Unit CastleUtils
Various basic utilities.
Lists, using generics derived from standard Generics.Collections. Lists of primitives, like TIntegerList and TFloatList, and a helpful class to define a list of structures TStructList.
Basic operations on numbers (compare, randomize).
Some OS-dependent things.
Some compatibility things, to plug the differences between various versions of FPC and Delphi.
Filenames operations. They do not touch actual files (operations on files are in CastleFilesUtils.)
This unit is a bag for simple and useful things. Let's not overload this unit with too many trivial utilities. When adding new utilities, first consider more specific units, like CastleFilesUtils, CastleStringUtils and CastleClassUtils. This unit does not depend on the standard Classes
unit (use CastleClassUtils for utilities on top of Classes
Initialization of this unit does some generally-useful things:
Makes AnsiString have UTF-8 encoding when compiled with FPC.
See more docs about our approach to String handling in CGE, for both FPC and Delphi. Basically:
With FPC, we follow Lazarus convention, and String = AnsiString (8-bit) = contains UTF-8.
With Delphi, we follow Delphi convention, and String = UnicodeString (16-bit) = contains UTF-16.
This way you can just use String throughout your code, and everything will just work.
This way your applications will behave the same, whether they use Delphi, or FPC with LCL (which happens if you use TCastleControl on Lazarus form), or FPC without LCL (which happens if you use TCastleWindow with FPC).
Some code in CGE has to assume that String is encoded like this – e.g. TCastleAbstractFont iterates over Unicode characters in a String, so it assumes that the encoding is as above, for FPC and Delphi.
- BaseUnix
- Unix
- Dl
- Variants
- SysUtils
- Math
- Generics.Collections
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class EInternalError |
Internal error (bug) in the program. |
Class ECheckFailed |
Class TNoParameterlessContructor |
Descend from this to hide a parameterless constructor. |
Class ELinearInterpolationImpossible |
TStructList |
Class TStructList |
List of structures. |
Class EListsDifferentCount |
Raised by various AssignLerp implementations on lists, like TStructList.AssignLerp, when the arguments have different length. |
Class TWordList |
List of Word (16-bit unsigned) values. |
Class TUInt32List |
List of 32-bit unsigned values. |
Class TFloatList |
List of Float values (defined in Math unit as float with maximum precision). |
Class TSingleList |
List of Single (single-precision floating point) values. |
Class TDoubleList |
List of Double (double-precision floating point) values. |
Class TCardinalList |
List of Cardinal (unsigned) values. |
Class TBooleanList |
List of booleans. |
Class TInt32List |
List of 32-bit signed integer values. |
Class TIntegerList |
List of Integer (signed) values. |
Class EShortErrorMessage |
Descend from this to mark exceptions that should be shown in more concise way by ExceptMessage function. |
Class TCodeBreaker |
Special class to raise an exception that is always catched. |
Class EVectorInvalidOp |
Class ETransformedResultInvalid |
Functions and Procedures
function Platform: TCastlePlatform; |
function PlatformToStr(const T: TCastlePlatform): String; |
function StrToPlatform(const S: String): TCastlePlatform; |
procedure Check(TrueValue: boolean; const ErrMessage: string = 'Check failed'); |
function ArrayPosStr(const A: String; const Arr: array of String): Integer; overload; |
function ArrayPosText(const A: String; const Arr: array of String; IgnoreCase: boolean = true): Integer; overload; |
function ArrayContainsString(const A: String; const Arr: array of String): Boolean; |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: string) : string; overload; |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Integer) : Integer; overload; |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Float) : Float; overload; |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: char) : char; overload; |
function SCompilerDescription: string; |
function SPlatformDescription: String; |
function SCastleEngineProgramHelpSuffix(const AppName, AppVersion: String; const Ignored: Boolean): String; deprecated 'use ApplicationProperties.Description'; |
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean); overload; |
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean; const Place: string); overload; |
function FormatDot(const Fmt: String; const Args: array of const): String; |
function FloatToStrDot(const Value: Extended): String; |
function FloatToStrFDot(const Value: Extended; const FloatFormat: TFloatFormat; const Precision: Integer; const Digits: Integer): String; |
function FloatToStrDisplay(const AValue: Extended; const ADigits: Byte = DefaultFloatStrDigits): String; |
function TryStrToFloatDot(const S: String; out Value: Single): Boolean; overload; |
function TryStrToFloatDot(const S: String; out Value: Double): Boolean; overload; |
function StrToFloatDot(const S: String): Extended; |
function StrToFloatDefDot(Const S: String; const Default: Extended): Extended; |
function CastleApplicationMode: TCastleApplicationMode; |
function CastleDesignMode: Boolean; |
function ExceptMessage(const E: TObject): string; |
procedure ProgramBreak; deprecated 'Use Halt'; |
function CastleReadLink(const FileName: string): string; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Byte ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: QWord ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Single ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Double ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: char ); overload; inline; |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Pointer ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Single ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Double ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: Int32 ; var Smaller, Larger: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: UInt32; var Smaller, Larger: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: Single; var Smaller, Larger: Single ); overload; inline; |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: Double; var Smaller, Larger: Double ); overload; inline; |
procedure MinVar(var a: Word ; const b: Word ); overload; inline; |
procedure MinVar(var a: Int64 ; const b: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
procedure MinVar(var a: Int32 ; const b: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure MinVar(var a: UInt32 ; const b: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure MinVar(var a: Single ; const b: Single ); overload; inline; |
procedure MinVar(var a: Double ; const b: Double ); overload; inline; |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Word ; const b: Word ); overload; inline; |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Int64 ; const b: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Int32 ; const b: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure MaxVar(var a: UInt32 ; const b: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Single ; const b: Single ); overload; inline; |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Double ; const b: Double ); overload; inline; |
function IndexMax(const a0, a1, a2: Double): T3DAxis; overload; inline; |
function IndexMin(const a0, a1, a2: Double): T3DAxis; overload; inline; |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ): boolean; overload; inline; |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ): boolean; overload; inline; |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ): boolean; overload; inline; |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Float ): boolean; overload; inline; |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Char ): boolean; overload; inline; |
function RoundClamp255(const A: Single): Byte; inline; |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ): Int64 ; overload; inline; |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: QWord ): QWord ; overload; inline; |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ): Int32 ; overload; inline; |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ): UInt32 ; overload; inline; |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Single ): Single ; overload; inline; |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Double ): Double ; overload; inline; |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Int64 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
procedure ClampVar(var a: QWord ; const vBegin, vEnd: QWord ); overload; inline; |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Int32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure ClampVar(var a: UInt32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Single ; const vBegin, vEnd: Single ); overload; inline; |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Double ; const vBegin, vEnd: Double ); overload; inline; |
procedure Clamp(var a: Int64 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
procedure Clamp(var a: Int32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
procedure Clamp(var a: UInt32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
procedure Clamp(var a: Single ; const vBegin, vEnd: Single ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
procedure Clamp(var a: Double ; const vBegin, vEnd: Double ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
procedure RestOf3DCoords(const Coord: T3DAxis; out First, Second: T3DAxis); |
procedure RestOf3DCoordsCycle(const Coord: T3DAxis; out First, Second: T3DAxis); |
function ChangeIntCycle(Value, Change, MaxValue: Integer): Integer; |
function Lerp(const a: Single; const l, h: Int32 ): Single; overload; inline; |
function Lerp(const a: Single; const l, h: UInt32 ): Single; overload; inline; |
function Lerp(const a, l, h: Single): Single; overload; inline; |
function Lerp(const a: Double; const l, h: Int32 ): Double; overload; inline; |
function Lerp(const a: Double; const l, h: UInt32 ): Double; overload; inline; |
function Lerp(const a, l, h: Double): Double; overload; inline; |
function AngleLerp(T, Angle1, Angle2: Single): Single; |
function RoundUpToMultiply(value, multiplicator: Integer): Integer; |
function BiggestPowerOf2(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
function Biggest2Exponent(Value: Cardinal): Integer; |
function Smallest2Exponent(Value: Cardinal): Integer; |
function Smallest2Power(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
function IsPowerOf2(Value: Cardinal): boolean; |
function DivRoundUp(const Value, Divider: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; |
function DivRoundUp(const Value, Divider: Integer): Integer; overload; |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Integer): Float; overload; |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Int64 ): Float; overload; |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: QWord ): Float; overload; |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Float ): Float; overload; |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Integer): Float; overload; |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Int64 ): Float; overload; |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: QWord ): Float; overload; |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Float ): Float; overload; |
function MapRangeTo01(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd: Single): Single; |
function RandomFloatRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Single): Single; overload; |
function RandomFloatRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Float): Float; overload; |
function RandomIntRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Integer): Integer; overload; |
function RandomIntRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Int64): Int64; overload; |
function RandomIntRangeInclusive(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Integer): Integer; overload; |
function RandomIntRangeInclusive(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Int64): Int64; overload; |
function RandomBoolean: boolean; |
function RandomPlusMinus: Integer; |
function AngleRadPointToPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): Single; |
function NatNatPower(Base, Exponent: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
function ArcCot(x: Float): Float; |
function SmallFactorial(n: Integer): Int64; |
procedure CastleDivMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; out Result, Remainder: SmallInt); |
procedure DivUnsignedMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; out Result: Smallint; out Remainder: Word); |
function CeilDiv(const A, B: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; |
function CeilDiv(const A, B: Int64): Int64; overload; |
procedure FloatDivMod(const A, B: Double; out DivResult: Int64; out Remainder: Double); |
function FloatModulo(const A, B: Double): Double; |
procedure MinMax(const x0, x1, x2: Double; out min, max: Double); overload; |
procedure MinMax(const x0, x1, x2: Single; out min, max: Single); overload; |
function CastleCoTan(const Value: Single): Single; |
function IntSqrt(const Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
function SmoothStep(const Edge0, Edge1, X: Single): Single; |
function Swap32(Value: UInt32): UInt32; |
function Swap64(Value: QWord): QWord; |
function SwapEndian(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
function SwapEndian(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
function NtoLE(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
function NtoLE(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
function NtoBE(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
function NtoBE(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
function LEtoN(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
function LEtoN(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
function BEtoN(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
function BEtoN(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
function Deg(const Degrees: Float): Float; |
function DeleteFileExt(const FileName: string): string; |
function ExtractFileDoubleExt(const FileName: string): string; |
function ExtractOnlyFilename(const FileName: string): string; deprecated; |
function ChangeFilePath(const FileName, NewPath: string): string; deprecated; |
function InclPathDelim(const s: string): string; |
function ExclPathDelim(const s: string): string; |
function IsPathAbsolute(const Path: string): boolean; |
function IsPathAbsoluteOnDrive(const Path: string): boolean; |
function SpecialDirName(const DirectoryName: string): boolean; |
function AppendToFilename(const FileName, Suffix: string): string; |
function PointerAdd(p: pointer; add: integer): pointer; |
function GetClearMem(Size: integer; ClearValue: byte = 0): pointer; overload; |
procedure FreeMemNiling(var p: pointer); |
function CheckIsMemCharFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; AChar: AnsiChar): Integer; |
function IsMemCharFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; AChar: AnsiChar): boolean; |
function IsMemWordFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; Value: Word): boolean; |
function IsMemDWordFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; Value: DWord): boolean; |
function OffsetUInt(var A, B): PtrUInt; |
function Offset(var A, B): Pointer; |
function CompareMethods(const AMethod1, AMethod2: TMethod): boolean; deprecated 'use SameMethods'; |
function SameMethods(const AMethod1, AMethod2: TMethod): boolean; |
procedure ErrorWrite(const s: string); overload; |
procedure WarningWrite(const s: string); overload; |
procedure InfoWrite(const s: string); overload; |
procedure ErrorWrite(const s: string; const args: array of const); overload; |
procedure WarningWrite(const s: string; const args: array of const); overload; |
procedure InfoWrite(const s: string; const args: array of const); overload; |
procedure InfoWriteParts(const TitleFormat: string; const Messages: array of string); deprecated; |
Float = Math.Float ; |
PFloat = Math.PFloat ; |
PCardinal = ˆCardinal; |
PLongWord = ˆLongWord; |
PShortint = ˆShortint; |
PBoolean = ˆBoolean; |
PByteArray = ˆTByteArray; |
TByteArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Byte)-1] of Byte; |
PtrObject = ˆTObject; |
TListSize = SizeInt ; |
TCastlePlatform = (...); |
TCastlePlatforms = set of TCastlePlatform; |
TSimpleNotifyEvent = procedure of object; |
TCastleApplicationMode = (...); |
TBooleanSet = set of Boolean; |
TUInt16List = TWordList; |
TSingleArray = packed array [0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Single) - 1] of Single; |
PSingleArray = ˆTSingleArray; |
TInt32Array = packed array [0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Int32) - 1] of Int32; |
PInt32Array = ˆTInt32Array; |
EWithHiddenClassName = EShortErrorMessage deprecated 'use EShortErrorMessage'; |
T2DAxis = 0..1; |
T3DAxis = 0..2; |
AllPlatforms = [Low(TCastlePlatform)..High(TCastlePlatform)]; |
NL = LineEnding; |
CastleEngineVersion = '7.0-alpha.3.snapshot'
; |
DefaultFloatStrDigits = 5; |
ENatural = 2.71828182845905; |
Sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097; |
Sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688773; |
HalfPi = 1.57079632679489661923; |
Pi2 = 6.28318530717958647703; |
RootDir = '/'
; |
ExeExtension = '' ; |
Functions and Procedures
function Platform: TCastlePlatform; |
Current platform of this application, where we run on. "Platform" is our term that encompasses a group of OS (operating system) and CPU (processor) combinations that behave similar in some way (for users, for developers). For example, cpDesktop is a platform that includes all desktop OSes (Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, macOS...) on all their supported CPUs. Note There are many ways how you can make your code behave differently depending on the platform where it runs. @unoderedList(
) |
function PlatformToStr(const T: TCastlePlatform): String; |
This item has no description. |
function StrToPlatform(const S: String): TCastlePlatform; |
Convert string to a platform name. Case (the difference between upper and lower letters) is ignored. Raises Exception on invalid platform name. |
procedure Check(TrueValue: boolean; const ErrMessage: string = 'Check failed'); |
Check condition. Exceptions raised
function ArrayPosStr(const A: String; const Arr: array of String): Integer; overload; |
Search the array for a given value. Returns index (zero-based) or -1 if not found. Useful for writing case as: case ArrayPosStr(variable, [val1, val2]) of 0 : Something1; 1 : Something2; else SomethingElse; end; |
function ArrayPosText(const A: String; const Arr: array of String; IgnoreCase: boolean = true): Integer; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function ArrayContainsString(const A: String; const Arr: array of String): Boolean; |
This item has no description. |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: string) : string; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Integer) : Integer; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Float) : Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: char) : char; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function SCompilerDescription: string; |
Name and version of the Pascal compiler used to compile this unit.
See also
function SPlatformDescription: String; |
Describe current platform, OS, CPU. This is all detected looking at compilation symbols defined when compiling this unit.
See also
function SCastleEngineProgramHelpSuffix(const AppName, AppVersion: String; const Ignored: Boolean): String; deprecated 'use ApplicationProperties.Description'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use ApplicationProperties.Description This item has no description. |
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean); overload; |
If not TrueValue then RaiseLastOSError. |
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean; const Place: string); overload; |
This item has no description. |
function FormatDot(const Fmt: String; const Args: array of const): String; |
Like standard Format, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. In general this ignores locale, so also ThousandSeparator doesn't matter (conversion is done like it is #0). |
function FloatToStrDot(const Value: Extended): String; |
Like standard FloatToStr, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. In general this ignores locale, so also ThousandSeparator doesn't matter (conversion is done like it is #0). |
function FloatToStrFDot(const Value: Extended; const FloatFormat: TFloatFormat; const Precision: Integer; const Digits: Integer): String; |
Like standard FloatToStr, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. In general this ignores locale, so also ThousandSeparator doesn't matter (conversion is done like it is #0). |
function FloatToStrDisplay(const AValue: Extended; const ADigits: Byte = DefaultFloatStrDigits): String; |
Display float as nice concise number to read (but not necessarily with absolute precision). This means:
Like the ...Dot routines, this always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
function TryStrToFloatDot(const S: String; out Value: Single): Boolean; overload; |
Like standard TryStrToFloat, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. Also it doesn't Trim the argument (so whitespace around number is not tolerated), and in general ignores locale (standard StrToFloat looks at ThousandSeparator). |
function TryStrToFloatDot(const S: String; out Value: Double): Boolean; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function StrToFloatDot(const S: String): Extended; |
Like standard StrToFloat, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. Also it doesn't Trim the argument (so whitespace around number is not tolerated), and in general ignores locale (standard StrToFloat looks at ThousandSeparator). |
function StrToFloatDefDot(Const S: String; const Default: Extended): Extended; |
Like standard StrToFloatDef, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. Also it doesn't Trim the argument (so whitespace around number is not tolerated), and in general ignores locale (standard StrToFloat looks at ThousandSeparator). |
function CastleApplicationMode: TCastleApplicationMode; |
Current application mode, see TCastleApplicationMode for various possible values. |
function CastleDesignMode: Boolean; |
Are we in design-time now. Shortcut for CastleApplicationMode <> appRunning. |
function ExceptMessage(const E: TObject): string; |
Nice exception description. Contains the ClassName (unless it descends from EShortErrorMessage), and the exception Message (if it descends from Exception). |
procedure ProgramBreak; deprecated 'Use Halt'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Use Halt This item has no description. |
function CastleReadLink(const FileName: string): string; |
Return the symlink target path. Like Libc.ReadLink or FpReadLink, but more comfortable, it returns a normal Pascal string. Exceptions raised
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Byte ); overload; inline; |
Swap variables values. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: QWord ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Single ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Double ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: char ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure SwapValues(var a, b: Pointer ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
Make sure the Smaller value is <= than the Larger value, by eventually swapping them. |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Single ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(var Smaller, Larger: Double ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: Int32 ; var Smaller, Larger: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
Assign the smaller value from X, Y to Smaller variable, the other one to Larger variable. |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: UInt32; var Smaller, Larger: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: Single; var Smaller, Larger: Single ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure OrderUp(x, y: Double; var Smaller, Larger: Double ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MinVar(var a: Word ; const b: Word ); overload; inline; |
Update value of A to be a minimum of A, B. Works like |
procedure MinVar(var a: Int64 ; const b: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MinVar(var a: Int32 ; const b: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MinVar(var a: UInt32 ; const b: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MinVar(var a: Single ; const b: Single ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MinVar(var a: Double ; const b: Double ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Word ; const b: Word ); overload; inline; |
Update value of A to be a maximum of A, B. Works like |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Int64 ; const b: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Int32 ; const b: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MaxVar(var a: UInt32 ; const b: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Single ; const b: Single ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MaxVar(var a: Double ; const b: Double ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function IndexMax(const a0, a1, a2: Double): T3DAxis; overload; inline; |
Index (0, 1 or 2) of maximum / minimum of 3 numbers. |
function IndexMin(const a0, a1, a2: Double): T3DAxis; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ): boolean; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ): boolean; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ): boolean; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Float ): boolean; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Between(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Char ): boolean; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function RoundClamp255(const A: Single): Byte; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ): Int64 ; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: QWord ): QWord ; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ): Int32 ; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ): UInt32 ; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Single ): Single ; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Clamped(const a, vBegin, vEnd: Double ): Double ; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Int64 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ClampVar(var a: QWord ; const vBegin, vEnd: QWord ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Int32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ClampVar(var a: UInt32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Single ; const vBegin, vEnd: Single ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ClampVar(var a: Double ; const vBegin, vEnd: Double ); overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
procedure Clamp(var a: Int64 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int64 ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Use ClampVar This item has no description. |
procedure Clamp(var a: Int32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: Int32 ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Use ClampVar This item has no description. |
procedure Clamp(var a: UInt32 ; const vBegin, vEnd: UInt32 ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Use ClampVar This item has no description. |
procedure Clamp(var a: Single ; const vBegin, vEnd: Single ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Use ClampVar This item has no description. |
procedure Clamp(var a: Double ; const vBegin, vEnd: Double ); overload; inline; deprecated 'Use ClampVar'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Use ClampVar This item has no description. |
procedure RestOf3DCoords(const Coord: T3DAxis; out First, Second: T3DAxis); |
Remaining 3D coordinates (0, 1 or 2) except the given coordinate, in the ascending order. E.g. Coord = 0, then it sets First = 1 and Second = 2. The coordinates are in ascending order, so e.g. for Coord = 1 we return First = 0, Second = 2. |
procedure RestOf3DCoordsCycle(const Coord: T3DAxis; out First, Second: T3DAxis); |
Remaining 3D coordinates (0, 1 or 2) except the given coordinate, in order to cycle. E.g. Coord = 0, then it sets First = 1 and Second = 2. The coordinates are in order to cycle, so First = (Coord + 1) mod 3, Second = (Coord + 2) mod 3. E.g. for Coord = 1 we return First = 2, Second = 0. |
function ChangeIntCycle(Value, Change, MaxValue: Integer): Integer; |
Increase Value by Change, nicely wrapping in [0..MaxValue], accepting also negative Change. The final value is always in the [0..MaxValue] range, even when initial Value was outside. |
function Lerp(const a: Single; const l, h: Int32 ): Single; overload; inline; |
Linear interpolation between two values. Returns |
function Lerp(const a: Single; const l, h: UInt32 ): Single; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Lerp(const a, l, h: Single): Single; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Lerp(const a: Double; const l, h: Int32 ): Double; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Lerp(const a: Double; const l, h: UInt32 ): Double; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function Lerp(const a, l, h: Double): Double; overload; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function AngleLerp(T, Angle1, Angle2: Single): Single; |
Linear interpolation between 2 angle values, in radians. Goes from one value to the other through a shortest path. Values are interpreted "modulo 2 * Pi", i.e. there's no difference between Angle1 = 0.1, Angle1 = 2 * Pi + 0.1, Angle1 = -2 * Pi + 0.1 etc. |
function RoundUpToMultiply(value, multiplicator: Integer): Integer; |
Smallest multiple of Multiplicator that is still >= Value. |
function BiggestPowerOf2(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
Largest power of 2 still <= Value. When Value = 0 returns 0. |
function Biggest2Exponent(Value: Cardinal): Integer; |
Exponent of the largest power of 2 that it's still <= Value. Like BiggestPowerOf2, except that this returns which power of 2 it is, while BiggestPowerOf2 just returns exactly this power. |
function Smallest2Exponent(Value: Cardinal): Integer; |
Smallest exponent such that 2ˆthis exponent is >= Value. |
function Smallest2Power(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
Smallest power of 2 that is >= Value. Like Smallest2Exponent, except here we return 2ˆSmallest2Exponent(Value). Returns 0 when Value = 0. |
function IsPowerOf2(Value: Cardinal): boolean; |
Check is Value an exact power of 2. |
function DivRoundUp(const Value, Divider: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function DivRoundUp(const Value, Divider: Integer): Integer; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Integer): Float; overload; |
Linearly map value from a one range to another. Consider how SourceVal is placed in the [SourceBegin .. SourceEnd] (it may be outside of this range, it all still works OK). It has some distance to range start (SourceBegin), and some distance to range end (SourceEnd). We want to find another number, that is identically placed in another range [DestBegin .. DestEnd].
MapRangeClamped additionally at the end clamps the result to be within [DestBegin, DestEnd] range (or [DestEnd, DestBegin] range, in case DestEnd < DestBegin). |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Int64 ): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: QWord ): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRange(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Float ): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Integer): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Int64 ): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: QWord ): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRangeClamped(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd, DestBegin, DestEnd: Float ): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function MapRangeTo01(const SourceVal, SourceBegin, SourceEnd: Single): Single; |
This item has no description. |
function RandomFloatRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Single): Single; overload; |
Random Float value in the given range, result is between RangeBegin and RangeEnd. Always pass arguments such that RangeBegin < RangeEnd. |
function RandomFloatRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Float): Float; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function RandomIntRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Integer): Integer; overload; |
Random integer value in the given range, result is always >= RangeBegin and < RangeEnd. So result is never equal to RangeEnd, this is often convenient, and makes |
function RandomIntRange(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Int64): Int64; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function RandomIntRangeInclusive(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Integer): Integer; overload; |
Random int value in the given range, result is always >= RangeBegin and <= RangeEnd. Always pass arguments such that RangeBegin <= RangeEnd. |
function RandomIntRangeInclusive(const RangeBegin, RangeEnd: Int64): Int64; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function RandomBoolean: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
function RandomPlusMinus: Integer; |
Random -1 or +1. |
function AngleRadPointToPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single): Single; |
Angle between a 2D line segments and OX axis. Angle 0 means that Y1 = Y2 and X2 > X1, then the angle increases as you rotate CCW. In radians. |
function NatNatPower(Base, Exponent: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
Calculate power Base to Exponent, knowing both arguments (and so, also the result) are >= 0. |
function ArcCot(x: Float): Float; |
This item has no description. |
function SmallFactorial(n: Integer): Int64; |
Trivial factorial with Int64 result. Beware, the results very quickly stop to fit inside Int64 range. |
procedure CastleDivMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; out Result, Remainder: SmallInt); |
Better DivMod version, in case Dividend may be < 0. This fixes lack of DivMod with negative Remainder (for FPC at least older than 2.2.4, see fpc-devel thread "Math.DivMod results should be signed" on 2006-03-21, http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg04565.html). And workarounds faulty DivMod behavior with FPC 2.4.0, see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=15453 |
procedure DivUnsignedMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; out Result: Smallint; out Remainder: Word); |
Like DivMod (return result of Integer division and a remainder), but always return Remainder >= 0. This is useful in case when Dividend < 0. Standard DivMod (and Pascal div and mod operators) return then Result rounded toward zero, and Remainder may be < 0. This procedure will return Result rounded toward negative infinity, and Remainder will always be >= 0. |
function CeilDiv(const A, B: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; |
Returns Ceil(A / B), but calculated faster and more precisely (without floating-point help). |
function CeilDiv(const A, B: Int64): Int64; overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure FloatDivMod(const A, B: Double; out DivResult: Int64; out Remainder: Double); |
Calculate Integer division and modulo on two Float arguments. Requires that A >= 0 and B > 0, and the Result is always >= 0. Tries to secure against floating point imprecision. It's always guaranteed that Remainder >= 0 and <= B (and usually should be < B, but this cannot be guaranteed). |
function FloatModulo(const A, B: Double): Double; |
Calculate Float modulo of division on two Float arguments. Works for any A (lesser than zero too). Assumes that B > 0. Tries to secure against floating point imprecision. It's always guaranteed that Remainder >= 0 and <= B (and usually should be < B, but this cannot be guaranteed). |
procedure MinMax(const x0, x1, x2: Double; out min, max: Double); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure MinMax(const x0, x1, x2: Single; out min, max: Single); overload; |
This item has no description. |
function CastleCoTan(const Value: Single): Single; |
Our version of CoTan, to workaround old FPC bug. |
function IntSqrt(const Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; |
Floor from Sqrt(Value). |
function SmoothStep(const Edge0, Edge1, X: Single): Single; |
Hermite interpolation between two values. For X changing from Edge0 to Edge1, the resulting value changes from 0 to 1, smoothly (not with a linear speed). This is useful to make nicer transition from one value to another, it often looks better than using directly Lerp or MapRange. Just like GLSL |
function Swap32(Value: UInt32): UInt32; |
Utility functions to control the endianess. Note: Floating-point versions support Single and Double, but not Extended (which means different things on different platforms/compilers, see https://castle-engine.io/coding_conventions#no_extended , and in practice binary files don't contain numbers >= Double). |
function Swap64(Value: QWord): QWord; |
This item has no description. |
function SwapEndian(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function SwapEndian(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function NtoLE(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function NtoLE(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function NtoBE(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function NtoBE(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function LEtoN(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function LEtoN(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function BEtoN(const Value: Single): Single; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function BEtoN(const Value: Double): Double; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function Deg(const Degrees: Float): Float; |
Convert degrees to radians, consistent with CastleScript |
function DeleteFileExt(const FileName: string): string; |
Remove from the FileName the last extension (including the dot). Note that if the FileName had a couple of extensions (e.g. It is not adviced to use this function, better to operate on URLs and MIME types instead of filenames and extensions, see CastleUriUtils. |
function ExtractFileDoubleExt(const FileName: string): string; |
Extracts two last extensions from the filename, if it has two extensions. If the filename has only one extension, returns that one extension, if the filename has no extension — returns empty string, similar to ExtractFileExt. This is useful to detect file types from filenames like It is not adviced to use this function, better to operate on URLs and MIME types instead of filenames and extensions, see CastleUriUtils. |
function ExtractOnlyFilename(const FileName: string): string; deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated. Extracts from FileName the name of file, without directory, without last extension and without any Windows drive letter. Deprecated, since we use URLs everywhere and also because this has very low usage. Use DeleteURIExt(ExtractURIName(URL)) if you really need to. |
function ChangeFilePath(const FileName, NewPath: string): string; deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated. Returns FileName with directory (path) part replaced with given NewPath. NewPath must contain trailing PathDelim. Deprecated, since we use URLs everywhere and also because this has very low usage. |
function InclPathDelim(const s: string): string; |
Include / exclude the last path delimiter, if necessary. These are just comfortable shorter names for IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter and ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter. For Delphi, we also fix treatment of slash on Windows: it should be treated as a path delimiter, as Windows accepts both slashes and backslashes. |
function ExclPathDelim(const s: string): string; |
This item has no description. |
function IsPathAbsolute(const Path: string): boolean; |
Check is the given Path absolute. Path may point to directory or normal file, it doesn't matter. Also it doesn't matter whether Path ends with PathDelim or not. Note for Windows: while it's obvious that See also
function IsPathAbsoluteOnDrive(const Path: string): boolean; |
Just like IsPathAbsolute, but on Windows accepts also paths that specify full directory tree without drive letter. See also
function SpecialDirName(const DirectoryName: string): boolean; |
Checks is the directory name special, like "." or "..". The precise definition of "special" is that you cannot ever create or even have any filenames / directories named like this. |
function AppendToFilename(const FileName, Suffix: string): string; |
Add Suffix to the filename, right before extension. Returns |
function PointerAdd(p: pointer; add: integer): pointer; |
Pointer arithmetic. Will wrap over if you add too much. Add may be negative. This is just a shortcut for |
function GetClearMem(Size: integer; ClearValue: byte = 0): pointer; overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure FreeMemNiling(var p: pointer); |
Safer version of FreeMem, checks is parameter |
function CheckIsMemCharFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; AChar: AnsiChar): Integer; |
Check is memory filled with the given character. Returns -1 is |
function IsMemCharFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; AChar: AnsiChar): boolean; |
Check is memory filled with the given character. Returns simple boolean, use CheckIsMemCharFilled to get more informative result. |
function IsMemWordFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; Value: Word): boolean; |
Check is memory filled with the Word (2 byte sequence). Size if the number of words (not bytes), this is consequent with Size parameter from FillWord from FPC's RTL. |
function IsMemDWordFilled(const Data; Size: Integer; Value: DWord): boolean; |
Check is memory filled with the DWord (4 byte sequence). Size if the number of dwords (not bytes), this is consequent with Size parameter from FillDWord from FPC's RTL. |
function OffsetUInt(var A, B): PtrUInt; |
Calculate shift between A and B addresses (in bytes). Useful to pass as offsets to methods like TGLSLAttribute.EnableArray that wrap OpenGL vertex-array API. This is simply Result := A - B, except we do some typecasting. |
function Offset(var A, B): Pointer; |
This item has no description. |
function CompareMethods(const AMethod1, AMethod2: TMethod): boolean; deprecated 'use SameMethods'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use SameMethods Compare two methods. |
function SameMethods(const AMethod1, AMethod2: TMethod): boolean; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ErrorWrite(const s: string); overload; |
Write using a dialog box or console. If we are a Windows GUI program (not IsConsole) then we use native Windows dialog boxes. Otherwise (a console is available, which is always true on non-Windows) we output the message using simple Writeln (to standard output for InfoWrite, or ErrOutput for ErrorWrite and WarningWrite). |
procedure WarningWrite(const s: string); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure InfoWrite(const s: string); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure ErrorWrite(const s: string; const args: array of const); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure WarningWrite(const s: string; const args: array of const); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure InfoWrite(const s: string; const args: array of const); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure InfoWriteParts(const TitleFormat: string; const Messages: array of string); deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated. Output messages, using console or dialog box. If we're not on Windows or IsConsole, then we simply output Messages using Writeln. If we're on Windows and not IsConsole, then every Messages is displayed in a separate dialog box. Dialog box uses our InfoBox routine, with Messages[I] being message content and title being This is good for outputting a lot of information. Deprecated. This just looks ugly in GUI version. It's better to present long information using only a console (just use Writeln), or only a full-featured GUI (like Lazarus LCL or our CastleUIControls). |
Float = Math.Float ; |
Floating-point type with best precision. |
PFloat = Math.PFloat ; |
This item has no description. |
PCardinal = ˆCardinal; |
This item has no description. |
PLongWord = ˆLongWord; |
This item has no description. |
PShortint = ˆShortint; |
This item has no description. |
PBoolean = ˆBoolean; |
Pointer to a boolean. Defined as ˆByte in some Delphi Windows unit, for FPC 1.0.x |
PByteArray = ˆTByteArray; |
Infinite array of bytes. |
TByteArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Byte)-1] of Byte; |
This item has no description. |
PtrObject = ˆTObject; |
Pointer to TObject. Don't call this PObject or PTObject to avoid possible name clashes with other units (pointers are often used in situations that prevent good type-checking, so better to avoid name clashes to avoid some nasty errors). |
TListSize = SizeInt ; |
Size (signed) used for various list types Count, Capacity, index variables. Delphi uses Integer for this. FPC uses SizeInt for this (which may have larger size than Integer, FPC docs say it is matching pointer size, so 64-bit on 64-bit platforms). |
TCastlePlatform = (...); |
Possible platforms supported by CGE. See Platform. Values
TCastlePlatforms = set of TCastlePlatform; |
This item has no description. |
TSimpleNotifyEvent = procedure of object; |
Simple notify event with no Sender |
TCastleApplicationMode = (...); |
Application mode. Values
TBooleanSet = set of Boolean; |
This item has no description. |
TUInt16List = TWordList; |
This item has no description. |
TSingleArray = packed array [0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Single) - 1] of Single; |
This item has no description. |
PSingleArray = ˆTSingleArray; |
This item has no description. |
TInt32Array = packed array [0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Int32) - 1] of Int32; |
This item has no description. |
PInt32Array = ˆTInt32Array; |
This item has no description. |
EWithHiddenClassName = EShortErrorMessage deprecated 'use EShortErrorMessage'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use EShortErrorMessage This item has no description. |
T2DAxis = 0..1; |
Index of axis in 2D. |
T3DAxis = 0..2; |
Index of axis in 3D. |
AllPlatforms = [Low(TCastlePlatform)..High(TCastlePlatform)]; |
This item has no description. |
NL = LineEnding; |
New line sequence, suitable for current OS. Short name for LineEnding. |
CastleEngineVersion = '7.0-alpha.3.snapshot'
; |
Castle Game Engine version. |
DefaultFloatStrDigits = 5; |
Number of digits after the decimal point we show using FloatToStrDisplay by default. This affects the display of floats and vectors in CGE editor's object inspector. |
ENatural = 2.71828182845905; |
This item has no description. |
Sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097; |
This item has no description. |
Sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688773; |
This item has no description. |
HalfPi = 1.57079632679489661923; |
Pi / 2. |
Pi2 = 6.28318530717958647703; |
Pi * 2. |
RootDir = '/'
; |
Root dir name. Empty if not applicable to this OS. |
ExeExtension = '' ; |
TODO: web: filesystem not yet implemented |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.