ECasScriptSyntaxError |
CastleScriptParser |
Error when parsing CastleScript expression. |
EFreeTypeLibraryNotFound |
CastleFonts |
Raised by TTextureFontData.Create or TCastleFont.Load when the freetype library cannot be found, and thus font files cannot be read. |
EFreeTypeLibraryNotFound |
CastleTextureFontData |
Raised by TTextureFontData.Create or TCastleFont.Load when the freetype library cannot be found, and thus font files cannot be read. |
EGzipCompressed |
X3DNodes |
Raised by classic X3D loading routines when the stream is compressed with gzip. |
EKamAssignValueError |
CastleScript |
Deprecated name for ECasScriptAssignError. |
ENoMoreOpenALSources |
CastleSoundEngine |
ENoMoreSources |
CastleSoundEngine |
Copyright 2010-2023 Michalis Kamburelis. |
ESoundFileError |
CastleSoundEngine |
EWithHiddenClassName |
CastleUtils |
Float |
CastleUtils |
Floating-point type with best precision. |
P3DTriangle |
CastleTriangles |
PBoolean |
CastleUtils |
Pointer to a boolean. |
PBox3D |
CastleBoxes |
PByteArray |
CastleUtils |
Infinite array of bytes. |
PCardinal |
CastleUtils |
PCastleColor |
CastleColors |
PCastleColorRGB |
CastleColors |
PCharactersBooleans |
CastleKeysMouse |
PClipPlane |
X3DNodes |
PCollisionDetailsItem |
CastleTransform |
PConstantStringArray |
X3DFields |
PFloat |
CastleUtils |
PFloatRectangle |
CastleRectangles |
PFloatRectangleArray |
CastleRectangles |
PFrustum |
CastleFrustum |
PGtkGLArea |
CastleWindow |
For now I use GtkDrawingArea when CASTLE_WINDOW_GTK_2. |
PInt32Array |
CastleUtils |
PJoy |
CastleJoysticks |
PJoyInfo |
CastleJoysticks |
PJoyState |
CastleJoysticks |
PKeysBooleans |
CastleKeysMouse |
PKeysBytes |
CastleKeysMouse |
PLightInstance |
X3DNodes |
PLongWord |
CastleUtils |
PMatrix2 |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix2Double |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix2Single |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix3 |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix3Double |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix3Single |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix4 |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix4Double |
CastleVectors |
PMatrix4Single |
CastleVectors |
POption |
CastleParameters |
POption_Array |
CastleParameters |
PRayCollisionNode |
CastleTransform |
PRenderStatistics |
CastleTransform |
PShortint |
CastleUtils |
PSingleArray |
CastleUtils |
PTouch |
CastleUIControls |
PTransformation |
CastleVectors |
PTraversingInfo |
X3DNodes |
PTriangle |
CastleTriangles |
PTriangle2 |
CastleTriangles |
PTriangle2Single |
CastleTriangles |
PTriangle3 |
CastleTriangles |
PTriangle3Single |
CastleTriangles |
PTriangle4 |
CastleTriangles |
PTriangle4Single |
CastleTriangles |
PtrObject |
CastleUtils |
Pointer to TObject. |
PVector2 |
CastleVectors |
PVector2Array |
CastleVectors |
PVector2Byte |
CastleVectors |
PVector2ByteArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector2Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
PVector2CardinalArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector2Double |
CastleVectors |
PVector2Integer |
CastleVectors |
PVector2IntegerArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector2Single |
CastleVectors |
PVector2SmallInt |
CastleVectors |
PVector3 |
CastleVectors |
PVector3Array |
CastleVectors |
PVector3Byte |
CastleVectors |
PVector3ByteArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector3Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
PVector3CardinalArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector3Double |
CastleVectors |
PVector3Integer |
CastleVectors |
PVector3IntegerArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector3Single |
CastleVectors |
PVector4 |
CastleVectors |
PVector4Array |
CastleVectors |
PVector4Byte |
CastleVectors |
PVector4ByteArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector4Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
PVector4CardinalArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector4Double |
CastleVectors |
PVector4Integer |
CastleVectors |
PVector4IntegerArray |
CastleVectors |
PVector4Single |
CastleVectors |
PVertexJoints |
X3DNodes |
PX3DNodeNameRec |
X3DNodes |
PX3DTime |
X3DTime |
T2DAxis |
CastleUtils |
Index of axis in 2D. |
T3BoolInputs |
CastleCameras |
T3DAxis |
CastleUtils |
Index of axis in 3D. |
T3DCoord |
CastleRenderOptions |
T3DCoords |
CastleRenderOptions |
T3DTriangle |
CastleTriangles |
T3DTriangleGeometry |
CastleTriangles |
T3DTriangleIgnoreFunc |
CastleTriangles |
TAbstractGeometryNodeClass |
X3DNodes |
TAbstractX3DGeometryNode |
X3DNodes |
TAbstractX3DGroupingNode |
X3DNodes |
TAbstractX3DTexture2DNode |
X3DNodes |
TAbstractX3DViewpointNode |
X3DNodes |
TAdClosedEvent |
CastleAds |
TAdNetwork |
CastleAds |
TAdWatchStatus |
CastleAds |
TAimAvatar |
CastleThirdPersonNavigation |
Used by TCastleThirdPersonNavigation.AimAvatar. |
TAllowedChildren |
X3DNodes |
Copyright 2002-2022 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TAlphaChannel |
CastleImages |
See TCastleImage.AlphaChannel. |
TAlphaMode |
X3DNodes |
Alpha mode, for TAppearanceNode.AlphaMode. |
TAnalyticsProgress |
CastleAnalytics |
Status for TAnalytics.Progress. |
TAntiAliasing |
CastleWindow |
Anti-aliasing values for TCastleWindow.AntiAliasing. |
TAppId |
CastleSteam |
TArcClosureType |
X3DNodes |
Type of TArcClose2DNode.ClosureType. |
TAttribLocationCache |
CastleGLShaders |
TAutoAlphaChannel |
CastleImages |
How is the alpha channel of an image treated. |
TAutoMagnificationFilter |
CastleRenderOptions |
Texture magnification filter (what happens when a single texture pixel in stretched over many screen pixels). |
TAutoMinificationFilter |
CastleRenderOptions |
Texture minification filter (what happens when many texture pixels are squeezed in one screen pixel). |
TBackgroundSide |
X3DNodes |
Side of the background (skybox), used with TBackgroundNode. |
TBeforeShapeRenderProc |
CastleScene |
TBlendingDestinationFactor |
CastleRenderOptions |
TBlendingSort |
CastleRenderOptions |
TBlendingSourceFactor |
CastleRenderOptions |
TBooleanSet |
CastleUtils |
TBorder |
CastleUIControls |
type |
TBoundaryMode |
X3DNodes |
Boundary modes for texture coordinates. |
TBox3DBool |
CastleBoxes |
TBox3DEvent |
CastleBoxes |
TBox3DList |
CastleBoxes |
TBoxCorners |
CastleBoxes |
TBufferTarget |
CastleRenderContext |
Target of bound buffer, see . |
TBumpMapping |
CastleRenderOptions |
Possible bump mapping options. |
TByteArray |
CastleUtils |
TCamera |
CastleCameras |
TCameraInput |
CastleCameras |
TCameraInputs |
CastleCameras |
TCaptionPart |
CastleWindow |
TCasScriptFunctionClass |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptFunctionHandler |
CastleScript |
Calculate result on given function arguments Arguments. |
TCasScriptMessage |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptValueClass |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptValueClassArray |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptValuesArray |
CastleScript |
TCastleApplicationMode |
CastleUtils |
Application mode. |
TCastleBehaviorClass |
CastleTransform |
TCastleBehavior. |
TCastleBehaviorList |
CastleTransform |
TCastleButtonImageLayout |
CastleControls |
Possible image placement for a button, see TCastleButton.ImageLayout. |
TCastleColor |
CastleColors |
TCastleColorRGB |
CastleColors |
TCastleConfig |
CastleConfig |
TCastleConfigEvent |
CastleXMLConfig |
TCastleContainer |
CastleWindow |
TCastleControlContainerList |
CastleControlContainer |
TCastleControlCustom |
CastleControl |
TCastleCrosshairShape |
CastleControls |
Possible crosshair shape, for TCastleCrosshair.Shape. |
TCastleImageClass |
CastleImages |
TCastleImageList |
CastleImages |
TCastleMouseButton |
CastleKeysMouse |
TCastleMouseButtons |
CastleKeysMouse |
TCastlePlatform |
CastleUtils |
Possible platforms supported by CGE. |
TCastlePlatforms |
CastleUtils |
TCastleRenderOptionsClass |
CastleRenderOptions |
TCastleRenderOptionsEvent |
CastleRenderOptions |
TCastleRigidBodyList |
CastleTransform |
TCastleSceneClass |
CastleScene |
TCastleTerrainCombineOperation |
CastleTerrain |
Operation used by TCastleTerrainCombine to combine heights from 2 terrain data sources. |
TCastleThirdPersonNavigationAnimationEvent |
CastleThirdPersonNavigation |
TCastleTransformClass |
CastleTransform |
TCastleUserInterfaceChange |
CastleUIControls |
Things that can cause TCastleUserInterface.VisibleChange notification. |
TCastleUserInterfaceChangeEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TCastleUserInterfaceChanges |
CastleUIControls |
TCastleUserInterfaceClass |
CastleUIControls |
TCastleUserInterfaceRect |
CastleUIControls |
TCastleWindowBase |
CastleWindow |
TCastleWindowClass |
CastleWindow |
TCastleWindowCustom |
CastleWindow |
TChangeTransformation |
CastleThirdPersonNavigation |
How does the avatar change transformation (for movement and rotations). |
TCharactersBooleans |
CastleKeysMouse |
TClearBuffer |
CastleRenderContext |
TClearBuffers |
CastleRenderContext |
TClientConnectionEvent |
CastleClientServer |
TClientContextList |
CastleClientServer |
TClientMessageReceivedEvent |
CastleClientServer |
TCollisionDetection |
CastleTransform |
TCollisionEvent |
CastleTransform |
TColorBuffer |
CastleGLImages |
Color buffer to grab, used by SaveScreen_NoFlush. |
TColorChannel |
CastleRenderOptions |
Possible color channel to write, see TCastleRenderOptions.InternalColorChannels. |
TColorChannels |
CastleRenderOptions |
Possible subset of color channels to write, see TCastleRenderOptions.InternalColorChannels. |
TColorMode |
CastleRenderOptions |
Type of TAbstractColorNode.Mode. |
TColorModulatorByteFunc |
CastleColors |
Function that processes RGB colors, used by TCastleImage.ModulateRGB. |
TColorSpace |
CastleRenderOptions |
Color space. |
TConeNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TConnectionEvent |
CastleClientServer |
TConstantStringArray |
X3DFields |
Array of strings used with TSFStringEnum and TSFEnum. |
TContainerObjectEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TControlInputMotionEvent |
CastleLCLUtils |
TControlInputPressReleaseEvent |
CastleLCLUtils |
TControlPointsCurveClass |
CastleCurves |
TControlPointsCurveList |
CastleCurves |
TCoordRangeHandler |
X3DNodes |
TCubicBezier2DPoints |
CastleCurves |
TCubicBezier3DPoints |
CastleCurves |
TCubicBezier3DPointsArray |
CastleCurves |
TCylinderNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TDebugTransformBoxList |
CastleDebugTransform |
TDecompressTextureFunction |
CastleImages |
TDepthFunction |
CastleRenderContext |
Possible values of TRenderContext.DepthFunc. |
TDirectionalLightNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TDownloadFinishedEvent |
CastleDownload |
TDownloadStatus |
CastleDownload |
See TCastleDownload.Status. |
TDrawMode |
CastleImages |
Drawing mode used by image-on-image drawing methods (TCastleImage.DrawFrom and TCastleImage.DrawTo). |
TDropFilesFunc |
CastleWindow |
TDynamicStringArray |
CastleStringUtils |
TDynLibHandle |
CastleDynLib |
With FPC, use cross-platform DynLibs unit. |
TDynLibSymbolError |
CastleDynLib |
TEncodedImageClass |
CastleImages |
TEncodedImageList |
CastleImages |
TEnumerateChildrenFunction |
X3DNodes |
TEnumerateReplaceNodesFunction |
X3DNodes |
TEnumerateShapeTexturesFunction |
CastleShapes |
TExamineCamera |
CastleCameras |
TFaceIndexesList |
CastleTriangles |
TFallNotifyFunc |
CastleCameras |
See TCastleNavigation.OnFall. |
TFieldOfViewAxis |
CastleTransform |
Value of TCastlePerspective.FieldOfViewAxis. |
TFindFilesOption |
CastleFindFiles |
TFindFilesOptions |
CastleFindFiles |
TFindNodeOption |
X3DNodes |
TFindNodeOptions |
X3DNodes |
TFingerIndex |
CastleKeysMouse |
TFloatRectangleArray |
CastleRectangles |
TFloatRectangleList |
CastleRectangles |
TFloatTime |
CastleTimeUtils |
Time in seconds. |
TFloatTime |
X3DTime |
TFogType |
X3DNodes |
TFogTypeOrNone |
X3DNodes |
TFontStyleNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TFoundFileMethod |
CastleFindFiles |
TFoundFileProc |
CastleFindFiles |
Called for each file found. |
TFrameId |
CastleTimeUtils |
Part of CastleTimeUtils unit: TFramesPerSecond. |
TFrameMetric |
CastleTimeUtils |
Various possible per-frame times measured by TCastleFrameProfiler. |
TFreeNotificationEvent |
CastleClassUtils |
Notification from TFreeNotificationObserver. |
TFrustumCollisionPossible |
CastleFrustum |
See TFrustum.SphereCollisionPossible for description what each value of this type means. |
TFrustumPlane |
CastleFrustum |
Order of planes of TFrustum. |
TFrustumPoints |
CastleFrustum |
TFrustumPointsSingle |
CastleFrustum |
TFullScreenAdType |
CastleAds |
TGameServiceStatus |
CastleGameService |
Status of TGameService sign-in. |
TGenericScalar |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
Internal type, always means Double within the CastleVectorsInternalDouble unit. |
TGenericScalar |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
Internal type, always means Single within the CastleVectorsInternalSingle unit. |
TGeometryChange |
CastleSceneCore |
TGetFloatRectangleEvent |
CastleRectangles |
TFloatRectanglePersistent type wrapped as a TCastleComponent instance. |
TGetIndexFromIndexNumFunc |
CastleBoxes |
TGetVector2Event |
CastleVectors |
CastleVectors types wrapped as a TCastleComponent instance. |
TGetVector3Event |
CastleVectors |
TGetVector4Event |
CastleVectors |
TGetVertexFromIndexFunc |
CastleVectors |
CastleVectors routines (global functions, procedures) for Single precision of vectors and matrices. |
TGLApplication |
CastleWindow |
Deprecated name for TCastleApplication. |
TGLAttribLocation |
CastleGLUtils |
Attribute location in WebGL / OpenGL / OpenGLES. |
TGLBitmapFont |
CastleFonts |
TGLBitmapFontAbstract |
CastleFonts |
TGLBuffer |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLContextEvent |
CastleApplicationProperties |
TGLContextRetryOpenFunc |
CastleWindow |
TGLFramebuffer |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLImage |
CastleGLImages |
TGLImageCore |
CastleGLImages |
TGLImageManaged |
CastleGLImages |
TGLImageOnDemand |
CastleGLImages |
TGLProgram |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLQuery |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLRenderbuffer |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLRenderToTextureBuffer |
CastleGLImages |
TGLRequestCapabilities |
CastleGLUtils |
OpenGL(ES) capabilities to request at context creation. |
TGLShader |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLShaderList |
CastleGLShaders |
TGLSLAttributeList |
CastleGLShaders |
TGLSLProgramList |
CastleGLShaders |
TGLTexture |
CastleGLUtils |
TGLTextureId |
CastleGLImages |
type - don't add type Delphi can't parse that correctly |
TGLUniformLocation |
CastleGLUtils |
Uniform location in WebGL / OpenGL / OpenGLES. |
TGLVendorType |
CastleGLVersion |
Recognized OpenGL(ES) vendor names. |
TGLVertexArrayObject |
CastleGLUtils |
TGroupNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
THorizontalPosition |
CastleRectangles |
Horizontal position of one control/rectangle with respect to another. |
THttpMethod |
CastleDownload |
See TCastleDownload.HttpMethod. |
TIfcActorRoleList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcActuatorTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Range of different types of actuator that can be specified. |
TIfcAddressTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Logical location of the address. |
TIfcAirTerminalTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcAreaMeasure |
CastleIfc |
TIfcAssemblyPlaceEnum |
CastleIfc |
Where the assembly is intended to take place, either in a factory or on the building site. |
TIfcAxis2Placement |
CastleIfc |
Always either TIfcAxis2Placement2D or TIfcAxis2Placement3D. |
TIfcBeamTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Predefined types of beams that can further specify an TIfcBeam or TIfcBeamType. |
TIfcBoilerTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Typical types of boilers. |
TIfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcChangeActionEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcColumnTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcCurveList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcDerivedUnitElementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcDerivedUnitEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcDimensionCount |
CastleIfc |
Number of dimensions. |
TIfcDirectionSenseEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcDoorTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcDoorTypeOperationEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcElementCompositionEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcFurnitureTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Types of furniture from which the type required can be selected. |
TIfcGeometricProjectionEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcGridTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcIdentifier |
CastleIfc |
Identifier. |
TIfcIndexedPolygonalFaceList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcIndexedTextureMapList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcInternalOrExternalEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcLabel |
CastleIfc |
Text label. |
TIfcLayeredItem |
CastleIfc |
Collection of all those items, that are assigned to a single layer. |
TIfcLayeredItemList |
CastleIfc |
List of TIfcLayeredItem. |
TIfcLayerSetDirectionEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcLengthMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Distance. |
TIfcLogical |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMappedItemList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialConstituentList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentationList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialLayerList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialProfileList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialRelationshipList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure |
CastleIfc |
TIfcNormalisedRatioMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Dimensionless measure to express ratio values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. |
TIfcObjectDefinitionList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcOpeningElementTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Used by TIfcOpeningElement.PredefinedType. |
TIfcPersistentClass |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPersistentList |
CastleIfc |
List of TIfcPersistent instances. |
TIfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPositiveLengthMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Positive distance. |
TIfcPositiveRatioMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Ratio measure that is greater than zero. |
TIfcPresentationStyleList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProfileDefList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProfileTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Defines whether the definition of a profile shape shall be geometrically resolved into a curve or into a surface. |
TIfcPropertyDependencyRelationshipList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPropertySetDefinitionList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPropertySetList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcReal |
CastleIfc |
Float type used throughout IFC. |
TIfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelAdheresToElementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElementsList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelCoversBldgElementsList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelInterferesElementsList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelProjectsElementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelSpaceBoundaryList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRepresentationMapList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcResourceObjectSelect |
CastleIfc |
Selection of resource level objects that are to be related to an resource level relationship object. |
TIfcRoleEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSegmentIndexSelectList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSIPrefix |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSIUnitName |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSlabTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcStateEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTexturesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Types of system furniture, used by TIfcSystemFurnitureElementType.PredefinedType, TIfcSystemFurnitureElement.PredefinedType. |
TIfcText |
CastleIfc |
Text. |
TIfcTimeStamp |
CastleIfc |
Indication of date and time by measuring the number of seconds which have elapsed since 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. |
TIfcTrimmingPreference |
CastleIfc |
Preferred way of trimming. |
TIfcUnitEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcURIReference |
CastleIfc |
TIfcVirtualGridIntersectionList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcWallTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
TIfcWindowTypeEnum |
CastleIfc |
Used for TIfcWindow.PredefinedType and TIfcWindowType.PredefinedType. |
TIfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum |
CastleIfc |
Basic configuration of the window type in terms of the number of window panels and the subdivision of the total window. |
TIndexedFaceSetNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TIndexedLineSetNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TIndexedPolygonHandler |
X3DNodes |
TInputGroup |
CastleInputs |
Type of input, for TInputShortcut.Group. |
TInputGroupNotLocal |
CastleInputs |
TInputIgnoreEvent |
X3DFields |
TInputListener |
CastleUIControls |
TInputPressReleaseType |
CastleKeysMouse |
TInt32Array |
CastleUtils |
TInternalDesignNavigationType |
CastleViewport |
TInternalSoundSourceEvent |
CastleSoundEngine |
type // allow type declaration to continue |
TInterpolation |
X3DNodes |
Interpolation mode, for TAbstractInterpolatorNode.Interpolation. |
TJoystickList |
CastleJoysticks |
TKey |
CastleKeysMouse |
Keys on the keyboard. |
TKeysBooleans |
CastleKeysMouse |
TKeysBytes |
CastleKeysMouse |
TLightScope |
X3DNodes |
TLineMode |
X3DNodes |
Mode for line primitive defined by TIndexedLineSetNode or TLineSetNode. |
TLineType |
CastleRenderOptions |
Supported line types (patterns), for TLinePropertiesNode.LineType or TRenderContext.LineType. |
TListSize |
CastleUtils |
Size (signed) used for various list types Count, Capacity, index variables. |
TLoadImageEvent |
CastleImages |
Listener type for AddLoadImageListener. |
TLoadImageOption |
CastleImages |
TLoadImageOptions |
CastleImages |
TLogEvent |
CastleApplicationProperties |
TLogTimePrefix |
CastleLog |
Prefix each log line with optional date/time. |
TMagnificationFilter |
CastleGLImages |
TMagnificationFilter |
CastleRenderOptions |
TMailboxTag |
CastleTriangles |
TTriangle —————————————————————— |
TManipulateMode |
CastleTransformManipulate |
Mode of operation for TCastleTransformManipulate.Mode. |
TMaskRendering |
CastleControls |
Effect of mask over rendering, used by TCastleMask.MaskRendering. |
TMaterialNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TMatrix2 |
CastleVectors |
2x2 matrix of floating-point values (Single precision). |
TMatrix2Double |
CastleVectors |
2x2 matrix of floating-point values (Double precision). |
TMatrix2Single |
CastleVectors |
TMatrix3 |
CastleVectors |
3x3 matrix of floating-point values (Single precision). |
TMatrix3Double |
CastleVectors |
3x3 matrix of floating-point values (Double precision). |
TMatrix3Single |
CastleVectors |
TMatrix3SingleList |
CastleVectors |
TMatrix4 |
CastleVectors |
4x4 matrix of floating-point values (Single precision). |
TMatrix4Double |
CastleVectors |
4x4 matrix of floating-point values (Double precision). |
TMatrix4Single |
CastleVectors |
TMatrix4SingleList |
CastleVectors |
TMatrixTransformNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TMenuClickFunc |
CastleWindow |
TMenuEntryList |
CastleWindow |
TMenuItemClickEvent |
CastleWindow |
TMessageClientList |
CastleClientServer |
TMessageReceivedEvent |
CastleClientServer |
TMessageReceivedEvent |
CastleMessaging |
Called by TMessaging when a new message from service is received. |
TMilisecTime |
CastleTimeUtils |
To measure time, better use Timer + TimerSeconds or ProcessTimer + ProcessTimerSeconds |
TMinificationFilter |
CastleGLImages |
We recommend using CastleRenderOptions unit to get these types. |
TMinificationFilter |
CastleRenderOptions |
TModelLoadEvent |
X3DLoad |
TModelSaveEvent |
X3DLoad |
TModifierKey |
CastleKeysMouse |
Modifier keys are keys that, when pressed, modify the meaning of other keys. |
TModifierKeys |
CastleKeysMouse |
TMouseCursor |
CastleKeysMouse |
Look of the mouse cursor. |
TMouseDragMode |
CastleCameras |
What mouse dragging does in TCastleWalkNavigation. |
TMouseWheelDirection |
CastleKeysMouse |
TMoveAllowedFunc |
CastleCameras |
See TCastleNavigation.MoveAllowed and TCastleNavigation.OnMoveAllowed |
TMusicPlayer |
CastleSoundEngine |
TNavigationInput |
CastleCameras |
Possible navigation input types for TCastleNavigation.Input. |
TNavigationInputs |
CastleCameras |
TNavigationType |
CastleViewport |
Navigation type that determines various navigation properties, used by TCastleAutoNavigationViewport.NavigationType. |
TNodeChangeEvent |
X3DNodes |
TNodeDestructionNotification |
X3DNodes |
Copyright 2002-2018 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TNodeFunctionalityClass |
X3DNodes |
TNodeFunctionalityList |
X3DNodes |
TNodeTransformationChange |
X3DNodes |
TNoiseInterpolation |
CastleTerrain |
TNurbsCurveNode_3 |
X3DNodes |
TNurbsPositionInterpolatorNode_3 |
X3DNodes |
TOnJoyAxisMove |
CastleJoysticks |
Joystick axis move event. |
TOnJoyButtonEvent |
CastleJoysticks |
Joystick button action event. |
TOnOpenRecent |
CastleRecentFiles |
TOptionArgument |
CastleParameters |
TOptionArguments |
CastleParameters |
TOptionMethod |
CastleParameters |
Callback used by TParameters.Parse to notify about new option. |
TOptionProc |
CastleParameters |
Non-method version of the TOptionMethod. |
TOptionSeparateArgument |
CastleParameters |
TOption_Array |
CastleParameters |
TOrientationType |
CastleTransform |
Orientation of the model is 3D world, determining where is the conceptual "up" direction of the model, and where is it facing. |
TPhysicsLayer |
CastleTransform |
TPhysicsLayers |
CastleTransform |
TPixelsMadeNotifierFunc |
CastleRayTracer |
TPlaceholderName |
CastleShapes |
Detect the 3D placeholder name set in the external modeler, like 3D object name set in Blender or 3DS Max. |
TPlaneCollision |
CastleBoxes |
State of collision between a plane and some other object. |
TPlayerBestScoreEvent |
CastleGameService |
Event for TGameService.OnPlayerBestScoreReceived. |
TPointLightNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TPointSetNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TPositionRelative |
CastleUIControls |
Position for relative layout of one control in respect to another. |
TPrepareResourcesOption |
CastleScene |
TPrepareResourcesOption |
CastleTransform |
Various things that TCastleTransform.PrepareResources may prepare. |
TPrepareResourcesOptions |
CastleScene |
TPrepareResourcesOptions |
CastleTransform |
TPrimitiveMaterial |
CastleScene |
Primitive material type, used by TCastleAbstractPrimitive.Material. |
TPrimitiveMode |
CastleGLUtils |
Primitive to draw using DrawPrimitive2D. |
TProcedureObject |
CastleClientServer |
TProjectionEvent |
CastleViewport |
Event for TCastleViewport.OnProjection. |
TProjectionType |
CastleProjection |
TProjectionTypeCore |
CastleProjection |
Projection type, used by TProjection.ProjectionType. |
TPropertySection |
CastleClassUtils |
Used by TCastleComponent.PropertySections. |
TPropertySections |
CastleClassUtils |
TProportionalScaling |
CastleControls |
Indicate stretching approach for TCastleImageControl.ProportionalScaling. |
TProtectedSidesScaling |
CastleGLImages |
How is TCastleImagePersistent.ProtectedSides applies. |
TRayTracerKind |
CastleRayTracer |
TReferenceTransformation |
CastleTransform |
How do we treat the transformation of TCastleTransformReference.Reference when rendering TCastleTransformReference. |
TRegisteredComponents |
CastleComponentSerialize |
TRemoveType |
CastleTransform |
TRenderEvent |
CastleTransform |
Callback used by TRenderParams.AddRenderEvent. |
TRenderFromViewFunction |
CastleTransform |
TRenderingAttributesEvent |
CastleScene |
TRenderingMode |
CastleRenderOptions |
Possible values of TCastleRenderOptions.Mode. |
TRenderLayer |
CastleRenderOptions |
Render layer for TCastleTransform.RenderLayer. |
TResizeAllowed |
CastleWindow |
TResizeInterpolation |
CastleImages |
Resize interpolation modes, see TCastleImage.Resize and TCastleImage.MakeResized. |
TResizeInterpolationFpImage |
CastleImages |
TResizeInterpolationInternal |
CastleImages |
TS3TCImage |
CastleImages |
Deprecated alias for TGPUCompressedImage |
TSaveGameChoice |
CastleGameService |
User choice at "save game" dialog displayed by TGameService.ShowSaveGames. |
TSaveGameChosenEvent |
CastleGameService |
Event for TGameService.OnSaveGameChosen. |
TSaveGameLoadedEvent |
CastleGameService |
Event for TGameService.OnSaveGameLoaded. |
TSaveStreamOption |
CastleDownload |
Options for the UrlSaveStream function. |
TSaveStreamOptions |
CastleDownload |
TSaveToXmlMethod |
X3DFields |
TSceneFreeResource |
CastleSceneCore |
These are various features that may be freed by TCastleSceneCore.FreeResources. |
TSceneFreeResources |
CastleSceneCore |
TSceneGeometryChanged |
CastleSceneCore |
Callback for TCastleSceneCore.OnGeometryChanged. |
TSceneLoadOption |
CastleSceneCore |
Possible options for TCastleSceneCore.Load. |
TSceneLoadOptions |
CastleSceneCore |
TSceneManagerWorld |
CastleTransform |
Copyright 2017-2022 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TSceneRenderingAttributes |
CastleScene |
TSearchOptions |
CastleStringUtils |
TSeparateArgs |
CastleParameters |
TSerializedComponent |
CastleComponentSerialize |
TSetFloatRectangleEvent |
CastleRectangles |
TSetOfChars |
CastleStringUtils |
A set of Chars. |
TSetVector2Event |
CastleVectors |
TSetVector3Event |
CastleVectors |
TSetVector4Event |
CastleVectors |
TShaderLanguage |
X3DNodes |
Shader language used for TAbstractShaderNode.Language and TEffectNode.Language. |
TShadersRendering |
CastleRenderOptions |
TShaderType |
CastleRenderOptions |
Shader types. |
TShading |
X3DNodes |
TShadowMapCompareMode |
X3DNodes |
TShadowSampling |
CastleRenderOptions |
Values for TCastleRenderOptions.ShadowSampling. |
TShapeCollision |
X3DNodes |
TShapesHash |
CastleShapes |
TShapeSort |
CastleRenderOptions |
Various ways to sort the shapes. |
TShapeSortEvent |
CastleShapes |
Used for TCastleViewport.OnCustomShapeSort. |
TShapeSortNoAuto |
CastleRenderOptions |
Like TShapeSort, but doesn't allow sortAuto value. |
TShapeSpatialStructure |
CastleShapes |
Possible spatial structure types that may be managed by TShape, see TShape.Spatial. |
TShapeSpatialStructures |
CastleShapes |
TShapeTraverseFunc |
CastleShapes |
TShapeTreeList |
CastleShapes |
TShapeType |
CastleControls |
Possible shape type, for TCastleShape.ShapeType. |
TSimpleNotifyEvent |
CastleUtils |
Simple notify event with no Sender |
TSimpleTextureFont |
CastleFonts |
TSingleArray |
CastleUtils |
TSound |
CastleSoundEngine |
TSoundBuffer |
CastleSoundEngine |
TSoundDataFormat |
CastleSoundBase |
Sound sample format. |
TSoundDevice |
CastleSoundEngine |
TSoundDistanceModel |
CastleSoundBase |
How does distance affect spatial sounds, used for TSoundEngine.DistanceModel. |
TSoundDistanceModel |
CastleSoundEngine |
TSoundLoading |
CastleSoundBase |
How to load a sound buffer. |
TSoundParameters |
CastleSoundEngine |
TSoundType |
CastleSoundEngine |
Unique sound type identifier for sounds used within TRepoSoundEngine. |
TSphereNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TSpotLightNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TStopAnimationEvent |
CastleSceneCore |
TStreamOption |
CastleDownload |
Options for the Download function. |
TStreamOptions |
CastleDownload |
TSwitchNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TSynchronisedStringList |
CastleClientServer |
TTerrain |
CastleTerrain |
TTerrainImage |
CastleTerrain |
TTerrainNoise |
CastleTerrain |
TTestShapeVisibility |
CastleShapes |
TTextAlign |
CastleMessages |
Position of text in message dialogs. |
TTextureCompression |
CastleImages |
Possible compression of textures for GPU. |
TTextureCompressions |
CastleImages |
TTextureFont |
CastleFonts |
TTextureSizing |
CastleGLImages |
Constraints on texture size, used by ResizeToTextureSize and IsTextureSized. |
TTextureUpdate |
X3DNodes |
Possible update modes for generated textures (like TGeneratedCubeMapTextureNode.Update). |
TThemeImage |
CastleUIControls |
Type of theme image, use of TCastleTheme.ImagesPersistent. |
TTiledMap |
CastleTiledMap |
TTimeFunction |
X3DNodes |
Copyright 2008-2022 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TToken |
CastleScriptLexer |
TToneMapping |
CastleRenderOptions |
Type of ToneMapping. |
TTouchInterface |
CastleViewport |
Value for TCastleTouchNavigation.TouchInterface. |
TTransformNode_2 |
X3DNodes |
TTransformOptimization |
CastleScene |
Possible values for TCastleScene.TransformOptimization. |
TTranslatePropertyEvent |
CastleClassUtils |
Use by TCastleComponent.TranslateProperties. |
TTraversingAfterFunc |
X3DNodes |
TTraversingFunc |
X3DNodes |
Used as a callback by TX3DNode.Traverse. |
TTriangle2Single |
CastleTriangles |
TTriangle3List |
CastleTriangles |
TTriangle3Single |
CastleTriangles |
TTriangle4List |
CastleScene |
TTriangle4Single |
CastleTriangles |
TTriangleEvent |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle information, called by TShape.LocalTriangulate and such. |
TTriangleIgnoreFunc |
CastleTriangles |
Return for given Triangle do we want to ignore collisions with it. |
TTriangleList |
CastleTriangles |
TTriangulatorProc |
CastleTriangulate |
TUIContainer |
CastleUIControls |
TUIContainer |
CastleWindow |
TUIControl |
CastleUIControls |
TUIControlChange |
CastleUIControls |
TUIControlChangeEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TUIControlChanges |
CastleUIControls |
TUIControlFont |
CastleControls |
TUIControlList |
CastleUIControls |
TUIControlPos |
CastleUIControls |
TUIControlSizeable |
CastleUIControls |
TUiMotionEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TUiNotifyEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TUInt16List |
CastleUtils |
TUiPressReleaseEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TUIRectangularControl |
CastleUIControls |
TUIScaling |
CastleUIControls |
Possible values for TCastleContainer.UIScaling. |
TUiUpdateEvent |
CastleUIControls |
TUnicodeChar |
CastleUnicode |
TUniformLocationCache |
CastleGLShaders |
TUniformMissing |
CastleRenderOptions |
What to do when shader uniform variable is set but doesn't exist in the shader. |
TUniversalCamera |
CastleCameras |
TUpdateFunc |
CastleWindow |
TUriExists |
CastleUriUtils |
Result of the UriExists query. |
TUrlAsynchronousReaderClass |
CastleDownload |
TUrlExistsEvent |
CastleDownload |
Event called when UriExists function wants to know whether given URL exists, and if it is a directory or file. |
TUrlReadEvent |
CastleDownload |
Event called when Download function wants to download URL with this protocol. |
TUrlWriteEvent |
CastleDownload |
Event called when URLSaveStream function wants to save URL with this protocol. |
TUseHeadlight |
CastleScene |
Possible value of TCastleRootTransform.UseHeadlight. |
TUserActivities |
CastleActivityRecognition |
TUserActivity |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Current user activity, used by TActivityRecognition.Activity. |
TUserActivityConfidence |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Current user activity, used by TActivityRecognition.ActivityConfidence. |
TUserRenderingPass |
CastleTransform |
Rendering pass, for user purposes. |
TVector2 |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 2 floating-point values (Single precision). |
TVector2Array |
CastleVectors |
TVector2ByteArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector2CardinalArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector2Double |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 2 floating-point values (Double precision). |
TVector2IntegerArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector2Single |
CastleVectors |
TVector2SingleList |
CastleVectors |
TVector2SmallIntList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector2SmallInt. |
TVector3 |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 3 floating-point values (Single precision). |
TVector3Array |
CastleVectors |
TVector3ByteArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector3CardinalArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector3CardinalList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector2Cardinal. |
TVector3Double |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 3 floating-point values (Double precision). |
TVector3IntegerArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector3Single |
CastleVectors |
TVector3SingleList |
CastleVectors |
TVector4 |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 4 floating-point values (Single precision). |
TVector4Array |
CastleVectors |
TVector4ByteArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector4CardinalArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector4Double |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 4 floating-point values (Double precision). |
TVector4IntegerArray |
CastleVectors |
TVector4Single |
CastleVectors |
TVector4SingleList |
CastleVectors |
TVertexJointsList |
X3DNodes |
TVerticalPosition |
CastleRectangles |
Vertical position of one control/rectangle with respect to another. |
TVisibleChange |
CastleTransform |
Describe what visible thing changed for TCastleTransform.VisibleChangeHere. |
TVisibleChangeEvent |
CastleTransform |
TVisibleChanges |
CastleTransform |
TVRML1StateNode |
X3DNodes |
Node types used with TVRML1State. |
TWalkCamera |
CastleCameras |
TWarningEvent |
CastleApplicationProperties |
TWindowMessageType |
CastleWindow |
Type of message box, for TCastleWindow.MessageOK and TCastleWindow.MessageYesNo. |
TWireframeEffect |
CastleRenderOptions |
Values for TCastleRenderOptions.WireframeEffect. |
TX3DAccessType |
X3DNodes |
TX3DAccessTypes |
X3DNodes |
TX3DCameraVersion |
X3DCameraUtils |
Version of VRML/X3D camera definition. |
TX3DChange |
X3DFields |
Possible things that happen when given field is changed. |
TX3DChanges |
X3DFields |
TX3DEncoding |
X3DNodes |
TX3DEventReceive |
X3DFields |
Called when TX3DEvent is received, see TX3DEvent.AddNotification. |
TX3DFieldClass |
X3DFields |
TX3DFieldOrEventList |
X3DFields |
TX3DFontFamily |
X3DNodes |
Font family that can be specified by a TFontStyleNode. |
TX3DFontJustify |
X3DNodes |
Font justification that can be specified by a TFontStyleNode. |
TX3DFontStyle |
X3DNodes |
Font style that can be specified by a TFontStyleNode.Style. |
TX3DMaterialInfoAbstract |
X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeClass |
X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeProc |
X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeSearchProc |
X3DNodes |
TX3DSingleFieldClass |
X3DFields |
TX3DSingleFieldList |
X3DFields |
TX3DTimeList |
X3DTime |
TX3DVersion |
X3DNodes |
TX3DViewpointClassNode |
X3DNodes |