EBox3DEmpty |
CastleBoxes |
ECannotAddToAnotherWorld |
CastleTransform |
ECannotDecompressTexture |
CastleImages |
ECannotLoadCompressedTexture |
CastleGLImages |
ECannotOpenFirstVideoFrame |
CastleVideos |
ECannotSaveTextureContents |
CastleGLImages |
Raised by SaveTextureContents when we cannot get texture contents. |
ECasScriptAnyMathError |
CastleScript |
ECasScriptAssignError |
CastleScript |
ECasScriptError |
CastleScript |
ECasScriptFunctionArgumentsError |
CastleScript |
ECasScriptFunctionNoHandler |
CastleScript |
ECasScriptLexerError |
CastleScriptLexer |
ECasScriptMissingFunction |
CastleScript |
ECasScriptParserError |
CastleScriptLexer |
ECasScriptSyntaxError |
CastleScriptLexer |
A common class for ECasScriptLexerError and ECasScriptParserError |
ECheckFailed |
CastleUtils |
EComponentNotFound |
CastleComponentSerialize |
EConnectedSameAsParent |
CastleTransform |
ECurveFileInvalid |
CastleCurves |
EDeformatError |
CastleStringUtils |
EDOMAttributeMissing |
CastleXmlUtils |
EDOMChildElementError |
CastleXmlUtils |
EDownloadError |
CastleDownload |
EDynLibError |
CastleDynLib |
EExcessiveOptionArgument |
CastleParameters |
EExeNameNotAvailable |
CastleFilesUtils |
EFramebufferError |
CastleGLImages |
type - don't add this Delphi can't parse it correctly |
EFramebufferInvalid |
CastleGLImages |
EFramebufferSizeTooLow |
CastleGLImages |
EGLContextNotPossible |
CastleWindow |
EGLSLAttributeNotFound |
CastleGLShaders |
EGLSLError |
CastleGLShaders |
Common class for exceptions related to GLSL programs. |
EGLSLProgramLinkError |
CastleGLShaders |
EGLSLShaderCompileError |
CastleGLShaders |
EGLSLTransformFeedbackError |
CastleGLShaders |
EImageAssignmentError |
CastleImages |
EImageCannotConvertFpImage |
CastleImages |
EImageClassNotSupportedForOpenGL |
CastleGLImages |
EImageDrawError |
CastleImages |
EImageFormatNotSupported |
CastleImages |
EImageLerpDifferentSizes |
CastleImages |
EImageLerpError |
CastleImages |
EImageLerpInvalidClasses |
CastleImages |
EImageLoadError |
CastleImages |
EImagePosOutOfRange |
CastleImages |
Raised by TCastleImage.MakeExtracted when coordinates on image are wrong. |
EImageSaveError |
CastleImages |
Raised by SaveImage when it's not possible to save image. |
EInternalError |
CastleUtils |
Internal error (bug) in the program. |
EInvalidChar |
CastleStringUtils |
EInvalidComponentFile |
CastleComponentSerialize |
EInvalidFadeFrames |
CastleVideos |
EInvalidGeometryIndex |
X3DNodes |
EInvalidIfc |
CastleIfc |
Invalid IFC file exception. |
EInvalidImageFormat |
CastleImages |
EInvalidImageForOpenGLTexture |
CastleGLImages |
EInvalidLongOption |
CastleParameters |
EInvalidNurbs |
X3DFields |
EInvalidParams |
CastleParameters |
EInvalidShortOption |
CastleParameters |
EInvalidSoundBufferFree |
CastleSoundEngine |
EInvalidSoundRepositoryXml |
CastleSoundEngine |
ELinearInterpolationImpossible |
CastleUtils |
TStructList |
ELinesParallel |
CastleVectors |
EListsDifferentCount |
CastleUtils |
Raised by various AssignLerp implementations on lists, like TStructList.AssignLerp, when the arguments have different length. |
EMaximumDesignDepth |
CastleControls |
Copyright 2018-2024 Michalis Kamburelis. |
EMaximumTransformDesignDepth |
CastleTransform |
type |
EMissingAttribute |
CastleXMLConfig |
EMissingOptionArgument |
CastleParameters |
EMultipleReferencesInWorld |
CastleTransform |
ENodeClassRegisterError |
X3DNodes |
ENodesManagerError |
X3DNodes |
ENoMoreSources |
CastleSoundBase |
ENotAddedToWorld |
CastleTransform |
ENotCoordinateBasedNode |
X3DNodes |
EPhysicsError |
CastleTransform |
EPlanesParallel |
CastleVectors |
EProtocolAlreadyRegistered |
CastleDownload |
ERemoveFailed |
CastleFilesUtils |
ESaveError |
CastleDownload |
ESectorNotInitialized |
CastleSectors |
EShortErrorMessage |
CastleUtils |
Descend from this to mark exceptions that should be shown in more concise way by ExceptMessage function. |
ESoundBufferNotLoaded |
CastleSoundEngine |
ESoundFileError |
CastleSoundBase |
EStreamNotImplemented |
CastleClassUtils |
EStreamNotImplementedSeek |
CastleClassUtils |
EStreamNotImplementedSetSize |
CastleClassUtils |
EStreamNotImplementedWrite |
CastleClassUtils |
ETextureLoadError |
CastleGLImages |
ETransformedResultInvalid |
CastleUtils |
ETransformParentUndefined |
CastleTransform |
ETranslationEmptyId |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
EUnableToLoadImage |
CastleImages |
EUnknownPercentFormat |
CastleStringUtils |
EVectorInvalidOp |
CastleUtils |
EViewportNotAssigned |
CastleCameras |
EWaypointNotInitialized |
CastleSectors |
EWrongOptionArgument |
CastleParameters |
EX3DError |
X3DFields |
Any error related to VRML/X3D. |
EX3DFieldAssign |
X3DFields |
EX3DFieldAssignInvalidClass |
X3DFields |
EX3DNotFound |
X3DFields |
Raised by various X3D methods searching for X3D items (nodes, fields, events and such) when given item cannot be found. |
EX3DPrototypeInstantiateError |
X3DNodes |
Raised when there's a problem instantiating X3D prototype, see TX3DPrototypeNode.Instantiate. |
EZipNotOpen |
CastleZip |
TAbstract3DBackgroundNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract type from which 3D backgrounds inherit. |
TAbstractAppearanceChildNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for the child nodes of TAbstractAppearanceNode. |
TAbstractAppearanceNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all Appearance nodes. |
TAbstractBackgroundNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract type from which all backgrounds inherit. |
TAbstractBindableNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract base type for all bindable children nodes. |
TAbstractCameraNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
Common base class for all cameras in VRML 1.0. |
TAbstractChildNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract node type that indicates that the node may be used as a child of a grouping node, e.g. |
TAbstractColorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node for color specifications. |
TAbstractCommonInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Common base class for all implemented interpolator nodes. |
TAbstractComposedGeometryNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all composed 3D geometry. |
TAbstractCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all coordinate node types. |
TAbstractCubicBezierInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Copyright 2002-2022 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TAbstractDirectionalLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Base class for all directional lights. |
TAbstractDragSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all drag-style pointing device sensors. |
TAbstractEnvironmentalSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all the environmental sensor nodes. |
TAbstractEnvironmentTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for cubic environment map textures. |
TAbstractFontStyleNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all font style nodes. |
TAbstractGeometricPropertyNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all geometric property node types. |
TAbstractGeometryNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node for a visible geometry in X3D. |
TAbstractGeometryNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
Geometry node allowed only in VRML <= 1.0. |
TAbstractGroupingNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node that contains children nodes. |
TAbstractIndexedNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
Common base class for VRML 1.0 indexed nodes (IndexedFaceSet, IndexedTriangleMesh, IndexedLineSet). |
TAbstractInfoNode |
X3DNodes |
Base class for all nodes that contain only information without visual semantics. |
TAbstractInternalGroupingNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node that may contain children nodes. |
TAbstractInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Basis for all nodes interpolating (animating) values. |
TAbstractKeyDeviceSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all sensor node types that operate using key devices. |
TAbstractLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Base class for all the light nodes. |
TAbstractMaterialNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all Material nodes. |
TAbstractMetadataNode |
X3DNodes |
Basis for all metadata nodes. |
TAbstractNetworkSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Basis for all sensors that generate events based on network activity. |
TAbstractNode |
X3DNodes |
Base X3D node that can have some metadata. |
TAbstractNormalNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all normal node types. |
TAbstractNurbsControlCurveNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for nodes that provide control curve information in 2D space. |
TAbstractNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract geometry type for all types of NURBS surfaces. |
TAbstractOneSidedMaterialNode |
X3DNodes |
TAbstractParametricGeometryNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all geometry node types that are created parametrically and use control points to describe the final shape of the surface. |
TAbstractPointingDeviceSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all pointing device sensors. |
TAbstractPointLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Point light source, that shines from a given point in all directions around, for all VRML and X3D versions. |
TAbstractPositionalLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Base class for all positional lights. |
TAbstractProductStructureChildNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract class for (most) nodes that are valid product structure children. |
TAbstractPunctualLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Base class for all "punctual" light nodes (that have a position and/or direction). |
TAbstractScriptNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract node type for all scripting nodes. |
TAbstractSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base abstract class for most (but not all) sensors. |
TAbstractSeparatorNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
Base class for VRML 1.0 nodes that push / pop all attributes and matrices. |
TAbstractSequencerNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type from which all sequencers (like TIntegerSequencerNode and TBooleanSequencerNode) are derived. |
TAbstractShaderNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all node types that specify a programmable shader. |
TAbstractShapeNode |
X3DNodes |
Base node type for all Shape nodes. |
TAbstractSingleTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all nodes which specify a texture coordinate, but not MultiTextureCoordinate. |
TAbstractSingleTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all nodes which specify a texture, but not multi-texture. |
TAbstractSingleTextureTransformNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all nodes which specify a texture coordinate transform, but not MultiTextureTransform. |
TAbstractSoundNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all sound nodes. |
TAbstractSoundSourceNode |
X3DNodes |
Base class for most (but not all) nodes that can emit audio data. |
TAbstractTexture2DNode |
X3DNodes |
2D texture. |
TAbstractTexture3DNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all node types that specify 3D sources for texture images. |
TAbstractTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all nodes which specify texture coordinates. |
TAbstractTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all nodes which specify a texture, possibly multi-texture. |
TAbstractTextureTransformNode |
X3DNodes |
Base for all nodes which specify a transformation of texture coordinates. |
TAbstractTimeDependentNode |
X3DNodes |
Abstract node from which most (but not all) time-dependent nodes are derived. |
TAbstractTouchSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all touch-style pointing device sensors. |
TAbstractTransformationNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
Common base class for all VRML 1 nodes that modify the transformation. |
TAbstractTriggerNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type from which all trigger nodes are derived. |
TAbstractVertexAttributeNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for all node types that specify per-vertex attribute information to the shader. |
TAbstractViewpointNode |
X3DNodes |
Base type for viewpoints in X3D, which are locations from which the user may view the scene. |
TActivityRecognition |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Activity recognition (detects user stationary, walking, running and so on) (TActivityRecognition ). |
TAds |
CastleAds |
Advertisements in game. |
TAnalytics |
CastleAnalytics |
Gathering analytics through Google Analytics https://www.google.com/analytics/ and / or Game Analytics http://www.gameanalytics.com/ . |
TAnchorNode |
X3DNodes |
Load the URL when the user activates (clicks) some geometry contained within the Anchor node's children. |
TAppearanceNode |
X3DNodes |
Visual properties of geometry. |
TArc2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Circular arc in 2D. |
TArcClose2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Closed circular arc in 2D. |
TAsciiTextNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TAudioClipNode |
X3DNodes |
Buffer for sound data, which can be played by the TSoundNode. |
TAvailableProduct |
CastleInAppPurchases |
Information about product possible to be bought given to TInAppPurchases.SetAvailableProducts. |
TBackgroundNode |
X3DNodes |
3D background of a scene, comprised of sky and ground colors (gradients) and optional six textures (skybox). |
TBackgroundStack |
CastleSceneCore |
TBaseShadowVolumeRenderer |
CastleTransform |
Shadow volumes helper, not depending on OpenGL. |
TBillboardNode |
X3DNodes |
Grouping node that transforms the coordinate system of its children so that they always turn towards the viewer. |
TBlendModeNode |
X3DNodes |
Customize blending (partial transparency) mode. |
TBooleanFilterNode |
X3DNodes |
Filters boolean events, allowing for selective routing of TRUE or FALSE values and negation. |
TBooleanList |
CastleUtils |
List of booleans. |
TBooleanSequencerNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate sequential boolean events. |
TBooleanToggleNode |
X3DNodes |
Stores a boolean value for toggling on/off. |
TBooleanTriggerNode |
X3DNodes |
Trigger node that generates Boolean events upon receiving time events. |
TBorder |
CastleVectors |
Configurable border size for TCastleUserInterface.Border. |
TBox3D |
CastleBoxes |
Axis-aligned box. |
TBoxNode |
X3DNodes |
Rectangular box. |
TBufferedReadStream |
CastleClassUtils |
Read another stream, sequentially, always being able to back one character, and buffering it. |
TCADAssemblyNode |
X3DNodes |
Holds a set of assemblies or parts grouped together. |
TCADFaceNode |
X3DNodes |
Holds the geometry representing a face of a part. |
TCADLayerNode |
X3DNodes |
Hierarchy of nodes used for showing layer structure for the CAD model. |
TCADPartNode |
X3DNodes |
Represents the location and faces that constitute a part in the CAD model. |
TCardinalList |
CastleUtils |
List of Cardinal (unsigned) values. |
TCasScriptAbs |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptAdd |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptAnd |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcCos |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcCotan |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcSin |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcTan |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayD |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayFun |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayGet |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayGetCount |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArraySet |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArraySetCount |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptAssignment |
CastleScript |
CastleScript assignment operator. |
TCasScriptBool |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptBoolean |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptBooleanArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptCatmullRomSpline |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptCeil |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCharacterFromCode |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCoalesce |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptCos |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCosh |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCotan |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCotanh |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCurve |
CastleCurves |
Curve defined by explicitly giving functions for Point(t) = x(t), y(t), z(t) as CastleScript expressions. |
TCasScriptDeg |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
CastleScript function deg that converts degrees to radians. |
TCasScriptDoubleArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptEnvironment |
CastleScript |
Various information that may be useful for implementing some function handlers, but that should be supplied from outside of CastleScript. |
TCasScriptEqual |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptExp |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptExpression |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptExpressionList |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptFloat |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptFloatDivide |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptFloatFun |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptFloor |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptFor |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptFunction |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptFunctionHandlers |
CastleScript |
This specifies for each type combination (array of TCasScriptValue classes) and for each function (TCasScriptFunction class) how they should be handled. |
TCasScriptGrayscale |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptGreater |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptGreaterEq |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptHermiteSpline |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptHermiteTenseSpline |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptIf |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptImage |
CastleScriptImages |
TODO: Depends on CastleVectors, which is not for Delphi now |
TCasScriptImageComponents |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageFun |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageGet |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageGetAlpha |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageGetColor |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageHeight |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageLoad |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageSet |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageSetAlpha |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageSetColor |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageWidth |
CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptInt |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptInt32Array |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptIntDivide |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptInteger |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptLerp |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLesser |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLesserEq |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLexer |
CastleScriptLexer |
TCasScriptLn |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLog |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLog2 |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptMatrix |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix3d |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix3dArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrix3f |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix3fArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrix4d |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix4dArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrix4f |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix4fArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrixFun |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrixGet |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrixGetCount |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrixSet |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMax |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptMin |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptModulo |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptMultiply |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptNegate |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptNot |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptNotEqual |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptOr |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptOrientationFromDirectionUp |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptOrientationToDirection |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptOrientationToUp |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptParameterValue |
CastleScript |
This is a very special CastleScript value, used to represent user-defined function parameter. |
TCasScriptPower |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptPower2 |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptProgram |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptRandom |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptRegisteredHandler |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptRotate |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptRound |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSearchArgumentClassesCache |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptSequence |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptSgn |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptShortcut |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
CastleScript function shortcut , see [https://castle-engine.io/castle_script.php#function_shortcut]. |
TCasScriptSin |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSingleArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptSinh |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSlerp |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptSqr |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSqrt |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptString |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptStringArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptStringFun |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSubtract |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptTan |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptTanh |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptUserFunction |
CastleScript |
CastleScript user function definition. |
TCasScriptUserFunctionList |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptValue |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptValueList |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptVec |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec2d |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec2dArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec2f |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec2fArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec3d |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec3dArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec3f |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec3fArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec4d |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec4dArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec4f |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec4fArray |
CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVector |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorCross |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorD |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorDot |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorGet |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorGetCount |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorLength |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorSet |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorSqrLength |
CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptWhen |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptWhile |
CastleScript |
TCasScriptWriteln |
CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCastle2DNavigation |
CastleCameras |
Navigation most suitable for 2D viewports (with orthographic projection and standard direction/up: -Z/+Y). |
TCastleAbstractFont |
CastleFonts |
Abstract class for a font that can be used to render text. |
TCastleAbstractJoint |
CastleTransform |
Base class for physics joints, that connects two physics bodies and constraints their relative movement. |
TCastleAbstractLight |
CastleScene |
Base class to express lights that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
TCastleAbstractOneBodyJoint |
CastleTransform |
Abstract class for joints that use only one TCastleTransform. |
TCastleAbstractPrimitive |
CastleScene |
Base class to express primitives that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
TCastleAbstractRootTransform |
CastleTransform |
Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene). |
TCastleAbstractSlider |
CastleControls |
An abstract slider user interface. |
TCastleAbstractTwoBodiesJoint |
CastleTransform |
Abstract class for joints that connect two TCastleTransform instances. |
TCastleApplication |
CastleWindow |
Application, managing all open TCastleWindow (OpenGL windows). |
TCastleApplicationProperties |
CastleApplicationProperties |
Events and properties of each Castle Game Engine application, always accessed through the ApplicationProperties singleton. |
TCastleAutoNavigationViewport |
CastleViewport |
Automatically create and switch between various navigation classes on a viewport. |
TCastleBackground |
CastleScene |
Background, a skybox with a color gradient to represent sky and ground behind. |
TCastleBallJoint |
CastleTransform |
Ball joint allows to freely rotate the transformation of one object relative to another (rotate in any axis) but does not allow any movement. |
TCastleBehavior |
CastleTransform |
Behaviors can be attached to TCastleTransform to perform specific logic, for example implement creature movement. |
TCastleBillboard |
CastleBehaviors |
Behavior to make parent TCastleTransform a billboard, that always rotates to face the current camera. |
TCastleBitmapFont |
CastleFonts |
Bitmap font, where each character is just drawn (and may be multi-color) on a raster image. |
TCastleBox |
CastleScene |
Box with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleBoxCollider |
CastleTransform |
Collide as a box. |
TCastleButton |
CastleControls |
Clickable button. |
TCastleCamera |
CastleTransform |
Camera determines viewer position and orientation in the viewport. |
TCastleCapsuleCollider |
CastleTransform |
Collide as a capsule. |
TCastleCheckbox |
CastleControls |
Checkbox with a caption. |
TCastleClipboard |
CastleControls |
Clipboard to cut / copy / paste the text. |
TCastleCollider |
CastleTransform |
Abstract collider that determines the shape used to determine collisions with physics bodies. |
TCastleColorHelper |
CastleColors |
TCastleColorPersistent |
CastleColors |
TCastleColor record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleColorRGBHelper |
CastleColors |
TCastleColorRGBPersistent |
CastleColors |
TCastleColorRGB record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleComponent |
CastleClassUtils |
Component with various CGE extensions: can be a parent of other non-visual components (to display them in CGE editor and serialize them to files), can be translated, can have custom logic when serializing/deserializing (CustomSerialization). |
TCastleComponentEditorDesigner |
CastleEditorAccess |
Access instance of this from TComponentEditor descendants, using GetDesigner. |
TCastleComponentFactory |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Load a serialized component (from a design file, like .castle-user-interface, .castle-transform, .castle-component) and instantiate it multiple times. |
TCastleComponentFactoryHelper |
CastleViewport |
Helper methods extending TCastleComponentFactory. |
TCastleCone |
CastleScene |
Cone with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleConfig |
CastleXMLConfig |
Store configuration in XML format. |
TCastleConfigEventList |
CastleXMLConfig |
TCastleConfigKeysMouseHelper |
CastleKeysMouse |
TCastleConfigScriptHelper |
CastleScriptXML |
Class helper to read CastleScript expressions from XML config files. |
TCastleContainer |
CastleUIControls |
Abstract user interface container. |
TCastleControl |
CastleControl |
Control to render everything (3D or 2D) with Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleControl |
Fmx.CastleControl |
Control rendering "Castle Game Engine" on FMX form. |
TCastleControl |
Vcl.CastleControl |
Control rendering OpenGL on VCL form. |
TCastleControlBase |
CastleControl |
Note: we need this deprecated class to be a separate class, not just an alias for TCastleControl, to be able to register it using RegisterNoIcon, to support in old projects. |
TCastleControlContainer |
CastleControl |
TCastleContainer that cooperates with TCastleControl. |
TCastleControlContainer |
CastleControlContainer |
TCastleCrosshair |
CastleControls |
Display a simple crosshair in the middle of the parent control. |
TCastleCylinder |
CastleScene |
Cylinder with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleDamage |
CastleLivingBehaviors |
Damage done by something (like short-range attack of TCastleMoveAttack or missile impact of TCastleMissile). |
TCastleDesign |
CastleControls |
Contents of this user-interface control are loaded from an indicated file (by the Url property). |
TCastleDirectionalLight |
CastleScene |
Directional light shines along a direction in 3D space, simulating a light source far away (like a sun). |
TCastleDistanceJoint |
CastleTransform |
Distance joint tries to maintain a certain distance between two rigid bodies, with certain flexibility (like a spring). |
TCastleDownload |
CastleDownload |
Download an URL (possibly making an HTTP(S) request) asynchronously, without blocking the application. |
TCastleEdit |
CastleControls |
Edit box to input a single line of text. |
TCastleExamineNavigation |
CastleCameras |
Navigate the 3D model in examine mode, like you would hold a box with the model inside. |
TCastleFlashEffect |
CastleFlashEffect |
Fade out, flash, and similar screen effects done by blending screen with given color. |
TCastleFloatEdit |
CastleControls |
Descendant of TCastleEdit specialized for editing floating-point numbers. |
TCastleFloatSlider |
CastleControls |
Slider to change a float value within a given range. |
TCastleFog |
CastleScene |
Control fog in 3D world. |
TCastleFont |
CastleFonts |
Font loaded from a font file, like ttf or otf. |
TCastleFontFamily |
CastleFonts |
Font family, with possible different subfonts for Regular, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic variants. |
TCastleFrameProfiler |
CastleTimeUtils |
Profiler gathering statistics about each game frame. |
TCastleGrabJoint |
CastleTransform |
Grab joint pulls the rigid body Anchor towards a TargetWorld defined in the world coordinates. |
TCastleHingeJoint |
CastleTransform |
Hinge joint allows to rotate the transformation around a given axis, like a door attached using hinges to the frame. |
TCastleHorizontalGroup |
CastleControls |
Container that packs the children horizontally. |
TCastleIfcMapping |
CastleIfc |
Maintains mapping between IFC concepts and X3D nodes. |
TCastleImage |
CastleImages |
An abstract class representing image as a simple array of pixels. |
TCastleImageControl |
CastleControls |
Image control. |
TCastleImagePersistent |
CastleGLImages |
Image that can be easily loaded from URL (possibly reusing a cache), drawn, and serialized to/from file. |
TCastleImageTransform |
CastleScene |
Image (that you can place within TCastleViewport) with configurable size and repeat. |
TCastleIntegerEdit |
CastleControls |
Descendant of TCastleEdit specialized for editing integer numbers. |
TCastleIntegerSlider |
CastleControls |
Slider to change an integer value within a given range. |
TCastleLabel |
CastleControls |
Label with possibly multiline text. |
TCastleLayerCollisions |
CastleTransform |
TCastleLayerNames |
CastleTransform |
TCastleLiving |
CastleLivingBehaviors |
Represents a living (dead or alive at given point) creature. |
TCastleMask |
CastleControls |
Limit the visibility of children by an arbitrary (defined using an arbitrary UI) mask. |
TCastleMeshCollider |
CastleTransform |
Collide as a set of triangles determined by Mesh. |
TCastleMissile |
CastleLivingBehaviors |
Missile that flies in the given direction TCastleTransform.Direction with the given MoveSpeed . |
TCastleMOFile |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
TMOFile descendant that allows iterating through all strings. |
TCastleMouseLookNavigation |
CastleCameras |
Abstract navigation class that can utilize mouse look, during which mouse cursor is hidden and we look at MouseLookDelta every frame. |
TCastleMoveAttack |
CastleLivingBehaviors |
Creature that can move around (navigating the 3D world), chasing the enemy, attacking the enemy (by short-range or long-range attack), running away from danger. |
TCastleNavigation |
CastleCameras |
Handle user input to modify viewport's camera. |
TCastleNotifications |
CastleNotifications |
Notifications displayed on the screen. |
TCastleObjectList |
CastleClassUtils |
Extended TObjectList for Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleObjectQueue |
CastleClassUtils |
Extended TObjectQueue for Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleObjectStack |
CastleClassUtils |
Extended TObjectStack for Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleOpenDialog |
CastleDialogs |
General open dialog that uses URL. |
TCastleOpenImageDialog |
CastleDialogs |
Image open dialog. |
TCastleOpenPascalUnitDialog |
CastleDialogs |
TCastleOpenSceneDialog |
CastleDialogs |
Dialog to open scene (select a file that can be loaded using TCastleScene.Load). |
TCastleOrthographic |
CastleTransform |
Subcomponent used in TCastleCamera.Orthographic to set orthographic projection parameters. |
TCastlePackedGroup |
CastleControls |
Abstract ancestor for containers that pack children, like TCastleHorizontalGroup and TCastleVerticalGroup. |
TCastlePanel |
CastleControls |
Panel or a toolbar control. |
TCastlePerspective |
CastleTransform |
Subcomponent used in TCastleCamera.Perspective to set perspective projection parameters. |
TCastlePlane |
CastleScene |
Plane with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastlePlaneCollider |
CastleTransform |
Push everything to be above the given static plane, like a floor. |
TCastlePlayingSound |
CastleSoundEngine |
Controls a sound playback. |
TCastlePlayingSoundSource |
CastleBehaviors |
Controls a sound playback initiated by TCastleSoundSource.Play. |
TCastlePointLight |
CastleScene |
Point light is a point in 3D space that shines uniformly in all directions. |
TCastleProfiler |
CastleTimeUtils |
Profiler, to measure the speed of execution of your code. |
TCastleProfilerTime |
CastleTimeUtils |
Structure obtained by calling TCastleProfiler.Start. |
TCastleProjectLocalSettings |
CastleInternalProjectLocalSettings |
Local (user/machine-specific) project settings. |
TCastlePunctualLight |
CastleScene |
Ancestor class for all punctual lights: point, spot, directional. |
TCastleRecentFiles |
CastleLCLRecentFiles |
Manage a list of recently opened files, and show a menu in Lazarus. |
TCastleRectangleControl |
CastleControls |
Fill a rectangle on screen with given color or theme image. |
TCastleRenderOptions |
CastleRenderOptions |
Options that control rendering, available at every scene through TCastleScene.RenderOptions. |
TCastleRenderUnlitMesh |
CastleRenderPrimitives |
Render a set of vertexes, with optional indexes. |
TCastleRigidBody |
CastleTransform |
Use this behavior to be affected by physics collisions and forces. |
TCastleRootTransform |
CastleScene |
Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene). |
TCastleRopeJoint |
CastleTransform |
Rope joint connects two bodies by an invisible rope that prevents the distance between them to grow beyond specfied Distance. |
TCastleSaveDialog |
CastleDialogs |
General save dialog that uses URL. |
TCastleSaveImageDialog |
CastleDialogs |
Image save dialog. |
TCastleScene |
CastleScene |
Complete loading, processing and rendering of a scene. |
TCastleSceneCore |
CastleSceneCore |
Loading and processing of a scene. |
TCastleSceneCore.TVisibilitySensors |
CastleSceneCore |
TCastleSceneList |
CastleScene |
TCastleSceneManager |
CastleViewport |
Deprecated way to manage transformations and scenes. |
TCastleScreenEffects |
CastleScreenEffects |
Screen effects are shaders that post-process the rendered screen. |
TCastleScrollArea |
CastleControls |
Class that represents scrollable area inside TCastleScrollView.ScrollArea. |
TCastleScrollView |
CastleControls |
Container for a user interface children that can be scrolled vertically. |
TCastleScrollViewCustom |
CastleControls |
Abstract user interface with a scrollbar. |
TCastleScrollViewManual |
CastleControls |
Control with a scrollbar. |
TCastleShape |
CastleControls |
Draw a simple shape (rectangle, circle, triangle) with given color and optional outline. |
TCastleSimpleBackground |
CastleControls |
Fill the whole window with a simple color. |
TCastleSocket |
CastleClientServer |
TCastleSound |
CastleSoundEngine |
Sound that can be loaded from Url (possibly reusing a cache, possibly using streaming) and played. |
TCastleSoundSource |
CastleBehaviors |
Behavior to play spatial sounds, that automatically follow the parent TCastleTransform transformation. |
TCastleSphere |
CastleScene |
Sphere with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleSphereCollider |
CastleTransform |
Collide as a sphere. |
TCastleSpotLight |
CastleScene |
Spot light shines a cone of light, from a given location, along a direction (-Z in local coordinates). |
TCastleSteam |
CastleSteam |
Integration with Steam. |
TCastleStickToSurface |
CastleBehaviors |
Behavior to make parent TCastleTransform stick to a surface of another TCastleTransform Target. |
TCastleStringIterator |
CastleUnicode |
Iterate over String that contains Unicode characters suitable for both FPC (with default String = AnsiString) and Delphi (with default String = UnicodeString). |
TCastleStringList |
CastleStringUtils |
List of strings. |
TCastleTCPClient |
CastleClientServer |
TCastleTCPClientThread |
CastleClientServer |
TCastleTCPServer |
CastleClientServer |
TCastleTenjin |
CastleTenjin |
Tenjin ( https://www.tenjin.com/ ) integration. |
TCastleTerrain |
CastleTerrain |
Terrain. |
TCastleTerrainCombine |
CastleTerrain |
Combine (add, multiply, do maximum or minimum) two other terrain data sources. |
TCastleTerrainData |
CastleTerrain |
Terrain (height map) data that can be used for TCastleTerrain.Data. |
TCastleTerrainImage |
CastleTerrain |
Terrain (height map) data taken from intensities in an image. |
TCastleTerrainLayer |
CastleTerrain |
Layer of a terrain properties. |
TCastleTerrainNoise |
CastleTerrain |
Terrain heights are generated from a smooth noise, combined with some terrain-specific improvements (Heterogeneous). |
TCastleText |
CastleScene |
Text that is displayed and transformed as TCastleTransform, inside TCastleViewport, and can be manipulated in 3D. |
TCastleTheme |
CastleUIControls |
Theme for user interface controls. |
TCastleThirdPersonNavigation |
CastleThirdPersonNavigation |
3rd-person (with visible avatar) navigation. |
TCastleTiledMap |
CastleTiledMap |
Display a map created in Tiled in a viewport. |
TCastleTiledMapControl |
CastleTiledMap |
Display a map created in Tiled (https://www.mapeditor.org/). |
TCastleTiledMapData |
CastleTiledMap |
Loading and manipulating "Tiled" map files (http://mapeditor.org). |
TCastleTiledMapData.TAnimation |
CastleTiledMap |
Contains a list of animation frames. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TData |
CastleTiledMap |
Binary data definition. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TFrame |
CastleTiledMap |
Single frame of animation. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TImage |
CastleTiledMap |
Image definition. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TImageLayer |
CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TLayer |
CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TObjectGroupLayer |
CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TProperty |
CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TPropertyList |
CastleTiledMap |
List of properties. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTerrain |
CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTile |
CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTiledObject |
CastleTiledMap |
Object definition. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTileset |
CastleTiledMap |
Tileset definition. |
TCastleTimer |
CastleControls |
Timer, running the OnTimer event periodically. |
TCastleTouchNavigation |
CastleViewport |
Show draggable controls in the corner, to navigate in the viewport comfortably on touch devices. |
TCastleTransform |
CastleTransform |
Group and transform (move, rotate, scale) children objects. |
TCastleTransformDesign |
CastleTransform |
Contents are loaded from an indicated castle-transform file (by the Url property). |
TCastleTransformHover |
CastleTransformManipulate |
Visualize the TCastleTransform we hover over (to visualize what would be selected by clicking). |
TCastleTransformList |
CastleTransform |
List of TCastleTransform instances. |
TCastleTransformManipulate |
CastleTransformManipulate |
Allow to select, move, rotate, scale a group of TCastleTransform instances. |
TCastleTransformReference |
CastleTransform |
Reference another TCastleTransform instance, to render one TCastleTransform multiple times within the same viewport. |
TCastleUserInterface |
CastleUIControls |
Basic user-interface class. |
TCastleUserInterfaceFont |
CastleControls |
Base class for all user interface controls using a font. |
TCastleUserInterfaceList |
CastleUIControls |
List of TCastleUserInterface instances. |
TCastleVector2Persistent |
CastleVectors |
TVector2 record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleVector3Persistent |
CastleVectors |
TVector3 record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleVector3PersistentSimple |
CastleIfc |
Like TCastleVector3Persistent, but it just contains TVector3, you don't need to provide InternalGetValue, InternalSetValue callbacks. |
TCastleVector4Persistent |
CastleVectors |
TVector4 record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleVector4PersistentSimple |
CastleIfc |
Like TCastleVector4Persistent, but it just contains TVector4, you don't need to provide InternalGetValue, InternalSetValue callbacks. |
TCastleVector4RotationPersistent |
CastleVectors |
TCastleVector4Persistent descendant for castle editor to display angle component nicer (as 'Angle (W)' and 'Deg(90)' instead of as 'W' and in radians). |
TCastleVerticalGroup |
CastleControls |
Container that packs the children vertically. |
TCastleView |
CastleUIControls |
"View" represents the current state of your application user interface. |
TCastleViewList |
CastleUIControls |
TCastleViewport |
CastleViewport |
Viewport displays a tree of scenes and transformations (TCastleTransform and descendants of it, like TCastleScene). |
TCastleViewportList |
CastleViewport |
TCastleWalkNavigation |
CastleCameras |
Navigation by walking or flying (classic first-person shooter navigation) in a 3D scene. |
TCastleWindow |
CastleWindow |
Window to render everything (3D or 2D) with Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleZip |
CastleZip |
A collection of files inside a ZIP archive. |
TCircle2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Circle in 2D. |
TClassicRayTracer |
CastleRayTracer |
Classic Whitted-style ray-tracer. |
TClientConnection |
CastleClientServer |
TClipPlane |
X3DNodes |
Clipping plane, along with a transformation. |
TClipPlaneList |
X3DNodes |
TClipPlaneNode |
X3DNodes |
Clip the geometry with a plane. |
TCodeBreaker |
CastleUtils |
Special class to raise an exception that is always catched. |
TCollisionDetails |
CastleTransform |
Represents a collision with a 3D objects tree. |
TCollisionDetailsItem |
CastleTransform |
Detailed information about collision with a single 3D object. |
TCollisionNode |
X3DNodes |
Grouping node that specifies the collision detection properties for its children. |
TColorInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a single color. |
TColorNode |
X3DNodes |
Set of RGB colours. |
TColorRGBANode |
X3DNodes |
Set of RGBA colours. |
TColorSetInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of colors, for example to animate a set of TBackgroundNode or TColorNode colors. |
TCommonSurfaceShaderNode |
X3DNodes |
Advanced material that can be heavily configured using textures (specular maps, normal maps and much more). |
TComponentHelper |
CastleComponentSerialize |
TComposedCubeMapTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Cube environment map texture defined as a six individual 2D texture nodes. |
TComposedShaderNode |
X3DNodes |
OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) shader container, which should be composed from multiple TShaderPartNode instances. |
TComposedTexture3DNode |
X3DNodes |
3D texture defined as a collection of 2D texture sources at various depths. |
TConeNode |
X3DNodes |
Cone. |
TConeNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TContour2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Groups a set of curve segments for a composite contour, for X3D. |
TContourPolyline2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Piecewise linear curve segment as a part of a trimming contour in the u, v domain of a surface. |
TControlPointsCurve |
CastleCurves |
A basic abstract class for curves determined my some set of ControlPoints. |
TConverterNode |
X3DNodes |
TCoordinate3Node_1 |
X3DNodes |
TCoordinateDoubleNode |
X3DNodes |
3D coordinates defines using double precision floating point values. |
TCoordinateInterpolator2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of 2D positions, for example to animate 2D texture coordinates. |
TCoordinateInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D positions, for example to animate coordinates of a mesh. |
TCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Set of 3D coordinates to be used in the Coord field of vertex-based geometry nodes. |
TCubeNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TCubicBezier2DOrientationInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of 2D rotations, using cubic Bezier curve instead of linear interpolation. |
TCubicBezierCoordinateInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D vertices, using cubic Bezier curve instead of linear interpolation. |
TCubicBezierPositionInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D positions, using cubic Bezier curve instead of linear interpolation. |
TCurve |
CastleCurves |
3D curve, a set of points defined by a continuous function Point for arguments within [TBegin, TEnd]. |
TCurveList |
CastleCurves |
TCustomizedFont |
CastleFonts |
Font that uses another TCastleAbstractFont for rendering and sizing, but modifies the underlying font size. |
TCylinderNode |
X3DNodes |
Cylinder. |
TCylinderNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TCylinderSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Pointing device sensor to rotate objects around a constrained axis. |
TDebugArrow |
CastleDebugTransform |
3D arrow, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugAxis |
CastleDebugTransform |
3D axis, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugBox |
CastleDebugTransform |
3D box, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugSphere |
CastleDebugTransform |
3D sphere, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugTransform |
CastleDebugTransform |
Like TDebugTransformBox, but visualizes also additional properties. |
TDebugTransformBox |
CastleDebugTransform |
Visualization of a bounding volume of a TCastleTransform instance. |
TDesignURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to a file readable by UserInterfaceLoad. |
TDirectionalLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Light source that shines along a given direction, like a sun. |
TDirectionalLightNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TDisk2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Disc (filled circle) in 2D. |
TDisplacerNode |
X3DNodes |
TDOMCharacterDataHelper |
CastleXmlUtils |
TDOMElementHelper |
CastleXmlUtils |
TDOMElementScriptHelper |
CastleScriptXML |
Class helper to read CastleScript expressions from DOM (XML files). |
TDOMNodeHelper |
CastleXmlUtils |
TDoubleList |
CastleUtils |
List of Double (double-precision floating point) values. |
TDrawableImage |
CastleGLImages |
Image that can be drawn. |
TDrawableImageRenderStatistics |
CastleGLImages |
Statistics to measure TDrawableImage rendering impact. |
TDynLib |
CastleDynLib |
Load functions from dynamic libraries. |
TEaseInEaseOutNode |
X3DNodes |
Support controlled gradual transitions by modifying TimeSensor node fractions. |
TEffectNode |
X3DNodes |
Shader effect, that can be composed with other effect or standard rendering. |
TEffectPartNode |
X3DNodes |
Part of a shader effect, used with TEffectNode. |
TElevationGridNode |
X3DNodes |
Uniform rectangular grid of varying height above the Y=0 plane, aka "height map". |
TEncodedImage |
CastleImages |
Abstract class for an image with unspecified, possibly compressed, memory format. |
TEnvironmentLightNode |
X3DNodes |
TEnvironmentNode |
X3DNodes |
Not implemented: Bindable node to setup rendering and culling parameters. |
TExtrusionNode |
X3DNodes |
2D cross-section shape extruded along a 3D spine. |
TFacebook |
CastleFacebook |
Facebook SDK integration. |
TFaceIndex |
CastleTriangles |
Describe a range of indexes where the face (polygon and such) is located. |
TFileFilter |
CastleFileFilters |
TFileFilterList |
CastleFileFilters |
TFileInfo |
CastleFindFiles |
Information about a single file or directory collected by FindFiles. |
TFileInfoList |
CastleFindFiles |
Returned by FindFilesList. |
TFillPropertiesNode |
X3DNodes |
Additional visual properties to be applied to all polygonal areas. |
TFloatList |
CastleUtils |
List of Float values (defined in Math unit as float with maximum precision). |
TFloatRectangle |
CastleRectangles |
2D rectangle with float coordinates. |
TFloatRectanglePersistent |
CastleRectangles |
TFloatVertexAttributeNode |
X3DNodes |
Per-vertex single-precision floating point attributes, available to shaders. |
TFogCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Provide explicit fog depths on a per-vertex basis. |
TFogFunctionality |
X3DNodes |
Functionality of node that describes a fog (blend objects with a fog color). |
TFogNode |
X3DNodes |
Simulate atmospheric fog effects (for the whole scene) by blending with the fog colour, based on the distance from the viewer. |
TFogStack |
CastleSceneCore |
TFontStyleNode |
X3DNodes |
Defines the size, family, style and other properties used for TTextNode. |
TFontStyleNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TFontURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to a font file. |
TFramesPerSecond |
CastleTimeUtils |
Measure frames per second. |
TFreeNotificationObserver |
CastleClassUtils |
Observe when something is freed, and call an event then. |
TFrustum |
CastleFrustum |
Viewing frustum, defined as 6 plane equations. |
TGameService |
CastleGameService |
Integration with a game service, that can be used to show achievements, leaderboards, and store save games "in the cloud". |
TGeneratedCubeMapTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Cube environment map texture generated by rendering the 3D world, useful for real-time mirrors. |
TGeneratedShadowMapNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate texture by rendering a depth (shadow) map. |
TGeneratedTextureFunctionality |
X3DNodes |
Functionality for all X3D nodes that represent generated textures. |
TGenericGLVersion |
CastleGLVersion |
OpenGL(ES) library version information. |
TGenericMatrix2 |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
2x2 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix2 |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
2x2 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix3 |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
3x3 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix3 |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
3x3 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix4 |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
4x4 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix4 |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
4x4 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericVector2 |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
Vector of 2 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector2 |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
Vector of 2 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector3 |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
Vector of 3 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector3 |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
Vector of 3 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector4 |
CastleVectorsInternalDouble |
Vector of 4 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector4 |
CastleVectorsInternalSingle |
Vector of 4 floating-point values. |
TGLContextEventList |
CastleApplicationProperties |
TGLFeatures |
CastleGLUtils |
OpenGL(ES) features, analyzed based on extensions and version. |
TGLMemoryInfo |
CastleGLUtils |
OpenGL memory information. |
TGLRenderToTexture |
CastleGLImages |
Rendering to texture with OpenGL. |
TGLSLAttribute |
CastleGLShaders |
GLSL attribute provides per-vertex information to the shader. |
TGLSLProgram |
CastleGLShaders |
Manage (build, use) a program in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language). |
TGLSLUniform |
CastleGLShaders |
GLSL uniform provides information to shader that is constant for a given shader execution. |
TGLVersion |
CastleGLVersion |
TGLVideo |
CastleGLImages |
Video as a sequence of OpenGL textures that can be easily played. |
TGLVideo2D |
CastleGLImages |
Video expressed as a series of TDrawableImage, to play as 2D GUI control. |
TGLVideo3D |
CastleGLImages |
Video expressed as a series of textures, to play as texture on any 3D object. |
TGPUCompressedImage |
CastleImages |
Image compressed using one of the GPU texture compression algorithms. |
TGrayscaleAlphaFloatImage |
CastleImages |
Image with each pixel represented as 2 floating-point numbers (Single): grayscale (luminance) and alpha (opacity). |
TGrayscaleAlphaImage |
CastleImages |
Grayscale image with an alpha channel. |
TGrayscaleFloatImage |
CastleImages |
Image with Single (floating-point number) for each pixel. |
TGrayscaleImage |
CastleImages |
Grayscale image. |
TGroupNode |
X3DNodes |
Contains children nodes without introducing a new transformation. |
TGroupNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
THAnimDisplacerNode |
X3DNodes |
Alter the shape of coordinate-based geometry within parent H-Anim nodes. |
THAnimHumanoidNode |
X3DNodes |
Central node for moving the animated humanoid. |
THAnimJointNode |
X3DNodes |
Joint of an animated humanoid. |
THAnimMotionNode |
X3DNodes |
Motion animation of humanoid (THAnimHumanoidNode) characters. |
THAnimSegmentNode |
X3DNodes |
Visible segment of an animated humanoid, always a child of a TJointNode. |
THAnimSiteNode |
X3DNodes |
An attachment point of an animated humanoid, to attach something that held, worm or such by a humanoid. |
THelpshift |
CastleHelpshift |
Helpshift (http://helpshift.com/) integration. |
THumanoidNode |
X3DNodes |
TIfcActionRequest |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcActionRequest. |
TIfcActor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcActor. |
TIfcActorRole |
CastleIfc |
TIfcActuator |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcActuator. |
TIfcActuatorType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of actuators. |
TIfcAddress |
CastleIfc |
Various kinds of postal and telecom addresses. |
TIfcAddressList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcAdvancedBrep |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAdvancedBrep. |
TIfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids. |
TIfcAdvancedFace |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAdvancedFace. |
TIfcAirTerminal |
CastleIfc |
An air terminal is a terminating or origination point for the transfer of air between distribution system(s) and one or more spaces. |
TIfcAirTerminalBox |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAirTerminalBox. |
TIfcAirTerminalBoxType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAirTerminalBoxType. |
TIfcAirTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcAirTerminal. |
TIfcAirToAirHeatRecovery |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery. |
TIfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType. |
TIfcAlarm |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlarm. |
TIfcAlarmType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlarmType. |
TIfcAlignment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignment. |
TIfcAlignmentCant |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentCant. |
TIfcAlignmentCantSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentCantSegment. |
TIfcAlignmentHorizontal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentHorizontal. |
TIfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment. |
TIfcAlignmentParameterSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentParameterSegment. |
TIfcAlignmentSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentSegment. |
TIfcAlignmentVertical |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentVertical. |
TIfcAlignmentVerticalSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment. |
TIfcAnnotation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAnnotation. |
TIfcAnnotationFillArea |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAnnotationFillArea. |
TIfcApplication |
CastleIfc |
IFC compliant application developed by an application developer. |
TIfcAppliedValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAppliedValue. |
TIfcApproval |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcApproval. |
TIfcApprovalRelationship |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcApprovalRelationship. |
TIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
Closed profile IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef defines an arbitrary two-dimensional profile for the use within the swept surface geometry, the swept area solid or a sectioned spine. |
TIfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef. |
TIfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids |
CastleIfc |
Arbitrary closed two-dimensional profile with holes. |
TIfcArcIndex |
CastleIfc |
Single circular arc segment within a poly curve. |
TIfcAreaMeasure_Boxed |
CastleIfc |
An area measure is the value of the extent of a surface. |
TIfcAsset |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAsset. |
TIfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef. |
TIfcAudioVisualAppliance |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAudioVisualAppliance. |
TIfcAudioVisualApplianceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAudioVisualApplianceType. |
TIfcAxis1Placement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAxis1Placement. |
TIfcAxis2Placement2D |
CastleIfc |
Location and orientation to place items in a two-dimensional space. |
TIfcAxis2Placement3D |
CastleIfc |
Location and orientations to place items in a three-dimensional space. |
TIfcAxis2PlacementLinear |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcAxis2PlacementLinear. |
TIfcBeam |
CastleIfc |
Beam is a horizontal, or nearly horizontal, structural member that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending. |
TIfcBeamStandardCase |
CastleIfc |
Removed in IFC4.3. |
TIfcBeamType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of beams. |
TIfcBearing |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBearing. |
TIfcBearingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBearingType. |
TIfcBlobTexture |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBlobTexture. |
TIfcBlock |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBlock. |
TIfcBoiler |
CastleIfc |
Closed, pressure-rated vessel in which water or other fluid is heated using an energy source such as natural gas, heating oil, or electricity. |
TIfcBoilerType |
CastleIfc |
Used to define a boiler type specification indicating the specific product information that is common to all occurrences of that product type. |
TIfcBooleanClippingResult |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBooleanClippingResult. |
TIfcBooleanResult |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBooleanResult. |
TIfcBorehole |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBorehole. |
TIfcBoundaryCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundaryCondition. |
TIfcBoundaryCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundaryCurve. |
TIfcBoundaryEdgeCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition. |
TIfcBoundaryFaceCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundaryFaceCondition. |
TIfcBoundaryNodeCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundaryNodeCondition. |
TIfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping. |
TIfcBoundedCurve |
CastleIfc |
TIfcBoundedSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoundedSurface. |
TIfcBoundingBox |
CastleIfc |
TIfcBoxedHalfSpace |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBoxedHalfSpace. |
TIfcBridge |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBridge. |
TIfcBridgePart |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBridgePart. |
TIfcBSplineCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBSplineCurve. |
TIfcBSplineCurveWithKnots |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots. |
TIfcBSplineSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBSplineSurface. |
TIfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots. |
TIfcBuilding |
CastleIfc |
Building facility. |
TIfcBuildingElementPart |
CastleIfc |
Represents major components as subordinate parts of a building element. |
TIfcBuildingElementPartType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcBuildingElementPart. |
TIfcBuildingElementProxy |
CastleIfc |
Proxy definition that provides the same functionality as subtypes of IfcBuiltElement, but without having a predefined meaning of the special type of building element it represents. |
TIfcBuildingElementProxyType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of a building element proxy and an optional set of product representations. |
TIfcBuildingStorey |
CastleIfc |
Storey (~floor). |
TIfcBuildingSystem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBuildingSystem. |
TIfcBuiltElement |
CastleIfc |
Part of the construction of a built facility, built elements are all physically existent and tangible things. |
TIfcBuiltElementType |
CastleIfc |
Common properties of a certain type of built element that are applied to all occurrences of that type. |
TIfcBuiltSystem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBuiltSystem. |
TIfcBurner |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBurner. |
TIfcBurnerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcBurnerType. |
TIfcCableCarrierFitting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierFitting. |
TIfcCableCarrierFittingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierFittingType. |
TIfcCableCarrierSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierSegment. |
TIfcCableCarrierSegmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableCarrierSegmentType. |
TIfcCableFitting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableFitting. |
TIfcCableFittingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableFittingType. |
TIfcCableSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableSegment. |
TIfcCableSegmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCableSegmentType. |
TIfcCaissonFoundation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCaissonFoundation. |
TIfcCaissonFoundationType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCaissonFoundationType. |
TIfcCartesianPoint |
CastleIfc |
A regular 3D point (may be specified as 2D too, in which case we set Z to 0). |
TIfcCartesianPointList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcCartesianPointList2D |
CastleIfc |
Ordered collection of two-dimentional Cartesian points. |
TIfcCartesianPointList3D |
CastleIfc |
Ordered collection of three-dimentional Cartesian points. |
TIfcCartesianPointList_Spec |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype of list of points. |
TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator |
CastleIfc |
An abstract supertype of different kinds of geometric transformations. |
TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D |
CastleIfc |
Geometric transformation in 2D. |
TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform. |
TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D |
CastleIfc |
Geometric transformation in three-dimensional space. |
TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform |
CastleIfc |
Transformation operator in 3D that allows non uniform scaling. |
TIfcCenterLineProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCenterLineProfileDef. |
TIfcChiller |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcChiller. |
TIfcChillerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcChillerType. |
TIfcChimney |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcChimney. |
TIfcChimneyType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcChimneyType. |
TIfcCircle |
CastleIfc |
Circle. |
TIfcCircleHollowProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCircleHollowProfileDef. |
TIfcCircleProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCircleProfileDef. |
TIfcCivilElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCivilElement. |
TIfcCivilElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCivilElementType. |
TIfcClassification |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcClassification. |
TIfcClassificationReference |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcClassificationReference. |
TIfcClosedShell |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcClosedShell. |
TIfcClothoid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcClothoid. |
TIfcCoil |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoil. |
TIfcCoilType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoilType. |
TIfcColourRgb |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcColourRgb. |
TIfcColourRgbList_Spec |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcColourRgbList. |
TIfcColourSpecification |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcColourSpecification. |
TIfcColumn |
CastleIfc |
Vertical structural or architectural member which often is aligned with a structural grid intersection. |
TIfcColumnStandardCase |
CastleIfc |
Deprecated and later removed in IFC 4.3. |
TIfcColumnType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcColumnType. |
TIfcCommunicationsAppliance |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCommunicationsAppliance. |
TIfcCommunicationsApplianceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCommunicationsApplianceType. |
TIfcComplexProperty |
CastleIfc |
Define complex properties to be handled completely within a property set. |
TIfcComplexPropertyList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcComplexPropertyTemplate |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcComplexPropertyTemplate. |
TIfcCompositeCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCompositeCurve. |
TIfcCompositeCurveOnSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface. |
TIfcCompositeCurveSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCompositeCurveSegment. |
TIfcCompositeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
Defines profile by composition of other profiles. |
TIfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Compound measure of plane angle in degrees, minutes, seconds, and optionally millionth-seconds of arc. |
TIfcCompressor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCompressor. |
TIfcCompressorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCompressorType. |
TIfcCondenser |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCondenser. |
TIfcCondenserType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCondenserType. |
TIfcConic |
CastleIfc |
Parameterized planar curve. |
TIfcConnectedFaceSet |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConnectedFaceSet. |
TIfcConnectionCurveGeometry |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConnectionCurveGeometry. |
TIfcConnectionGeometry |
CastleIfc |
Geometric and topological constraints that facilitate the physical connection of two objects. |
TIfcConnectionPointEccentricity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConnectionPointEccentricity. |
TIfcConnectionPointGeometry |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConnectionPointGeometry. |
TIfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry. |
TIfcConnectionVolumeGeometry |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry. |
TIfcConstraint |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstraint. |
TIfcConstructionEquipmentResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionEquipmentResource. |
TIfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType. |
TIfcConstructionMaterialResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionMaterialResource. |
TIfcConstructionMaterialResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType. |
TIfcConstructionProductResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionProductResource. |
TIfcConstructionProductResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionProductResourceType. |
TIfcConstructionResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionResource. |
TIfcConstructionResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConstructionResourceType. |
TIfcContext |
CastleIfc |
Project context in which objects, type objects, property sets, and properties are defined. |
TIfcContextDependentUnit |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcContextDependentUnit. |
TIfcControl |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcControl. |
TIfcController |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcController. |
TIfcControllerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcControllerType. |
TIfcConversionBasedUnit |
CastleIfc |
A unit that has a conversion rate to a base unit. |
TIfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset |
CastleIfc |
Unit which is converted from another unit by applying a conversion factor and an offset. |
TIfcConveyorSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConveyorSegment. |
TIfcConveyorSegmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcConveyorSegmentType. |
TIfcCooledBeam |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCooledBeam. |
TIfcCooledBeamType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCooledBeamType. |
TIfcCoolingTower |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoolingTower. |
TIfcCoolingTowerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoolingTowerType. |
TIfcCoordinateOperation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoordinateOperation. |
TIfcCoordinateReferenceSystem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem. |
TIfcCosineSpiral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCosineSpiral. |
TIfcCostItem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCostItem. |
TIfcCostSchedule |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCostSchedule. |
TIfcCostValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCostValue. |
TIfcCourse |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCourse. |
TIfcCourseType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCourseType. |
TIfcCovering |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCovering. |
TIfcCoveringType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCoveringType. |
TIfcCrewResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCrewResource. |
TIfcCrewResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCrewResourceType. |
TIfcCsgPrimitive3D |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCsgPrimitive3D. |
TIfcCsgSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCsgSolid. |
TIfcCShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCShapeProfileDef. |
TIfcCurrencyRelationship |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurrencyRelationship. |
TIfcCurtainWall |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurtainWall. |
TIfcCurtainWallType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurtainWallType. |
TIfcCurve |
CastleIfc |
Curve in 2D or 3D. |
TIfcCurveBoundedPlane |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveBoundedPlane. |
TIfcCurveBoundedSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveBoundedSurface. |
TIfcCurveSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveSegment. |
TIfcCurveStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveStyle. |
TIfcCurveStyleFont |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveStyleFont. |
TIfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling. |
TIfcCurveStyleFontPattern |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCurveStyleFontPattern. |
TIfcCylindricalSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcCylindricalSurface. |
TIfcDamper |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDamper. |
TIfcDamperType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDamperType. |
TIfcDeepFoundation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDeepFoundation. |
TIfcDeepFoundationType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDeepFoundationType. |
TIfcDefinitionSelect |
CastleIfc |
Either TIfcObjectDefinition or TIfcPropertyDefinition. |
TIfcDefinitionSelectList |
CastleIfc |
List of TIfcDefinitionSelect. |
TIfcDerivedProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDerivedProfileDef. |
TIfcDerivedUnit |
CastleIfc |
A derived unit is a unit that is formed from an expression of other units. |
TIfcDerivedUnitElement |
CastleIfc |
A derived unit element is one of the unit quantities which makes up a derived unit. |
TIfcDimensionalExponents |
CastleIfc |
The dimensionality of any quantity can be expressed as a product of powers of the dimensions of base quantities. |
TIfcDirection |
CastleIfc |
Direction in 2D or 3D. |
TIfcDirectrixCurveSweptAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDirectrixCurveSweptAreaSolid. |
TIfcDirectrixDerivedReferenceSweptAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDirectrixDerivedReferenceSweptAreaSolid. |
TIfcDiscreteAccessory |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDiscreteAccessory. |
TIfcDiscreteAccessoryType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDiscreteAccessoryType. |
TIfcDistributionBoard |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionBoard. |
TIfcDistributionBoardType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionBoardType. |
TIfcDistributionChamberElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionChamberElement. |
TIfcDistributionChamberElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionChamberElementType. |
TIfcDistributionCircuit |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionCircuit. |
TIfcDistributionControlElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionControlElement. |
TIfcDistributionControlElementType |
CastleIfc |
Defines a list of commonly shared property set definitions of an element and an optional set of product representations. |
TIfcDistributionElement |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of all elements that participate in a distribution system. |
TIfcDistributionElementType |
CastleIfc |
A distribution element type is used to define the common properties of a certain type of a distribution element that may be applied to many instances of that feature type to assign a specific style. |
TIfcDistributionFlowElement |
CastleIfc |
Distribution system that facilitate the distribution of energy or matter, such as air, water or power. |
TIfcDistributionFlowElementType |
CastleIfc |
Distribution flow element types (or the instantiable subtypes) may be exchanged without being already assigned to occurrences. |
TIfcDistributionPort |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionPort. |
TIfcDistributionSystem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDistributionSystem. |
TIfcDocumentInformation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDocumentInformation. |
TIfcDocumentInformationRelationship |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDocumentInformationRelationship. |
TIfcDocumentReference |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDocumentReference. |
TIfcDoor |
CastleIfc |
Door. |
TIfcDoorLiningProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDoorLiningProperties. |
TIfcDoorPanelProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDoorPanelProperties. |
TIfcDoorType |
CastleIfc |
Shared information for occurrences of doors. |
TIfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour. |
TIfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont. |
TIfcDuctFitting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDuctFitting. |
TIfcDuctFittingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDuctFittingType. |
TIfcDuctSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDuctSegment. |
TIfcDuctSegmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDuctSegmentType. |
TIfcDuctSilencer |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDuctSilencer. |
TIfcDuctSilencerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcDuctSilencerType. |
TIfcEarthworksCut |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEarthworksCut. |
TIfcEarthworksElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEarthworksElement. |
TIfcEarthworksFill |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEarthworksFill. |
TIfcEdge |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEdge. |
TIfcEdgeCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEdgeCurve. |
TIfcEdgeLoop |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEdgeLoop. |
TIfcElectricAppliance |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricAppliance. |
TIfcElectricApplianceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricApplianceType. |
TIfcElectricDistributionBoard |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricDistributionBoard. |
TIfcElectricDistributionBoardType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricDistributionBoardType. |
TIfcElectricFlowStorageDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice. |
TIfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType. |
TIfcElectricFlowTreatmentDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowTreatmentDevice. |
TIfcElectricFlowTreatmentDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricFlowTreatmentDeviceType. |
TIfcElectricGenerator |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricGenerator. |
TIfcElectricGeneratorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricGeneratorType. |
TIfcElectricMotor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricMotor. |
TIfcElectricMotorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricMotorType. |
TIfcElectricTimeControl |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricTimeControl. |
TIfcElectricTimeControlType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElectricTimeControlType. |
TIfcElement |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of all components that make up a facility. |
TIfcElementarySurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElementarySurface. |
TIfcElementAssembly |
CastleIfc |
Represents complex element assemblies aggregated from several elements, such as discrete elements, building elements, or other elements. |
TIfcElementAssemblyType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcElementAssembly. |
TIfcElementComponent |
CastleIfc |
Representation for minor items included in, added to or connecting to or between elements, which usually are not of interest from the overall building structure viewpoint. |
TIfcElementComponentType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcElementComponent. |
TIfcElementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcElementQuantity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcElementQuantity. |
TIfcElementType |
CastleIfc |
List of commonly shared property set definitions of an element and an optional set of product representations. |
TIfcEllipse |
CastleIfc |
Ellipse. |
TIfcEllipseProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEllipseProfileDef. |
TIfcEnergyConversionDevice |
CastleIfc |
Device used to perform energy conversion or heat transfer and typically participates in a flow distribution system. |
TIfcEnergyConversionDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
A energy conversion type is used to define the common properties of a energy conversion device that may be applied to many occurrences of that type. |
TIfcEngine |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEngine. |
TIfcEngineType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEngineType. |
TIfcEvaporativeCooler |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEvaporativeCooler. |
TIfcEvaporativeCoolerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEvaporativeCoolerType. |
TIfcEvaporator |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEvaporator. |
TIfcEvaporatorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEvaporatorType. |
TIfcEvent |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEvent. |
TIfcEventTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEventTime. |
TIfcEventType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcEventType. |
TIfcExtendedProperties |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype of all extensible property collections that are applicable to certain characterized entities. |
TIfcExternalInformation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExternalInformation. |
TIfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle. |
TIfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle. |
TIfcExternallyDefinedTextFont |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont. |
TIfcExternalReference |
CastleIfc |
Identification of information that is not explicitly represented in the current model. |
TIfcExternalReferenceRelationship |
CastleIfc |
Abstract base entity for relationships between resource-level entities. |
TIfcExternalReferenceRelationshipList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcExternalSpatialElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExternalSpatialElement. |
TIfcExternalSpatialStructureElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement. |
TIfcExtrudedAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
Defined by sweeping a cross section provided by a profile definition. |
TIfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered. |
TIfcFace |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFace. |
TIfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel. |
TIfcFaceBound |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFaceBound. |
TIfcFaceOuterBound |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFaceOuterBound. |
TIfcFaceSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFaceSurface. |
TIfcFacetedBrep |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFacetedBrep. |
TIfcFacetedBrepWithVoids |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids. |
TIfcFacility |
CastleIfc |
Any built facility, like a building, bridge. |
TIfcFacilityPart |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFacilityPart. |
TIfcFacilityPartCommon |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFacilityPartCommon. |
TIfcFailureConnectionCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFailureConnectionCondition. |
TIfcFan |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFan. |
TIfcFanType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFanType. |
TIfcFastener |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFastener. |
TIfcFastenerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFastenerType. |
TIfcFeatureElement |
CastleIfc |
All existence dependent elements which modify the shape and appearance of the associated master element. |
TIfcFeatureElementAddition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFeatureElementAddition. |
TIfcFeatureElementSubtraction |
CastleIfc |
Existence dependent element which modifies the shape and appearance of the associated master element. |
TIfcFile |
CastleIfc |
IFC file representation. |
TIfcFillAreaStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFillAreaStyle. |
TIfcFillAreaStyleHatching |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFillAreaStyleHatching. |
TIfcFillAreaStyleTiles |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFillAreaStyleTiles. |
TIfcFilter |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFilter. |
TIfcFilterType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFilterType. |
TIfcFireSuppressionTerminal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFireSuppressionTerminal. |
TIfcFireSuppressionTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType. |
TIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid. |
TIfcFlowController |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowController. |
TIfcFlowControllerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowControllerType. |
TIfcFlowFitting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowFitting. |
TIfcFlowFittingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowFittingType. |
TIfcFlowInstrument |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowInstrument. |
TIfcFlowInstrumentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowInstrumentType. |
TIfcFlowMeter |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowMeter. |
TIfcFlowMeterType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowMeterType. |
TIfcFlowMovingDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowMovingDevice. |
TIfcFlowMovingDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowMovingDeviceType. |
TIfcFlowSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowSegment. |
TIfcFlowSegmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowSegmentType. |
TIfcFlowStorageDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowStorageDevice. |
TIfcFlowStorageDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowStorageDeviceType. |
TIfcFlowTerminal |
CastleIfc |
Permanently attached element that acts as a terminus or beginning of a distribution system (such as an air outlet, drain, water closet, or sink). |
TIfcFlowTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcFlowTerminal. |
TIfcFlowTreatmentDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowTreatmentDevice. |
TIfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType. |
TIfcFooting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFooting. |
TIfcFootingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcFootingType. |
TIfcFurnishingElement |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of all furniture related objects. |
TIfcFurnishingElementType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcFurnishingElement. |
TIfcFurniture |
CastleIfc |
Complete furnishings such as a table, desk, chair, or cabinet, which may or may not be permanently attached to a building structure. |
TIfcFurnitureType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcFurniture. |
TIfcGeographicCRS |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeographicCRS. |
TIfcGeographicElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeographicElement. |
TIfcGeographicElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeographicElementType. |
TIfcGeometricCurveSet |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeometricCurveSet. |
TIfcGeometricRepresentationContext |
CastleIfc |
Context that applies to several shape representations of products within a project. |
TIfcGeometricRepresentationItem |
CastleIfc |
Common supertype of all geometric items used within a representation. |
TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext |
CastleIfc |
Context that applies to several shape representations of a product being a sub context, sharing the WorldCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSpaceDimension, Precision and TrueNorth attributes with the parent IfcGeometricRepresentationContext. |
TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContextList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext_Temp |
CastleIfc |
IFC internal class IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext-temp (not in specification, only in XSD). |
TIfcGeometricSet |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeometricSet. |
TIfcGeomodel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeomodel. |
TIfcGeoslice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeoslice. |
TIfcGeotechnicalAssembly |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeotechnicalAssembly. |
TIfcGeotechnicalElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeotechnicalElement. |
TIfcGeotechnicalStratum |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGeotechnicalStratum. |
TIfcGradientCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGradientCurve. |
TIfcGrid |
CastleIfc |
Planar design grid defined in 3D space used as an aid in locating structural and design elements. |
TIfcGridAxis |
CastleIfc |
An individual axis in the context of a design grid. |
TIfcGridAxisList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcGridPlacement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGridPlacement. |
TIfcGroup |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcGroup. |
TIfcHalfSpaceSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcHalfSpaceSolid. |
TIfcHeatExchanger |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcHeatExchanger. |
TIfcHeatExchangerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcHeatExchangerType. |
TIfcHumidifier |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcHumidifier. |
TIfcHumidifierType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcHumidifierType. |
TIfcImageTexture |
CastleIfc |
2-dimensional texture, defined by an URL. |
TIfcImpactProtectionDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcImpactProtectionDevice. |
TIfcImpactProtectionDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcImpactProtectionDeviceType. |
TIfcIndexedColourMap |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIndexedColourMap. |
TIfcIndexedPolyCurve |
CastleIfc |
Bounded curve with only linear and circular arc segments defined by a Cartesian point list and an optional list of segments. |
TIfcIndexedPolygonalFace |
CastleIfc |
Representation of a planar face being part of a face set. |
TIfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids. |
TIfcIndexedPolygonalTextureMap |
CastleIfc |
Mapping of the 2-dimensional texture coordinates to a set of polygonal bounded faces onto which it is mapped. |
TIfcIndexedTextureMap |
CastleIfc |
Mapping of the 2-dimensional texture coordinates to the surface onto which it is mapped. |
TIfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap. |
TIfcInterceptor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcInterceptor. |
TIfcInterceptorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcInterceptorType. |
TIfcIntersectionCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIntersectionCurve. |
TIfcInventory |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcInventory. |
TIfcIrregularTimeSeries |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIrregularTimeSeries. |
TIfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue. |
TIfcIShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcIShapeProfileDef. |
TIfcJunctionBox |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcJunctionBox. |
TIfcJunctionBoxType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcJunctionBoxType. |
TIfcKerb |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcKerb. |
TIfcKerbType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcKerbType. |
TIfcLaborResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLaborResource. |
TIfcLaborResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLaborResourceType. |
TIfcLagTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLagTime. |
TIfcLamp |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLamp. |
TIfcLampType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLampType. |
TIfcLengthMeasure_Boxed |
CastleIfc |
Value of a distance. |
TIfcLibraryInformation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLibraryInformation. |
TIfcLibraryReference |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLibraryReference. |
TIfcLightDistributionData |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightDistributionData. |
TIfcLightFixture |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightFixture. |
TIfcLightFixtureType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightFixtureType. |
TIfcLightIntensityDistribution |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightIntensityDistribution. |
TIfcLightSource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightSource. |
TIfcLightSourceAmbient |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightSourceAmbient. |
TIfcLightSourceDirectional |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightSourceDirectional. |
TIfcLightSourceGoniometric |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightSourceGoniometric. |
TIfcLightSourcePositional |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightSourcePositional. |
TIfcLightSourceSpot |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLightSourceSpot. |
TIfcLine |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLine. |
TIfcLinearElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLinearElement. |
TIfcLinearPlacement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLinearPlacement. |
TIfcLinearPositioningElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLinearPositioningElement. |
TIfcLineIndex |
CastleIfc |
Single or multiple straight segments within a poly curve. |
TIfcLiquidTerminal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLiquidTerminal. |
TIfcLiquidTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLiquidTerminalType. |
TIfcLocalPlacement |
CastleIfc |
Relative placement of a product - in relation to the placement of another product - or the absolute placement of a product within the geometric representation context of the project. |
TIfcLoop |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLoop. |
TIfcLShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcLShapeProfileDef. |
TIfcManifoldSolidBrep |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcManifoldSolidBrep. |
TIfcMapConversion |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMapConversion. |
TIfcMapConversionScaled |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMapConversionScaled. |
TIfcMappedItem |
CastleIfc |
Inserted instance of a source definition (to be compared with a block / shared cell / macro definition). |
TIfcMarineFacility |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMarineFacility. |
TIfcMarinePart |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMarinePart. |
TIfcMassMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Value of the amount of matter that a body contains. |
TIfcMaterial |
CastleIfc |
Homogeneous or inhomogeneous substance that can be used to form elements (physical products or their components). |
TIfcMaterialClassificationRelationship |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship. |
TIfcMaterialConstituent |
CastleIfc |
Single and identifiable part of an element which is constructed of a number of part (one or more) each having an individual material. |
TIfcMaterialConstituentSet |
CastleIfc |
Collection of individual material constituents, each assigning a material to a part of an element. |
TIfcMaterialDefinition |
CastleIfc |
General supertype for all material related information items in IFC that have common material related properties that may include association of material with some shape parameters or assignments to identified parts of a component. |
TIfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation |
CastleIfc |
Defines presentation information relating to IfcMaterial. |
TIfcMaterialLayer |
CastleIfc |
Single and identifiable part of an element which is constructed of a number of layers (one or more). |
TIfcMaterialLayerSet |
CastleIfc |
Designation by which materials of an element constructed of a number of material layers is known and through which the relative positioning of individual layers can be expressed. |
TIfcMaterialLayerSetUsage |
CastleIfc |
Determines the usage of IfcMaterialLayerSet in terms of its location and orientation relative to the associated element geometry. |
TIfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets. |
TIfcMaterialList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialList_Spec |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMaterialList. |
TIfcMaterialProfile |
CastleIfc |
Single and identifiable cross section of an element which is constructed of a number of profiles (one or more). |
TIfcMaterialProfileSet |
CastleIfc |
Designation by which individual material(s) of a prismatic element (for example, beam or column) constructed of a single or multiple material profiles is known. |
TIfcMaterialProfileSetUsage |
CastleIfc |
Usage of IfcMaterialProfileSet in terms of its location relative to the associated element geometry. |
TIfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering. |
TIfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets. |
TIfcMaterialProperties |
CastleIfc |
Set of material properties to associated material definitions. |
TIfcMaterialPropertiesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMaterialRelationship |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between part and whole in material definitions (as in composite materials). |
TIfcMaterialSelect |
CastleIfc |
Selection of either a material definition or a material usage definition that can be assigned to an element, a resource or another entity within this specification. |
TIfcMaterialUsageDefinition |
CastleIfc |
eneral supertype for all material related information items in IFC that have occurrence specific assignment parameters to assign a set of materials with shape parameters to a reference geometry item of that component. |
TIfcMeasureValue |
CastleIfc |
TIfcMeasureWithUnit |
CastleIfc |
This has two usages:
1. |
TIfcMechanicalFastener |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMechanicalFastener. |
TIfcMechanicalFastenerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMechanicalFastenerType. |
TIfcMedicalDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMedicalDevice. |
TIfcMedicalDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMedicalDeviceType. |
TIfcMember |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMember. |
TIfcMemberType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMemberType. |
TIfcMetric |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMetric. |
TIfcMirroredProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMirroredProfileDef. |
TIfcMobileTelecommunicationsAppliance |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMobileTelecommunicationsAppliance. |
TIfcMobileTelecommunicationsApplianceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMobileTelecommunicationsApplianceType. |
TIfcMonetaryUnit |
CastleIfc |
Define currency for money. |
TIfcMooringDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMooringDevice. |
TIfcMooringDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMooringDeviceType. |
TIfcMotorConnection |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMotorConnection. |
TIfcMotorConnectionType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcMotorConnectionType. |
TIfcNamedUnit |
CastleIfc |
A unit quantity associated with the word, or group of words, by which the unit is identified. |
TIfcNavigationElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcNavigationElement. |
TIfcNavigationElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcNavigationElementType. |
TIfcObject |
CastleIfc |
Any semantically treated thing or process. |
TIfcObjectDefinition |
CastleIfc |
Any semantically treated thing or process. |
TIfcObjective |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcObjective. |
TIfcObjectList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcObjectPlacement |
CastleIfc |
Define the object coordinate system. |
TIfcObjectPlacementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcOccupant |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOccupant. |
TIfcOffsetCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurve. |
TIfcOffsetCurve2D |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurve2D. |
TIfcOffsetCurve3D |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurve3D. |
TIfcOffsetCurveByDistances |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOffsetCurveByDistances. |
TIfcOpenCrossProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOpenCrossProfileDef. |
TIfcOpeningElement |
CastleIfc |
Opening: a void within any element that has physical manifestation. |
TIfcOpenShell |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOpenShell. |
TIfcOrganization |
CastleIfc |
Named and structured grouping with a corporate identity. |
TIfcOrganizationList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcOrganizationRelationship |
CastleIfc |
Organization relationship. |
TIfcOrganizationRelationshipList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcOrientedEdge |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOrientedEdge. |
TIfcOrientedEdge_Temp |
CastleIfc |
IFC internal class IfcOrientedEdge-temp (not in specification, only in XSD). |
TIfcOuterBoundaryCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOuterBoundaryCurve. |
TIfcOutlet |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOutlet. |
TIfcOutletType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcOutletType. |
TIfcOwnerHistory |
CastleIfc |
All history and identification related information. |
TIfcParameterizedProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
2D position coordinate system to which the parameters of the different profiles relate to. |
TIfcPath |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPath. |
TIfcPavement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPavement. |
TIfcPavementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPavementType. |
TIfcPcurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPcurve. |
TIfcPerformanceHistory |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPerformanceHistory. |
TIfcPermeableCoveringProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPermeableCoveringProperties. |
TIfcPermit |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPermit. |
TIfcPersistent |
CastleIfc |
Abstract class that can be serialized to / deserialized from an IFC file. |
TIfcPersistentClassList |
CastleIfc |
List of TIfcPersistent descendant classes. |
TIfcPerson |
CastleIfc |
Individual human being. |
TIfcPersonAndOrganization |
CastleIfc |
Person acting on behalf of an organization. |
TIfcPersonAndOrganizationList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPersonList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPhysicalComplexQuantity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity. |
TIfcPhysicalQuantity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPhysicalQuantity. |
TIfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity. |
TIfcPile |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPile. |
TIfcPileType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPileType. |
TIfcPipeFitting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPipeFitting. |
TIfcPipeFittingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPipeFittingType. |
TIfcPipeSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPipeSegment. |
TIfcPipeSegmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPipeSegmentType. |
TIfcPixelTexture |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPixelTexture. |
TIfcPlacement |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype of placement subtypes that define the location of an item, or an entire shape representation, and provide its orientation. |
TIfcPlanarBox |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPlanarBox. |
TIfcPlanarExtent |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPlanarExtent. |
TIfcPlane |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPlane. |
TIfcPlaneAngleMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Value of an angle in a plane. |
TIfcPlate |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPlate. |
TIfcPlateType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPlateType. |
TIfcPoint |
CastleIfc |
Abstract point. |
TIfcPointByDistanceExpression |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPointByDistanceExpression. |
TIfcPointOnCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPointOnCurve. |
TIfcPointOnSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPointOnSurface. |
TIfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace. |
TIfcPolygonalFaceSet |
CastleIfc |
Tessellated face set with all faces being bound by polygons. |
TIfcPolygonalFaceSetList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPolyline |
CastleIfc |
Bounded curve with only linear segments defined by a list of Cartesian points. |
TIfcPolyLoop |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPolyLoop. |
TIfcPolynomialCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPolynomialCurve. |
TIfcPort |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPort. |
TIfcPositioningElement |
CastleIfc |
Abstract entity definition for positioning and annotating elements that are used to position other elements relatively. |
TIfcPostalAddress |
CastleIfc |
Address for delivery of paper based mail and other postal deliveries. |
TIfcPreDefinedColour |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedColour. |
TIfcPreDefinedCurveFont |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedCurveFont. |
TIfcPreDefinedItem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedItem. |
TIfcPreDefinedProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedProperties. |
TIfcPreDefinedPropertySet |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedPropertySet. |
TIfcPreDefinedTextFont |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPreDefinedTextFont. |
TIfcPresentationItem |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype of all entities used for presentation appearance definitions. |
TIfcPresentationLayerAssignment |
CastleIfc |
The presentation layer assignment provides the layer name (and optionally a description and an identifier) for a collection of geometric representation items. |
TIfcPresentationLayerAssignmentList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPresentationLayerWithStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle. |
TIfcPresentationStyle |
CastleIfc |
Presentation information assigned to geometric representation items. |
TIfcPressureMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Measure of the quantity of a medium acting on a unit area. |
TIfcProcedure |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProcedure. |
TIfcProcedureType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProcedureType. |
TIfcProcess |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProcess. |
TIfcProduct |
CastleIfc |
Any object that relates to a geometric or spatial context. |
TIfcProductDefinitionShape |
CastleIfc |
Defines a representation of a product, including its (geometric or topological) representation. |
TIfcProductList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProductRepresentation |
CastleIfc |
Representation of a product, including its (geometric or topological) representation. |
TIfcProductRepresentationList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
Supertype of all definitions of standard and arbitrary profiles within IFC. |
TIfcProfileProperties |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProfilePropertiesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProject |
CastleIfc |
Context for information to be exchanged or shared, it may represent a construction project but does not have to. |
TIfcProjectedCRS |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProjectedCRS. |
TIfcProjectionElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProjectionElement. |
TIfcProjectLibrary |
CastleIfc |
Collects all library elements that are included within a referenced project data set. |
TIfcProjectOrder |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProjectOrder. |
TIfcProperty |
CastleIfc |
Abstract generalization for all types of properties that can be associated with IFC objects through the property set mechanism. |
TIfcPropertyAbstraction |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype of all property related entities defined as dependent resource entities within the specification. |
TIfcPropertyBoundedValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPropertyBoundedValue. |
TIfcPropertyDefinition |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of all characteristics (i.e. |
TIfcPropertyDependencyRelationship |
CastleIfc |
Whilst the IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship may be used to describe the dependency, and it may do so in terms of the expression of how the dependency operates, it is not possible through the current IFC model for the value of the related property to be actually derived from the value of the relating property. |
TIfcPropertyEnumeratedValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue. |
TIfcPropertyEnumeration |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPropertyEnumeration. |
TIfcPropertyList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPropertyListValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPropertyListValue. |
TIfcPropertyReferenceValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPropertyReferenceValue. |
TIfcPropertySet |
CastleIfc |
Container that holds properties within a property tree. |
TIfcPropertySetDefinition |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of all individual property sets that can be assigned to an object or type object. |
TIfcPropertySetTemplate |
CastleIfc |
Template for all dynamically extensible property sets represented by IfcPropertySet. |
TIfcPropertySetTemplateList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcPropertySingleValue |
CastleIfc |
Property with a single (numeric or descriptive) value assigned. |
TIfcPropertyTableValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPropertyTableValue. |
TIfcPropertyTemplate |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype comprising the templates for all dynamically extensible properties, either as an IfcComplexPropertyTemplate, or an IfcSimplePropertyTemplate. |
TIfcPropertyTemplateDefinition |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of all property and property set templates. |
TIfcPropertyTemplateList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcProtectiveDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDevice. |
TIfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit. |
TIfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType. |
TIfcProtectiveDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcProtectiveDeviceType. |
TIfcPump |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPump. |
TIfcPumpType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcPumpType. |
TIfcQuantityArea |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityArea. |
TIfcQuantityCount |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityCount. |
TIfcQuantityLength |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityLength. |
TIfcQuantityNumber |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityNumber. |
TIfcQuantitySet |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantitySet. |
TIfcQuantityTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityTime. |
TIfcQuantityVolume |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityVolume. |
TIfcQuantityWeight |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcQuantityWeight. |
TIfcRail |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRail. |
TIfcRailing |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRailing. |
TIfcRailingType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRailingType. |
TIfcRailType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRailType. |
TIfcRailway |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRailway. |
TIfcRailwayPart |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRailwayPart. |
TIfcRamp |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRamp. |
TIfcRampFlight |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRampFlight. |
TIfcRampFlightType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRampFlightType. |
TIfcRampType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRampType. |
TIfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots. |
TIfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots. |
TIfcReal_Boxed |
CastleIfc |
Real (float) value wrapped in a class, so it can be used where TIfcValue is expected. |
TIfcRectangleHollowProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef. |
TIfcRectangleProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
Rectangle as the profile definition used by the swept surface geometry or the swept area solid. |
TIfcRectangularPyramid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRectangularPyramid. |
TIfcRectangularTrimmedSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface. |
TIfcRecurrencePattern |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRecurrencePattern. |
TIfcReference |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReference. |
TIfcReferent |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReferent. |
TIfcRegularTimeSeries |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRegularTimeSeries. |
TIfcReinforcedSoil |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReinforcedSoil. |
TIfcReinforcementBarProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReinforcementBarProperties. |
TIfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties. |
TIfcReinforcingBar |
CastleIfc |
A reinforcing bar is usually made of steel with manufactured deformations in the surface, and used in concrete and masonry construction to provide additional strength. |
TIfcReinforcingBarType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcReinforcingBar. |
TIfcReinforcingElement |
CastleIfc |
A reinforcing element represents bars, wires, strands, meshes, tendons, and other components embedded in concrete in such a manner that the reinforcement and the concrete act together in resisting forces. |
TIfcReinforcingElementType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcReinforcingElement. |
TIfcReinforcingMesh |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReinforcingMesh. |
TIfcReinforcingMeshType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReinforcingMeshType. |
TIfcRelAdheresToElement |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between an element and one to many surface feature elements that adhere to the surface of the element. |
TIfcRelAggregates |
CastleIfc |
General composition/decomposition (or whole/part) relationship. |
TIfcRelAggregatesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelAssigns |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssigns. |
TIfcRelAssignsToActor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToActor. |
TIfcRelAssignsToControl |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToControl. |
TIfcRelAssignsToGroup |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToGroup. |
TIfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor. |
TIfcRelAssignsToProcess |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToProcess. |
TIfcRelAssignsToProduct |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToProduct. |
TIfcRelAssignsToResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssignsToResource. |
TIfcRelAssociates |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelAssociatesApproval |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesApproval. |
TIfcRelAssociatesClassification |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesClassification. |
TIfcRelAssociatesConstraint |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesConstraint. |
TIfcRelAssociatesDocument |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesDocument. |
TIfcRelAssociatesLibrary |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesLibrary. |
TIfcRelAssociatesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelAssociatesMaterial |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between a material definition and elements or element types to which this material definition applies. |
TIfcRelAssociatesMaterialList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelAssociatesProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelAssociatesProfileDef. |
TIfcRelationship |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelConnects |
CastleIfc |
Relationship that connects objects under some criteria. |
TIfcRelConnectsElements |
CastleIfc |
Relationship provides the generalization of the connectivity between elements. |
TIfcRelConnectsElementsList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelConnectsPathElements |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsPathElements. |
TIfcRelConnectsPorts |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsPorts. |
TIfcRelConnectsPortToElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsPortToElement. |
TIfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity. |
TIfcRelConnectsStructuralMember |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember. |
TIfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity. |
TIfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements |
CastleIfc |
Relationship that is made between two elements that require the realization of that relationship by means of further realizing elements. |
TIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure |
CastleIfc |
Relationship to assign elements to a certain level of the spatial project structure. |
TIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructureList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelCoversBldgElements |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between an element and one to many coverings, which cover that element. |
TIfcRelCoversSpaces |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelCoversSpaces. |
TIfcRelDeclares |
CastleIfc |
Declaration of objects (subtypes of IfcObject) or properties (subtypes of IfcPropertyDefinition) to a project or project library (represented by IfcProject, or IfcProjectLibrary). |
TIfcRelDeclaresList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelDecomposes |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelDefines |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelDefinesByObject |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between an object taking part in an object type decomposition and an object occurrence taking part in an occurrence decomposition of that type. |
TIfcRelDefinesByObjectList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelDefinesByProperties |
CastleIfc |
Relationships between property set definitions and objects. |
TIfcRelDefinesByPropertiesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelDefinesByTemplate |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between property set template and property sets.. |
TIfcRelDefinesByTemplateList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelDefinesByType |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between an object type and object occurrences. |
TIfcRelDefinesByTypeList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelFillsElement |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between an opening element and an element that fills (or partially fills) the opening element. |
TIfcRelFillsElementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelFlowControlElements |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelFlowControlElements. |
TIfcRelInterferesElements |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelNests |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelNests. |
TIfcRelPositions |
CastleIfc |
Relationship informs on the positioning dependency between a product and a positioning element. |
TIfcRelPositionsList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRelProjectsElement |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between an element and one projection element that creates a modifier to the shape of the element. |
TIfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure. |
TIfcRelSequence |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelSequence. |
TIfcRelServicesBuildings |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelServicesBuildings. |
TIfcRelSpaceBoundary |
CastleIfc |
The space boundary defines the physical or virtual delimiter of a space by the relationship IfcRelSpaceBoundary to the surrounding elements. |
TIfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel. |
TIfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel. |
TIfcRelVoidsElement |
CastleIfc |
Relationship between a building element and one opening element that creates a void in the element. |
TIfcRelVoidsElementList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment. |
TIfcRepresentation |
CastleIfc |
How to display the product. |
TIfcRepresentationContext |
CastleIfc |
Context to which the IfcRepresentation of a product is related. |
TIfcRepresentationContextList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRepresentationItem |
CastleIfc |
Geometric or topological representation items, that can (but not need to) have presentation style information assigned. |
TIfcRepresentationItemList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcRepresentationList |
CastleIfc |
List of TIfcRepresentation. |
TIfcRepresentationMap |
CastleIfc |
Base definition (also referred to as block, cell or macro) called MappedRepresentation within the MappingOrigin. |
TIfcResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcResource. |
TIfcResourceApprovalRelationship |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcResourceApprovalRelationship. |
TIfcResourceConstraintRelationship |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcResourceConstraintRelationship. |
TIfcResourceLevelRelationship |
CastleIfc |
Base entity for relationships between resource-level entities. |
TIfcResourceTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcResourceTime. |
TIfcRevolvedAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRevolvedAreaSolid. |
TIfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered. |
TIfcRightCircularCone |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRightCircularCone. |
TIfcRightCircularCylinder |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRightCircularCylinder. |
TIfcRigidOperation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRigidOperation. |
TIfcRoad |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRoad. |
TIfcRoadPart |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRoadPart. |
TIfcRoof |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRoof. |
TIfcRoofType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRoofType. |
TIfcRoot |
CastleIfc |
Most abstract and root class for all entity definitions. |
TIfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef. |
TIfcSanitaryTerminal |
CastleIfc |
A sanitary terminal is a fixed appliance or terminal usually supplied with water and used for drinking, cleaning or foul water disposal or that is an item of equipment directly used with such an appliance or terminal. |
TIfcSanitaryTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcSanitaryTerminal. |
TIfcSchedulingTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSchedulingTime. |
TIfcSeamCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSeamCurve. |
TIfcSecondOrderPolynomialSpiral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSecondOrderPolynomialSpiral. |
TIfcSectionedSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSectionedSolid. |
TIfcSectionedSolidHorizontal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal. |
TIfcSectionedSpine |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSectionedSpine. |
TIfcSectionedSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSectionedSurface. |
TIfcSectionProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSectionProperties. |
TIfcSectionReinforcementProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSectionReinforcementProperties. |
TIfcSegment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSegment. |
TIfcSegmentedReferenceCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSegmentedReferenceCurve. |
TIfcSegmentIndexSelect |
CastleIfc |
Choice between IfcArcIndex and IfcLineIndex. |
TIfcSensor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSensor. |
TIfcSensorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSensorType. |
TIfcSeventhOrderPolynomialSpiral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSeventhOrderPolynomialSpiral. |
TIfcShadingDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcShadingDevice. |
TIfcShadingDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcShadingDeviceType. |
TIfcShapeAspect |
CastleIfc |
Grouping of shape representation items that represent aspects (or components) of the shape of a product. |
TIfcShapeAspectList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcShapeModel |
CastleIfc |
TIfcShapeModelList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcShapeRepresentation |
CastleIfc |
Representation of a product or a product component within a specific geometric representation context. |
TIfcShellBasedSurfaceModel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel. |
TIfcSign |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSign. |
TIfcSignal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSignal. |
TIfcSignalType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSignalType. |
TIfcSignType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSignType. |
TIfcSimpleProperty |
CastleIfc |
Generalization of a single property object. |
TIfcSimplePropertyTemplate |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSimplePropertyTemplate. |
TIfcSineSpiral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSineSpiral. |
TIfcSite |
CastleIfc |
Defined area of land on which the project construction is to be completed. |
TIfcSIUnit |
CastleIfc |
Standard base SI units such as meter and second, and derived SI units such as Pascal, square meter and cubic meter. |
TIfcSIUnit_Temp |
CastleIfc |
IFC internal class IfcSIUnit-temp (not in specification, only in XSD). |
TIfcSlab |
CastleIfc |
Component of the construction that may enclose a space vertically. |
TIfcSlabStandardCase |
CastleIfc |
Deprecated and later removed in IFC 4.3. |
TIfcSlabType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of slabs. |
TIfcSlippageConnectionCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSlippageConnectionCondition. |
TIfcSolarDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSolarDevice. |
TIfcSolarDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSolarDeviceType. |
TIfcSolidModel |
CastleIfc |
3D shape. |
TIfcSpace |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpace. |
TIfcSpaceHeater |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpaceHeater. |
TIfcSpaceHeaterType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpaceHeaterType. |
TIfcSpaceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpaceType. |
TIfcSpatialElement |
CastleIfc |
Elements that might be used to define a spatial structure. |
TIfcSpatialElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpatialElementType. |
TIfcSpatialStructureElement |
CastleIfc |
Spatial structure can be used to provide a spatial organization of a project. |
TIfcSpatialStructureElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpatialStructureElementType. |
TIfcSpatialZone |
CastleIfc |
Non-hierarchical and potentially overlapping decomposition of the project under some functional consideration. |
TIfcSpatialZoneType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpatialZoneType. |
TIfcSphere |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSphere. |
TIfcSphericalSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSphericalSurface. |
TIfcSpiral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSpiral. |
TIfcStackTerminal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStackTerminal. |
TIfcStackTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStackTerminalType. |
TIfcStair |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStair. |
TIfcStairFlight |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStairFlight. |
TIfcStairFlightType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStairFlightType. |
TIfcStairType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStairType. |
TIfcStructuralAction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralAction. |
TIfcStructuralActivity |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralActivity. |
TIfcStructuralAnalysisModel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralAnalysisModel. |
TIfcStructuralConnection |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralConnection. |
TIfcStructuralConnectionCondition |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralConnectionCondition. |
TIfcStructuralCurveAction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveAction. |
TIfcStructuralCurveConnection |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveConnection. |
TIfcStructuralCurveMember |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveMember. |
TIfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying. |
TIfcStructuralCurveReaction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralCurveReaction. |
TIfcStructuralItem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralItem. |
TIfcStructuralLinearAction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLinearAction. |
TIfcStructuralLoad |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoad. |
TIfcStructuralLoadCase |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadCase. |
TIfcStructuralLoadConfiguration |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration. |
TIfcStructuralLoadGroup |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadGroup. |
TIfcStructuralLoadLinearForce |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce. |
TIfcStructuralLoadOrResult |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadOrResult. |
TIfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce. |
TIfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement. |
TIfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion. |
TIfcStructuralLoadSingleForce |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce. |
TIfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping. |
TIfcStructuralLoadStatic |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadStatic. |
TIfcStructuralLoadTemperature |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralLoadTemperature. |
TIfcStructuralMember |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralMember. |
TIfcStructuralPlanarAction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralPlanarAction. |
TIfcStructuralPointAction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralPointAction. |
TIfcStructuralPointConnection |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralPointConnection. |
TIfcStructuralPointReaction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralPointReaction. |
TIfcStructuralReaction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralReaction. |
TIfcStructuralResultGroup |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralResultGroup. |
TIfcStructuralSurfaceAction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceAction. |
TIfcStructuralSurfaceConnection |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection. |
TIfcStructuralSurfaceMember |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceMember. |
TIfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying. |
TIfcStructuralSurfaceReaction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStructuralSurfaceReaction. |
TIfcStyledItem |
CastleIfc |
Style information for products. |
TIfcStyledRepresentation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStyledRepresentation. |
TIfcStyleModel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcStyleModel. |
TIfcSubContractResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSubContractResource. |
TIfcSubContractResourceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSubContractResourceType. |
TIfcSubedge |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSubedge. |
TIfcSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurface. |
TIfcSurfaceCurve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceCurve. |
TIfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid. |
TIfcSurfaceFeature |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceFeature. |
TIfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion. |
TIfcSurfaceOfRevolution |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceOfRevolution. |
TIfcSurfaceReinforcementArea |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea. |
TIfcSurfaceStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyle. |
TIfcSurfaceStyleLighting |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleLighting. |
TIfcSurfaceStyleRefraction |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction. |
TIfcSurfaceStyleRendering |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleRendering. |
TIfcSurfaceStyleShading |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSurfaceStyleShading. |
TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures |
CastleIfc |
Include image textures in surface styles. |
TIfcSurfaceTexture |
CastleIfc |
2-dimensional image-based texture map. |
TIfcSurfaceTextureList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcSweptAreaSolid |
CastleIfc |
Represents the 3D shape by a sweeping representation scheme allowing a two dimensional planar cross section to sweep through space. |
TIfcSweptDiskSolid |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSweptDiskSolid. |
TIfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal. |
TIfcSweptSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSweptSurface. |
TIfcSwitchingDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSwitchingDevice. |
TIfcSwitchingDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSwitchingDeviceType. |
TIfcSystem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcSystem. |
TIfcSystemFurnitureElement |
CastleIfc |
Components of modular furniture which are not directly placed in a building structure but aggregated inside furniture. |
TIfcSystemFurnitureElementType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared property set definitions of TIfcSystemFurnitureElement. |
TIfcTable |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTable. |
TIfcTableColumn |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTableColumn. |
TIfcTableRow |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTableRow. |
TIfcTank |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTank. |
TIfcTankType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTankType. |
TIfcTask |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTask. |
TIfcTaskTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTaskTime. |
TIfcTaskTimeRecurring |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTaskTimeRecurring. |
TIfcTaskType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTaskType. |
TIfcTelecomAddress |
CastleIfc |
Address to which telephone, electronic mail and other forms of telecommunications should be addressed. |
TIfcTendon |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTendon. |
TIfcTendonAnchor |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTendonAnchor. |
TIfcTendonAnchorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTendonAnchorType. |
TIfcTendonConduit |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTendonConduit. |
TIfcTendonConduitType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTendonConduitType. |
TIfcTendonType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTendonType. |
TIfcTessellatedFaceSet |
CastleIfc |
Topological model limited to planar faces and straight edges. |
TIfcTessellatedItem |
CastleIfc |
Abstract supertype of all tessellated geometric models. |
TIfcTextLiteral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextLiteral. |
TIfcTextLiteralWithExtent |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextLiteralWithExtent. |
TIfcTextStyle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextStyle. |
TIfcTextStyleFontModel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextStyleFontModel. |
TIfcTextStyleForDefinedFont |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont. |
TIfcTextStyleTextModel |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextStyleTextModel. |
TIfcTextureCoordinate |
CastleIfc |
An abstract supertype of the different kinds to apply texture coordinates to geometries. |
TIfcTextureCoordinateGenerator |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator. |
TIfcTextureCoordinateIndices |
CastleIfc |
Provide the texture coordinates for an TIfcIndexedPolygonalFace. |
TIfcTextureCoordinateIndicesList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcTextureCoordinateIndicesWithVoids |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextureCoordinateIndicesWithVoids. |
TIfcTextureCoordinateList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcTextureMap |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextureMap. |
TIfcTextureVertex |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTextureVertex. |
TIfcTextureVertexList_Spec |
CastleIfc |
Ordered collection of 2D texture coordinates. |
TIfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Value for the degree of heat of a body. |
TIfcThirdOrderPolynomialSpiral |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcThirdOrderPolynomialSpiral. |
TIfcTimePeriod |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTimePeriod. |
TIfcTimeSeries |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTimeSeries. |
TIfcTimeSeriesValue |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTimeSeriesValue. |
TIfcTopologicalRepresentationItem |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem. |
TIfcTopologyRepresentation |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTopologyRepresentation. |
TIfcToroidalSurface |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcToroidalSurface. |
TIfcTrackElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTrackElement. |
TIfcTrackElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTrackElementType. |
TIfcTransformer |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTransformer. |
TIfcTransformerType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTransformerType. |
TIfcTransportationDevice |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTransportationDevice. |
TIfcTransportationDeviceType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTransportationDeviceType. |
TIfcTransportElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTransportElement. |
TIfcTransportElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTransportElementType. |
TIfcTrapeziumProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTrapeziumProfileDef. |
TIfcTriangulatedFaceSet |
CastleIfc |
Tessellated face set with all faces being bound by triangles. |
TIfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork. |
TIfcTrimmedCurve |
CastleIfc |
Bounded curve that is trimmed at both ends. |
TIfcTShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTShapeProfileDef. |
TIfcTubeBundle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTubeBundle. |
TIfcTubeBundleType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTubeBundleType. |
TIfcTypeObject |
CastleIfc |
Information about a type, common to all occurrences of this type. |
TIfcTypeObjectList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcTypeProcess |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTypeProcess. |
TIfcTypeProduct |
CastleIfc |
Type definition of a product without being already inserted into a project structure (without having a placement). |
TIfcTypeResource |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcTypeResource. |
TIfcUnit |
CastleIfc |
Abstract unit: a physical quantity, with a value of one, which is used as a standard in terms of which other quantities are expressed. |
TIfcUnitaryControlElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcUnitaryControlElement. |
TIfcUnitaryControlElementType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcUnitaryControlElementType. |
TIfcUnitaryEquipment |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcUnitaryEquipment. |
TIfcUnitaryEquipmentType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcUnitaryEquipmentType. |
TIfcUnitAssignment |
CastleIfc |
A set of units which may be assigned. |
TIfcUnitList |
CastleIfc |
TIfcUShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcUShapeProfileDef. |
TIfcValue |
CastleIfc |
Type for selecting between more specialised select types IfcSimpleValue, IfcMeasureValue and IfcDerivedMeasureValue. |
TIfcValve |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcValve. |
TIfcValveType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcValveType. |
TIfcVector |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVector. |
TIfcVehicle |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVehicle. |
TIfcVehicleType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVehicleType. |
TIfcVertex |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVertex. |
TIfcVertexLoop |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVertexLoop. |
TIfcVertexPoint |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVertexPoint. |
TIfcVibrationDamper |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVibrationDamper. |
TIfcVibrationDamperType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVibrationDamperType. |
TIfcVibrationIsolator |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVibrationIsolator. |
TIfcVibrationIsolatorType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVibrationIsolatorType. |
TIfcVirtualElement |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVirtualElement. |
TIfcVirtualGridIntersection |
CastleIfc |
Derived location of the intersection between two grid axes. |
TIfcVoidingFeature |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcVoidingFeature. |
TIfcVolumeMeasure |
CastleIfc |
Value of the solid content of a body. |
TIfcWall |
CastleIfc |
Wall represents a vertical construction that may bound or subdivide spaces. |
TIfcWallElementedCase |
CastleIfc |
Deprecated and later removed in IFC 4.3. |
TIfcWallStandardCase |
CastleIfc |
Wall with certain constraints for the provision of parameters and with certain constraints for the geometric representation. |
TIfcWallType |
CastleIfc |
Shared information for occurrences of walls. |
TIfcWasteTerminal |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWasteTerminal. |
TIfcWasteTerminalType |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWasteTerminalType. |
TIfcWellKnownText |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWellKnownText. |
TIfcWindow |
CastleIfc |
Window building element. |
TIfcWindowLiningProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWindowLiningProperties. |
TIfcWindowPanelProperties |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWindowPanelProperties. |
TIfcWindowType |
CastleIfc |
Commonly shared information for occurrences of windows. |
TIfcWorkCalendar |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWorkCalendar. |
TIfcWorkControl |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWorkControl. |
TIfcWorkPlan |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWorkPlan. |
TIfcWorkSchedule |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWorkSchedule. |
TIfcWorkTime |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcWorkTime. |
TIfcZone |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcZone. |
TIfcZShapeProfileDef |
CastleIfc |
IFC class IfcZShapeProfileDef. |
TImageBackgroundNode |
X3DNodes |
Display a 2D image as a background. |
TImageCubeMapTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Cube environment map texture loaded from a single file, like DDS. |
TImageTexture3DNode |
X3DNodes |
3D texture loaded from a single file like DDS. |
TImageTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Texture image loaded from a file. |
TImageURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to an image readable by Castle Game Engine. |
TInAppProduct |
CastleInAppPurchases |
A product that can be bought by in-app purchases (TInAppPurchases). |
TInAppPurchases |
CastleInAppPurchases |
Manage in-app purchases in your game. |
TIndexedFaceSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Mesh with faces (polygons) constructed from vertices. |
TIndexedFaceSetNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TIndexedFacesOrTrianglesNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
Common base class for VRML 1.0 indexed polygon nodes (IndexedFaceSet and IndexedTriangleMesh). |
TIndexedLineSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Geometry formed by constructing polylines from 3D vertices. |
TIndexedLineSetNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TIndexedQuadSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Quads. |
TIndexedTriangleFanSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Triangles that form a fan shape around the first vertex. |
TIndexedTriangleMeshNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
IndexedTriangleMesh (from Inventor 1.0). |
TIndexedTriangleSetNode |
X3DNodes |
A collection of triangles. |
TIndexedTriangleStripSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Strips of triangles. |
TInfoNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TInlineLoadControlNode |
X3DNodes |
Embed another X3D scene into the current scene, with additional output event when they are loaded (VRML 97 version). |
TInlineNode |
X3DNodes |
Embed another X3D scene into the current scene. |
TInputInspector |
CastleUIControls |
How to invoke the inspector, see TCastleContainer.InputInspector. |
TInputMotion |
CastleKeysMouse |
Motion (movement) of mouse or a finger on a touch device. |
TInputPressRelease |
CastleKeysMouse |
Input press or release event. |
TInputShortcut |
CastleInputs |
A keyboard and/or mouse shortcut for activating some action. |
TInputShortcutList |
CastleInputs |
Group of TInputShortcut, to easily manage (search, load, save...) the inputs. |
TInt32List |
CastleUtils |
List of 32-bit signed integer values. |
TIntegerList |
CastleUtils |
List of Integer (signed) values. |
TIntegerSequencerNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate sequential integer events. |
TIntegerTriggerNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate an integer upon receiving any boolean value. |
TInternalChildrenControls |
CastleUIControls |
List of UI controls, with a parent control and container. |
TInternalRendererResource |
X3DNodes |
TInternalReusedPixelTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Internal TPixelTextureNode descendant for nodes that may be used by many scenes at once (right now this just means: FontTexture), Such nodes need special protection to not free their rendering resources too early (e.g. |
TInternalSoundSourceList |
CastleSoundEngine |
TJointNode |
X3DNodes |
TJoyInfo |
CastleJoysticks |
Joystick information. |
TJoyState |
CastleJoysticks |
Joystick state. |
TJoystick |
CastleJoysticks |
Properties of a given joystick, use by accessing Joysticks[Index]. |
TJoysticks |
CastleJoysticks |
TJoysticks is a class for joysticks and gamepads management
TKambiAppearanceNode |
X3DNodes |
Appearance node with a special name KambiAppearance . |
TKambiInlineNode |
X3DNodes |
Embed a scene from another file, and replace some of it's nodes. |
TKambiNavigationInfoNode |
X3DNodes |
Navigation information with some Castle Game Engine extensions. |
TKeySensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate events when user key presses or releases keys on the keyboard. |
TKeysPressed |
CastleKeysMouse |
Tracking the "pressed" state of keys. |
TLCLKeyPressHandler |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert LCL OnKeyDown and OnUTF8KeyPress into a single CGE event OnPress. |
TLightInstance |
X3DNodes |
Light source instance in the scene. |
TLightInstancesList |
X3DNodes |
TLinePropertiesNode |
X3DNodes |
Additional visible properties to be applied to all line geometry. |
TLineSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Lines. |
TLineStipple |
CastleGLUtils |
TLoadSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Monitors the progress and success of downloading URL elements over a network. |
TLocalFogNode |
X3DNodes |
Simulate atmospheric fog effects (for a part of the scene) by blending with the fog colour, based on the distance from the viewer. |
TLODNode |
X3DNodes |
Provides various levels of detail for a given object, only one of which will be visible at a given time. |
TLODNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TLogEventList |
CastleApplicationProperties |
TLoggerNode |
X3DNodes |
X3D events logging. |
TLoopingChannel |
CastleSoundEngine |
Looping sound management, to easily play music or other looping sounds. |
TMakeX3DViewpoint |
X3DCameraUtils |
Utility class to set various viewpoint properties, and then generate given viewpoint node. |
TMaterialBindingNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TMaterialInfo |
X3DNodes |
Abstract class for material information, that define material properties for various lighting equations. |
TMaterialNode |
X3DNodes |
Material determines how the geometry looks on the screen, by providing parameters to the lighting equations. |
TMaterialNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TMatrix3DoubleList |
CastleVectors |
List of TMatrix3Double. |
TMatrix3List |
CastleVectors |
List of TMatrix3. |
TMatrix3VertexAttributeNode |
X3DNodes |
Per-vertex 3x3 matrix attributes, available to shaders. |
TMatrix4DoubleList |
CastleVectors |
List of TMatrix4Double. |
TMatrix4List |
CastleVectors |
List of TMatrix4. |
TMatrix4VertexAttributeNode |
X3DNodes |
Per-vertex 4x4 matrix attributes, available to shaders. |
TMatrixTransformNode |
X3DNodes |
Transform children by an explicit 4x4 matrix. |
TMatrixTransformNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
VRML 1.0 MatrixTransform node. |
TMenu |
CastleWindow |
TMenuEntry that contains a list of menu entries. |
TMenuEntry |
CastleWindow |
A basic class representing basic menu building block. |
TMenuEntryWithCaption |
CastleWindow |
TMenuItem |
CastleWindow |
TMenuEntry that is a simple, clickable menu item. |
TMenuItemChecked |
CastleWindow |
TMenuItem that should visualize Checked state somehow to the user. |
TMenuItemRadio |
CastleWindow |
Menu radio item. |
TMenuItemRadioGroup |
CastleWindow |
A group of radio buttons. |
TMenuItemToggleFullScreen |
CastleWindow |
Menu item that toggles TCastleWindow.FullScreen. |
TMenuSeparator |
CastleWindow |
TMenuEntry that acts as a visual separator (horizontal line or something like that) between menu items. |
TMessageClientRecord |
CastleClientServer |
TMessageReceivedEventList |
CastleMessaging |
Used by TMessaging to manage a list of listeners. |
TMessaging |
CastleMessaging |
Message system to communicate between native code (Pascal) and other languages (Java on Android, Objective-C on iOS) that possibly run in other thread. |
TMetadataBooleanNode |
X3DNodes |
A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a boolean type. |
TMetadataDoubleNode |
X3DNodes |
A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a double-precision floating point number type. |
TMetadataFloatNode |
X3DNodes |
A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a single-precision floating point number type. |
TMetadataIntegerNode |
X3DNodes |
A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with an integer type. |
TMetadataSetNode |
X3DNodes |
A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) set, to reference of collection of other metadata nodes. |
TMetadataStringNode |
X3DNodes |
A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a string type. |
TMFBool |
X3DFields |
TMFBoolEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFColor |
X3DFields |
TMFColorEvent |
X3DFields |
X3DFields |
TMFColorRGBAEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFDouble |
X3DFields |
TMFDoubleEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFFloat |
X3DFields |
TMFFloatEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFInt32 |
X3DFields |
TMFInt32Event |
X3DFields |
TMFLong |
X3DFields |
TMFLongEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3d |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3dEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3f |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3fEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4d |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4dEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4f |
X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4fEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFNode |
X3DNodes |
VRML/X3D field holding a list of nodes. |
TMFNodeEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFRotation |
X3DFields |
TMFRotationEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFString |
X3DFields |
TMFStringEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFTime |
X3DFields |
TMFTimeEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFVec2d |
X3DFields |
TMFVec2dEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFVec2f |
X3DFields |
TMFVec2fEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFVec3d |
X3DFields |
TMFVec3dEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFVec3f |
X3DFields |
TMFVec3fEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFVec4d |
X3DFields |
TMFVec4dEvent |
X3DFields |
TMFVec4f |
X3DFields |
TMFVec4fEvent |
X3DFields |
TModelFormat |
X3DLoad |
Information about a model format, used with RegisterModelFormat. |
TMovieTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Movie file, that can be played and displayed as a texture. |
TMultiGeneratedTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Generated texture coordinates for multi-texturing. |
TMultiTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Multiple texture coordinates per vertex, to be used with multi-texturing by TMultiTextureNode. |
TMultiTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Application of several individual textures on top of each other, used instead of a single texture when desired. |
TMultiTextureTransformNode |
X3DNodes |
Multiple texture transforms, to be used with multi-texturing by TMultiTextureNode. |
TNavigationInfoNode |
X3DNodes |
Describe the physical characteristics of the viewer's avatar and navigation. |
TNavigationInfoStack |
CastleSceneCore |
TNodeDestructionNotificationList |
X3DNodes |
TNodeFunctionality |
X3DNodes |
Simple component system inside TX3DNode. |
TNodesManager |
X3DNodes |
Manages X3D non-abstract node classes, that can be used in X3D files. |
TNoParameterlessContructor |
CastleUtils |
Descend from this to hide a parameterless constructor. |
TNormalBindingNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TNormalInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D directions, for example normal vectors. |
TNormalNode |
X3DNodes |
Normal (information for lighting) node. |
TNotifyEventList |
CastleClassUtils |
TNurbsCurve2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Trimming segment that is expressed a NURBS curve and is part of a trimming contour in the u,v domain of the surface. |
TNurbsCurveNode |
X3DNodes |
Visible NURBS curve in 3D. |
TNurbsOrientationInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) orientations as tangent vectors of the 3D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsPatchSurfaceNode |
X3DNodes |
Visible NURBS 3D surface. |
TNurbsPositionInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) positions along the 3D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Groups a set of NURBS surface nodes to a common group for rendering purposes, to ensure a common tesselation within the group. |
TNurbsSurfaceInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) by sampling a position and normal at 3D NURBS surface from an input 2D surface parameters. |
TNurbsSweptSurfaceNode |
X3DNodes |
Path in 2D space (that can be constructed from NURBS curves, or straight segments) extruded along a 3D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsSwungSurfaceNode |
X3DNodes |
Path in 2D space (that can be constructed from NURBS curves, or straight segments) extruded along a 2D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
NURBS surface existing in the parametric domain of its surface host specifying the mapping of the texture onto the surface. |
TNurbsTrimmedSurfaceNode |
X3DNodes |
Visible 3D NURBS surface (like a TNurbsPatchSurfaceNode) that is trimmed by a set of trimming loops. |
TOption |
CastleParameters |
Command-line option specification, for TParameters.Parse. |
TOrientationInterpolator2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a 2D orientation, during which angle changes but axis remains constant. |
TOrientationInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) an orientation, for example to animate TTransformNode.Rotation. |
TOrthographicCameraNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TOrthoViewpointNode |
X3DNodes |
Viewpoint that provides an orthographic view of the scene. |
TPackagedShaderNode |
X3DNodes |
Single file that may contain a number of shaders and combined effects. |
TParameters |
CastleParameters |
Storing and processing command-line parameters and options. |
TPartialSend |
X3DFields |
Send along with the animation that should be applied only partially (because it fades-out or fades-in). |
TPathTracer |
CastleRayTracer |
Path tracer. |
TPeekCharStream |
CastleClassUtils |
Abstract class to read another stream, always being able to back one character. |
TPercentReplace |
CastleStringUtils |
TPerspectiveCameraNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TPhongMaterialInfo |
X3DNodes |
Material information that defines parameters for Phong lighting equations. |
TPhotoService |
CastlePhotoService |
TPhotoService enables to store/retrieve images to/from the system Photos app.
TPhysicalMaterialInfo |
X3DNodes |
Material information that defines parameters for physical lighting equations. |
TPhysicalMaterialNode |
X3DNodes |
TPhysicsCollisionDetails |
CastleTransform |
Information send along with TCollisionEvent event, like TCastleRigidBody.OnCollisionEnter, TCastleRigidBody.OnCollisionExit. |
TPhysicsProperties |
CastleTransform |
Configure physics simulation calculation. |
TPhysicsRayCastResult |
CastleTransform |
Result of TCastleAbstractRootTransform.PhysicsRayCast and TCastleRigidBody.PhysicsRayCast. |
TPiecewiseCubicBezier |
CastleCurves |
Piecewise (composite) cubic Bezier curve. |
TPixelTexture3DNode |
X3DNodes |
3D texture defined as an explicit array of pixel values inside the X3D file. |
TPixelTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Texture specified as an explicit array of pixel values (see FdImage field). |
TPlaceholderNames |
CastleShapes |
TPlaneNode |
X3DNodes |
Alternative (deprecated) version of TRectangle2DNode, compatible with InstantReality X3D browser. |
TPlaneSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Pointing device sensor to move objects on a plane. |
TPlayAnimationParameters |
CastleSceneCore |
Parameters to use when playing animation, see TCastleSceneCore.PlayAnimation. |
TPointingDeviceSensorList |
X3DNodes |
List of pointing device sensors. |
TPointLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Point light source, that shines from a given point in all directions around, for X3D. |
TPointLightNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TPointSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Points. |
TPointSetNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TPolygonOffset |
CastleRenderContext |
TPolyline2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Series of line segments in 2D. |
TPolypoint2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Set of vertices in 2D. |
TPositionInterpolator2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a 2D position. |
TPositionInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a 3D position, for example to animate TTransformNode.Translation. |
TPrepareParams |
CastleTransform |
Information that a TCastleTransform object needs to prepare rendering. |
TProcedureList |
CastleClassUtils |
TProcessTimerResult |
CastleTimeUtils |
Current time from ProcessTimer. |
TProgramShaderNode |
X3DNodes |
Shader that can consist of one or more individually programmable, self-contained pieces in TShaderProgramNode, like a Microsoft HLSL shader. |
TProjectedTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate texture coordinates by projection. |
TProjection |
CastleProjection |
Projection determines how does the 3D world map onto 2D screen. |
TProximitySensorInstance |
CastleShapes |
TProximitySensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate events when the viewer enters, exits, and/or moves within a region of 3D space. |
TQuadSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Quads, not indexed. |
TQuaternion |
CastleQuaternions |
Quaternions are useful to represent rotations in 3D that can be easily applied and combined with other rotations. |
TRayCollision |
CastleTransform |
Represents a ray collision with TCastleTransform (TCastleTransform that may have parents). |
TRayCollisionNode |
CastleTransform |
Information about ray collision with a single 3D object. |
TRayTracer |
CastleRayTracer |
TRecentFiles |
CastleRecentFiles |
Manage a list of recently open files. |
TRectangle |
CastleRectangles |
2D rectangle with integer coordinates. |
TRectangle2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Rectangle in 2D. |
TRectangleList |
CastleRectangles |
TRegisteredComponent |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Describes a component registered using RegisterSerializableComponent, enumerated using RegisteredComponents list. |
TRegisteredProtocol |
CastleDownload |
Details of the registered URL protocol. |
TRenderContext |
CastleRenderContext |
The OpenGL / OpenGLES context state. |
TRenderedTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Texture with contents created by rendering the scene from a specific viewpoint. |
TRenderOnePassParams |
CastleTransform |
How to render a single pass, when the shapes are already collected. |
TRenderParams |
CastleTransform |
Information that a TCastleTransform.LocalRender needs to render. |
TRenderStatistics |
CastleTransform |
Statistics about what was rendered during last frame. |
TRepoSoundEngine |
CastleSoundEngine |
Sound engine that keeps a repository of sounds, defined in a nice XML file. |
TRGBAlphaFloatImage |
CastleImages |
Image with RGBA colors using Single (4 floating-point numbers for each pixel). |
TRGBAlphaImage |
CastleImages |
Image with each pixel stored as 4 bytes: RGB (color) and alpha (opacity). |
TRGBFloatImage |
CastleImages |
Image with high-precision RGB colors encoded as 3 floating-point Single values. |
TRGBImage |
CastleImages |
Image with pixel represented as a TVector3Byte (red, green, blue). |
TRotationNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TRotationXYZNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
RotationXYZ node (from Inventor). |
TScalarInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a single floating-point value, for example to animate TMaterialNode.Transparency. |
TScaleNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TSceneURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to something that can be loaded by LoadNode or TCastleSceneCore.Load. |
TScissor |
CastleRenderContext |
Scissor to clip displayed things, in addition to the global scissor affected by TRenderContext.ScissorEnable / TRenderContext.ScissorDisable. |
TScreenEffectNode |
X3DNodes |
Screen-space shader effect. |
TScriptNode |
X3DNodes |
Program behavior in a scene using scripts. |
TSector |
CastleSectors |
TSectorList |
CastleSectors |
TSegmentNode |
X3DNodes |
TSeparatorNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TSerializationProcess |
CastleClassUtils |
Call methods of this class within TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization override. |
TSerializationProcessColorsHelper |
CastleColors |
Helper methods you can use from TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization to manage reading/writing of colors. |
TSerializationProcessVectorsHelper |
CastleVectors |
Helper methods you can use from TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization to manage reading/writing of vectors. |
TSFBitMask |
X3DFields |
VRML 1.0 (deprecated) field representing a bitmask, where a number of "flags" can be "on" or "off". |
TSFBool |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a single boolean value. |
TSFBoolEvent |
X3DFields |
TX3DEvent descendants with comfortable Send methods. |
TSFColor |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing an RGB color. |
TSFColorEvent |
X3DFields |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing an RGBA color (with an alpha). |
TSFColorRGBAEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFDouble |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a floating-point value with Double precision. |
TSFDoubleEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFEnum |
X3DFields |
VRML 1.0 (deprecated) field representing an enumerated value, which means that you choose one (named) value from a set of possible values. |
TSFFloat |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a floating-point value with Single precision. |
TSFFloatEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFGenericMatrix |
X3DFields |
Generic class for an X3D field containing a single matrix value. |
TSFGenericVector |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a vector. |
TSFImage |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing an image that is "embedded" in the X3D file. |
TSFImageEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFInt32 |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing an single integer 32-bit value. |
TSFInt32Event |
X3DFields |
TSFLong |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing an single integer 32-bit value. |
TSFLongEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFMatrix |
X3DFields |
VRML 1.0 SFMatrix field. |
TSFMatrix3d |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 3x3 matrix with Double precision. |
TSFMatrix3dEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFMatrix3f |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 3x3 matrix with Single precision. |
TSFMatrix3fEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFMatrix4d |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 4x4 matrix with Double precision. |
TSFMatrix4dEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFMatrix4f |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 4x4 matrix with Single precision. |
TSFMatrix4fEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFNode |
X3DNodes |
X3D field holding a reference to a single node. |
TSFNodeEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFNodeEventHelper |
X3DNodes |
TSFRotation |
X3DFields |
X3D field representing a 3D rotation around an arbitrary axis. |
TSFRotationEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFString |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a single string. |
TSFStringEnum |
X3DFields |
X3D field that contains a value from a specified set. |
TSFStringEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFTime |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a time, expressed as seconds that passed since some moment. |
TSFTimeEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFVec2d |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 2D vector with Double precision. |
TSFVec2dEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFVec2f |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 2D vector with Single precision. |
TSFVec2fEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFVec3d |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 3D vector with Double precision. |
TSFVec3dEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFVec3f |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 3D vector with Single precision. |
TSFVec3fEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFVec4d |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 4D vector with Double precision. |
TSFVec4dEvent |
X3DFields |
TSFVec4f |
X3DFields |
X3D field containing a 4D vector with Single precision. |
TSFVec4fEvent |
X3DFields |
TShaderPartNode |
X3DNodes |
OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) shader part, used inside TComposedShaderNode. |
TShaderProgramNode |
X3DNodes |
Self-container shader part used with TProgramShaderNode, for example with Microsoft HLSL shader language. |
TShaderTextureNode |
X3DNodes |
Procedural texture defined by shaders. |
TShape |
CastleShapes |
Shape is a geometry node Geometry instance and it's State. |
TShapeHintsNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TShapeList |
CastleShapes |
TShapeNode |
X3DNodes |
Shape is a rendered object in the world, with an appearance and geometry. |
TShapeTree |
CastleShapes |
Tree of shapes. |
TShapeTreeGroup |
CastleShapes |
Internal (non-leaf) node of the TShapeTree. |
TShapeTreeIterator |
CastleShapes |
Iterates over all TShape items that would be enumerated by Tree.Traverse. |
TShapeTreeLOD |
CastleShapes |
LOD (level of detail) alternative in the TShapeTree. |
TShapeTreeSwitch |
CastleShapes |
Node of the TShapeTree representing an alternative, choosing one (or none) child from it's children list as active. |
TShapeTreeTransform |
CastleShapes |
Node of the TShapeTree transforming it's children. |
TSimpleNotifyEventList |
CastleClassUtils |
TSimplePeekCharStream |
CastleClassUtils |
Read another stream, sequentially, always being able to back one character. |
TSingleList |
CastleUtils |
List of Single (single-precision floating point) values. |
TSiteNode |
X3DNodes |
TSoundAllocator |
CastleSoundEngine |
Manager of allocated sounds. |
TSoundDevice |
CastleSoundBase |
TSoundDeviceList |
CastleSoundBase |
TSoundEngine |
CastleSoundEngine |
Sound engine, responsible for loading and playing sounds. |
TSoundNode |
X3DNodes |
3D sound emitter. |
TSoundURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to a sound file. |
TSphereNode |
X3DNodes |
Sphere. |
TSphereNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TSphereSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Pointing device sensor to rotate objects. |
TSplinePositionInterpolator2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a 2D position. |
TSplinePositionInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a 3D position. |
TSplineScalarInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a single floating-point value. |
TSpotLightNode |
X3DNodes |
Light source that emits light from a specific point along a specific direction constrained within a cone. |
TSpotLightNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TSprite |
CastleGLImages |
Sprite is an animation composed from frames arranged in rows and columns inside a single image. |
TSpriteAnimation |
CastleGLImages |
Custom animation of a sprite. |
TSpriteAnimationFrame |
CastleGLImages |
A frame of a custom animation. |
TSquadOrientationInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a rotation. |
TStaticGroupNode |
X3DNodes |
Children nodes which cannot be modified. |
TStreamHelper |
CastleStreamUtils |
Helper class for streams that allows to correctly read and write either little or big endian values. |
TStringIntegerMap |
X3DNodes |
Map String->Integer. |
TStringListCaseSens |
CastleClassUtils |
TStringList that is case sensitive. |
TStringSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Generates events as the user inputs a longer string on the keyboard, useful for example to simulate "input fields" in 3D. |
TStringsHelper |
CastleDownload |
Copyright 2013-2020 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TStringsHelper |
CastleStringUtils |
TStringStringMap |
CastleStringUtils |
String-to-string map. |
TStructList |
CastleUtils |
List of structures. |
TSubPropertiesEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Editor for any published SubComponent, you want to be able to expand it in the LCL object inspector. |
TSwitchNode |
X3DNodes |
Choose only one (or none) of the child nodes for processing. |
TSwitchNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTangentNode |
X3DNodes |
Tangent vectors information, for bump mapping. |
TTeapotNode |
X3DNodes |
Teapot geometry, useful for testing purposes. |
TTerrainCasScript |
CastleTerrain |
Terrain (height for each X, Y) data calculated from CastleScript expression. |
TTestFairy |
CastleTestFairy |
TestFairy integration. |
TText3DNode |
X3DNodes |
Text with 3D depth. |
TTextNode |
X3DNodes |
Multiline text, visualized as a set of flat and textured polygons. |
TTextReader |
CastleDownload |
Read any stream like a text file. |
TTextReaderWriter |
CastleDownload |
Common class for reading or writing a stream like a text file. |
TTexture2Node_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTexture2TransformNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTextureBackgroundNode |
X3DNodes |
3D background of a scene, comprised of sky and ground colors (gradients) and optional six textures (skybox), with flexible texture nodes. |
TTextureCompressionInfo |
CastleImages |
TTextureCoordinate2Node_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTextureCoordinate3DNode |
X3DNodes |
3D texture coordinates, partcularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureCoordinate4DNode |
X3DNodes |
4D (homogeneous 3D) texture coordinates, partcularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureCoordinateGeneratorNode |
X3DNodes |
Automatic generation of texture coordinates. |
TTextureCoordinateNode |
X3DNodes |
2D texture coordinates used by vertex-based geometry nodes. |
TTextureFilter |
CastleGLImages |
TTextureFontData |
CastleTextureFontData |
Data for a 2D font initialized from a FreeType font file, like ttf. |
TTextureFontData.TGlyph |
CastleTextureFontData |
Information about a particular font glyph. |
TTextureFontData.TGlyphDictionary |
CastleTextureFontData |
Map Unicode code to a TGlyph representation. |
TTextureFontDataInformation |
CastleTextureFontData |
Additional metadata about TTextureFontData, used when embedding and recreating TTextureFontData instances. |
TTextureMemoryProfiler |
CastleGLImages |
OpenGL texture memory profiler. |
TTexturePropertiesNode |
X3DNodes |
Adjust the texture application properties. |
TTexturesVideosCache |
CastleTextureImages |
A cache of loaded images for textures. |
TTextureTransform3DNode |
X3DNodes |
Transformation of texture coordinates in 3D, partcularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureTransformMatrix3DNode |
X3DNodes |
Transformation of texture coordinates by a 4x4 matrix, particularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureTransformNode |
X3DNodes |
2D transformation that can be applied to texture coordinates (e.g. |
TTextureWrap2D |
CastleGLImages |
TTextureWrap3D |
CastleGLImages |
TTextWriter |
CastleDownload |
Write to a stream like to a text file. |
TThreadSynchronisationHandler |
CastleClientServer |
Because Indys version isn't generic in FPC. |
TTiledMapURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to a Tiled Map file. |
TTimeDependentFunctionality |
X3DNodes |
Functionality of all time-dependent nodes. |
TTimerResult |
CastleTimeUtils |
Current time from Timer. |
TTimeSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate events as time passes. |
TTimeTriggerNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate time events upon receiving any boolean value. |
TTogglerNode |
X3DNodes |
Utility for setting and observing a boolean value in various ways. |
TTouch |
CastleUIControls |
Tracking of a touch by a single finger, used by TTouchList. |
TTouchList |
CastleUIControls |
Tracking of multi-touch, a position of each finger on the screen. |
TTouchSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Sensor to catch clicks on 3D objects. |
TTransformation |
CastleVectors |
Describe transformation in a way comfortable to apply it in both ways. |
TTransformationList |
CastleVectors |
TTransformDesignURLPropertyEditor |
CastlePropEdits |
Property editor for URL that refers to a file readable by TransformLoad. |
TTransformFunctionality |
X3DNodes |
Node functionality for all X3D transformation nodes. |
TTransformNode |
X3DNodes |
Grouping node that transforms (moves, rotates, scales) it's children. |
TTransformNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTransformSensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Generates events when the target object enters, exits, and moves within a region of 3D space. |
TTransformSeparatorNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTranslationNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TTraversingInfo |
X3DNodes |
TTriangle |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle in 3D. |
TTriangle2 |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle in 2D space. |
TTriangle3 |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle in 3D space. |
TTriangle4 |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle in 4D (or 3D homogeneous) space. |
TTriangleFanSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Triangles that form a fan shape around the first vertex. |
TTriangleGeometry |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle expressed in particular coordinate system, for TTriangle. |
TTriangleHelper |
CastleShapes |
Triangle in a 3D model. |
TTriangleSet2DNode |
X3DNodes |
Set of triangles in 2D. |
TTriangleSetNode |
X3DNodes |
A collection of triangles. |
TTriangleStripSetNode |
X3DNodes |
Strips of triangles. |
TTwoSidedMaterialNode |
X3DNodes |
Note: Whether the shape is visible from both sides depends on the geometry TAbstractGeometryNode.Solid field, and is independent of whether you use this or other (one-sided) material nodes. |
TUInt32List |
CastleUtils |
List of 32-bit unsigned values. |
TUnicodeCharList |
CastleUnicode |
TUnlitMaterialInfo |
X3DNodes |
Material information that defines parameters for unlit lighting equations. |
TUnlitMaterialNode |
X3DNodes |
TUrlAsynchronousReader |
CastleDownload |
Implement this class, and pass to RegisterUrlProtocol, to read protocols asynchronously (such that TCastleDownload can read them asynchronously). |
TUrlFunctionality |
X3DNodes |
Functionality used by all nodes that contain data located on the World Wide Web. |
TValueTriggerNode |
X3DNodes |
Generate events upon receiving a boolean TRUE value. |
TVector2Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 2 Byte values. |
TVector2Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 2 Cardinal values. |
TVector2DoubleList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector2Double. |
TVector2Integer |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 2 Integer values. |
TVector2List |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector2. |
TVector2SmallInt |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 2 SmallInt values. |
TVector3Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 3 Byte values. |
TVector3Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 3 Cardinal values. |
TVector3DoubleList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector3Double. |
TVector3Integer |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 3 Integer values. |
TVector3IntegerList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector3Integer. |
TVector3List |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector3. |
TVector4Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 4 Byte values. |
TVector4Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 4 Cardinal values. |
TVector4DoubleList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector4Double. |
TVector4Integer |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 4 Integer values. |
TVector4IntegerList |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector4Integer. |
TVector4List |
CastleVectors |
List of TVector4. |
TVector4Pointer |
CastleVectors |
Vector of 4 Pointers. |
TVectorInterpolatorNode |
X3DNodes |
Interpolate (animate) a set of floats, for example to animate TElevationGridNode heights. |
TVertexArrayObject |
CastleGLUtils |
Vertex array object. |
TVertexJoints |
X3DNodes |
TVideo |
CastleVideos |
Video. |
TVideosCache |
CastleVideos |
A cache of loaded videos. |
TViewDialog |
CastleDialogViews |
Abstract class for a modal dialog user-interface view. |
TViewDialogChoice |
CastleDialogViews |
Ask user to choose from a number of options. |
TViewDialogInput |
CastleDialogViews |
Ask user to input a string, or cancel. |
TViewDialogKey |
CastleDialogViews |
Ask user a press any key, and return this key. |
TViewDialogOK |
CastleDialogViews |
Wait for simple confirmation ("OK") from user. |
TViewDialogPressEvent |
CastleDialogViews |
Ask user a press anything (key, mouse button, mouse wheel), for example to configure a keybinding for a game. |
TViewDialogYesNo |
CastleDialogViews |
Ask user a simple "yes" / "no" question. |
TViewpointGroupNode |
X3DNodes |
Group of viewpoints. |
TViewpointMirrorNode |
X3DNodes |
Viewpoint for making reflections on flat objects. |
TViewpointNode |
X3DNodes |
Viewpoint that provides a perspective view of the scene. |
TViewpointStack |
CastleSceneCore |
TViewVectors |
CastleVectors |
Express a 3D transformation as position, direction and up 3D vectors. |
TVisibilitySensorInstance |
CastleShapes |
TVisibilitySensorNode |
X3DNodes |
Detects visibility changes of a rectangular box as the user navigates the world. |
TVRML1State |
X3DNodes |
Nodes that are saved during VRML/X3D traversing. |
TWarningEventList |
CastleApplicationProperties |
TWaypoint |
CastleSectors |
TWaypointList |
CastleSectors |
TWindowContainer |
CastleWindow |
Container suitable to be used in TCastleWindow. |
TWindowList |
CastleWindow |
TWindowRecentFiles |
CastleWindowRecentFiles |
Manage a list of recently opened files, and show a menu in TCastleWindow. |
TWordList |
CastleUtils |
List of Word (16-bit unsigned) values. |
TWorldInfoNode |
X3DNodes |
Information about the world. |
TWWWAnchorNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
TWWWInlineNode_1 |
X3DNodes |
VRML 1.0 WWWInline node. |
TX3DBindableStack |
CastleSceneCore |
Stack of bindable nodes (only the top, bound, node is used for rendering/navigation). |
TX3DBindableStackBasic |
X3DNodes |
TX3DEvent |
X3DFields |
X3D event. |
TX3DEventList |
X3DFields |
TX3DEventsEngine |
X3DNodes |
Abstract class representing a scene that renders and processed events of the X3D nodes. |
TX3DEventsEngineList |
X3DNodes |
TX3DExport |
X3DNodes |
TX3DExportList |
X3DNodes |
TX3DExternalPrototype |
X3DNodes |
X3D external prototype (referencing another file). |
TX3DField |
X3DFields |
Base class for all VRML/X3D fields. |
TX3DFieldList |
X3DFields |
TX3DFieldOrEvent |
X3DFields |
Base class for VRML/X3D field or event. |
TX3DFieldsManager |
X3DFields |
Stores information about available VRML/X3D field classes. |
TX3DFileItem |
X3DFields |
Base class for any item within X3D file: a node, a field, a route, a prototype etc. |
TX3DFileItemList |
X3DFields |
TX3DFontTexturesCache |
X3DNodes |
Cache for font texture nodes (TPixelTextureNode that we need for each font). |
TX3DGraphTraverseState |
X3DNodes |
Current state (transformation and such) when traversing VRML/X3D graph. |
TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack |
X3DNodes |
Stack of TX3DGraphTraverseState. |
TX3DImport |
X3DNodes |
Copyright 2002-2023 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TX3DImportableNames |
X3DNodes |
List of names that can be IMPORTed in X3D. |
TX3DInterfaceDeclaration |
X3DNodes |
Interface declaration, used in VRML/X3D (exposed) prototypes and for nodes with dynamic fields (Script, ComposedShader). |
TX3DInterfaceDeclarationList |
X3DNodes |
TX3DMultField |
X3DFields |
X3D field with a list of values. |
TX3DNode |
X3DNodes |
X3D node. |
TX3DNodeClassesList |
X3DNodes |
List of TX3DNodeClass. |
TX3DNodeDeepCopyState |
X3DNodes |
Private stuff for TX3DNode.DeepCopy and friends implementation. |
TX3DNodeList |
X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeNameRec |
X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeNames |
X3DNodes |
List to track node names while parsing VRML/X3D file. |
TX3DNodesCache |
X3DNodes |
Cache for X3D nodes. |
TX3DPrototype |
X3DNodes |
X3D non-external prototype (describing how to expand the prototype into other nodes). |
TX3DPrototypeBase |
X3DNodes |
Common class to represent X3D external prototypes (referencing another file) or non-external prototypes (describing how to expand the prototype into other nodes). |
TX3DPrototypeBaseList |
X3DNodes |
TX3DPrototypeNames |
X3DNodes |
List of prototype names, mapping to TX3DPrototypeBase instances. |
TX3DPrototypeNode |
X3DNodes |
Node with information about X3D prototype. |
TX3DReader |
X3DFields |
Reading of VRML/X3D from stream. |
TX3DReaderNames |
X3DNodes |
Container tracking VRML/X3D node and prototype names during parsing. |
TX3DRootNode |
X3DNodes |
A top-level VRML/X3D node. |
TX3DRoute |
X3DNodes |
Route makes a connection between two X3D events, making the destination event occur when the source event happened. |
TX3DRouteList |
X3DNodes |
TX3DSimpleMultField |
X3DFields |
X3D field with a list of values. |
TX3DSingleField |
X3DFields |
Copyright 2002-2018 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TX3DTime |
X3DTime |
Complete timestamp for X3D events. |
TX3DUnknownNode |
X3DNodes |
Not recognized VRML/X3D node type. |
TX3DWriter |
X3DFields |
Writer of VRML/X3D to stream. |
TXFAnyEvent |
X3DFields |
Universal input event that can receive value of any type. |
TXMLCDataIterator |
CastleXmlUtils |
Iterate over all CDATA nodes of given XML element. |
TXMLElementFilteringIterator |
CastleXmlUtils |
Iterate over children elements of given XML element, that have matching TagName. |
TXMLElementIterator |
CastleXmlUtils |
Iterate over all children elements of given XML element. |