Class TIfcPolygonalFaceSet



type TIfcPolygonalFaceSet = class(TIfcTessellatedFaceSet)


Tessellated face set with all faces being bound by polygons. This is what is most commonly referred to as "a mesh" in 3D.





Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function BuildNode(const Mapping: TCastleIfcMapping; const ParentProduct: TIfcProduct; const Appearance: TAppearanceNode): TAbstractChildNode; override;


Published property Closed: Boolean read FClosed write FClosed default false;
Published property Faces: TIfcIndexedPolygonalFaceList read FFaces;
Published property PnIndex: TIntegerList read FPnIndex;



Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TIfcTessellatedFaceSet.Create.

TODO FHasColours: TIfcIndexedColourMap; TODO FHasTextures: TIfcIndexedTextureMapList;

Public destructor Destroy; override;

This item has no description.

Public function BuildNode(const Mapping: TCastleIfcMapping; const ParentProduct: TIfcProduct; const Appearance: TAppearanceNode): TAbstractChildNode; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TIfcRepresentationItem.BuildNode.

Build a node to display this using Castle Game Engine. Returns Nil if not possible / not implemented.


Published property Closed: Boolean read FClosed write FClosed default false;

Indication whether the face set is a closed shell (TRUE) or an open shell (FALSE).

IFC spec says: If omitted no such information can be asserted. For our implementation, "no such information can be asserted" means it shall be treated as an open shell, so we don't introduce a 3rd state.

Published property Faces: TIfcIndexedPolygonalFaceList read FFaces;

List of polygonal faces.

Published property PnIndex: TIntegerList read FPnIndex;

The list of integers defining the locations in the IfcCartesianPointList3D to obtain the point coordinates for the indices at the indexed polygonal faces. If the PnIndex is not provided the indices at the indexed polygonal faces point directly into the IfcCartesianPointList3D.

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