Unit CastleInternalProjectLocalSettings


Local (user/machine-specific) project settings (TCastleProjectLocalSettings).

Do not use this unit in your own applications. This unit is only directly used by CGE tools (build tool, editor). However, do consult API documentation of this unit if you want to write CastleProjectLocalSettings.json file by hand.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TCastleProjectLocalSettings Local (user/machine-specific) project settings.

Functions and Procedures

procedure ProjectOverridePlatform(const ProjectPath: String; var Target: TTarget; var OS: TOS; var CPU: TCPU);
function ProjectGetLocalSettings(const ProjectPath: String; const CreateNew: Boolean; const AOwner: TComponent): TCastleProjectLocalSettings;
procedure ProjectSetLocalSettings(const ProjectPath: String; const LocalSettings: TCastleProjectLocalSettings);


Functions and Procedures

procedure ProjectOverridePlatform(const ProjectPath: String; var Target: TTarget; var OS: TOS; var CPU: TCPU);

Optionally adjust the given platform specification if project has a file called CastleProjectLocalSettings.json defining TCastleProjectLocalSettings.

Project is in path given as ProjectPath (must be absolute path ending with path delimiter).

function ProjectGetLocalSettings(const ProjectPath: String; const CreateNew: Boolean; const AOwner: TComponent): TCastleProjectLocalSettings;

Read (or create new) local settings for the project in ProjectPath. ProjectPath must be an absolute path ending with path delimiter.

Determines what to do when the local settings file (CastleProjectLocalSettings.json) does not exist. If True, we create new instance of TCastleProjectLocalSettings with default values, so in effect we never return Nil. If False, we return Nil when the file does not exist.
Owner of the created TCastleProjectLocalSettings instance. Also owner of any other loaded components, which may happen if you use TCastleComponent.NonVisualComponents to store more components attached to the TCastleProjectLocalSettings instance. Or when TCastleProjectLocalSettings will have subcomponents.
procedure ProjectSetLocalSettings(const ProjectPath: String; const LocalSettings: TCastleProjectLocalSettings);

Write local settings for the project in ProjectPath. ProjectPath must be an absolute path ending with path delimiter.

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