All Units
Name | Description |
CastleActivityRecognition | Activity recognition (detects user stationary, walking, running and so on) (TActivityRecognition). |
CastleAds | Ads (advertisements) in game (TAds). |
CastleAnalytics | Analytics (TAnalytics). |
CastleApplicationProperties | Events and properties of the Castle Game Engine application (TCastleApplicationProperties). |
CastleBehaviors | Standard behaviors (TCastleBehavior descendants). |
CastleBoxes | Axis-aligned 3D boxes (TBox3D). |
CastleCameras | Camera and navigation (TCastleCamera, TCastleExamineNavigation, TCastleWalkNavigation). |
CastleClassUtils | Basic classes and class utilities (for streams, strings, lists and such). |
CastleClientServer | Client and server for network communication using TCP (TCastleTCPClient, TCastleTCPServer). |
CastleColors | Color utilities, including HSV <-> RGB conversion. |
CastleComponentSerialize | Reading and writing a hierachy of CGE components to/from files. |
CastleConfig | Loading and saving user preferences (UserConfig). |
CastleControl | Component with OpenGL context suitable for 2D and 3D rendering of "Castle Game Engine". |
CastleControlContainer | Container class TCastleControlContainer used inside FMX and VCL TCastleControl. |
CastleControls | Standard 2D controls: buttons, labels, sliders etc. |
CastleCurves | 3D curves (TCurve and basic descendants). |
CastleDebugTransform | Helpers to visualize debug information about transformation. |
CastleDialogs | Dialog windows. |
CastleDialogViews | Dialog windows (to display some information, or ask user for confirmation, or ask user to input a simple value) as a user-interface view (TCastleView). |
CastleDownload | Read and write stream contents from URLs. |
CastleDynLib | Dynamic libraries loading (TDynLib). |
CastleEditorAccess | Base classes to access Castle Game Engine editor functionality from custom components. |
CastleFacebook | Initial Facebook SDK integration (TFacebook). |
CastleFileFilters | File filters, for TCastleWindow.FileDialog and Lazarus file dialogs. |
CastleFilesUtils | Operations on files. |
CastleFindFiles | Finding files matching some mask. |
CastleFlashEffect | Screen effects done by blending screen with given color (TCastleFlashEffect). |
CastleFMODSoundBackend | Sound engine backend using FMOD. |
CastleFmxUtils | Utilities for Delphi FMX (FireMonkey). |
CastleFonts | Fonts (TCastleAbstractFont, TCastleFont, TCastleBitmapFont, TCastleFontFamily and friends). |
CastleFrustum | Frustum object (TFrustum) and helpers. |
CastleGameService | Integration with game service (Google Play Games or Apple Game Center) (TGameService). |
CastleGLImages | Using images in OpenGL (as textures and as normal images). |
CastleGLShaders | OpenGL shaders in GLSL language. |
CastleGLUtils | Various utilities for OpenGL(ES) rendering. |
CastleGLVersion | Checking OpenGL version, vendors and such (GLVersion). |
CastleHelpshift | Helpshift ( integration (THelpshift). |
CastleIfc | Loading and saving of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), see IFC in the Castle Game Engine documentation. |
CastleImages | Loading, saving, and processing of images (TEncodedImage, TCastleImage and other classes). |
CastleInAppPurchases | In-app purchases (TInAppPurchases). |
CastleInputs | Key and mouse shortcuts (TInputShortcut) and global management of them. |
CastleInternalProjectLocalSettings | Local (user/machine-specific) project settings (TCastleProjectLocalSettings). |
CastleJoysticks | Cross-platform joystick and gamepad handling. |
CastleKeysMouse | Types and constants to handle keys and mouse. |
CastleLCLRecentFiles | Manage a list of recently opened files, and show a menu in Lazarus menu. |
CastleLCLUtils | Utilities for cooperation between LCL and "Castle Game Engine". |
CastleLivingBehaviors | Behaviors for living things that have life, can be alive or dead, can fight / cooperate with each other: good for players, NPCs, creatures, bots. |
CastleLoadGltf | Configuration of loading models in the glTF 2.0 format. |
CastleLocalizationGetText | Utilities for localizing CGE applications using GetText. |
CastleLog | Logging. |
CastleMessages | Dialog windows (asking user for confirmation, question, simple text input and such) displayed within an OpenGL context (TCastleWindow). |
CastleMessaging | Message system to communicate with services implemented in other languages (in Java on Android, or Objective-C on iOS) (TMessaging class). |
CastleNotifications | Notifications displayed in the OpenGL window (TCastleNotifications). |
CastleOpenALSoundBackend | Full-featured sound engine backend using OpenAL. |
CastleOpenDocument | Opening files and URLs. |
CastleParameters | Processing command-line parameters and options (TParameters, single instance Parameters). |
CastlePhotoService | Operating system Photo library integration (TPhotoService). |
CastleProjection | Projection parameters (TProjection). |
CastlePropEdits | Property and component editors using LCL. |
CastleQuaternions | Quaternions (in particular using them to express 3D rotations). |
CastleRayTracer | Rendering 3D models by ray-tracing (TClassicRayTracer, TPathTracer). |
CastleRecentFiles | Manage a list of recently open files (TRecentFiles). |
CastleRectangles | Rectangle representation (TRectangle, TFloatRectangle). |
CastleRenderContext | Rendering context state. |
CastleRenderOptions | Configure rendering options. |
CastleRenderPrimitives | Directly rendering simple things (use e.g. |
CastleScene | Rendering of scenes (TCastleScene). |
CastleSceneCore | Loading and processing of scenes (TCastleSceneCore). |
CastleScreenEffects | Screen effects (post-processing) using shaders (TCastleScreenEffects). |
CastleScript | Base |
CastleScriptArrays | CastleScript array types and built-in functions. |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions | CastleScript built-in simple functions on four "core" types. |
CastleScriptImages | CastleScript image types and built-in functions. |
CastleScriptLexer | Lexer for CastleScript language, see []. |
CastleScriptParser | Parser for CastleScript, along with high-level utilities like ParseConstantFloatExpression. |
CastleScriptVectors | CastleScript vector and matrix types and built-in functions. |
CastleScriptXML | Helpers to read CastleScript expressions from XML config files (TCastleConfigScriptHelper, TDOMElementScriptHelper). |
CastleSectors | Sectors and waypoints, to improve creature AI in 3D levels. |
CastleShapes | Shape (TShape class) and a simple tree of shapes (TShapeTree class). |
CastleSoundBase | Sound engine basic types. |
CastleSoundEngine | Cross-platform, spatial sound playback engine (SoundEngine singleton). |
CastleSteam | Integration with Steam. |
CastleStreamUtils | TStream utilities and helpers |
CastleStringUtils | String utilities. |
CastleSystemLanguage | Cross-platform recognition of the system language/locale. |
CastleTenjin | Tenjin integration (TCastleTenjin). |
CastleTerrain | Terrain (height map) components. |
CastleTestFairy | Test Fairy integration (TTestFairy). |
CastleTextureFontData | Data for a 2D font initialized from a FreeType font file (TTextureFontData). |
CastleTextureImages | Handling of images for textures. |
CastleThirdPersonNavigation | Third-person navigation (TCastleThirdPersonNavigation). |
CastleTiledMap | Loading and rendering maps created in Tiled. |
CastleTimeUtils | Time utilities. |
CastleTransform | Group and transform scenes (TCastleTransform). |
CastleTransformManipulate | Select, manipulate (move, rotate, scale) and visualize hovering over TCastleTransform instances. |
CastleTriangles | Triangles. |
CastleTriangulate | Triangulating a polygon. |
CastleUIControls | User interface basic classes: TCastleUserInterface, TCastleContainer. |
CastleUnicode | Unicode utilities. |
CastleUriUtils | URI utilities. |
CastleUtils | Various basic utilities. |
CastleVectors | Vector and matrix types and basic geometric operations. |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble | Define the vectors and matrices using Double float precision. |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle | Define the vectors and matrices using Single float precision. |
CastleVideos | Video (movie) data (TVideo and helpers). |
CastleViewport | Viewport to display scenes (TCastleViewport). |
CastleWindow | Defines TCastleWindow class: a window for rendering, processing of inputs, and generally the primary way to display your "Castle Game Engine" application. |
CastleWindowRecentFiles | Manage a list of recently opened files, and show a menu in TCastleWindow. |
CastleXMLConfig | Storing configuration files in XML (TCastleConfig). |
CastleXmlUtils | XML utilities. |
CastleZip | ZIP files handling (TCastleZip). |
Fmx.CastleControl | Control rendering "Castle Game Engine" on Delphi FMX (FireMonkey) form. |
Vcl.CastleControl | Control with OpenGL context on a Delphi VCL form. |
X3DCameraUtils | Utilities specifically for X3D cameras. |
X3DFields | X3D fields (TX3DField and many descendants). |
X3DLoad | Loading and saving model formats. |
X3DNodes | Nodes and other important bulding blocks of X3D (prototypes, routes and so on). |
X3DTime | X3D time. |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.