like TCastleColorRGB and TCastleColor, not Byte-based like TVector3Byte';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use float-based colors, like TCastleColorRGB and TCastleColor, not Byte-based like TVector3Byte

This item has no description.

function HsvToRgbByte(const Value: TVector3): TVector3Byte; deprecated 'use float-based colors, like TCastleColorRGB and TCastleColor, not Byte-based like TVector3Byte';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use float-based colors, like TCastleColorRGB and TCastleColor, not Byte-based like TVector3Byte

This item has no description.

function LerpRgbInHsv(const A: Single; const V1, V2: TVector3): TVector3;

Given two colors in RGB, interpolate them in HSV space.

function ColorToHex(const V: TCastleColor): String;

Change color into a hexadecimal notation of it (like in HTML). This color includes an alpha channel (as 4th component), and so the output contains the alpha value at the end (so it's 8 hex digits), unless alpha is opaque in which case it's not written (and result is 6 hex digits).

function ColorRGBToHex(const V: TCastleColorRGB): string;

Change color into a hexadecimal notation of it (like in HTML). This color has no alpha channel, so it's always 6 hex digits.

function HexToColor(const S: string): TCastleColor;

Convert hexadecimal color notation (like in HTML) into an RGBA color. Handles 8 or 6 digit color (RGB or RGBA with 2 letters per component; for 6 digits, alpha is assumed to be 1.0 (opaque)).

Exceptions raised
In case of invalid color as string.
function HexToColorRGB(const S: string): TCastleColorRGB;

Convert hexadecimal color notation (like in HTML) into an RGB color. Handles 8 or 6 digit color (RGB or RGBA with 2 letters per component; for 8 digits, alpha is ignored).

Exceptions raised
In case of invalid color as string.
function ColorOpacity(const Color: TCastleColor; const Opacity: Single): TCastleColor;

Change color opacity (alpha).

function FadeDarkColor(const Color: TCastleColor; const FadeIntensity: Single): TCastleColor;

This item has no description.

function FadeColor(const Color: TCastleColor; const FadeIntensity: Single): TCastleColor;

This item has no description.


TCastleColor = TVector4;

This item has no description.

PCastleColor = PVector4;

This item has no description.

TCastleColorRGB = TVector3;

This item has no description.

PCastleColorRGB = PVector3;

This item has no description.

TColorModulatorByteFunc = function (const Color: TVector3Byte): TVector3Byte;

Function that processes RGB colors, used by TCastleImage.ModulateRGB.


Maroon : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

Common color constants, for comfort. They follow the CSS colors constants [http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#color-units].

Red : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Orange : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.65; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Yellow : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Olive : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Purple : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Fuchsia: TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

White : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Lime : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Green : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Navy : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Blue : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Aqua : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Teal : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Black : TCastleColor = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Silver : TCastleColor = (X: 0.75; Y: 0.75; Z: 0.75; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

Gray : TCastleColor = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.5; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

LightRed : TCastleColor = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.33; Z: 0.33; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

LightGreen: TCastleColor = (X: 0.33; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.33; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

LightBlue : TCastleColor = (X: 0.33; Y: 0.33; Z: 1.0; W: 1.0);

This item has no description.

WhiteRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0);

This item has no description.

BlackRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0);

This item has no description.

RedRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0);

This item has no description.

YellowRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0);

This item has no description.

GreenRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0);

This item has no description.

BlueRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0);

This item has no description.

GrayRGB : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.5; Z: 0.5);

This item has no description.

White3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 1.0) deprecated;

Warning: this symbol is deprecated.

Deprecated, use WhiteRGB.

Black3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0) deprecated;

Warning: this symbol is deprecated.

Deprecated, use BlackRGB.

Red3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 1.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 0.0) deprecated;

Warning: this symbol is deprecated.

Deprecated, use RedRGB.

Green3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 1.0; Z: 0.0) deprecated;

Warning: this symbol is deprecated.

Deprecated, use GreenRGB.

Blue3Single : TCastleColorRGB = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0; Z: 1.0) deprecated;

Warning: this symbol is deprecated.

Deprecated, use BlueRGB.

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