Unit CastleIfc
Loading and saving of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), see IFC in the Castle Game Engine documentation.
- Contnrs
- Generics.Collections
- SysUtils
- Classes
- FpJson
- JSONParser
- JSONScanner
- CastleUtils
- CastleVectors
- X3DNodes
- CastleUriUtils
- CastleLog
- CastleStringUtils
- CastleBoxes
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class TIfcPersistent |
Abstract class that can be serialized to / deserialized from an IFC file. |
Class TIfcPersistentClassList |
List of TIfcPersistent descendant classes. |
Class TIfcFile |
IFC file representation. |
Class EInvalidIfc |
Invalid IFC file exception. |
Class TCastleVector3PersistentSimple |
Like TCastleVector3Persistent, but it just contains TVector3, you don't need to provide InternalGetValue, InternalSetValue callbacks. |
Class TCastleVector4PersistentSimple |
Like TCastleVector4Persistent, but it just contains TVector4, you don't need to provide InternalGetValue, InternalSetValue callbacks. |
Class TIfcPresentationStyle |
Presentation information assigned to geometric representation items. |
Class TIfcPresentationLayerAssignment |
The presentation layer assignment provides the layer name (and optionally a description and an identifier) for a collection of geometric representation items. |
Class TIfcPresentationLayerAssignmentList |
Class TIfcRepresentationItem |
Geometric or topological representation items, that can (but not need to) have presentation style information assigned. |
Class TIfcRepresentationItemList |
Class TIfcStyledItem |
Style information for products. |
Class TIfcDirection |
Direction in 2D or 3D. |
Class TIfcGeometricRepresentationItem |
Common supertype of all geometric items used within a representation. |
Class TIfcBoundingBox |
Class TIfcTessellatedItem |
Abstract supertype of all tessellated geometric models. |
Class TIfcCartesianPointList_Spec |
Abstract supertype of list of points. |
Class TIfcCartesianPointList2D |
Ordered collection of two-dimentional Cartesian points. |
Class TIfcCartesianPointList3D |
Ordered collection of three-dimentional Cartesian points. |
Class TIfcPresentationItem |
Abstract supertype of all entities used for presentation appearance definitions. |
Class TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures |
Include image textures in surface styles. |
Class TIfcSurfaceTexture |
2-dimensional image-based texture map. |
Class TIfcSurfaceTextureList |
Class TIfcImageTexture |
2-dimensional texture, defined by an URL. |
Class TIfcTextureCoordinate |
An abstract supertype of the different kinds to apply texture coordinates to geometries. |
Class TIfcTextureCoordinateList |
Class TIfcTextureVertexList_Spec |
Ordered collection of 2D texture coordinates. |
Class TIfcIndexedTextureMap |
Mapping of the 2-dimensional texture coordinates to the surface onto which it is mapped. |
Class TIfcIndexedPolygonalTextureMap |
Mapping of the 2-dimensional texture coordinates to a set of polygonal bounded faces onto which it is mapped. |
Class TIfcTextureCoordinateIndices |
Provide the texture coordinates for an TIfcIndexedPolygonalFace. |
Class TIfcTextureCoordinateIndicesList |
Class TIfcIndexedPolygonalFace |
Representation of a planar face being part of a face set. |
Class TIfcTessellatedFaceSet |
Topological model limited to planar faces and straight edges. |
Class TIfcPolygonalFaceSet |
Tessellated face set with all faces being bound by polygons. |
Class TIfcPolygonalFaceSetList |
Class TIfcTriangulatedFaceSet |
Tessellated face set with all faces being bound by triangles. |
Class TIfcCurve |
Curve in 2D or 3D. |
Class TIfcBoundedCurve |
Class TIfcTrimmedCurve |
Bounded curve that is trimmed at both ends. |
Class TIfcPolyline |
Bounded curve with only linear segments defined by a list of Cartesian points. |
Class TIfcSegmentIndexSelect |
Choice between IfcArcIndex and IfcLineIndex. |
Class TIfcLineIndex |
Single or multiple straight segments within a poly curve. |
Class TIfcArcIndex |
Single circular arc segment within a poly curve. |
Class TIfcIndexedPolyCurve |
Bounded curve with only linear and circular arc segments defined by a Cartesian point list and an optional list of segments. |
Class TIfcSolidModel |
3D shape. |
Class TIfcResourceLevelRelationship |
Base entity for relationships between resource-level entities. |
Class TIfcPropertyDependencyRelationship |
Whilst the IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship may be used to describe the dependency, and it may do so in terms of the expression of how the dependency operates, it is not possible through the current IFC model for the value of the related property to be actually derived from the value of the relating property. |
Class TIfcExternalReferenceRelationship |
Abstract base entity for relationships between resource-level entities. |
Class TIfcExternalReferenceRelationshipList |
Class TIfcExternalReference |
Identification of information that is not explicitly represented in the current model. |
Class TIfcProfileDef |
Supertype of all definitions of standard and arbitrary profiles within IFC. |
Class TIfcCompositeProfileDef |
Defines profile by composition of other profiles. |
Class TIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef |
Closed profile IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef defines an arbitrary two-dimensional profile for the use within the swept surface geometry, the swept area solid or a sectioned spine. |
Class TIfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids |
Arbitrary closed two-dimensional profile with holes. |
Class TIfcActorRole |
Class TIfcPersonAndOrganization |
Person acting on behalf of an organization. |
Class TIfcPersonAndOrganizationList |
Class TIfcPerson |
Individual human being. |
Class TIfcPersonList |
Class TIfcOrganizationRelationship |
Organization relationship. |
Class TIfcOrganizationRelationshipList |
Class TIfcOrganization |
Named and structured grouping with a corporate identity. |
Class TIfcOrganizationList |
Class TIfcAddress |
Various kinds of postal and telecom addresses. |
Class TIfcAddressList |
Class TIfcTelecomAddress |
Address to which telephone, electronic mail and other forms of telecommunications should be addressed. |
Class TIfcApplication |
IFC compliant application developed by an application developer. |
Class TIfcOwnerHistory |
All history and identification related information. |
Class TIfcRoot |
Most abstract and root class for all entity definitions. |
Class TIfcDefinitionSelect |
Either TIfcObjectDefinition or TIfcPropertyDefinition. |
Class TIfcDefinitionSelectList |
List of TIfcDefinitionSelect. |
Class TIfcRelationship |
Class TIfcRelAssociates |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesList |
Class TIfcMaterialUsageDefinition |
eneral supertype for all material related information items in IFC that have occurrence specific assignment parameters to assign a set of materials with shape parameters to a reference geometry item of that component. |
Class TIfcMaterialProfileSetUsage |
Usage of IfcMaterialProfileSet in terms of its location relative to the associated element geometry. |
Class TIfcMaterialSelect |
Selection of either a material definition or a material usage definition that can be assigned to an element, a resource or another entity within this specification. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesMaterial |
Relationship between a material definition and elements or element types to which this material definition applies. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesMaterialList |
Class TIfcPropertyDefinition |
Generalization of all characteristics (i.e. |
Class TIfcRelDeclares |
Declaration of objects (subtypes of IfcObject) or properties (subtypes of IfcPropertyDefinition) to a project or project library (represented by IfcProject, or IfcProjectLibrary). |
Class TIfcRelDeclaresList |
Class TIfcObjectDefinition |
Any semantically treated thing or process. |
Class TIfcRelDefines |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByObject |
Relationship between an object taking part in an object type decomposition and an object occurrence taking part in an occurrence decomposition of that type. |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByObjectList |
Class TIfcObject |
Any semantically treated thing or process. |
Class TIfcObjectList |
Class TIfcPropertySetDefinition |
Generalization of all individual property sets that can be assigned to an object or type object. |
Class TIfcPropertySet |
Container that holds properties within a property tree. |
Class TIfcTypeObject |
Information about a type, common to all occurrences of this type. |
Class TIfcTypeObjectList |
Class TIfcPlacement |
Abstract supertype of placement subtypes that define the location of an item, or an entire shape representation, and provide its orientation. |
Class TIfcConic |
Parameterized planar curve. |
Class TIfcEllipse |
Ellipse. |
Class TIfcCircle |
Circle. |
Class TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator |
An abstract supertype of different kinds of geometric transformations. |
Class TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D |
Geometric transformation in 2D. |
Class TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D |
Geometric transformation in three-dimensional space. |
Class TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform |
Transformation operator in 3D that allows non uniform scaling. |
Class TIfcMappedItem |
Inserted instance of a source definition (to be compared with a block / shared cell / macro definition). |
Class TIfcRepresentationMap |
Base definition (also referred to as block, cell or macro) called MappedRepresentation within the MappingOrigin. |
Class TIfcTypeProduct |
Type definition of a product without being already inserted into a project structure (without having a placement). |
Class TIfcElementType |
List of commonly shared property set definitions of an element and an optional set of product representations. |
Class TIfcElementAssemblyType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcElementAssembly. |
Class TIfcElementComponentType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcElementComponent. |
Class TIfcReinforcingElementType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcReinforcingElement. |
Class TIfcReinforcingBarType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcReinforcingBar. |
Class TIfcBuildingElementPartType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcBuildingElementPart. |
Class TIfcFurnishingElementType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcFurnishingElement. |
Class TIfcSystemFurnitureElementType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcSystemFurnitureElement. |
Class TIfcFurnitureType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcFurniture. |
Class TIfcDistributionElementType |
A distribution element type is used to define the common properties of a certain type of a distribution element that may be applied to many instances of that feature type to assign a specific style. |
Class TIfcDistributionFlowElementType |
Distribution flow element types (or the instantiable subtypes) may be exchanged without being already assigned to occurrences. |
Class TIfcFlowTerminalType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcFlowTerminal. |
Class TIfcAirTerminalType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcAirTerminal. |
Class TIfcSanitaryTerminalType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcSanitaryTerminal. |
Class TIfcEnergyConversionDeviceType |
A energy conversion type is used to define the common properties of a energy conversion device that may be applied to many occurrences of that type. |
Class TIfcBoilerType |
Used to define a boiler type specification indicating the specific product information that is common to all occurrences of that product type. |
Class TIfcBuiltElementType |
Common properties of a certain type of built element that are applied to all occurrences of that type. |
Class TIfcBeamType |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of beams. |
Class TIfcDistributionControlElementType |
Defines a list of commonly shared property set definitions of an element and an optional set of product representations. |
Class TIfcActuatorType |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of actuators. |
Class TIfcSlabType |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of slabs. |
Class TIfcBuildingElementProxyType |
Commonly shared property set definitions of a building element proxy and an optional set of product representations. |
Class TIfcWindowType |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of windows. |
Class TIfcObjectPlacement |
Define the object coordinate system. |
Class TIfcObjectPlacementList |
Class TIfcPoint |
Abstract point. |
Class TIfcCartesianPoint |
A regular 3D point (may be specified as 2D too, in which case we set Z to 0). |
Class TIfcCartesianPointList |
Class TIfcAxis2Placement2D |
Location and orientation to place items in a two-dimensional space. |
Class TIfcAxis2Placement3D |
Location and orientations to place items in a three-dimensional space. |
Class TIfcParameterizedProfileDef |
2D position coordinate system to which the parameters of the different profiles relate to. |
Class TIfcRectangleProfileDef |
Rectangle as the profile definition used by the swept surface geometry or the swept area solid. |
Class TIfcSweptAreaSolid |
Represents the 3D shape by a sweeping representation scheme allowing a two dimensional planar cross section to sweep through space. |
Class TIfcExtrudedAreaSolid |
Defined by sweeping a cross section provided by a profile definition. |
Class TIfcLocalPlacement |
Relative placement of a product - in relation to the placement of another product - or the absolute placement of a product within the geometric representation context of the project. |
Class TIfcProduct |
Any object that relates to a geometric or spatial context. |
Class TIfcProductList |
Class TIfcPositioningElement |
Abstract entity definition for positioning and annotating elements that are used to position other elements relatively. |
Class TIfcVirtualGridIntersection |
Derived location of the intersection between two grid axes. |
Class TIfcGridAxis |
An individual axis in the context of a design grid. |
Class TIfcGridAxisList |
Class TIfcGrid |
Planar design grid defined in 3D space used as an aid in locating structural and design elements. |
Class TIfcSpatialElement |
Elements that might be used to define a spatial structure. |
Class TIfcSpatialZone |
Non-hierarchical and potentially overlapping decomposition of the project under some functional consideration. |
Class TIfcRelConnects |
Relationship that connects objects under some criteria. |
Class TIfcRelPositions |
Relationship informs on the positioning dependency between a product and a positioning element. |
Class TIfcRelPositionsList |
Class TIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure |
Relationship to assign elements to a certain level of the spatial project structure. |
Class TIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructureList |
Class TIfcSpatialStructureElement |
Spatial structure can be used to provide a spatial organization of a project. |
Class TIfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure |
Compound measure of plane angle in degrees, minutes, seconds, and optionally millionth-seconds of arc. |
Class TIfcPostalAddress |
Address for delivery of paper based mail and other postal deliveries. |
Class TIfcSite |
Defined area of land on which the project construction is to be completed. |
Class TIfcFacility |
Any built facility, like a building, bridge. |
Class TIfcBuilding |
Building facility. |
Class TIfcBuildingStorey |
Storey (~floor). |
Class TIfcRelDecomposes |
Class TIfcConnectionGeometry |
Geometric and topological constraints that facilitate the physical connection of two objects. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsElements |
Relationship provides the generalization of the connectivity between elements. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsElementsList |
Class TIfcRelInterferesElements |
Class TIfcRelProjectsElement |
Relationship between an element and one projection element that creates a modifier to the shape of the element. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements |
Relationship that is made between two elements that require the realization of that relationship by means of further realizing elements. |
Class TIfcRelSpaceBoundary |
The space boundary defines the physical or virtual delimiter of a space by the relationship IfcRelSpaceBoundary to the surrounding elements. |
Class TIfcRelCoversBldgElements |
Relationship between an element and one to many coverings, which cover that element. |
Class TIfcRelAdheresToElement |
Relationship between an element and one to many surface feature elements that adhere to the surface of the element. |
Class TIfcElement |
Generalization of all components that make up a facility. |
Class TIfcElementList |
Class TIfcElementAssembly |
Represents complex element assemblies aggregated from several elements, such as discrete elements, building elements, or other elements. |
Class TIfcElementComponent |
Representation for minor items included in, added to or connecting to or between elements, which usually are not of interest from the overall building structure viewpoint. |
Class TIfcReinforcingElement |
A reinforcing element represents bars, wires, strands, meshes, tendons, and other components embedded in concrete in such a manner that the reinforcement and the concrete act together in resisting forces. |
Class TIfcReinforcingBar |
A reinforcing bar is usually made of steel with manufactured deformations in the surface, and used in concrete and masonry construction to provide additional strength. |
Class TIfcBuildingElementPart |
Represents major components as subordinate parts of a building element. |
Class TIfcDistributionElement |
Generalization of all elements that participate in a distribution system. |
Class TIfcDistributionFlowElement |
Distribution system that facilitate the distribution of energy or matter, such as air, water or power. |
Class TIfcEnergyConversionDevice |
Device used to perform energy conversion or heat transfer and typically participates in a flow distribution system. |
Class TIfcBoiler |
Closed, pressure-rated vessel in which water or other fluid is heated using an energy source such as natural gas, heating oil, or electricity. |
Class TIfcFlowTerminal |
Permanently attached element that acts as a terminus or beginning of a distribution system (such as an air outlet, drain, water closet, or sink). |
Class TIfcSanitaryTerminal |
A sanitary terminal is a fixed appliance or terminal usually supplied with water and used for drinking, cleaning or foul water disposal or that is an item of equipment directly used with such an appliance or terminal. |
Class TIfcAirTerminal |
An air terminal is a terminating or origination point for the transfer of air between distribution system(s) and one or more spaces. |
Class TIfcFurnishingElement |
Generalization of all furniture related objects. |
Class TIfcSystemFurnitureElement |
Components of modular furniture which are not directly placed in a building structure but aggregated inside furniture. |
Class TIfcFurniture |
Complete furnishings such as a table, desk, chair, or cabinet, which may or may not be permanently attached to a building structure. |
Class TIfcFeatureElement |
All existence dependent elements which modify the shape and appearance of the associated master element. |
Class TIfcFeatureElementSubtraction |
Existence dependent element which modifies the shape and appearance of the associated master element. |
Class TIfcRelFillsElement |
Relationship between an opening element and an element that fills (or partially fills) the opening element. |
Class TIfcRelFillsElementList |
Class TIfcOpeningElement |
Opening: a void within any element that has physical manifestation. |
Class TIfcBuiltElement |
Part of the construction of a built facility, built elements are all physically existent and tangible things. |
Class TIfcBeam |
Beam is a horizontal, or nearly horizontal, structural member that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending. |
Class TIfcBeamStandardCase |
Removed in IFC4.3. |
Class TIfcDoor |
Door. |
Class TIfcDoorType |
Shared information for occurrences of doors. |
Class TIfcSlab |
Component of the construction that may enclose a space vertically. |
Class TIfcSlabStandardCase |
Deprecated and later removed in IFC 4.3. |
Class TIfcBuildingElementProxy |
Proxy definition that provides the same functionality as subtypes of IfcBuiltElement, but without having a predefined meaning of the special type of building element it represents. |
Class TIfcColumn |
Vertical structural or architectural member which often is aligned with a structural grid intersection. |
Class TIfcColumnStandardCase |
Deprecated and later removed in IFC 4.3. |
Class TIfcWall |
Wall represents a vertical construction that may bound or subdivide spaces. |
Class TIfcWallElementedCase |
Deprecated and later removed in IFC 4.3. |
Class TIfcWallType |
Shared information for occurrences of walls. |
Class TIfcWallStandardCase |
Wall with certain constraints for the provision of parameters and with certain constraints for the geometric representation. |
Class TIfcWindow |
Window building element. |
Class TIfcRelVoidsElement |
Relationship between a building element and one opening element that creates a void in the element. |
Class TIfcRelVoidsElementList |
Class TIfcRelAggregates |
General composition/decomposition (or whole/part) relationship. |
Class TIfcRelAggregatesList |
Class TIfcValue |
Type for selecting between more specialised select types IfcSimpleValue, IfcMeasureValue and IfcDerivedMeasureValue. |
Class TIfcReal_Boxed |
Real (float) value wrapped in a class, so it can be used where TIfcValue is expected. |
Class TIfcMeasureValue |
Class TIfcPlaneAngleMeasure |
Value of an angle in a plane. |
Class TIfcAreaMeasure_Boxed |
An area measure is the value of the extent of a surface. |
Class TIfcMassMeasure |
Value of the amount of matter that a body contains. |
Class TIfcLengthMeasure_Boxed |
Value of a distance. |
Class TIfcPressureMeasure |
Measure of the quantity of a medium acting on a unit area. |
Class TIfcVolumeMeasure |
Value of the solid content of a body. |
Class TIfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure |
Value for the degree of heat of a body. |
Class TIfcUnit |
Abstract unit: a physical quantity, with a value of one, which is used as a standard in terms of which other quantities are expressed. |
Class TIfcUnitList |
Class TIfcUnitAssignment |
A set of units which may be assigned. |
Class TIfcDerivedUnitElement |
A derived unit element is one of the unit quantities which makes up a derived unit. |
Class TIfcDerivedUnit |
A derived unit is a unit that is formed from an expression of other units. |
Class TIfcMonetaryUnit |
Define currency for money. |
Class TIfcDimensionalExponents |
The dimensionality of any quantity can be expressed as a product of powers of the dimensions of base quantities. |
Class TIfcNamedUnit |
A unit quantity associated with the word, or group of words, by which the unit is identified. |
Class TIfcSIUnit |
Standard base SI units such as meter and second, and derived SI units such as Pascal, square meter and cubic meter. |
Class TIfcMeasureWithUnit |
This has two usages:
1. |
Class TIfcConversionBasedUnit |
A unit that has a conversion rate to a base unit. |
Class TIfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset |
Unit which is converted from another unit by applying a conversion factor and an offset. |
Class TIfcRepresentationContext |
Context to which the IfcRepresentation of a product is related. |
Class TIfcRepresentationContextList |
Class TIfcGeometricRepresentationContext |
Context that applies to several shape representations of products within a project. |
Class TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext |
Context that applies to several shape representations of a product being a sub context, sharing the WorldCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSpaceDimension, Precision and TrueNorth attributes with the parent IfcGeometricRepresentationContext. |
Class TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContextList |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByProperties |
Relationships between property set definitions and objects. |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByPropertiesList |
Class TIfcPropertyTemplateDefinition |
Generalization of all property and property set templates. |
Class TIfcPropertyTemplate |
Abstract supertype comprising the templates for all dynamically extensible properties, either as an IfcComplexPropertyTemplate, or an IfcSimplePropertyTemplate. |
Class TIfcPropertyTemplateList |
Class TIfcPropertySetTemplate |
Template for all dynamically extensible property sets represented by IfcPropertySet. |
Class TIfcPropertySetTemplateList |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByTemplate |
Relationship between property set template and property sets.. |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByTemplateList |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByType |
Relationship between an object type and object occurrences. |
Class TIfcRelDefinesByTypeList |
Class TIfcContext |
Project context in which objects, type objects, property sets, and properties are defined. |
Class TIfcProjectLibrary |
Collects all library elements that are included within a referenced project data set. |
Class TIfcProject |
Context for information to be exchanged or shared, it may represent a construction project but does not have to. |
Class TIfcRepresentation |
How to display the product. |
Class TIfcRepresentationList |
List of TIfcRepresentation. |
Class TIfcShapeModel |
Class TIfcShapeModelList |
Class TIfcShapeRepresentation |
Representation of a product or a product component within a specific geometric representation context. |
Class TIfcProductRepresentation |
Representation of a product, including its (geometric or topological) representation. |
Class TIfcProductRepresentationList |
Class TIfcShapeAspect |
Grouping of shape representation items that represent aspects (or components) of the shape of a product. |
Class TIfcShapeAspectList |
Class TIfcProductDefinitionShape |
Defines a representation of a product, including its (geometric or topological) representation. |
Class TIfcPropertyAbstraction |
Abstract supertype of all property related entities defined as dependent resource entities within the specification. |
Class TIfcExtendedProperties |
Abstract supertype of all extensible property collections that are applicable to certain characterized entities. |
Class TIfcProfileProperties |
Class TIfcProfilePropertiesList |
Class TIfcProperty |
Abstract generalization for all types of properties that can be associated with IFC objects through the property set mechanism. |
Class TIfcPropertyList |
Class TIfcSimpleProperty |
Generalization of a single property object. |
Class TIfcPropertySingleValue |
Property with a single (numeric or descriptive) value assigned. |
Class TIfcComplexProperty |
Define complex properties to be handled completely within a property set. |
Class TIfcComplexPropertyList |
Class TIfcMaterialProperties |
Set of material properties to associated material definitions. |
Class TIfcMaterialPropertiesList |
Class TIfcMaterialDefinition |
General supertype for all material related information items in IFC that have common material related properties that may include association of material with some shape parameters or assignments to identified parts of a component. |
Class TIfcMaterialProfile |
Single and identifiable cross section of an element which is constructed of a number of profiles (one or more). |
Class TIfcMaterialProfileSet |
Designation by which individual material(s) of a prismatic element (for example, beam or column) constructed of a single or multiple material profiles is known. |
Class TIfcMaterialRelationship |
Relationship between part and whole in material definitions (as in composite materials). |
Class TIfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation |
Defines presentation information relating to IfcMaterial. |
Class TIfcMaterial |
Homogeneous or inhomogeneous substance that can be used to form elements (physical products or their components). |
Class TIfcMaterialList |
Class TIfcMaterialConstituent |
Single and identifiable part of an element which is constructed of a number of part (one or more) each having an individual material. |
Class TIfcMaterialConstituentSet |
Collection of individual material constituents, each assigning a material to a part of an element. |
Class TIfcMaterialLayer |
Single and identifiable part of an element which is constructed of a number of layers (one or more). |
Class TIfcMaterialLayerSet |
Designation by which materials of an element constructed of a number of material layers is known and through which the relative positioning of individual layers can be expressed. |
Class TIfcMaterialLayerSetUsage |
Determines the usage of IfcMaterialLayerSet in terms of its location and orientation relative to the associated element geometry. |
Class TIfcPavement |
IFC class IfcPavement. |
Class TIfcPavementType |
IFC class IfcPavementType. |
Class TIfcPcurve |
IFC class IfcPcurve. |
Class TIfcOutletType |
IFC class IfcOutletType. |
Class TIfcOffsetCurve |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurve. |
Class TIfcOpenCrossProfileDef |
IFC class IfcOpenCrossProfileDef. |
Class TIfcOutlet |
IFC class IfcOutlet. |
Class TIfcPlateType |
IFC class IfcPlateType. |
Class TIfcPointByDistanceExpression |
IFC class IfcPointByDistanceExpression. |
Class TIfcPointOnCurve |
IFC class IfcPointOnCurve. |
Class TIfcPlate |
IFC class IfcPlate. |
Class TIfcPhysicalQuantity |
IFC class IfcPhysicalQuantity. |
Class TIfcPixelTexture |
IFC class IfcPixelTexture. |
Class TIfcPlanarExtent |
IFC class IfcPlanarExtent. |
Class TIfcNavigationElementType |
IFC class IfcNavigationElementType. |
Class TIfcMedicalDeviceType |
IFC class IfcMedicalDeviceType. |
Class TIfcMember |
IFC class IfcMember. |
Class TIfcMemberType |
IFC class IfcMemberType. |
Class TIfcMedicalDevice |
IFC class IfcMedicalDevice. |
Class TIfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets |
IFC class IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets. |
Class TIfcMechanicalFastener |
IFC class IfcMechanicalFastener. |
Class TIfcMechanicalFastenerType |
IFC class IfcMechanicalFastenerType. |
Class TIfcMotorConnection |
IFC class IfcMotorConnection. |
Class TIfcMotorConnectionType |
IFC class IfcMotorConnectionType. |
Class TIfcNavigationElement |
IFC class IfcNavigationElement. |
Class TIfcMooringDeviceType |
IFC class IfcMooringDeviceType. |
Class TIfcMobileTelecommunicationsAppliance |
IFC class IfcMobileTelecommunicationsAppliance. |
Class TIfcMobileTelecommunicationsApplianceType |
IFC class IfcMobileTelecommunicationsApplianceType. |
Class TIfcMooringDevice |
IFC class IfcMooringDevice. |
Class TIfcPointOnSurface |
IFC class IfcPointOnSurface. |
Class TIfcRailway |
IFC class IfcRailway. |
Class TIfcRamp |
IFC class IfcRamp. |
Class TIfcRampFlight |
IFC class IfcRampFlight. |
Class TIfcRailingType |
IFC class IfcRailingType. |
Class TIfcRail |
IFC class IfcRail. |
Class TIfcRailType |
IFC class IfcRailType. |
Class TIfcRailing |
IFC class IfcRailing. |
Class TIfcReference |
IFC class IfcReference. |
Class TIfcReferent |
IFC class IfcReferent. |
Class TIfcReinforcingMesh |
IFC class IfcReinforcingMesh. |
Class TIfcRecurrencePattern |
IFC class IfcRecurrencePattern. |
Class TIfcRampFlightType |
IFC class IfcRampFlightType. |
Class TIfcRampType |
IFC class IfcRampType. |
Class TIfcRectangleHollowProfileDef |
IFC class IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef. |
Class TIfcQuantitySet |
IFC class IfcQuantitySet. |
Class TIfcPreDefinedPropertySet |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedPropertySet. |
Class TIfcPresentationLayerWithStyle |
IFC class IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle. |
Class TIfcProcess |
IFC class IfcProcess. |
Class TIfcPreDefinedProperties |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedProperties. |
Class TIfcPolynomialCurve |
IFC class IfcPolynomialCurve. |
Class TIfcPort |
IFC class IfcPort. |
Class TIfcPreDefinedItem |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedItem. |
Class TIfcPropertyReferenceValue |
IFC class IfcPropertyReferenceValue. |
Class TIfcPropertyTableValue |
IFC class IfcPropertyTableValue. |
Class TIfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType. |
Class TIfcPropertyListValue |
IFC class IfcPropertyListValue. |
Class TIfcPropertyBoundedValue |
IFC class IfcPropertyBoundedValue. |
Class TIfcPropertyEnumeratedValue |
IFC class IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue. |
Class TIfcPropertyEnumeration |
IFC class IfcPropertyEnumeration. |
Class TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext_Temp |
IFC internal class IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext-temp (not in specification, only in XSD). |
Class TIfcGeometricSet |
IFC class IfcGeometricSet. |
Class TIfcGeotechnicalElement |
IFC class IfcGeotechnicalElement. |
Class TIfcGeographicElementType |
IFC class IfcGeographicElementType. |
Class TIfcFooting |
IFC class IfcFooting. |
Class TIfcFootingType |
IFC class IfcFootingType. |
Class TIfcGeographicElement |
IFC class IfcGeographicElement. |
Class TIfcHeatExchangerType |
IFC class IfcHeatExchangerType. |
Class TIfcHumidifier |
IFC class IfcHumidifier. |
Class TIfcHumidifierType |
IFC class IfcHumidifierType. |
Class TIfcHeatExchanger |
IFC class IfcHeatExchanger. |
Class TIfcGridPlacement |
IFC class IfcGridPlacement. |
Class TIfcGroup |
IFC class IfcGroup. |
Class TIfcHalfSpaceSolid |
IFC class IfcHalfSpaceSolid. |
Class TIfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType |
IFC class IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType. |
Class TIfcFlowFitting |
IFC class IfcFlowFitting. |
Class TIfcFlowFittingType |
IFC class IfcFlowFittingType. |
Class TIfcFlowInstrumentType |
IFC class IfcFlowInstrumentType. |
Class TIfcFlowControllerType |
IFC class IfcFlowControllerType. |
Class TIfcFireSuppressionTerminal |
IFC class IfcFireSuppressionTerminal. |
Class TIfcFireSuppressionTerminalType |
IFC class IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType. |
Class TIfcFlowController |
IFC class IfcFlowController. |
Class TIfcFlowStorageDevice |
IFC class IfcFlowStorageDevice. |
Class TIfcFlowStorageDeviceType |
IFC class IfcFlowStorageDeviceType. |
Class TIfcFlowTreatmentDevice |
IFC class IfcFlowTreatmentDevice. |
Class TIfcFlowSegmentType |
IFC class IfcFlowSegmentType. |
Class TIfcFlowMovingDevice |
IFC class IfcFlowMovingDevice. |
Class TIfcFlowMovingDeviceType |
IFC class IfcFlowMovingDeviceType. |
Class TIfcFlowSegment |
IFC class IfcFlowSegment. |
Class TIfcIShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcIShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcLinearPlacement |
IFC class IfcLinearPlacement. |
Class TIfcLinearPositioningElement |
IFC class IfcLinearPositioningElement. |
Class TIfcLiquidTerminal |
IFC class IfcLiquidTerminal. |
Class TIfcLinearElement |
IFC class IfcLinearElement. |
Class TIfcLightIntensityDistribution |
IFC class IfcLightIntensityDistribution. |
Class TIfcLightSource |
IFC class IfcLightSource. |
Class TIfcLine |
IFC class IfcLine. |
Class TIfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets |
IFC class IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets. |
Class TIfcMaterialList_Spec |
IFC class IfcMaterialList. |
Class TIfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering |
IFC class IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering. |
Class TIfcMaterialClassificationRelationship |
IFC class IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship. |
Class TIfcLiquidTerminalType |
IFC class IfcLiquidTerminalType. |
Class TIfcManifoldSolidBrep |
IFC class IfcManifoldSolidBrep. |
Class TIfcMarineFacility |
IFC class IfcMarineFacility. |
Class TIfcLightFixtureType |
IFC class IfcLightFixtureType. |
Class TIfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap |
IFC class IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap. |
Class TIfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue |
IFC class IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue. |
Class TIfcKerb |
IFC class IfcKerb. |
Class TIfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids |
IFC class IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids. |
Class TIfcImpactProtectionDevice |
IFC class IfcImpactProtectionDevice. |
Class TIfcImpactProtectionDeviceType |
IFC class IfcImpactProtectionDeviceType. |
Class TIfcIndexedColourMap |
IFC class IfcIndexedColourMap. |
Class TIfcLibraryReference |
IFC class IfcLibraryReference. |
Class TIfcLightDistributionData |
IFC class IfcLightDistributionData. |
Class TIfcLightFixture |
IFC class IfcLightFixture. |
Class TIfcLampType |
IFC class IfcLampType. |
Class TIfcKerbType |
IFC class IfcKerbType. |
Class TIfcLShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcLShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcLamp |
IFC class IfcLamp. |
Class TIfcTextLiteral |
IFC class IfcTextLiteral. |
Class TIfcTextStyle |
IFC class IfcTextStyle. |
Class TIfcTextStyleForDefinedFont |
IFC class IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont. |
Class TIfcTendonType |
IFC class IfcTendonType. |
Class TIfcTendonAnchorType |
IFC class IfcTendonAnchorType. |
Class TIfcTendonConduit |
IFC class IfcTendonConduit. |
Class TIfcTendonConduitType |
IFC class IfcTendonConduitType. |
Class TIfcTextureVertex |
IFC class IfcTextureVertex. |
Class TIfcTimePeriod |
IFC class IfcTimePeriod. |
Class TIfcTimeSeries |
IFC class IfcTimeSeries. |
Class TIfcTextureMap |
IFC class IfcTextureMap. |
Class TIfcTextStyleTextModel |
IFC class IfcTextStyleTextModel. |
Class TIfcTextureCoordinateGenerator |
IFC class IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator. |
Class TIfcTextureCoordinateIndicesWithVoids |
IFC class IfcTextureCoordinateIndicesWithVoids. |
Class TIfcTendonAnchor |
IFC class IfcTendonAnchor. |
Class TIfcSurfaceStyle |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyle. |
Class TIfcSurfaceStyleLighting |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleLighting. |
Class TIfcSurfaceStyleRefraction |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction. |
Class TIfcSurfaceFeature |
IFC class IfcSurfaceFeature. |
Class TIfcStyleModel |
IFC class IfcStyleModel. |
Class TIfcSurface |
IFC class IfcSurface. |
Class TIfcSurfaceCurve |
IFC class IfcSurfaceCurve. |
Class TIfcTableColumn |
IFC class IfcTableColumn. |
Class TIfcTableRow |
IFC class IfcTableRow. |
Class TIfcTendon |
IFC class IfcTendon. |
Class TIfcTable |
IFC class IfcTable. |
Class TIfcSurfaceStyleShading |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleShading. |
Class TIfcSweptDiskSolid |
IFC class IfcSweptDiskSolid. |
Class TIfcTShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcTShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcTimeSeriesValue |
IFC class IfcTimeSeriesValue. |
Class TIfcVibrationDamper |
IFC class IfcVibrationDamper. |
Class TIfcVibrationDamperType |
IFC class IfcVibrationDamperType. |
Class TIfcVibrationIsolator |
IFC class IfcVibrationIsolator. |
Class TIfcVector |
IFC class IfcVector. |
Class TIfcUnitaryControlElementType |
IFC class IfcUnitaryControlElementType. |
Class TIfcUnitaryEquipment |
IFC class IfcUnitaryEquipment. |
Class TIfcUnitaryEquipmentType |
IFC class IfcUnitaryEquipmentType. |
Class TIfcWasteTerminalType |
IFC class IfcWasteTerminalType. |
Class TIfcWellKnownText |
IFC class IfcWellKnownText. |
Class TIfcZShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcZShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcWasteTerminal |
IFC class IfcWasteTerminal. |
Class TIfcVibrationIsolatorType |
IFC class IfcVibrationIsolatorType. |
Class TIfcVirtualElement |
IFC class IfcVirtualElement. |
Class TIfcVoidingFeature |
IFC class IfcVoidingFeature. |
Class TIfcUShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcUShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcTransformer |
IFC class IfcTransformer. |
Class TIfcTransformerType |
IFC class IfcTransformerType. |
Class TIfcTransportationDevice |
IFC class IfcTransportationDevice. |
Class TIfcTrackElementType |
IFC class IfcTrackElementType. |
Class TIfcTopologicalRepresentationItem |
IFC class IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem. |
Class TIfcTopologyRepresentation |
IFC class IfcTopologyRepresentation. |
Class TIfcTrackElement |
IFC class IfcTrackElement. |
Class TIfcTubeBundleType |
IFC class IfcTubeBundleType. |
Class TIfcTypeProcess |
IFC class IfcTypeProcess. |
Class TIfcTypeResource |
IFC class IfcTypeResource. |
Class TIfcTubeBundle |
IFC class IfcTubeBundle. |
Class TIfcTransportationDeviceType |
IFC class IfcTransportationDeviceType. |
Class TIfcTrapeziumProfileDef |
IFC class IfcTrapeziumProfileDef. |
Class TIfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork |
IFC class IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork. |
Class TIfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel |
IFC class IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel. |
Class TIfcResource |
IFC class IfcResource. |
Class TIfcResourceApprovalRelationship |
IFC class IfcResourceApprovalRelationship. |
Class TIfcRelServicesBuildings |
IFC class IfcRelServicesBuildings. |
Class TIfcRelNests |
IFC class IfcRelNests. |
Class TIfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure |
IFC class IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure. |
Class TIfcRelSequence |
IFC class IfcRelSequence. |
Class TIfcRoofType |
IFC class IfcRoofType. |
Class TIfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef |
IFC class IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef. |
Class TIfcSIUnit_Temp |
IFC internal class IfcSIUnit-temp (not in specification, only in XSD). |
Class TIfcRoof |
IFC class IfcRoof. |
Class TIfcResourceConstraintRelationship |
IFC class IfcResourceConstraintRelationship. |
Class TIfcRevolvedAreaSolid |
IFC class IfcRevolvedAreaSolid. |
Class TIfcRoad |
IFC class IfcRoad. |
Class TIfcRelFlowControlElements |
IFC class IfcRelFlowControlElements. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesConstraint |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesConstraint. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesDocument |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesDocument. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesLibrary |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesLibrary. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesClassification |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesClassification. |
Class TIfcReinforcingMeshType |
IFC class IfcReinforcingMeshType. |
Class TIfcRelAssigns |
IFC class IfcRelAssigns. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesApproval |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesApproval. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsStructuralMember |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember. |
Class TIfcRelCoversSpaces |
IFC class IfcRelCoversSpaces. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsPorts |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsPorts. |
Class TIfcRelAssociatesProfileDef |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesProfileDef. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsPathElements |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsPathElements. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsPortToElement |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsPortToElement. |
Class TIfcSchedulingTime |
IFC class IfcSchedulingTime. |
Class TIfcStackTerminal |
IFC class IfcStackTerminal. |
Class TIfcStackTerminalType |
IFC class IfcStackTerminalType. |
Class TIfcStair |
IFC class IfcStair. |
Class TIfcSpiral |
IFC class IfcSpiral. |
Class TIfcSpaceHeater |
IFC class IfcSpaceHeater. |
Class TIfcSpaceHeaterType |
IFC class IfcSpaceHeaterType. |
Class TIfcSpatialElementType |
IFC class IfcSpatialElementType. |
Class TIfcStructuralConnectionCondition |
IFC class IfcStructuralConnectionCondition. |
Class TIfcStructuralItem |
IFC class IfcStructuralItem. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoad |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoad. |
Class TIfcStructuralActivity |
IFC class IfcStructuralActivity. |
Class TIfcStairFlight |
IFC class IfcStairFlight. |
Class TIfcStairFlightType |
IFC class IfcStairFlightType. |
Class TIfcStairType |
IFC class IfcStairType. |
Class TIfcSpace |
IFC class IfcSpace. |
Class TIfcShadingDevice |
IFC class IfcShadingDevice. |
Class TIfcShadingDeviceType |
IFC class IfcShadingDeviceType. |
Class TIfcShellBasedSurfaceModel |
IFC class IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel. |
Class TIfcSensorType |
IFC class IfcSensorType. |
Class TIfcSectionedSolid |
IFC class IfcSectionedSolid. |
Class TIfcSectionedSpine |
IFC class IfcSectionedSpine. |
Class TIfcSegment |
IFC class IfcSegment. |
Class TIfcSimplePropertyTemplate |
IFC class IfcSimplePropertyTemplate. |
Class TIfcSolarDevice |
IFC class IfcSolarDevice. |
Class TIfcSolarDeviceType |
IFC class IfcSolarDeviceType. |
Class TIfcSignalType |
IFC class IfcSignalType. |
Class TIfcSign |
IFC class IfcSign. |
Class TIfcSignType |
IFC class IfcSignType. |
Class TIfcSignal |
IFC class IfcSignal. |
Class TIfcCourse |
IFC class IfcCourse. |
Class TIfcElectricApplianceType |
IFC class IfcElectricApplianceType. |
Class TIfcElectricAppliance |
IFC class IfcElectricAppliance. |
Class TIfcCircleProfileDef |
IFC class IfcCircleProfileDef. |
Class TIfcBearingType |
IFC class IfcBearingType. |
Class TIfcCurveStyleFont |
IFC class IfcCurveStyleFont. |
Class TIfcBlobTexture |
IFC class IfcBlobTexture. |
Class TIfcComplexPropertyTemplate |
IFC class IfcComplexPropertyTemplate. |
Class TIfcCommunicationsApplianceType |
IFC class IfcCommunicationsApplianceType. |
Class TIfcCovering |
IFC class IfcCovering. |
Class TIfcCompositeCurve |
IFC class IfcCompositeCurve. |
Class TIfcBooleanResult |
IFC class IfcBooleanResult. |
Class TIfcBoundaryCondition |
IFC class IfcBoundaryCondition. |
Class TIfcCourseType |
IFC class IfcCourseType. |
Class TIfcElectricMotor |
IFC class IfcElectricMotor. |
Class TIfcAudioVisualApplianceType |
IFC class IfcAudioVisualApplianceType. |
Class TIfcElectricGeneratorType |
IFC class IfcElectricGeneratorType. |
Class TIfcElectricMotorType |
IFC class IfcElectricMotorType. |
Class TIfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef |
IFC class IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef. |
Class TIfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcAudioVisualAppliance |
IFC class IfcAudioVisualAppliance. |
Class TIfcBSplineCurve |
IFC class IfcBSplineCurve. |
Class TIfcDirectrixCurveSweptAreaSolid |
IFC class IfcDirectrixCurveSweptAreaSolid. |
Class TIfcBearing |
IFC class IfcBearing. |
Class TIfcAxis2PlacementLinear |
IFC class IfcAxis2PlacementLinear. |
Class TIfcElectricGenerator |
IFC class IfcElectricGenerator. |
Class TIfcAxis1Placement |
IFC class IfcAxis1Placement. |
Class TIfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling |
IFC class IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling. |
Class TIfcCommunicationsAppliance |
IFC class IfcCommunicationsAppliance. |
Class TIfcDistributionControlElement |
IFC class IfcDistributionControlElement. |
Class TIfcCsgSolid |
IFC class IfcCsgSolid. |
Class TIfcCShapeProfileDef |
IFC class IfcCShapeProfileDef. |
Class TIfcBurnerType |
IFC class IfcBurnerType. |
Class TIfcDocumentInformationRelationship |
IFC class IfcDocumentInformationRelationship. |
Class TIfcCsgPrimitive3D |
IFC class IfcCsgPrimitive3D. |
Class TIfcBurner |
IFC class IfcBurner. |
Class TIfcDistributionChamberElement |
IFC class IfcDistributionChamberElement. |
Class TIfcCoilType |
IFC class IfcCoilType. |
Class TIfcCurtainWallType |
IFC class IfcCurtainWallType. |
Class TIfcCoil |
IFC class IfcCoil. |
Class TIfcCurrencyRelationship |
IFC class IfcCurrencyRelationship. |
Class TIfcDistributionChamberElementType |
IFC class IfcDistributionChamberElementType. |
Class TIfcCurtainWall |
IFC class IfcCurtainWall. |
Class TIfcCurveStyle |
IFC class IfcCurveStyle. |
Class TIfcCivilElementType |
IFC class IfcCivilElementType. |
Class TIfcDiscreteAccessory |
IFC class IfcDiscreteAccessory. |
Class TIfcCivilElement |
IFC class IfcCivilElement. |
Class TIfcEarthworksElement |
IFC class IfcEarthworksElement. |
Class TIfcEarthworksCut |
IFC class IfcEarthworksCut. |
Class TIfcColumnType |
IFC class IfcColumnType. |
Class TIfcBridge |
IFC class IfcBridge. |
Class TIfcClassificationReference |
IFC class IfcClassificationReference. |
Class TIfcDocumentReference |
IFC class IfcDocumentReference. |
Class TIfcColourRgbList_Spec |
IFC class IfcColourRgbList. |
Class TIfcColourSpecification |
IFC class IfcColourSpecification. |
Class TIfcCoveringType |
IFC class IfcCoveringType. |
Class TIfcDiscreteAccessoryType |
IFC class IfcDiscreteAccessoryType. |
Class TIfcApprovalRelationship |
IFC class IfcApprovalRelationship. |
Class TIfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType |
IFC class IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType. |
Class TIfcControllerType |
IFC class IfcControllerType. |
Class TIfcConnectionCurveGeometry |
IFC class IfcConnectionCurveGeometry. |
Class TIfcAirToAirHeatRecovery |
IFC class IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery. |
Class TIfcConnectionPointGeometry |
IFC class IfcConnectionPointGeometry. |
Class TIfcFacilityPart |
IFC class IfcFacilityPart. |
Class TIfcDeepFoundationType |
IFC class IfcDeepFoundationType. |
Class TIfcDerivedProfileDef |
IFC class IfcDerivedProfileDef. |
Class TIfcExternallyDefinedTextFont |
IFC class IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont. |
Class TIfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle |
IFC class IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle. |
Class TIfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered |
IFC class IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered. |
Class TIfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel |
IFC class IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel. |
Class TIfcChiller |
IFC class IfcChiller. |
Class TIfcCondenserType |
IFC class IfcCondenserType. |
Class TIfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry |
IFC class IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry. |
Class TIfcChimney |
IFC class IfcChimney. |
Class TIfcFillAreaStyle |
IFC class IfcFillAreaStyle. |
Class TIfcFeatureElementAddition |
IFC class IfcFeatureElementAddition. |
Class TIfcFillAreaStyleHatching |
IFC class IfcFillAreaStyleHatching. |
Class TIfcContextDependentUnit |
IFC class IfcContextDependentUnit. |
Class TIfcControl |
IFC class IfcControl. |
Class TIfcFillAreaStyleTiles |
IFC class IfcFillAreaStyleTiles. |
Class TIfcChillerType |
IFC class IfcChillerType. |
Class TIfcActor |
IFC class IfcActor. |
Class TIfcConnectionVolumeGeometry |
IFC class IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry. |
Class TIfcConstraint |
IFC class IfcConstraint. |
Class TIfcFastenerType |
IFC class IfcFastenerType. |
Class TIfcFastener |
IFC class IfcFastener. |
Class TIfcDeepFoundation |
IFC class IfcDeepFoundation. |
Class TIfcEngine |
IFC class IfcEngine. |
Class TIfcEllipseProfileDef |
IFC class IfcEllipseProfileDef. |
Class TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform |
IFC class IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform. |
Class TIfcEngineType |
IFC class IfcEngineType. |
Class TIfcEvaporator |
IFC class IfcEvaporator. |
Class TIfcEvaporativeCoolerType |
IFC class IfcEvaporativeCoolerType. |
Class TIfcEvaporativeCooler |
IFC class IfcEvaporativeCooler. |
Class TIfcCoordinateReferenceSystem |
IFC class IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem. |
Class TIfcAppliedValue |
IFC class IfcAppliedValue. |
Class TIfcApproval |
IFC class IfcApproval. |
Class TIfcCoordinateOperation |
IFC class IfcCoordinateOperation. |
Class TIfcCoolingTowerType |
IFC class IfcCoolingTowerType. |
Class TIfcAnnotation |
IFC class IfcAnnotation. |
Class TIfcAnnotationFillArea |
IFC class IfcAnnotationFillArea. |
Class TIfcCooledBeam |
IFC class IfcCooledBeam. |
Class TIfcCooledBeamType |
IFC class IfcCooledBeamType. |
Class TIfcExternalSpatialStructureElement |
IFC class IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement. |
Class TIfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle |
IFC class IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle. |
Class TIfcCondenser |
IFC class IfcCondenser. |
Class TIfcAlarmType |
IFC class IfcAlarmType. |
Class TIfcChimneyType |
IFC class IfcChimneyType. |
Class TIfcCoolingTower |
IFC class IfcCoolingTower. |
Class TIfcAlignmentParameterSegment |
IFC class IfcAlignmentParameterSegment. |
Class TIfcEvaporatorType |
IFC class IfcEvaporatorType. |
Class TIfcCurveStyleFontPattern |
IFC class IfcCurveStyleFontPattern. |
Class TIfcExternalInformation |
IFC class IfcExternalInformation. |
Class TIfcSineSpiral |
IFC class IfcSineSpiral. |
Class TIfcCircleHollowProfileDef |
IFC class IfcCircleHollowProfileDef. |
Class TIfcClassification |
IFC class IfcClassification. |
Class TIfcClothoid |
IFC class IfcClothoid. |
Class TIfcSlippageConnectionCondition |
IFC class IfcSlippageConnectionCondition. |
Class TIfcSeventhOrderPolynomialSpiral |
IFC class IfcSeventhOrderPolynomialSpiral. |
Class TIfcResourceTime |
IFC class IfcResourceTime. |
Class TIfcCompressor |
IFC class IfcCompressor. |
Class TIfcCompressorType |
IFC class IfcCompressorType. |
Class TIfcRightCircularCone |
IFC class IfcRightCircularCone. |
Class TIfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered |
IFC class IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered. |
Class TIfcCompositeCurveSegment |
IFC class IfcCompositeCurveSegment. |
Class TIfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity. |
Class TIfcConstructionResource |
IFC class IfcConstructionResource. |
Class TIfcConstructionResourceType |
IFC class IfcConstructionResourceType. |
Class TIfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel |
IFC class IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel. |
Class TIfcConnectedFaceSet |
IFC class IfcConnectedFaceSet. |
Class TIfcConnectionPointEccentricity |
IFC class IfcConnectionPointEccentricity. |
Class TIfcRightCircularCylinder |
IFC class IfcRightCircularCylinder. |
Class TIfcSectionedSurface |
IFC class IfcSectionedSurface. |
Class TIfcSectionedSolidHorizontal |
IFC class IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal. |
Class TIfcSectionReinforcementProperties |
IFC class IfcSectionReinforcementProperties. |
Class TIfcSensor |
IFC class IfcSensor. |
Class TIfcSegmentedReferenceCurve |
IFC class IfcSegmentedReferenceCurve. |
Class TIfcColourRgb |
IFC class IfcColourRgb. |
Class TIfcRoadPart |
IFC class IfcRoadPart. |
Class TIfcCompositeCurveOnSurface |
IFC class IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface. |
Class TIfcRigidOperation |
IFC class IfcRigidOperation. |
Class TIfcSectionProperties |
IFC class IfcSectionProperties. |
Class TIfcSecondOrderPolynomialSpiral |
IFC class IfcSecondOrderPolynomialSpiral. |
Class TIfcSeamCurve |
IFC class IfcSeamCurve. |
Class TIfcTransportElementType |
IFC class IfcTransportElementType. |
Class TIfcAlignmentVerticalSegment |
IFC class IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment. |
Class TIfcAsset |
IFC class IfcAsset. |
Class TIfcTransportElement |
IFC class IfcTransportElement. |
Class TIfcAlignmentVertical |
IFC class IfcAlignmentVertical. |
Class TIfcAlignmentHorizontal |
IFC class IfcAlignmentHorizontal. |
Class TIfcAlignmentCantSegment |
IFC class IfcAlignmentCantSegment. |
Class TIfcAlignmentSegment |
IFC class IfcAlignmentSegment. |
Class TIfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment |
IFC class IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment. |
Class TIfcTaskTime |
IFC class IfcTaskTime. |
Class TIfcTaskType |
IFC class IfcTaskType. |
Class TIfcTankType |
IFC class IfcTankType. |
Class TIfcTask |
IFC class IfcTask. |
Class TIfcBooleanClippingResult |
IFC class IfcBooleanClippingResult. |
Class TIfcBSplineCurveWithKnots |
IFC class IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots. |
Class TIfcThirdOrderPolynomialSpiral |
IFC class IfcThirdOrderPolynomialSpiral. |
Class TIfcBlock |
IFC class IfcBlock. |
Class TIfcTextLiteralWithExtent |
IFC class IfcTextLiteralWithExtent. |
Class TIfcUnitaryControlElement |
IFC class IfcUnitaryControlElement. |
Class TIfcActuator |
IFC class IfcActuator. |
Class TIfcWindowLiningProperties |
IFC class IfcWindowLiningProperties. |
Class TIfcAirTerminalBox |
IFC class IfcAirTerminalBox. |
Class TIfcAdvancedBrep |
IFC class IfcAdvancedBrep. |
Class TIfcWindowPanelProperties |
IFC class IfcWindowPanelProperties. |
Class TIfcWorkTime |
IFC class IfcWorkTime. |
Class TIfcActionRequest |
IFC class IfcActionRequest. |
Class TIfcWorkCalendar |
IFC class IfcWorkCalendar. |
Class TIfcWorkControl |
IFC class IfcWorkControl. |
Class TIfcValve |
IFC class IfcValve. |
Class TIfcValveType |
IFC class IfcValveType. |
Class TIfcAlignmentCant |
IFC class IfcAlignmentCant. |
Class TIfcAlignment |
IFC class IfcAlignment. |
Class TIfcAlarm |
IFC class IfcAlarm. |
Class TIfcVertex |
IFC class IfcVertex. |
Class TIfcAirTerminalBoxType |
IFC class IfcAirTerminalBoxType. |
Class TIfcVehicle |
IFC class IfcVehicle. |
Class TIfcVehicleType |
IFC class IfcVehicleType. |
Class TIfcCableCarrierSegmentType |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierSegmentType. |
Class TIfcStructuralConnection |
IFC class IfcStructuralConnection. |
Class TIfcCableFitting |
IFC class IfcCableFitting. |
Class TIfcStructuralAction |
IFC class IfcStructuralAction. |
Class TIfcCableCarrierSegment |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierSegment. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadConfiguration |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadGroup |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadGroup. |
Class TIfcCableCarrierFittingType |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierFittingType. |
Class TIfcCableCarrierFitting |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierFitting. |
Class TIfcSpatialZoneType |
IFC class IfcSpatialZoneType. |
Class TIfcSphere |
IFC class IfcSphere. |
Class TIfcCenterLineProfileDef |
IFC class IfcCenterLineProfileDef. |
Class TIfcSpatialStructureElementType |
IFC class IfcSpatialStructureElementType. |
Class TIfcCaissonFoundationType |
IFC class IfcCaissonFoundationType. |
Class TIfcCableSegment |
IFC class IfcCableSegment. |
Class TIfcCableFittingType |
IFC class IfcCableFittingType. |
Class TIfcCaissonFoundation |
IFC class IfcCaissonFoundation. |
Class TIfcCableSegmentType |
IFC class IfcCableSegmentType. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadOrResult |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadOrResult. |
Class TIfcSwitchingDevice |
IFC class IfcSwitchingDevice. |
Class TIfcSwitchingDeviceType |
IFC class IfcSwitchingDeviceType. |
Class TIfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal |
IFC class IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal. |
Class TIfcSweptSurface |
IFC class IfcSweptSurface. |
Class TIfcSystem |
IFC class IfcSystem. |
Class TIfcBoundaryEdgeCondition |
IFC class IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition. |
Class TIfcTank |
IFC class IfcTank. |
Class TIfcBoundaryNodeCondition |
IFC class IfcBoundaryNodeCondition. |
Class TIfcBoundaryFaceCondition |
IFC class IfcBoundaryFaceCondition. |
Class TIfcStructuralResultGroup |
IFC class IfcStructuralResultGroup. |
Class TIfcStyledRepresentation |
IFC class IfcStyledRepresentation. |
Class TIfcStructuralMember |
IFC class IfcStructuralMember. |
Class TIfcStructuralReaction |
IFC class IfcStructuralReaction. |
Class TIfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid |
IFC class IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid. |
Class TIfcBoxedHalfSpace |
IFC class IfcBoxedHalfSpace. |
Class TIfcBoundedSurface |
IFC class IfcBoundedSurface. |
Class TIfcBridgePart |
IFC class IfcBridgePart. |
Class TIfcSurfaceStyleRendering |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleRendering. |
Class TIfcEarthworksFill |
IFC class IfcEarthworksFill. |
Class TIfcMarinePart |
IFC class IfcMarinePart. |
Class TIfcEdge |
IFC class IfcEdge. |
Class TIfcMapConversion |
IFC class IfcMapConversion. |
Class TIfcDuctSilencerType |
IFC class IfcDuctSilencerType. |
Class TIfcDuctSegment |
IFC class IfcDuctSegment. |
Class TIfcDuctFittingType |
IFC class IfcDuctFittingType. |
Class TIfcDuctSilencer |
IFC class IfcDuctSilencer. |
Class TIfcDuctSegmentType |
IFC class IfcDuctSegmentType. |
Class TIfcLightSourceAmbient |
IFC class IfcLightSourceAmbient. |
Class TIfcLightSourceDirectional |
IFC class IfcLightSourceDirectional. |
Class TIfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType. |
Class TIfcElectricFlowStorageDevice |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice. |
Class TIfcLightSourceGoniometric |
IFC class IfcLightSourceGoniometric. |
Class TIfcElectricDistributionBoard |
IFC class IfcElectricDistributionBoard. |
Class TIfcLoop |
IFC class IfcLoop. |
Class TIfcLightSourcePositional |
IFC class IfcLightSourcePositional. |
Class TIfcElectricDistributionBoardType |
IFC class IfcElectricDistributionBoardType. |
Class TIfcOffsetCurveByDistances |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurveByDistances. |
Class TIfcDistributionBoardType |
IFC class IfcDistributionBoardType. |
Class TIfcOffsetCurve2D |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurve2D. |
Class TIfcOffsetCurve3D |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurve3D. |
Class TIfcDistributionBoard |
IFC class IfcDistributionBoard. |
Class TIfcPermeableCoveringProperties |
IFC class IfcPermeableCoveringProperties. |
Class TIfcPermit |
IFC class IfcPermit. |
Class TIfcPath |
IFC class IfcPath. |
Class TIfcPerformanceHistory |
IFC class IfcPerformanceHistory. |
Class TIfcMetric |
IFC class IfcMetric. |
Class TIfcMirroredProfileDef |
IFC class IfcMirroredProfileDef. |
Class TIfcDuctFitting |
IFC class IfcDuctFitting. |
Class TIfcDoorPanelProperties |
IFC class IfcDoorPanelProperties. |
Class TIfcDoorLiningProperties |
IFC class IfcDoorLiningProperties. |
Class TIfcObjective |
IFC class IfcObjective. |
Class TIfcOccupant |
IFC class IfcOccupant. |
Class TIfcDocumentInformation |
IFC class IfcDocumentInformation. |
Class TIfcDistributionPort |
IFC class IfcDistributionPort. |
Class TIfcElectricFlowTreatmentDevice |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowTreatmentDevice. |
Class TIfcFaceBound |
IFC class IfcFaceBound. |
Class TIfcGeographicCRS |
IFC class IfcGeographicCRS. |
Class TIfcFacilityPartCommon |
IFC class IfcFacilityPartCommon. |
Class TIfcFacetedBrep |
IFC class IfcFacetedBrep. |
Class TIfcFace |
IFC class IfcFace. |
Class TIfcGeotechnicalStratum |
IFC class IfcGeotechnicalStratum. |
Class TIfcGradientCurve |
IFC class IfcGradientCurve. |
Class TIfcGeometricCurveSet |
IFC class IfcGeometricCurveSet. |
Class TIfcGeotechnicalAssembly |
IFC class IfcGeotechnicalAssembly. |
Class TIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid |
IFC class IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid. |
Class TIfcFlowInstrument |
IFC class IfcFlowInstrument. |
Class TIfcFilter |
IFC class IfcFilter. |
Class TIfcFilterType |
IFC class IfcFilterType. |
Class TIfcFanType |
IFC class IfcFanType. |
Class TIfcFan |
IFC class IfcFan. |
Class TIfcFailureConnectionCondition |
IFC class IfcFailureConnectionCondition. |
Class TIfcFlowMeter |
IFC class IfcFlowMeter. |
Class TIfcFlowMeterType |
IFC class IfcFlowMeterType. |
Class TIfcJunctionBoxType |
IFC class IfcJunctionBoxType. |
Class TIfcElementQuantity |
IFC class IfcElementQuantity. |
Class TIfcElementarySurface |
IFC class IfcElementarySurface. |
Class TIfcJunctionBox |
IFC class IfcJunctionBox. |
Class TIfcElectricTimeControlType |
IFC class IfcElectricTimeControlType. |
Class TIfcLibraryInformation |
IFC class IfcLibraryInformation. |
Class TIfcElectricFlowTreatmentDeviceType |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowTreatmentDeviceType. |
Class TIfcElectricTimeControl |
IFC class IfcElectricTimeControl. |
Class TIfcLagTime |
IFC class IfcLagTime. |
Class TIfcEventTime |
IFC class IfcEventTime. |
Class TIfcEvent |
IFC class IfcEvent. |
Class TIfcExternalSpatialElement |
IFC class IfcExternalSpatialElement. |
Class TIfcEventType |
IFC class IfcEventType. |
Class TIfcInterceptor |
IFC class IfcInterceptor. |
Class TIfcInventory |
IFC class IfcInventory. |
Class TIfcIrregularTimeSeries |
IFC class IfcIrregularTimeSeries. |
Class TIfcInterceptorType |
IFC class IfcInterceptorType. |
Class TIfcIntersectionCurve |
IFC class IfcIntersectionCurve. |
Class TIfcProjectedCRS |
IFC class IfcProjectedCRS. |
Class TIfcProjectionElement |
IFC class IfcProjectionElement. |
Class TIfcProcedureType |
IFC class IfcProcedureType. |
Class TIfcProjectOrder |
IFC class IfcProjectOrder. |
Class TIfcProtectiveDevice |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDevice. |
Class TIfcPump |
IFC class IfcPump. |
Class TIfcPumpType |
IFC class IfcPumpType. |
Class TIfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit. |
Class TIfcProtectiveDeviceType |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDeviceType. |
Class TIfcDamper |
IFC class IfcDamper. |
Class TIfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace |
IFC class IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace. |
Class TIfcPlanarBox |
IFC class IfcPlanarBox. |
Class TIfcDamperType |
IFC class IfcDamperType. |
Class TIfcPreDefinedColour |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedColour. |
Class TIfcPreDefinedTextFont |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedTextFont. |
Class TIfcProcedure |
IFC class IfcProcedure. |
Class TIfcPreDefinedCurveFont |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedCurveFont. |
Class TIfcCurveSegment |
IFC class IfcCurveSegment. |
Class TIfcCostValue |
IFC class IfcCostValue. |
Class TIfcController |
IFC class IfcController. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToActor |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToActor. |
Class TIfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties |
IFC class IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties. |
Class TIfcConveyorSegment |
IFC class IfcConveyorSegment. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToControl |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToControl. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToProduct |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToProduct. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToResource |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToResource. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToGroup |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToGroup. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToProcess |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToProcess. |
Class TIfcRailwayPart |
IFC class IfcRailwayPart. |
Class TIfcCosineSpiral |
IFC class IfcCosineSpiral. |
Class TIfcCostSchedule |
IFC class IfcCostSchedule. |
Class TIfcCostItem |
IFC class IfcCostItem. |
Class TIfcRectangularPyramid |
IFC class IfcRectangularPyramid. |
Class TIfcReinforcedSoil |
IFC class IfcReinforcedSoil. |
Class TIfcReinforcementBarProperties |
IFC class IfcReinforcementBarProperties. |
Class TIfcConveyorSegmentType |
IFC class IfcConveyorSegmentType. |
Class TIfcRegularTimeSeries |
IFC class IfcRegularTimeSeries. |
Class TIfcPileType |
IFC class IfcPileType. |
Class TIfcPipeFittingType |
IFC class IfcPipeFittingType. |
Class TIfcPipeSegmentType |
IFC class IfcPipeSegmentType. |
Class TIfcPipeSegment |
IFC class IfcPipeSegment. |
Class TIfcPipeFitting |
IFC class IfcPipeFitting. |
Class TIfcPile |
IFC class IfcPile. |
Class TIfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity |
IFC class IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity. |
Class TIfcPhysicalComplexQuantity |
IFC class IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity. |
Class TIfcOrientedEdge_Temp |
IFC internal class IfcOrientedEdge-temp (not in specification, only in XSD). |
Class TIfcToroidalSurface |
IFC class IfcToroidalSurface. |
Class TIfcQuantityTime |
IFC class IfcQuantityTime. |
Class TIfcQuantityWeight |
IFC class IfcQuantityWeight. |
Class TIfcOpenShell |
IFC class IfcOpenShell. |
Class TIfcQuantityVolume |
IFC class IfcQuantityVolume. |
Class TIfcLaborResource |
IFC class IfcLaborResource. |
Class TIfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType |
IFC class IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType. |
Class TIfcConstructionEquipmentResource |
IFC class IfcConstructionEquipmentResource. |
Class TIfcBSplineSurface |
IFC class IfcBSplineSurface. |
Class TIfcConstructionMaterialResourceType |
IFC class IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType. |
Class TIfcConstructionMaterialResource |
IFC class IfcConstructionMaterialResource. |
Class TIfcQuantityNumber |
IFC class IfcQuantityNumber. |
Class TIfcLaborResourceType |
IFC class IfcLaborResourceType. |
Class TIfcQuantityLength |
IFC class IfcQuantityLength. |
Class TIfcQuantityArea |
IFC class IfcQuantityArea. |
Class TIfcQuantityCount |
IFC class IfcQuantityCount. |
Class TIfcSphericalSurface |
IFC class IfcSphericalSurface. |
Class TIfcStructuralAnalysisModel |
IFC class IfcStructuralAnalysisModel. |
Class TIfcGeomodel |
IFC class IfcGeomodel. |
Class TIfcStructuralCurveAction |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveAction. |
Class TIfcGeoslice |
IFC class IfcGeoslice. |
Class TIfcFaceSurface |
IFC class IfcFaceSurface. |
Class TIfcDirectrixDerivedReferenceSweptAreaSolid |
IFC class IfcDirectrixDerivedReferenceSweptAreaSolid. |
Class TIfcVertexPoint |
IFC class IfcVertexPoint. |
Class TIfcFaceOuterBound |
IFC class IfcFaceOuterBound. |
Class TIfcVertexLoop |
IFC class IfcVertexLoop. |
Class TIfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor. |
Class TIfcRectangularTrimmedSurface |
IFC class IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface. |
Class TIfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots |
IFC class IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadCase |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadCase. |
Class TIfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids |
IFC class IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids. |
Class TIfcStructuralCurveMember |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveMember. |
Class TIfcStructuralCurveConnection |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveConnection. |
Class TIfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment |
IFC class IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment. |
Class TIfcStructuralCurveReaction |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveReaction. |
Class TIfcFacetedBrepWithVoids |
IFC class IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids. |
Class TIfcTextStyleFontModel |
IFC class IfcTextStyleFontModel. |
Class TIfcSurfaceReinforcementArea |
IFC class IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea. |
Class TIfcBuildingSystem |
IFC class IfcBuildingSystem. |
Class TIfcSurfaceOfRevolution |
IFC class IfcSurfaceOfRevolution. |
Class TIfcBuiltSystem |
IFC class IfcBuiltSystem. |
Class TIfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion |
IFC class IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion. |
Class TIfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour |
IFC class IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour. |
Class TIfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont |
IFC class IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont. |
Class TIfcPolyLoop |
IFC class IfcPolyLoop. |
Class TIfcSpaceType |
IFC class IfcSpaceType. |
Class TIfcCylindricalSurface |
IFC class IfcCylindricalSurface. |
Class TIfcStructuralSurfaceConnection |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection. |
Class TIfcSubContractResource |
IFC class IfcSubContractResource. |
Class TIfcStructuralSurfaceReaction |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceReaction. |
Class TIfcStructuralSurfaceMember |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceMember. |
Class TIfcZone |
IFC class IfcZone. |
Class TIfcDistributionSystem |
IFC class IfcDistributionSystem. |
Class TIfcStructuralSurfaceAction |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceAction. |
Class TIfcPlane |
IFC class IfcPlane. |
Class TIfcSubContractResourceType |
IFC class IfcSubContractResourceType. |
Class TIfcSubedge |
IFC class IfcSubedge. |
Class TIfcStructuralPointReaction |
IFC class IfcStructuralPointReaction. |
Class TIfcBorehole |
IFC class IfcBorehole. |
Class TIfcEdgeLoop |
IFC class IfcEdgeLoop. |
Class TIfcEdgeCurve |
IFC class IfcEdgeCurve. |
Class TIfcWorkPlan |
IFC class IfcWorkPlan. |
Class TIfcBoundaryCurve |
IFC class IfcBoundaryCurve. |
Class TIfcCrewResource |
IFC class IfcCrewResource. |
Class TIfcConstructionProductResource |
IFC class IfcConstructionProductResource. |
Class TIfcLightSourceSpot |
IFC class IfcLightSourceSpot. |
Class TIfcConstructionProductResourceType |
IFC class IfcConstructionProductResourceType. |
Class TIfcCrewResourceType |
IFC class IfcCrewResourceType. |
Class TIfcTaskTimeRecurring |
IFC class IfcTaskTimeRecurring. |
Class TIfcCurveBoundedSurface |
IFC class IfcCurveBoundedSurface. |
Class TIfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping |
IFC class IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping. |
Class TIfcStructuralPointConnection |
IFC class IfcStructuralPointConnection. |
Class TIfcStructuralPointAction |
IFC class IfcStructuralPointAction. |
Class TIfcClosedShell |
IFC class IfcClosedShell. |
Class TIfcWorkSchedule |
IFC class IfcWorkSchedule. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadStatic |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadStatic. |
Class TIfcCurveBoundedPlane |
IFC class IfcCurveBoundedPlane. |
Class TIfcMapConversionScaled |
IFC class IfcMapConversionScaled. |
Class TIfcAdvancedFace |
IFC class IfcAdvancedFace. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadSingleForce |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement. |
Class TIfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots |
IFC class IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadTemperature |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadTemperature. |
Class TIfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying. |
Class TIfcDistributionCircuit |
IFC class IfcDistributionCircuit. |
Class TIfcStructuralPlanarAction |
IFC class IfcStructuralPlanarAction. |
Class TIfcOrientedEdge |
IFC class IfcOrientedEdge. |
Class TIfcOuterBoundaryCurve |
IFC class IfcOuterBoundaryCurve. |
Class TIfcStructuralLinearAction |
IFC class IfcStructuralLinearAction. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadLinearForce |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce. |
Class TIfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying. |
Class TIfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots |
IFC class IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion. |
Class TIfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping. |
Class TCastleIfcMapping |
Maintains mapping between IFC concepts and X3D nodes. |
Functions and Procedures
function IfcClasses: TIfcPersistentClassList; |
function IfcJsonLoad(const Json: TJsonData): TIfcFile; overload; |
function IfcJsonLoad(const Url: String): TIfcFile; overload; |
function IfcJsonSave(const IfcFile: TIfcFile): TJsonObject; overload; |
procedure IfcJsonSave(const IfcFile: TIfcFile; const Url: String); overload; |
function IfcToX3D(const Ifc: TIfcFile; const BaseUrl: String): TX3DRootNode; |
function X3DToIfc(const Node: TX3DRootNode): TIfcFile; |
Functions and Procedures
function IfcClasses: TIfcPersistentClassList; |
List of all IFC classes that are defined in this unit. This includes all IFC non-abstract classes and also some abstract classes that are referred to by lists (because, to check and resolve references in IFC files, we need to know about them). To register new, custom IFC classes, just add new items to this list, like |
function IfcJsonLoad(const Json: TJsonData): TIfcFile; overload; |
Load IFC from JSON. All the IFC class instances in the resulting graph are owned by the returned TIfcFile instance, so you can easily free them by just freing the resulting TIfcFile. If you create your own instances of IFC classes, you can follow your own idea of a memory management. But if you want to keep it simple, and you want to free everything by just freeing the resulting TIfcFile instance, then just create all IFC instances with the owner being the returned TIfcFile instance. |
function IfcJsonLoad(const Url: String): TIfcFile; overload; |
This item has no description. |
function IfcJsonSave(const IfcFile: TIfcFile): TJsonObject; overload; |
Save IFC to JSON. |
procedure IfcJsonSave(const IfcFile: TIfcFile; const Url: String); overload; |
This item has no description. |
function IfcToX3D(const Ifc: TIfcFile; const BaseUrl: String): TX3DRootNode; |
Convert IFC file to X3D. |
function X3DToIfc(const Node: TX3DRootNode): TIfcFile; |
Convert X3D content to IFC. |
TIfcPersistentList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcPersistent>; |
List of TIfcPersistent instances. |
TIfcPersistentClass = class of TIfcPersistent; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcReal = Single; |
Float type used throughout IFC. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcReal.htm |
TIfcPositiveLengthMeasure = Single; |
Positive distance. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcPositiveLengthMeasure.htm |
TIfcPositiveRatioMeasure = Single; |
Ratio measure that is greater than zero. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcPositiveRatioMeasure.htm |
TIfcLengthMeasure = Single; |
Distance. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcLengthMeasure.htm |
TIfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure = Single; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcAreaMeasure = Single; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcDimensionCount = 1..3; |
Number of dimensions. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcDimensionCount.htm |
TIfcLabel = String; |
Text label. https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcLabel.htm |
TIfcText = String; |
Text. https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcText.htm |
TIfcIdentifier = String; |
Identifier. https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcIdentifier.htm |
TIfcTimeStamp = Int64; |
Indication of date and time by measuring the number of seconds which have elapsed since 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcTimeStamp.htm |
TIfcURIReference = String; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcNormalisedRatioMeasure = Single; |
Dimensionless measure to express ratio values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure.htm |
TIfcLogical = Boolean; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcPresentationStyleList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcPresentationStyle>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcLayeredItem = TObject; |
Collection of all those items, that are assigned to a single layer. This is either TIfcRepresentationItem or TIfcRepresentation. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcLayeredItem.htm |
TIfcLayeredItemList = Contnrs.TObjectList; |
List of TIfcLayeredItem. |
TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTexturesList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcIndexedTextureMapList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcIndexedTextureMap>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcIndexedPolygonalFaceList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcIndexedPolygonalFace>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcCurveList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcCurve>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcTrimmingPreference = (...); |
Preferred way of trimming. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcTrimmingPreference.htm Values
TIfcSegmentIndexSelectList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcSegmentIndexSelect>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcResourceObjectSelect = TIfcPersistent; |
Selection of resource level objects that are to be related to an resource level relationship object. This must be one of the classes listed in spec on https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcResourceObjectSelect.htm |
TIfcPropertyDependencyRelationshipList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcPropertyDependencyRelationship>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcProfileTypeEnum = (...); |
Defines whether the definition of a profile shape shall be geometrically resolved into a curve or into a surface. Values
TIfcProfileDefList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcProfileDef>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcRoleEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcActorRoleList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcActorRole>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcAddressTypeEnum = (...); |
Logical location of the address. https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcAddressTypeEnum.htm Values
TIfcStateEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcChangeActionEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcObjectDefinitionList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcObjectDefinition>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcPropertySetDefinitionList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcPropertySetDefinition>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcPropertySetList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcPropertySet>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcAxis2Placement = TIfcPlacement; |
Always either TIfcAxis2Placement2D or TIfcAxis2Placement3D. This is not a class, but a choice in IFC standard. So in Pascal we also don't define it as new class (to keep our inheritance of classes consistent with IFC). Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcAxis2Placement.htm |
TIfcMappedItemList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcMappedItem>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcRepresentationMapList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRepresentationMap>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcAirTerminalTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum = (...); |
Types of system furniture, used by TIfcSystemFurnitureElementType.PredefinedType, TIfcSystemFurnitureElement.PredefinedType. Values
TIfcFurnitureTypeEnum = (...); |
Types of furniture from which the type required can be selected. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.htm Values
TIfcAssemblyPlaceEnum = (...); |
Where the assembly is intended to take place, either in a factory or on the building site. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum.htm Values
TIfcBoilerTypeEnum = (...); |
Typical types of boilers. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcBoilerTypeEnum.htm Values
TIfcBeamTypeEnum = (...); |
Predefined types of beams that can further specify an TIfcBeam or TIfcBeamType. Values
TIfcActuatorTypeEnum = (...); |
Range of different types of actuator that can be specified. Spec: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcActuatorTypeEnum.htm Values
TIfcSlabTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcWindowTypeEnum = (...); |
Used for TIfcWindow.PredefinedType and TIfcWindowType.PredefinedType. Values
TIfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum = (...); |
Basic configuration of the window type in terms of the number of window panels and the subdivision of the total window. Used for TIfcWindow.PartitioningType and TIfcWindowType.PartitioningType. Values
TIfcGridTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcVirtualGridIntersectionList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcVirtualGridIntersection>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcElementCompositionEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcRelInterferesElementsList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRelInterferesElements>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcRelProjectsElementList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRelProjectsElement>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElementsList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcInternalOrExternalEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcRelSpaceBoundaryList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRelSpaceBoundary>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcRelCoversBldgElementsList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRelCoversBldgElements>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcRelAdheresToElementList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcRelAdheresToElement>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcOpeningElementTypeEnum = (...); |
Used by TIfcOpeningElement.PredefinedType. Values
TIfcDoorTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcDoorTypeOperationEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcColumnTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcWallTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcDerivedUnitElementList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcDerivedUnitElement>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcDerivedUnitEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcUnitEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcSIPrefix = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcSIUnitName = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcGeometricProjectionEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcMaterialProfileList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcMaterialProfile>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcMaterialRelationshipList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcMaterialRelationship>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentationList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcMaterialConstituentList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcMaterialConstituent>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcMaterialLayerList = specialize TObjectList<TIfcMaterialLayer>; |
This item has no description. |
TIfcLayerSetDirectionEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TIfcDirectionSenseEnum = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.