All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Unit | Description |
EBox3DEmpty | CastleBoxes |
ECannotAddToAnotherWorld | CastleTransform |
ECannotDecompressTexture | CastleImages |
ECannotLoadCompressedTexture | CastleGLImages |
ECannotOpenFirstVideoFrame | CastleVideos |
ECannotSaveTextureContents | CastleGLImages | Raised by SaveTextureContents when we cannot get texture contents. |
ECasScriptAnyMathError | CastleScript |
ECasScriptAssignError | CastleScript |
ECasScriptError | CastleScript |
ECasScriptFunctionArgumentsError | CastleScript |
ECasScriptFunctionNoHandler | CastleScript |
ECasScriptLexerError | CastleScriptLexer |
ECasScriptMissingFunction | CastleScript |
ECasScriptParserError | CastleScriptLexer |
ECasScriptSyntaxError | CastleScriptLexer | A common class for ECasScriptLexerError and ECasScriptParserError |
ECheckFailed | CastleUtils |
EComponentNotFound | CastleComponentSerialize |
EConnectedSameAsParent | CastleTransform |
ECurveFileInvalid | CastleCurves |
EDeformatError | CastleStringUtils |
EDOMAttributeMissing | CastleXmlUtils |
EDOMChildElementError | CastleXmlUtils |
EDownloadError | CastleDownload |
EDynLibError | CastleDynLib |
EExcessiveOptionArgument | CastleParameters |
EExeNameNotAvailable | CastleFilesUtils |
EFramebufferError | CastleGLImages | type - don't add this Delphi can't parse it correctly |
EFramebufferInvalid | CastleGLImages |
EFramebufferSizeTooLow | CastleGLImages |
EGLContextNotPossible | CastleWindow |
EGLSLAttributeNotFound | CastleGLShaders |
EGLSLError | CastleGLShaders | Common class for exceptions related to GLSL programs. |
EGLSLProgramLinkError | CastleGLShaders |
EGLSLShaderCompileError | CastleGLShaders |
EGLSLTransformFeedbackError | CastleGLShaders |
EImageAssignmentError | CastleImages |
EImageCannotConvertFpImage | CastleImages |
EImageClassNotSupportedForOpenGL | CastleGLImages |
EImageDrawError | CastleImages |
EImageFormatNotSupported | CastleImages |
EImageLerpDifferentSizes | CastleImages |
EImageLerpError | CastleImages |
EImageLerpInvalidClasses | CastleImages |
EImageLoadError | CastleImages |
EImagePosOutOfRange | CastleImages | Raised by TCastleImage.MakeExtracted when coordinates on image are wrong. |
EImageSaveError | CastleImages | Raised by SaveImage when it's not possible to save image. |
EInternalError | CastleUtils | Internal error (bug) in the program. |
EInvalidChar | CastleStringUtils |
EInvalidComponentFile | CastleComponentSerialize |
EInvalidFadeFrames | CastleVideos |
EInvalidGeometryIndex | X3DNodes |
EInvalidImageFormat | CastleImages |
EInvalidImageForOpenGLTexture | CastleGLImages |
EInvalidLongOption | CastleParameters |
EInvalidNurbs | X3DFields |
EInvalidParams | CastleParameters |
EInvalidShortOption | CastleParameters |
EInvalidSoundBufferFree | CastleSoundEngine |
EInvalidSoundRepositoryXml | CastleSoundEngine |
ELinearInterpolationImpossible | CastleUtils | |
ELinesParallel | CastleVectors |
EListsDifferentCount | CastleUtils | Raised by various AssignLerp implementations on lists, like TStructList.AssignLerp, when the arguments have different length. |
EMaximumDesignDepth | CastleControls | Copyright 2018-2024 Michalis Kamburelis. |
EMaximumTransformDesignDepth | CastleTransform | type |
EMissingAttribute | CastleXMLConfig |
EMissingOptionArgument | CastleParameters |
EMultipleReferencesInWorld | CastleTransform |
ENodeClassRegisterError | X3DNodes |
ENodesManagerError | X3DNodes |
ENoMoreSources | CastleSoundBase |
ENotAddedToWorld | CastleTransform |
ENotCoordinateBasedNode | X3DNodes |
EPhysicsError | CastleTransform |
EPlanesParallel | CastleVectors |
EProtocolAlreadyRegistered | CastleDownload |
ERemoveFailed | CastleFilesUtils |
ESaveError | CastleDownload |
ESectorNotInitialized | CastleSectors |
EShortErrorMessage | CastleUtils | Descend from this to mark exceptions that should be shown in more concise way by ExceptMessage function. |
ESoundBufferNotLoaded | CastleSoundEngine |
ESoundFileError | CastleSoundBase |
EStreamNotImplemented | CastleClassUtils |
EStreamNotImplementedSeek | CastleClassUtils |
EStreamNotImplementedSetSize | CastleClassUtils |
EStreamNotImplementedWrite | CastleClassUtils |
ETextureLoadError | CastleGLImages |
ETransformedResultInvalid | CastleUtils |
ETransformParentUndefined | CastleTransform |
ETranslationEmptyId | CastleLocalizationGetText |
EUnableToLoadImage | CastleImages |
EUnknownPercentFormat | CastleStringUtils |
EVectorInvalidOp | CastleUtils |
EViewportNotAssigned | CastleCameras |
EWaypointNotInitialized | CastleSectors |
EWrongOptionArgument | CastleParameters |
EX3DError | X3DFields | Any error related to VRML/X3D. |
EX3DFieldAssign | X3DFields |
EX3DFieldAssignInvalidClass | X3DFields |
EX3DNotFound | X3DFields | Raised by various X3D methods searching for X3D items (nodes, fields, events and such) when given item cannot be found. |
EX3DPrototypeInstantiateError | X3DNodes | Raised when there's a problem instantiating X3D prototype, see TX3DPrototypeNode.Instantiate. |
TAbstract3DBackgroundNode | X3DNodes | Abstract type from which 3D backgrounds inherit. |
TAbstractAppearanceChildNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for the child nodes of TAbstractAppearanceNode. |
TAbstractAppearanceNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all Appearance nodes. |
TAbstractBackgroundNode | X3DNodes | Abstract type from which all backgrounds inherit. |
TAbstractBindableNode | X3DNodes | Abstract base type for all bindable children nodes. |
TAbstractCameraNode_1 | X3DNodes | Common base class for all cameras in VRML 1.0. |
TAbstractChildNode | X3DNodes | Abstract node type that indicates that the node may be used as a child of a grouping node, e.g. |
TAbstractColorNode | X3DNodes | Base node for color specifications. |
TAbstractCommonInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Common base class for all implemented interpolator nodes. |
TAbstractComposedGeometryNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all composed 3D geometry. |
TAbstractCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all coordinate node types. |
TAbstractCubicBezierInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Copyright 2002-2022 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TAbstractDirectionalLightNode | X3DNodes | Base class for all directional lights. |
TAbstractDragSensorNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all drag-style pointing device sensors. |
TAbstractEnvironmentalSensorNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all the environmental sensor nodes. |
TAbstractEnvironmentTextureNode | X3DNodes | Base type for cubic environment map textures. |
TAbstractFontStyleNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all font style nodes. |
TAbstractGeometricPropertyNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all geometric property node types. |
TAbstractGeometryNode | X3DNodes | Base node for a visible geometry in X3D. |
TAbstractGeometryNode_1 | X3DNodes | Geometry node allowed only in VRML <= 1.0. |
TAbstractGroupingNode | X3DNodes | Base node that contains children nodes. |
TAbstractIndexedNode_1 | X3DNodes | Common base class for VRML 1.0 indexed nodes (IndexedFaceSet, IndexedTriangleMesh, IndexedLineSet). |
TAbstractInfoNode | X3DNodes | Base class for all nodes that contain only information without visual semantics. |
TAbstractInternalGroupingNode | X3DNodes | Base node that may contain children nodes. |
TAbstractInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Basis for all nodes interpolating (animating) values. |
TAbstractKeyDeviceSensorNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all sensor node types that operate using key devices. |
TAbstractLightNode | X3DNodes | Base class for all the light nodes. |
TAbstractMaterialNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all Material nodes. |
TAbstractMetadataNode | X3DNodes | Basis for all metadata nodes. |
TAbstractNetworkSensorNode | X3DNodes | Basis for all sensors that generate events based on network activity. |
TAbstractNode | X3DNodes | Base X3D node that can have some metadata. |
TAbstractNormalNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all normal node types. |
TAbstractNurbsControlCurveNode | X3DNodes | Base type for nodes that provide control curve information in 2D space. |
TAbstractNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode | X3DNodes | Abstract geometry type for all types of NURBS surfaces. |
TAbstractOneSidedMaterialNode | X3DNodes |
TAbstractParametricGeometryNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all geometry node types that are created parametrically and use control points to describe the final shape of the surface. |
TAbstractPointingDeviceSensorNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all pointing device sensors. |
TAbstractPointLightNode | X3DNodes | Point light source, that shines from a given point in all directions around, for all VRML and X3D versions. |
TAbstractPositionalLightNode | X3DNodes | Base class for all positional lights. |
TAbstractProductStructureChildNode | X3DNodes | Abstract class for (most) nodes that are valid product structure children. |
TAbstractPunctualLightNode | X3DNodes | Base class for all "punctual" light nodes (that have a position and/or direction). |
TAbstractScriptNode | X3DNodes | Abstract node type for all scripting nodes. |
TAbstractSensorNode | X3DNodes | Base abstract class for most (but not all) sensors. |
TAbstractSeparatorNode_1 | X3DNodes | Base class for VRML 1.0 nodes that push / pop all attributes and matrices. |
TAbstractSequencerNode | X3DNodes | Base node type from which all sequencers (like TIntegerSequencerNode and TBooleanSequencerNode) are derived. |
TAbstractShaderNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all node types that specify a programmable shader. |
TAbstractShapeNode | X3DNodes | Base node type for all Shape nodes. |
TAbstractSingleTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Base for all nodes which specify a texture coordinate, but not MultiTextureCoordinate. |
TAbstractSingleTextureNode | X3DNodes | Base for all nodes which specify a texture, but not multi-texture. |
TAbstractSingleTextureTransformNode | X3DNodes | Base for all nodes which specify a texture coordinate transform, but not MultiTextureTransform. |
TAbstractSoundNode | X3DNodes | Base for all sound nodes. |
TAbstractSoundSourceNode | X3DNodes | Base class for most (but not all) nodes that can emit audio data. |
TAbstractTexture2DNode | X3DNodes | 2D texture. |
TAbstractTexture3DNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all node types that specify 3D sources for texture images. |
TAbstractTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Base for all nodes which specify texture coordinates. |
TAbstractTextureNode | X3DNodes | Base for all nodes which specify a texture, possibly multi-texture. |
TAbstractTextureTransformNode | X3DNodes | Base for all nodes which specify a transformation of texture coordinates. |
TAbstractTimeDependentNode | X3DNodes | Abstract node from which most (but not all) time-dependent nodes are derived. |
TAbstractTouchSensorNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all touch-style pointing device sensors. |
TAbstractTransformationNode_1 | X3DNodes | Common base class for all VRML 1 nodes that modify the transformation. |
TAbstractTriggerNode | X3DNodes | Base type from which all trigger nodes are derived. |
TAbstractVertexAttributeNode | X3DNodes | Base type for all node types that specify per-vertex attribute information to the shader. |
TAbstractViewpointNode | X3DNodes | Base type for viewpoints in X3D, which are locations from which the user may view the scene. |
TActivityRecognition | CastleActivityRecognition | Activity recognition (detects user stationary, walking, running and so on) ( |
TAds | CastleAds | Advertisements in game. |
TAnalytics | CastleAnalytics | Gathering analytics through Google Analytics and / or Game Analytics . |
TAnchorNode | X3DNodes | Load the URL when the user activates (clicks) some geometry contained within the Anchor node's children. |
TAppearanceNode | X3DNodes | Visual properties of geometry. |
TArc2DNode | X3DNodes | Circular arc in 2D. |
TArcClose2DNode | X3DNodes | Closed circular arc in 2D. |
TAsciiTextNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TAudioClipNode | X3DNodes | Buffer for sound data, which can be played by the TSoundNode. |
TAvailableProduct | CastleInAppPurchases | Information about product possible to be bought given to TInAppPurchases.SetAvailableProducts. |
TBackgroundNode | X3DNodes | 3D background of a scene, comprised of sky and ground colors (gradients) and optional six textures (skybox). |
TBackgroundStack | CastleSceneCore |
TBaseShadowVolumeRenderer | CastleTransform | Shadow volumes helper, not depending on OpenGL. |
TBillboardNode | X3DNodes | Grouping node that transforms the coordinate system of its children so that they always turn towards the viewer. |
TBlendModeNode | X3DNodes | Customize blending (partial transparency) mode. |
TBooleanFilterNode | X3DNodes | Filters boolean events, allowing for selective routing of TRUE or FALSE values and negation. |
TBooleanList | CastleUtils | List of booleans. |
TBooleanSequencerNode | X3DNodes | Generate sequential boolean events. |
TBooleanToggleNode | X3DNodes | Stores a boolean value for toggling on/off. |
TBooleanTriggerNode | X3DNodes | Trigger node that generates Boolean events upon receiving time events. |
TBorder | CastleVectors | Configurable border size for TCastleUserInterface.Border. |
TBox3D | CastleBoxes | Axis-aligned box. |
TBoxNode | X3DNodes | Rectangular box. |
TBufferedReadStream | CastleClassUtils | Read another stream, sequentially, always being able to back one character, and buffering it. |
TCADAssemblyNode | X3DNodes | Holds a set of assemblies or parts grouped together. |
TCADFaceNode | X3DNodes | Holds the geometry representing a face of a part. |
TCADLayerNode | X3DNodes | Hierarchy of nodes used for showing layer structure for the CAD model. |
TCADPartNode | X3DNodes | Represents the location and faces that constitute a part in the CAD model. |
TCardinalList | CastleUtils | List of Cardinal (unsigned) values. |
TCasScriptAbs | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptAdd | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptAnd | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcCos | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcCotan | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcSin | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArcTan | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayD | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayFun | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayGet | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArrayGetCount | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArraySet | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptArraySetCount | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptAssignment | CastleScript | CastleScript assignment operator. |
TCasScriptBool | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptBoolean | CastleScript |
TCasScriptBooleanArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptCatmullRomSpline | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptCeil | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCharacterFromCode | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCoalesce | CastleScript |
TCasScriptCos | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCosh | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCotan | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCotanh | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptCurve | CastleCurves | Curve defined by explicitly giving functions for Point(t) = x(t), y(t), z(t) as CastleScript expressions. |
TCasScriptDeg | CastleScriptCoreFunctions | CastleScript function |
TCasScriptDoubleArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptEnvironment | CastleScript | Various information that may be useful for implementing some function handlers, but that should be supplied from outside of CastleScript. |
TCasScriptEqual | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptExp | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptExpression | CastleScript |
TCasScriptExpressionList | CastleScript |
TCasScriptFloat | CastleScript |
TCasScriptFloatDivide | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptFloatFun | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptFloor | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptFor | CastleScript |
TCasScriptFunction | CastleScript |
TCasScriptFunctionHandlers | CastleScript | This specifies for each type combination (array of TCasScriptValue classes) and for each function (TCasScriptFunction class) how they should be handled. |
TCasScriptGrayscale | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptGreater | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptGreaterEq | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptHermiteSpline | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptHermiteTenseSpline | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptIf | CastleScript |
TCasScriptImage | CastleScriptImages | TODO: Depends on CastleVectors, which is not for Delphi now |
TCasScriptImageComponents | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageFun | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageGet | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageGetAlpha | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageGetColor | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageHeight | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageLoad | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageSet | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageSetAlpha | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageSetColor | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptImageWidth | CastleScriptImages |
TCasScriptInt | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptInt32Array | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptIntDivide | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptInteger | CastleScript |
TCasScriptLerp | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLesser | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLesserEq | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLexer | CastleScriptLexer |
TCasScriptLn | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLog | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptLog2 | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptMatrix | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix3d | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix3dArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrix3f | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix3fArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrix4d | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix4dArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrix4f | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrix4fArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptMatrixFun | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrixGet | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrixGetCount | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMatrixSet | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptMax | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptMin | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptModulo | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptMultiply | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptNegate | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptNot | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptNotEqual | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptOr | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptOrientationFromDirectionUp | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptOrientationToDirection | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptOrientationToUp | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptParameterValue | CastleScript | This is a very special CastleScript value, used to represent user-defined function parameter. |
TCasScriptPower | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptPower2 | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptProgram | CastleScript |
TCasScriptRandom | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptRegisteredHandler | CastleScript |
TCasScriptRotate | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptRound | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSearchArgumentClassesCache | CastleScript |
TCasScriptSequence | CastleScript |
TCasScriptSgn | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptShortcut | CastleScriptCoreFunctions | CastleScript function |
TCasScriptSin | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSingleArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptSinh | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSlerp | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptSqr | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSqrt | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptString | CastleScript |
TCasScriptStringArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptStringFun | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptSubtract | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptTan | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptTanh | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCasScriptUserFunction | CastleScript | CastleScript user function definition. |
TCasScriptUserFunctionList | CastleScript |
TCasScriptValue | CastleScript |
TCasScriptValueList | CastleScript |
TCasScriptVec | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec2d | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec2dArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec2f | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec2fArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec3d | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec3dArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec3f | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec3fArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec4d | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec4dArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVec4f | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVec4fArray | CastleScriptArrays |
TCasScriptVector | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorCross | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorD | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorDot | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorGet | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorGetCount | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorLength | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorSet | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptVectorSqrLength | CastleScriptVectors |
TCasScriptWhen | CastleScript |
TCasScriptWhile | CastleScript |
TCasScriptWriteln | CastleScriptCoreFunctions |
TCastle2DNavigation | CastleCameras | Navigation most suitable for 2D viewports (with orthographic projection and standard direction/up: -Z/+Y). |
TCastleAbstractFont | CastleFonts | Abstract class for a font that can be used to render text. |
TCastleAbstractJoint | CastleTransform | Base class for physics joints, that connects two physics bodies and constraints their relative movement. |
TCastleAbstractLight | CastleScene | Base class to express lights that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
TCastleAbstractOneBodyJoint | CastleTransform | Abstract class for joints that use only one TCastleTransform. |
TCastleAbstractPrimitive | CastleScene | Base class to express primitives that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
TCastleAbstractRootTransform | CastleTransform | Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene). |
TCastleAbstractSlider | CastleControls | An abstract slider user interface. |
TCastleAbstractTwoBodiesJoint | CastleTransform | Abstract class for joints that connect two TCastleTransform instances. |
TCastleAliveBehavior | CastleBehaviors | Behavior that tracks life points, and determines being alive/dead for game purposes. |
TCastleApplication | CastleWindow | Application, managing all open TCastleWindow (OpenGL windows). |
TCastleApplicationProperties | CastleApplicationProperties | Events and properties of the Castle Game Engine application, usually accessed through the ApplicationProperties singleton. |
TCastleAutoNavigationViewport | CastleViewport | Automatically create and switch between various navigation classes on a viewport. |
TCastleBackground | CastleScene | Background, a skybox with a color gradient to represent sky and ground behind. |
TCastleBallJoint | CastleTransform | Ball joint allows to freely rotate the transformation of one object relative to another (rotate in any axis) but does not allow any movement. |
TCastleBehavior | CastleTransform | Behaviors can be attached to TCastleTransform to perform specific logic, for example implement creature movement. |
TCastleBillboard | CastleBehaviors | Behavior to make parent TCastleTransform a billboard, that always rotates to face the current camera. |
TCastleBitmapFont | CastleFonts | Bitmap font, where each character is just drawn (and may be multi-color) on a raster image. |
TCastleBox | CastleScene | Box with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleBoxCollider | CastleTransform | Collide as a box. |
TCastleButton | CastleControls | Clickable button. |
TCastleCamera | CastleTransform | Camera determines viewer position and orientation in the viewport. |
TCastleCapsuleCollider | CastleTransform | Collide as a capsule. |
TCastleCheckbox | CastleControls | Checkbox with a caption. |
TCastleClipboard | CastleControls | Clipboard to cut / copy / paste the text. |
TCastleCollider | CastleTransform | Abstract collider that determines the shape used to determine collisions with physics bodies. |
TCastleColorHelper | CastleColors |
TCastleColorPersistent | CastleColors | TCastleColor record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleColorRGBHelper | CastleColors |
TCastleColorRGBPersistent | CastleColors | TCastleColorRGB record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleComponent | CastleClassUtils | Component with various CGE extensions: can be a parent of other non-visual components (to display them in CGE editor and serialize them to files), can be translated, can have custom logic when serializing/deserializing (CustomSerialization). |
TCastleComponentEditorDesigner | CastleEditorAccess | Access instance of this from TComponentEditor descendants, using GetDesigner. |
TCastleComponentFactory | CastleComponentSerialize | Load a serialized component (from a design file, like .castle-user-interface, .castle-transform, .castle-component) and instantiate it multiple times. |
TCastleComponentFactoryHelper | CastleViewport | Helper methods extending TCastleComponentFactory. |
TCastleCone | CastleScene | Cone with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleConfig | CastleXMLConfig | Store configuration in XML format. |
TCastleConfigEventList | CastleXMLConfig |
TCastleConfigKeysMouseHelper | CastleKeysMouse |
TCastleConfigScriptHelper | CastleScriptXML | Class helper to read CastleScript expressions from XML config files. |
TCastleContainer | CastleUIControls | Abstract user interface container. |
TCastleControl | CastleControl | Control to render everything (3D or 2D) with Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleControl | Fmx.CastleControl | Control rendering "Castle Game Engine" on FMX form. |
TCastleControl | Vcl.CastleControl | Control rendering OpenGL on VCL form. |
TCastleControlBase | CastleControl | Note: we need this deprecated class to be a separate class, not just an alias for TCastleControl, to be able to register it using RegisterNoIcon, to support in old projects. |
TCastleControlContainer | CastleControl | TCastleContainer that cooperates with TCastleControl. |
TCastleCrosshair | CastleControls | Display a simple crosshair in the middle of the parent control. |
TCastleCylinder | CastleScene | Cylinder with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleDesign | CastleControls | Contents of this user-interface control are loaded from an indicated file (by the Url property). |
TCastleDirectionalLight | CastleScene | Directional light shines along a direction in 3D space, simulating a light source far away (like a sun). |
TCastleDistanceJoint | CastleTransform | Distance joint tries to maintain a certain distance between two rigid bodies, with certain flexibility (like a spring). |
TCastleDownload | CastleDownload | Download an URL (possibly making an HTTP(S) request) asynchronously, without blocking the application. |
TCastleEdit | CastleControls | Edit box to input a single line of text. |
TCastleExamineNavigation | CastleCameras | Navigate the 3D model in examine mode, like you would hold a box with the model inside. |
TCastleFlashEffect | CastleFlashEffect | Fade out, flash, and similar screen effects done by blending screen with given color. |
TCastleFloatEdit | CastleControls | Descendant of TCastleEdit specialized for editing floating-point numbers. |
TCastleFloatSlider | CastleControls | Slider to change a float value within a given range. |
TCastleFog | CastleScene | Control fog in 3D world. |
TCastleFont | CastleFonts | Font loaded from a font file, like ttf or otf. |
TCastleFontFamily | CastleFonts | Font family, with possible different subfonts for Regular, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic variants. |
TCastleFrameProfiler | CastleTimeUtils | Profiler gathering statistics about each game frame. |
TCastleGrabJoint | CastleTransform | Grab joint pulls the rigid body Anchor towards a TargetWorld defined in the world coordinates. |
TCastleHingeJoint | CastleTransform | Hinge joint allows to rotate the transformation around a given axis, like a door attached using hinges to the frame. |
TCastleHorizontalGroup | CastleControls | Container that packs the children horizontally. |
TCastleImage | CastleImages | An abstract class representing image as a simple array of pixels. |
TCastleImageControl | CastleControls | Image control. |
TCastleImagePersistent | CastleGLImages | Image that can be easily loaded from URL (possibly reusing a cache), drawn, and serialized to/from file. |
TCastleImageTransform | CastleScene | Image (that you can place within TCastleViewport) with configurable size and repeat. |
TCastleIntegerEdit | CastleControls | Descendant of TCastleEdit specialized for editing integer numbers. |
TCastleIntegerSlider | CastleControls | Slider to change an integer value within a given range. |
TCastleLabel | CastleControls | Label with possibly multiline text. |
TCastleLayerCollisions | CastleTransform |
TCastleLayerNames | CastleTransform |
TCastleMask | CastleControls | Limit the visibility of children by an arbitrary (defined using an arbitrary UI) mask. |
TCastleMeshCollider | CastleTransform | Collide as a set of triangles determined by Mesh. |
TCastleMOFile | CastleLocalizationGetText | TMOFile descendant that allows iterating through all strings. |
TCastleMouseLookNavigation | CastleCameras | Abstract navigation class that can utilize mouse look, during which mouse cursor is hidden and we look at MouseLookDelta every frame. |
TCastleNavigation | CastleCameras | Handle user input to modify viewport's camera. |
TCastleNotifications | CastleNotifications | Notifications displayed on the screen. |
TCastleObjectList | CastleClassUtils | Extended TObjectList for Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleObjectQueue | CastleClassUtils | Extended TObjectQueue for Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleObjectStack | CastleClassUtils | Extended TObjectStack for Castle Game Engine. |
TCastleOpenDialog | CastleDialogs | General open dialog that uses URL. |
TCastleOpenImageDialog | CastleDialogs | Image open dialog. |
TCastleOpenPascalUnitDialog | CastleDialogs |
TCastleOpenSceneDialog | CastleDialogs | Dialog to open scene (select a file that can be loaded using TCastleScene.Load). |
TCastleOrthographic | CastleTransform | Subcomponent used in TCastleCamera.Orthographic to set orthographic projection parameters. |
TCastlePackedGroup | CastleControls | Abstract ancestor for containers that pack children, like TCastleHorizontalGroup and TCastleVerticalGroup. |
TCastlePanel | CastleControls | Panel or a toolbar control. |
TCastlePerspective | CastleTransform | Subcomponent used in TCastleCamera.Perspective to set perspective projection parameters. |
TCastlePlane | CastleScene | Plane with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastlePlaneCollider | CastleTransform | Push everything to be above the given static plane, like a floor. |
TCastlePlayingSound | CastleSoundEngine | Controls a sound playback. |
TCastlePlayingSoundSource | CastleBehaviors | Controls a sound playback initiated by TCastleSoundSource.Play. |
TCastlePointLight | CastleScene | Point light is a point in 3D space that shines uniformly in all directions. |
TCastleProfiler | CastleTimeUtils | Profiler, to measure the speed of execution of your code. |
TCastleProfilerTime | CastleTimeUtils | Structure obtained by calling TCastleProfiler.Start. |
TCastlePunctualLight | CastleScene | Ancestor class for all punctual lights: point, spot, directional. |
TCastleRecentFiles | CastleLCLRecentFiles | Manage a list of recently opened files, and show a menu in Lazarus. |
TCastleRectangleControl | CastleControls | Fill a rectangle on screen with given color or theme image. |
TCastleRenderOptions | CastleRenderOptions | Options that control rendering, available at every scene through TCastleScene.RenderOptions. |
TCastleRenderUnlitMesh | CastleRenderPrimitives | Render a set of vertexes, with optional indexes. |
TCastleRigidBody | CastleTransform | Use this behavior to be affected by physics collisions and forces. |
TCastleRootTransform | CastleScene | Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene). |
TCastleRopeJoint | CastleTransform | Rope joint connects two bodies by an invisible rope that prevents the distance between them to grow beyond specfied Distance. |
TCastleSaveDialog | CastleDialogs | General save dialog that uses URL. |
TCastleSaveImageDialog | CastleDialogs | Image save dialog. |
TCastleScene | CastleScene | Complete loading, processing and rendering of a scene. |
TCastleSceneCore | CastleSceneCore | Loading and processing of a scene. |
TCastleSceneCore.TVisibilitySensors | CastleSceneCore |
TCastleSceneList | CastleScene |
TCastleSceneManager | CastleViewport | Deprecated way to manage transformations and scenes. |
TCastleScreenEffects | CastleScreenEffects | Screen effects are shaders that post-process the rendered screen. |
TCastleScrollArea | CastleControls | Class that represents scrollable area inside TCastleScrollView.ScrollArea. |
TCastleScrollView | CastleControls | Container for a user interface children that can be scrolled vertically. |
TCastleScrollViewCustom | CastleControls | Abstract user interface with a scrollbar. |
TCastleScrollViewManual | CastleControls | Control with a scrollbar. |
TCastleShape | CastleControls | Draw a simple shape (rectangle, circle, triangle) with given color and optional outline. |
TCastleSimpleBackground | CastleControls | Fill the whole window with a simple color. |
TCastleSocket | CastleClientServer |
TCastleSound | CastleSoundEngine | Sound that can be loaded from Url (possibly reusing a cache, possibly using streaming) and played. |
TCastleSoundSource | CastleBehaviors | Behavior to play spatial sounds, that automatically follow the parent TCastleTransform transformation. |
TCastleSphere | CastleScene | Sphere with configurable size, position and material. |
TCastleSphereCollider | CastleTransform | Collide as a sphere. |
TCastleSpotLight | CastleScene | Spot light shines a cone of light, from a given location, along a direction (-Z in local coordinates). |
TCastleStickToSurface | CastleBehaviors | Behavior to make parent TCastleTransform stick to a surface of another TCastleTransform Target. |
TCastleStringIterator | CastleUnicode | Iterate over String that contains Unicode characters suitable for both FPC (with default String = AnsiString) and Delphi (with default String = UnicodeString). |
TCastleStringList | CastleStringUtils | List of strings. |
TCastleTCPClient | CastleClientServer |
TCastleTCPClientThread | CastleClientServer |
TCastleTCPServer | CastleClientServer |
TCastleTenjin | CastleTenjin | Tenjin ( ) integration. |
TCastleTerrain | CastleTerrain | Terrain. |
TCastleTerrainCombine | CastleTerrain | Combine (add, multiply, do maximum or minimum) two other terrain data sources. |
TCastleTerrainData | CastleTerrain | Terrain (height map) data that can be used for TCastleTerrain.Data. |
TCastleTerrainImage | CastleTerrain | Terrain (height map) data taken from intensities in an image. |
TCastleTerrainLayer | CastleTerrain | Layer of a terrain properties. |
TCastleTerrainNoise | CastleTerrain | Terrain heights are generated from a smooth noise, combined with some terrain-specific improvements (Heterogeneous). |
TCastleText | CastleScene | Text that is displayed and transformed as TCastleTransform, inside TCastleViewport, and can be manipulated in 3D. |
TCastleTheme | CastleUIControls | Theme for user interface controls. |
TCastleThirdPersonNavigation | CastleThirdPersonNavigation | 3rd-person (with visible avatar) navigation. |
TCastleTiledMap | CastleTiledMap | Display a map created in Tiled in a viewport. |
TCastleTiledMapControl | CastleTiledMap | Display a map created in Tiled ( |
TCastleTiledMapData | CastleTiledMap | Loading and manipulating "Tiled" map files ( |
TCastleTiledMapData.TAnimation | CastleTiledMap | Contains a list of animation frames. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TData | CastleTiledMap | Binary data definition. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TFrame | CastleTiledMap | Single frame of animation. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TImage | CastleTiledMap | Image definition. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TImageLayer | CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TLayer | CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TObjectGroupLayer | CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TProperty | CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TPropertyList | CastleTiledMap | List of properties. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTerrain | CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTile | CastleTiledMap |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTiledObject | CastleTiledMap | Object definition. |
TCastleTiledMapData.TTileset | CastleTiledMap | Tileset definition. |
TCastleTimer | CastleControls | Timer, running the OnTimer event periodically. |
TCastleTouchNavigation | CastleViewport | Show draggable controls in the corner, to navigate in the viewport comfortably on touch devices. |
TCastleTransform | CastleTransform | Group and transform (move, rotate, scale) children objects. |
TCastleTransformDesign | CastleTransform | Contents are loaded from an indicated castle-transform file (by the Url property). |
TCastleTransformList | CastleTransform | List of TCastleTransform instances. |
TCastleTransformReference | CastleTransform | Reference another TCastleTransform instance, to render one TCastleTransform multiple times within the same viewport. |
TCastleUserInterface | CastleUIControls | Basic user-interface class. |
TCastleUserInterfaceFont | CastleControls | Base class for all user interface controls using a font. |
TCastleUserInterfaceList | CastleUIControls | List of TCastleUserInterface instances. |
TCastleVector2Persistent | CastleVectors | TVector2 record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleVector3Persistent | CastleVectors | TVector3 record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleVector4Persistent | CastleVectors | TVector4 record represented as a TPersistent descendant, to be able to visually edit it (in Lazarus and Delphi visual designer, and Castle Game Engine visual designer) and to serialize it. |
TCastleVector4RotationPersistent | CastleVectors | TCastleVector4Persistent descendant for castle editor to display angle component nicer (as 'Angle (W)' and 'Deg(90)' instead of as 'W' and in radians). |
TCastleVerticalGroup | CastleControls | Container that packs the children vertically. |
TCastleView | CastleUIControls | "View" represents the current state of your application user interface. |
TCastleViewList | CastleUIControls |
TCastleViewport | CastleViewport | Viewport displays a tree of scenes and transformations (TCastleTransform and descendants of it, like TCastleScene). |
TCastleViewportList | CastleViewport |
TCastleWalkNavigation | CastleCameras | Navigation by walking or flying (classic first-person shooter navigation) in a 3D scene. |
TCastleWindow | CastleWindow | Window to render everything (3D or 2D) with Castle Game Engine. |
TCircle2DNode | X3DNodes | Circle in 2D. |
TClassicRayTracer | CastleRayTracer | Classic Whitted-style ray-tracer. |
TClientConnection | CastleClientServer |
TClipPlane | X3DNodes | Clipping plane, along with a transformation. |
TClipPlaneList | X3DNodes |
TClipPlaneNode | X3DNodes | Clip the geometry with a plane. |
TCodeBreaker | CastleUtils | Special class to raise an exception that is always catched. |
TCollisionDetails | CastleTransform | Represents a collision with a 3D objects tree. |
TCollisionDetailsItem | CastleTransform | Detailed information about collision with a single 3D object. |
TCollisionNode | X3DNodes | Grouping node that specifies the collision detection properties for its children. |
TColorInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a single color. |
TColorNode | X3DNodes | Set of RGB colours. |
TColorRGBANode | X3DNodes | Set of RGBA colours. |
TColorSetInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of colors, for example to animate a set of TBackgroundNode or TColorNode colors. |
TCommonSurfaceShaderNode | X3DNodes | Advanced material that can be heavily configured using textures (specular maps, normal maps and much more). |
TComponentHelper | CastleComponentSerialize |
TComposedCubeMapTextureNode | X3DNodes | Cube environment map texture defined as a six individual 2D texture nodes. |
TComposedShaderNode | X3DNodes | OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) shader container, which should be composed from multiple TShaderPartNode instances. |
TComposedTexture3DNode | X3DNodes | 3D texture defined as a collection of 2D texture sources at various depths. |
TConeNode | X3DNodes | Cone. |
TConeNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TContour2DNode | X3DNodes | Groups a set of curve segments for a composite contour, for X3D. |
TContourPolyline2DNode | X3DNodes | Piecewise linear curve segment as a part of a trimming contour in the u, v domain of a surface. |
TControlPointsCurve | CastleCurves | A basic abstract class for curves determined my some set of ControlPoints. |
TConverterNode | X3DNodes |
TCoordinate3Node_1 | X3DNodes |
TCoordinateDoubleNode | X3DNodes | 3D coordinates defines using double precision floating point values. |
TCoordinateInterpolator2DNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of 2D positions, for example to animate 2D texture coordinates. |
TCoordinateInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D positions, for example to animate coordinates of a mesh. |
TCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Set of 3D coordinates to be used in the |
TCubeNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TCubicBezier2DOrientationInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of 2D rotations, using cubic Bezier curve instead of linear interpolation. |
TCubicBezierCoordinateInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D vertices, using cubic Bezier curve instead of linear interpolation. |
TCubicBezierPositionInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D positions, using cubic Bezier curve instead of linear interpolation. |
TCurve | CastleCurves | 3D curve, a set of points defined by a continuous function Point for arguments within [TBegin, TEnd]. |
TCurveList | CastleCurves |
TCustomizedFont | CastleFonts | Font that uses another TCastleAbstractFont for rendering and sizing, but modifies the underlying font size. |
TCylinderNode | X3DNodes | Cylinder. |
TCylinderNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TCylinderSensorNode | X3DNodes | Pointing device sensor to rotate objects around a constrained axis. |
TDebugArrow | CastleDebugTransform | 3D arrow, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugAxis | CastleDebugTransform | 3D axis, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugBox | CastleDebugTransform | 3D box, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugSphere | CastleDebugTransform | 3D sphere, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things. |
TDebugTransform | CastleDebugTransform | Like TDebugTransformBox, but visualizes also additional properties. |
TDebugTransformBox | CastleDebugTransform | Visualization of a bounding volume of a TCastleTransform instance. |
TDesignURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to a file readable by UserInterfaceLoad. |
TDirectionalLightNode | X3DNodes | Light source that shines along a given direction, like a sun. |
TDirectionalLightNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TDisk2DNode | X3DNodes | Disc (filled circle) in 2D. |
TDisplacerNode | X3DNodes |
TDOMCharacterDataHelper | CastleXmlUtils |
TDOMElementHelper | CastleXmlUtils |
TDOMElementScriptHelper | CastleScriptXML | Class helper to read CastleScript expressions from DOM (XML files). |
TDOMNodeHelper | CastleXmlUtils |
TDoubleList | CastleUtils | List of Double (double-precision floating point) values. |
TDrawableImage | CastleGLImages | Image that can be drawn. |
TDrawableImageRenderStatistics | CastleGLImages | Statistics to measure TDrawableImage rendering impact. |
TDynLib | CastleDynLib | Load functions from dynamic libraries. |
TEaseInEaseOutNode | X3DNodes | Support controlled gradual transitions by modifying TimeSensor node fractions. |
TEffectNode | X3DNodes | Shader effect, that can be composed with other effect or standard rendering. |
TEffectPartNode | X3DNodes | Part of a shader effect, used with TEffectNode. |
TElevationGridNode | X3DNodes | Uniform rectangular grid of varying height above the Y=0 plane, aka "height map". |
TEncodedImage | CastleImages | Abstract class for an image with unspecified, possibly compressed, memory format. |
TEnvironmentLightNode | X3DNodes |
TEnvironmentNode | X3DNodes | Not implemented: Bindable node to setup rendering and culling parameters. |
TExtrusionNode | X3DNodes | 2D cross-section shape extruded along a 3D spine. |
TFacebook | CastleFacebook | Facebook SDK integration. |
TFaceIndex | CastleTriangles | Describe a range of indexes where the face (polygon and such) is located. |
TFileFilter | CastleFileFilters |
TFileFilterList | CastleFileFilters |
TFileInfo | CastleFindFiles | Information about a single file or directory collected by FindFiles. |
TFileInfoList | CastleFindFiles | Returned by FindFilesList. |
TFillPropertiesNode | X3DNodes | Additional visual properties to be applied to all polygonal areas. |
TFloatList | CastleUtils | List of Float values (defined in Math unit as float with maximum precision). |
TFloatRectangle | CastleRectangles | 2D rectangle with float coordinates. |
TFloatRectanglePersistent | CastleRectangles |
TFloatVertexAttributeNode | X3DNodes | Per-vertex single-precision floating point attributes, available to shaders. |
TFogCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Provide explicit fog depths on a per-vertex basis. |
TFogFunctionality | X3DNodes | Functionality of node that describes a fog (blend objects with a fog color). |
TFogNode | X3DNodes | Simulate atmospheric fog effects (for the whole scene) by blending with the fog colour, based on the distance from the viewer. |
TFogStack | CastleSceneCore |
TFontStyleNode | X3DNodes | Defines the size, family, style and other properties used for TTextNode. |
TFontStyleNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TFontURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to a font file. |
TFramesPerSecond | CastleTimeUtils | Measure frames per second. |
TFreeNotificationObserver | CastleClassUtils | Observe when something is freed, and call an event then. |
TFrustum | CastleFrustum | Viewing frustum, defined as 6 plane equations. |
TGameService | CastleGameService | Integration with a game service, that can be used to show achievements, leaderboards, and store save games "in the cloud". |
TGeneratedCubeMapTextureNode | X3DNodes | Cube environment map texture generated by rendering the 3D world, useful for real-time mirrors. |
TGeneratedShadowMapNode | X3DNodes | Generate texture by rendering a depth (shadow) map. |
TGeneratedTextureFunctionality | X3DNodes | Functionality for all X3D nodes that represent generated textures. |
TGenericGLVersion | CastleGLVersion | OpenGL(ES) library version information. |
TGenericMatrix2 | CastleVectorsInternalDouble | 2x2 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix2 | CastleVectorsInternalSingle | 2x2 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix3 | CastleVectorsInternalDouble | 3x3 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix3 | CastleVectorsInternalSingle | 3x3 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix4 | CastleVectorsInternalDouble | 4x4 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericMatrix4 | CastleVectorsInternalSingle | 4x4 matrix of floating-point values. |
TGenericVector2 | CastleVectorsInternalDouble | Vector of 2 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector2 | CastleVectorsInternalSingle | Vector of 2 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector3 | CastleVectorsInternalDouble | Vector of 3 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector3 | CastleVectorsInternalSingle | Vector of 3 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector4 | CastleVectorsInternalDouble | Vector of 4 floating-point values. |
TGenericVector4 | CastleVectorsInternalSingle | Vector of 4 floating-point values. |
TGLContextEventList | CastleApplicationProperties |
TGLFeatures | CastleGLUtils | OpenGL(ES) features, analyzed based on extensions and version. |
TGLMemoryInfo | CastleGLUtils | OpenGL memory information. |
TGLRenderToTexture | CastleGLImages | Rendering to texture with OpenGL. |
TGLSLAttribute | CastleGLShaders | GLSL attribute provides per-vertex information to the shader. |
TGLSLProgram | CastleGLShaders | Manage (build, use) a program in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language). |
TGLSLUniform | CastleGLShaders | GLSL uniform provides information to shader that is constant for a given shader execution. |
TGLVersion | CastleGLVersion |
TGLVideo | CastleGLImages | Video as a sequence of OpenGL textures that can be easily played. |
TGLVideo2D | CastleGLImages | Video expressed as a series of TDrawableImage, to play as 2D GUI control. |
TGLVideo3D | CastleGLImages | Video expressed as a series of textures, to play as texture on any 3D object. |
TGPUCompressedImage | CastleImages | Image compressed using one of the GPU texture compression algorithms. |
TGrayscaleAlphaFloatImage | CastleImages | Image with each pixel represented as 2 floating-point numbers (Single): grayscale (luminance) and alpha (opacity). |
TGrayscaleAlphaImage | CastleImages | Grayscale image with an alpha channel. |
TGrayscaleFloatImage | CastleImages | Image with Single (floating-point number) for each pixel. |
TGrayscaleImage | CastleImages | Grayscale image. |
TGroupNode | X3DNodes | Contains children nodes without introducing a new transformation. |
TGroupNode_1 | X3DNodes |
THAnimDisplacerNode | X3DNodes | Alter the shape of coordinate-based geometry within parent H-Anim nodes. |
THAnimHumanoidNode | X3DNodes | Central node for moving the animated humanoid. |
THAnimJointNode | X3DNodes | Joint of an animated humanoid. |
THAnimMotionNode | X3DNodes | Motion animation of humanoid (THAnimHumanoidNode) characters. |
THAnimSegmentNode | X3DNodes | Visible segment of an animated humanoid, always a child of a TJointNode. |
THAnimSiteNode | X3DNodes | An attachment point of an animated humanoid, to attach something that held, worm or such by a humanoid. |
THelpshift | CastleHelpshift | Helpshift ( integration. |
THumanoidNode | X3DNodes |
TImageBackgroundNode | X3DNodes | Display a 2D image as a background. |
TImageCubeMapTextureNode | X3DNodes | Cube environment map texture loaded from a single file, like DDS. |
TImageTexture3DNode | X3DNodes | 3D texture loaded from a single file like DDS. |
TImageTextureNode | X3DNodes | Texture image loaded from a file. |
TImageURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to an image readable by Castle Game Engine. |
TInAppProduct | CastleInAppPurchases | A product that can be bought by in-app purchases (TInAppPurchases). |
TInAppPurchases | CastleInAppPurchases | Manage in-app purchases in your game. |
TIndexedFaceSetNode | X3DNodes | Mesh with faces (polygons) constructed from vertices. |
TIndexedFaceSetNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TIndexedFacesOrTrianglesNode_1 | X3DNodes | Common base class for VRML 1.0 indexed polygon nodes (IndexedFaceSet and IndexedTriangleMesh). |
TIndexedLineSetNode | X3DNodes | Geometry formed by constructing polylines from 3D vertices. |
TIndexedLineSetNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TIndexedQuadSetNode | X3DNodes | Quads. |
TIndexedTriangleFanSetNode | X3DNodes | Triangles that form a fan shape around the first vertex. |
TIndexedTriangleMeshNode_1 | X3DNodes | IndexedTriangleMesh (from Inventor 1.0). |
TIndexedTriangleSetNode | X3DNodes | A collection of triangles. |
TIndexedTriangleStripSetNode | X3DNodes | Strips of triangles. |
TInfoNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TInlineLoadControlNode | X3DNodes | Embed another X3D scene into the current scene, with additional output event when they are loaded (VRML 97 version). |
TInlineNode | X3DNodes | Embed another X3D scene into the current scene. |
TInputInspector | CastleUIControls | How to invoke the inspector, see TCastleContainer.InputInspector. |
TInputMotion | CastleKeysMouse | Motion (movement) of mouse or a finger on a touch device. |
TInputPressRelease | CastleKeysMouse | Input press or release event. |
TInputShortcut | CastleInputs | A keyboard and/or mouse shortcut for activating some action. |
TInputShortcutList | CastleInputs | Group of TInputShortcut, to easily manage (search, load, save...) the inputs. |
TInt32List | CastleUtils | List of 32-bit signed integer values. |
TIntegerList | CastleUtils | List of Integer (signed) values. |
TIntegerSequencerNode | X3DNodes | Generate sequential integer events. |
TIntegerTriggerNode | X3DNodes | Generate an integer upon receiving any boolean value. |
TInternalChildrenControls | CastleUIControls | List of UI controls, with a parent control and container. |
TInternalRendererResource | X3DNodes |
TInternalReusedPixelTextureNode | X3DNodes | Internal TPixelTextureNode descendant for nodes that may be used by many scenes at once (right now this just means: FontTexture), Such nodes need special protection to not free their rendering resources too early (e.g. |
TInternalSoundSourceList | CastleSoundEngine |
TJointNode | X3DNodes |
TJoyInfo | CastleJoysticks | Joystick information. |
TJoyState | CastleJoysticks | Joystick state. |
TJoystick | CastleJoysticks | Properties of a given joystick, use by accessing Joysticks[Index]. |
TJoysticks | CastleJoysticks |
TKambiAppearanceNode | X3DNodes | Appearance node with a special name |
TKambiInlineNode | X3DNodes | Embed a scene from another file, and replace some of it's nodes. |
TKambiNavigationInfoNode | X3DNodes | Navigation information with some Castle Game Engine extensions. |
TKeySensorNode | X3DNodes | Generate events when user key presses or releases keys on the keyboard. |
TKeysPressed | CastleKeysMouse | Tracking the "pressed" state of keys. |
TLCLKeyPressHandler | CastleLCLUtils | Convert LCL OnKeyDown and OnUTF8KeyPress into a single CGE event OnPress. |
TLightInstance | X3DNodes | Light source instance in the scene. |
TLightInstancesList | X3DNodes |
TLinePropertiesNode | X3DNodes | Additional visible properties to be applied to all line geometry. |
TLineSetNode | X3DNodes | Lines. |
TLineStipple | CastleGLUtils |
TLoadSensorNode | X3DNodes | Monitors the progress and success of downloading URL elements over a network. |
TLocalFogNode | X3DNodes | Simulate atmospheric fog effects (for a part of the scene) by blending with the fog colour, based on the distance from the viewer. |
TLODNode | X3DNodes | Provides various levels of detail for a given object, only one of which will be visible at a given time. |
TLODNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TLogEventList | CastleApplicationProperties |
TLoggerNode | X3DNodes | X3D events logging. |
TLoopingChannel | CastleSoundEngine | Looping sound management, to easily play music or other looping sounds. |
TMakeX3DViewpoint | X3DCameraUtils | Utility class to set various viewpoint properties, and then generate given viewpoint node. |
TMaterialBindingNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TMaterialInfo | X3DNodes | Abstract class for material information, that define material properties for various lighting equations. |
TMaterialNode | X3DNodes | Material determines how the geometry looks on the screen, by providing parameters to the lighting equations. |
TMaterialNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TMatrix3DoubleList | CastleVectors | List of TMatrix3Double. |
TMatrix3List | CastleVectors | List of TMatrix3. |
TMatrix3VertexAttributeNode | X3DNodes | Per-vertex 3x3 matrix attributes, available to shaders. |
TMatrix4DoubleList | CastleVectors | List of TMatrix4Double. |
TMatrix4List | CastleVectors | List of TMatrix4. |
TMatrix4VertexAttributeNode | X3DNodes | Per-vertex 4x4 matrix attributes, available to shaders. |
TMatrixTransformNode | X3DNodes | Transform children by an explicit 4x4 matrix. |
TMatrixTransformNode_1 | X3DNodes | VRML 1.0 MatrixTransform node. |
TMenu | CastleWindow | TMenuEntry that contains a list of menu entries. |
TMenuEntry | CastleWindow | A basic class representing basic menu building block. |
TMenuEntryWithCaption | CastleWindow |
TMenuItem | CastleWindow | TMenuEntry that is a simple, clickable menu item. |
TMenuItemChecked | CastleWindow | TMenuItem that should visualize Checked state somehow to the user. |
TMenuItemRadio | CastleWindow | Menu radio item. |
TMenuItemRadioGroup | CastleWindow | A group of radio buttons. |
TMenuItemToggleFullScreen | CastleWindow | Menu item that toggles TCastleWindow.FullScreen. |
TMenuSeparator | CastleWindow | TMenuEntry that acts as a visual separator (horizontal line or something like that) between menu items. |
TMessageClientRecord | CastleClientServer |
TMessageReceivedEventList | CastleMessaging | Used by TMessaging to manage a list of listeners. |
TMessaging | CastleMessaging | Message system to communicate between native code (Pascal) and other languages (Java on Android, Objective-C on iOS) that possibly run in other thread. |
TMetadataBooleanNode | X3DNodes | A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a boolean type. |
TMetadataDoubleNode | X3DNodes | A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a double-precision floating point number type. |
TMetadataFloatNode | X3DNodes | A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a single-precision floating point number type. |
TMetadataIntegerNode | X3DNodes | A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with an integer type. |
TMetadataSetNode | X3DNodes | A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) set, to reference of collection of other metadata nodes. |
TMetadataStringNode | X3DNodes | A metadata (extra, custom information at a node) with a string type. |
TMFBool | X3DFields |
TMFBoolEvent | X3DFields |
TMFColor | X3DFields |
TMFColorEvent | X3DFields |
TMFColorRGBA | X3DFields |
TMFColorRGBAEvent | X3DFields |
TMFDouble | X3DFields |
TMFDoubleEvent | X3DFields |
TMFFloat | X3DFields |
TMFFloatEvent | X3DFields |
TMFInt32 | X3DFields |
TMFInt32Event | X3DFields |
TMFLong | X3DFields |
TMFLongEvent | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3d | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3dEvent | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3f | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix3fEvent | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4d | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4dEvent | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4f | X3DFields |
TMFMatrix4fEvent | X3DFields |
TMFNode | X3DNodes | VRML/X3D field holding a list of nodes. |
TMFNodeEvent | X3DFields |
TMFRotation | X3DFields |
TMFRotationEvent | X3DFields |
TMFString | X3DFields |
TMFStringEvent | X3DFields |
TMFTime | X3DFields |
TMFTimeEvent | X3DFields |
TMFVec2d | X3DFields |
TMFVec2dEvent | X3DFields |
TMFVec2f | X3DFields |
TMFVec2fEvent | X3DFields |
TMFVec3d | X3DFields |
TMFVec3dEvent | X3DFields |
TMFVec3f | X3DFields |
TMFVec3fEvent | X3DFields |
TMFVec4d | X3DFields |
TMFVec4dEvent | X3DFields |
TMFVec4f | X3DFields |
TMFVec4fEvent | X3DFields |
TModelFormat | X3DLoad | Information about a model format, used with RegisterModelFormat. |
TMovieTextureNode | X3DNodes | Movie file, that can be played and displayed as a texture. |
TMultiGeneratedTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Generated texture coordinates for multi-texturing. |
TMultiTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Multiple texture coordinates per vertex, to be used with multi-texturing by TMultiTextureNode. |
TMultiTextureNode | X3DNodes | Application of several individual textures on top of each other, used instead of a single texture when desired. |
TMultiTextureTransformNode | X3DNodes | Multiple texture transforms, to be used with multi-texturing by TMultiTextureNode. |
TNavigationInfoNode | X3DNodes | Describe the physical characteristics of the viewer's avatar and navigation. |
TNavigationInfoStack | CastleSceneCore |
TNodeDestructionNotificationList | X3DNodes |
TNodeFunctionality | X3DNodes | Simple component system inside TX3DNode. |
TNodesManager | X3DNodes | Manages X3D non-abstract node classes, that can be used in X3D files. |
TNoParameterlessContructor | CastleUtils | Descend from this to hide a parameterless constructor. |
TNormalBindingNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TNormalInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of 3D directions, for example normal vectors. |
TNormalNode | X3DNodes | Normal (information for lighting) node. |
TNotifyEventList | CastleClassUtils |
TNurbsCurve2DNode | X3DNodes | Trimming segment that is expressed a NURBS curve and is part of a trimming contour in the u,v domain of the surface. |
TNurbsCurveNode | X3DNodes | Visible NURBS curve in 3D. |
TNurbsOrientationInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) orientations as tangent vectors of the 3D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsPatchSurfaceNode | X3DNodes | Visible NURBS 3D surface. |
TNurbsPositionInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) positions along the 3D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsSetNode | X3DNodes | Groups a set of NURBS surface nodes to a common group for rendering purposes, to ensure a common tesselation within the group. |
TNurbsSurfaceInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) by sampling a position and normal at 3D NURBS surface from an input 2D surface parameters. |
TNurbsSweptSurfaceNode | X3DNodes | Path in 2D space (that can be constructed from NURBS curves, or straight segments) extruded along a 3D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsSwungSurfaceNode | X3DNodes | Path in 2D space (that can be constructed from NURBS curves, or straight segments) extruded along a 2D NURBS curve. |
TNurbsTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | NURBS surface existing in the parametric domain of its surface host specifying the mapping of the texture onto the surface. |
TNurbsTrimmedSurfaceNode | X3DNodes | Visible 3D NURBS surface (like a TNurbsPatchSurfaceNode) that is trimmed by a set of trimming loops. |
TOption | CastleParameters | Command-line option specification, for TParameters.Parse. |
TOrientationInterpolator2DNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a 2D orientation, during which angle changes but axis remains constant. |
TOrientationInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) an orientation, for example to animate TTransformNode.Rotation. |
TOrthographicCameraNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TOrthoViewpointNode | X3DNodes | Viewpoint that provides an orthographic view of the scene. |
TPackagedShaderNode | X3DNodes | Single file that may contain a number of shaders and combined effects. |
TParameters | CastleParameters | Storing and processing command-line parameters and options. |
TPartialSend | X3DFields | Send along with the animation that should be applied only partially (because it fades-out or fades-in). |
TPathTracer | CastleRayTracer | Path tracer. |
TPeekCharStream | CastleClassUtils | Abstract class to read another stream, always being able to back one character. |
TPercentReplace | CastleStringUtils |
TPerspectiveCameraNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TPhongMaterialInfo | X3DNodes | Material information that defines parameters for Phong lighting equations. |
TPhotoService | CastlePhotoService |
TPhysicalMaterialInfo | X3DNodes | Material information that defines parameters for physical lighting equations. |
TPhysicalMaterialNode | X3DNodes |
TPhysicsCollisionDetails | CastleTransform | Information send along with TCollisionEvent event, like TCastleRigidBody.OnCollisionEnter, TCastleRigidBody.OnCollisionExit. |
TPhysicsProperties | CastleTransform | Configure physics simulation calculation. |
TPhysicsRayCastResult | CastleTransform | Result of TCastleAbstractRootTransform.PhysicsRayCast and TCastleRigidBody.PhysicsRayCast. |
TPiecewiseCubicBezier | CastleCurves | Piecewise (composite) cubic Bezier curve. |
TPixelTexture3DNode | X3DNodes | 3D texture defined as an explicit array of pixel values inside the X3D file. |
TPixelTextureNode | X3DNodes | Texture specified as an explicit array of pixel values (see FdImage field). |
TPlaceholderNames | CastleShapes |
TPlaneNode | X3DNodes | Alternative (deprecated) version of TRectangle2DNode, compatible with InstantReality X3D browser. |
TPlaneSensorNode | X3DNodes | Pointing device sensor to move objects on a plane. |
TPlayAnimationParameters | CastleSceneCore | Parameters to use when playing animation, see TCastleSceneCore.PlayAnimation. |
TPointingDeviceSensorList | X3DNodes | List of pointing device sensors. |
TPointLightNode | X3DNodes | Point light source, that shines from a given point in all directions around, for X3D. |
TPointLightNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TPointSetNode | X3DNodes | Points. |
TPointSetNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TPolygonOffset | CastleRenderContext |
TPolyline2DNode | X3DNodes | Series of line segments in 2D. |
TPolypoint2DNode | X3DNodes | Set of vertices in 2D. |
TPositionInterpolator2DNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a 2D position. |
TPositionInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a 3D position, for example to animate TTransformNode.Translation. |
TPrepareParams | CastleTransform | Information that a TCastleTransform object needs to prepare rendering. |
TProcedureList | CastleClassUtils |
TProcessTimerResult | CastleTimeUtils | Current time from ProcessTimer. |
TProgramShaderNode | X3DNodes | Shader that can consist of one or more individually programmable, self-contained pieces in TShaderProgramNode, like a Microsoft HLSL shader. |
TProjectedTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | Generate texture coordinates by projection. |
TProjection | CastleProjection | Projection determines how does the 3D world map onto 2D screen. |
TProximitySensorInstance | CastleShapes |
TProximitySensorNode | X3DNodes | Generate events when the viewer enters, exits, and/or moves within a region of 3D space. |
TQuadSetNode | X3DNodes | Quads, not indexed. |
TQuaternion | CastleQuaternions | Quaternions are useful to represent rotations in 3D that can be easily applied and combined with other rotations. |
TRayCollision | CastleTransform | Represents a ray collision with TCastleTransform (TCastleTransform that may have parents). |
TRayCollisionNode | CastleTransform | Information about ray collision with a single 3D object. |
TRayTracer | CastleRayTracer |
TRecentFiles | CastleRecentFiles | Manage a list of recently open files. |
TRectangle | CastleRectangles | 2D rectangle with integer coordinates. |
TRectangle2DNode | X3DNodes | Rectangle in 2D. |
TRectangleList | CastleRectangles |
TRegisteredComponent | CastleComponentSerialize | Describes a component registered using RegisterSerializableComponent, enumerated using RegisteredComponents list. |
TRenderContext | CastleRenderContext | The OpenGL / OpenGLES context state. |
TRenderedTextureNode | X3DNodes | Texture with contents created by rendering the scene from a specific viewpoint. |
TRenderOnePassParams | CastleTransform | How to render a single pass, when the shapes are already collected. |
TRenderParams | CastleTransform | Information that a TCastleTransform.LocalRender needs to render. |
TRenderStatistics | CastleTransform | Statistics about what was rendered during last frame. |
TRepoSoundEngine | CastleSoundEngine | Sound engine that keeps a repository of sounds, defined in a nice XML file. |
TRGBAlphaFloatImage | CastleImages | Image with RGBA colors using Single (4 floating-point numbers for each pixel). |
TRGBAlphaImage | CastleImages | Image with each pixel stored as 4 bytes: RGB (color) and alpha (opacity). |
TRGBFloatImage | CastleImages | Image with high-precision RGB colors encoded as 3 floating-point Single values. |
TRGBImage | CastleImages | Image with pixel represented as a TVector3Byte (red, green, blue). |
TRotationNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TRotationXYZNode_1 | X3DNodes | RotationXYZ node (from Inventor). |
TScalarInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a single floating-point value, for example to animate TMaterialNode.Transparency. |
TScaleNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TSceneURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to something that can be loaded by LoadNode or TCastleSceneCore.Load. |
TScissor | CastleRenderContext | Scissor to clip displayed things, in addition to the global scissor affected by TRenderContext.ScissorEnable / TRenderContext.ScissorDisable. |
TScreenEffectNode | X3DNodes | Screen-space shader effect. |
TScriptNode | X3DNodes | Program behavior in a scene using scripts. |
TSector | CastleSectors |
TSectorList | CastleSectors |
TSegmentNode | X3DNodes |
TSeparatorNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TSerializationProcess | CastleClassUtils | Call methods of this class within TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization override. |
TSerializationProcessColorsHelper | CastleColors | Helper methods you can use from TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization to manage reading/writing of colors. |
TSerializationProcessVectorsHelper | CastleVectors | Helper methods you can use from TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization to manage reading/writing of vectors. |
TSFBitMask | X3DFields | VRML 1.0 (deprecated) field representing a bitmask, where a number of "flags" can be "on" or "off". |
TSFBool | X3DFields | X3D field containing a single boolean value. |
TSFBoolEvent | X3DFields | TX3DEvent descendants with comfortable Send methods. |
TSFColor | X3DFields | X3D field containing an RGB color. |
TSFColorEvent | X3DFields |
TSFColorRGBA | X3DFields | X3D field containing an RGBA color (with an alpha). |
TSFColorRGBAEvent | X3DFields |
TSFDouble | X3DFields | X3D field containing a floating-point value with Double precision. |
TSFDoubleEvent | X3DFields |
TSFEnum | X3DFields | VRML 1.0 (deprecated) field representing an enumerated value, which means that you choose one (named) value from a set of possible values. |
TSFFloat | X3DFields | X3D field containing a floating-point value with Single precision. |
TSFFloatEvent | X3DFields |
TSFGenericMatrix | X3DFields | Generic class for an X3D field containing a single matrix value. |
TSFGenericVector | X3DFields | X3D field containing a vector. |
TSFImage | X3DFields | X3D field containing an image that is "embedded" in the X3D file. |
TSFImageEvent | X3DFields |
TSFInt32 | X3DFields | X3D field containing an single integer 32-bit value. |
TSFInt32Event | X3DFields |
TSFLong | X3DFields | X3D field containing an single integer 32-bit value. |
TSFLongEvent | X3DFields |
TSFMatrix | X3DFields | VRML 1.0 SFMatrix field. |
TSFMatrix3d | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 3x3 matrix with Double precision. |
TSFMatrix3dEvent | X3DFields |
TSFMatrix3f | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 3x3 matrix with Single precision. |
TSFMatrix3fEvent | X3DFields |
TSFMatrix4d | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 4x4 matrix with Double precision. |
TSFMatrix4dEvent | X3DFields |
TSFMatrix4f | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 4x4 matrix with Single precision. |
TSFMatrix4fEvent | X3DFields |
TSFNode | X3DNodes | X3D field holding a reference to a single node. |
TSFNodeEvent | X3DFields |
TSFNodeEventHelper | X3DNodes |
TSFRotation | X3DFields | X3D field representing a 3D rotation around an arbitrary axis. |
TSFRotationEvent | X3DFields |
TSFString | X3DFields | X3D field containing a single string. |
TSFStringEnum | X3DFields | X3D field that contains a value from a specified set. |
TSFStringEvent | X3DFields |
TSFTime | X3DFields | X3D field containing a time, expressed as seconds that passed since some moment. |
TSFTimeEvent | X3DFields |
TSFVec2d | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 2D vector with Double precision. |
TSFVec2dEvent | X3DFields |
TSFVec2f | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 2D vector with Single precision. |
TSFVec2fEvent | X3DFields |
TSFVec3d | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 3D vector with Double precision. |
TSFVec3dEvent | X3DFields |
TSFVec3f | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 3D vector with Single precision. |
TSFVec3fEvent | X3DFields |
TSFVec4d | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 4D vector with Double precision. |
TSFVec4dEvent | X3DFields |
TSFVec4f | X3DFields | X3D field containing a 4D vector with Single precision. |
TSFVec4fEvent | X3DFields |
TShaderPartNode | X3DNodes | OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) shader part, used inside TComposedShaderNode. |
TShaderProgramNode | X3DNodes | Self-container shader part used with TProgramShaderNode, for example with Microsoft HLSL shader language. |
TShaderTextureNode | X3DNodes | Procedural texture defined by shaders. |
TShape | CastleShapes | |
TShapeHintsNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TShapeList | CastleShapes |
TShapeNode | X3DNodes | Shape is a rendered object in the world, with an appearance and geometry. |
TShapeTree | CastleShapes | Tree of shapes. |
TShapeTreeGroup | CastleShapes | Internal (non-leaf) node of the TShapeTree. |
TShapeTreeIterator | CastleShapes | Iterates over all TShape items that would be enumerated by Tree.Traverse. |
TShapeTreeLOD | CastleShapes | Node of the TShapeTree representing the LOD (level of detail) alternative. |
TShapeTreeSwitch | CastleShapes | Node of the TShapeTree representing an alternative, choosing one (or none) child from it's children list as active. |
TShapeTreeTransform | CastleShapes | Node of the TShapeTree transforming it's children. |
TSimpleNotifyEventList | CastleClassUtils |
TSimplePeekCharStream | CastleClassUtils | Read another stream, sequentially, always being able to back one character. |
TSingleList | CastleUtils | List of Single (single-precision floating point) values. |
TSiteNode | X3DNodes |
TSoundAllocator | CastleSoundEngine | Manager of allocated sounds. |
TSoundDevice | CastleSoundBase |
TSoundDeviceList | CastleSoundBase |
TSoundEngine | CastleSoundEngine | Sound engine, responsible for loading and playing sounds. |
TSoundNode | X3DNodes | 3D sound emitter. |
TSoundURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to a sound file. |
TSphereNode | X3DNodes | Sphere. |
TSphereNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TSphereSensorNode | X3DNodes | Pointing device sensor to rotate objects. |
TSplinePositionInterpolator2DNode | X3DNodes | Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a 2D position. |
TSplinePositionInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a 3D position. |
TSplineScalarInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a single floating-point value. |
TSpotLightNode | X3DNodes | Light source that emits light from a specific point along a specific direction constrained within a cone. |
TSpotLightNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TSprite | CastleGLImages | Sprite is an animation composed from frames arranged in rows and columns inside a single image. |
TSpriteAnimation | CastleGLImages | Custom animation of a sprite. |
TSpriteAnimationFrame | CastleGLImages | A frame of a custom animation. |
TSquadOrientationInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Non-linearly interpolate (animate) a rotation. |
TStaticGroupNode | X3DNodes | Children nodes which cannot be modified. |
TStreamHelper | CastleStreamUtils | Helper class for streams that allows to correctly read and write either little or big endian values. |
TStringIntegerMap | X3DNodes | Map String->Integer. |
TStringListCaseSens | CastleClassUtils | TStringList that is case sensitive. |
TStringSensorNode | X3DNodes | Generates events as the user inputs a longer string on the keyboard, useful for example to simulate "input fields" in 3D. |
TStringsHelper | CastleDownload | Copyright 2013-2020 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TStringsHelper | CastleStringUtils |
TStringStringMap | CastleStringUtils | String-to-string map. |
TStructList | CastleUtils | List of structures. |
TSubPropertiesEditor | CastlePropEdits | Editor for any published SubComponent, you want to be able to expand it in the LCL object inspector. |
TSwitchNode | X3DNodes | Choose only one (or none) of the child nodes for processing. |
TSwitchNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TTangentNode | X3DNodes | Tangent vectors information, for bump mapping. |
TTeapotNode | X3DNodes | Teapot geometry, useful for testing purposes. |
TTerrainCasScript | CastleTerrain | Terrain (height for each X, Y) data calculated from CastleScript expression. |
TTestFairy | CastleTestFairy | TestFairy integration. |
TText3DNode | X3DNodes | Text with 3D depth. |
TTextNode | X3DNodes | Multiline text, visualized as a set of flat and textured polygons. |
TTextReader | CastleDownload | Read any stream like a text file. |
TTextReaderWriter | CastleDownload | Common class for reading or writing a stream like a text file. |
TTexture2Node_1 | X3DNodes |
TTexture2TransformNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TTextureBackgroundNode | X3DNodes | 3D background of a scene, comprised of sky and ground colors (gradients) and optional six textures (skybox), with flexible texture nodes. |
TTextureCompressionInfo | CastleImages |
TTextureCoordinate2Node_1 | X3DNodes |
TTextureCoordinate3DNode | X3DNodes | 3D texture coordinates, partcularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureCoordinate4DNode | X3DNodes | 4D (homogeneous 3D) texture coordinates, partcularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureCoordinateGeneratorNode | X3DNodes | Automatic generation of texture coordinates. |
TTextureCoordinateNode | X3DNodes | 2D texture coordinates used by vertex-based geometry nodes. |
TTextureFilter | CastleGLImages |
TTextureFontData | CastleTextureFontData | Data for a 2D font initialized from a FreeType font file, like ttf. |
TTextureFontData.TGlyph | CastleTextureFontData | Information about a particular font glyph. |
TTextureFontData.TGlyphDictionary | CastleTextureFontData | Map Unicode code to a TGlyph representation. |
TTextureMemoryProfiler | CastleGLImages | OpenGL texture memory profiler. |
TTexturePropertiesNode | X3DNodes | Adjust the texture application properties. |
TTexturesVideosCache | CastleTextureImages | A cache of loaded images for textures. |
TTextureTransform3DNode | X3DNodes | Transformation of texture coordinates in 3D, partcularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureTransformMatrix3DNode | X3DNodes | Transformation of texture coordinates by a 4x4 matrix, particularly useful with 3D textures. |
TTextureTransformNode | X3DNodes | 2D transformation that can be applied to texture coordinates (e.g. |
TTextureWrap2D | CastleGLImages |
TTextureWrap3D | CastleGLImages |
TTextWriter | CastleDownload | Write to a stream like to a text file. |
TThreadSynchronisationHandler | CastleClientServer | Because Indys version isn't generic in FPC. |
TTiledMapURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to a Tiled Map file. |
TTimeDependentFunctionality | X3DNodes | Functionality of all time-dependent nodes. |
TTimerResult | CastleTimeUtils | Current time from Timer. |
TTimeSensorNode | X3DNodes | Generate events as time passes. |
TTimeTriggerNode | X3DNodes | Generate time events upon receiving any boolean value. |
TTogglerNode | X3DNodes | Utility for setting and observing a boolean value in various ways. |
TTouch | CastleUIControls | Tracking of a touch by a single finger, used by TTouchList. |
TTouchList | CastleUIControls | Tracking of multi-touch, a position of each finger on the screen. |
TTouchSensorNode | X3DNodes | Sensor to catch clicks on 3D objects. |
TTransformation | CastleVectors | Describe transformation in a way comfortable to apply it in both ways. |
TTransformationList | CastleVectors |
TTransformDesignURLPropertyEditor | CastlePropEdits | Property editor for URL that refers to a file readable by TransformLoad. |
TTransformFunctionality | X3DNodes | Node functionality for all X3D transformation nodes. |
TTransformNode | X3DNodes | Grouping node that transforms (moves, rotates, scales) it's children. |
TTransformNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TTransformSensorNode | X3DNodes | Generates events when the target object enters, exits, and moves within a region of 3D space. |
TTransformSeparatorNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TTranslationNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TTraversingInfo | X3DNodes |
TTriangle | CastleTriangles | Triangle in 3D. |
TTriangle2 | CastleTriangles | Triangle in 2D space. |
TTriangle3 | CastleTriangles | Triangle in 3D space. |
TTriangle4 | CastleTriangles | Triangle in 4D (or 3D homogeneous) space. |
TTriangleFanSetNode | X3DNodes | Triangles that form a fan shape around the first vertex. |
TTriangleGeometry | CastleTriangles | Triangle expressed in particular coordinate system, for TTriangle. |
TTriangleHelper | CastleShapes | Triangle in a 3D model. |
TTriangleSet2DNode | X3DNodes | Set of triangles in 2D. |
TTriangleSetNode | X3DNodes | A collection of triangles. |
TTriangleStripSetNode | X3DNodes | Strips of triangles. |
TTwoSidedMaterialNode | X3DNodes |
Note: Whether the shape is visible from both sides depends on the geometry TAbstractGeometryNode.Solid field, and is independent of whether you use this or other (one-sided) material nodes. |
TUInt32List | CastleUtils | List of 32-bit unsigned values. |
TUnicodeCharList | CastleUnicode |
TUnlitMaterialInfo | X3DNodes | Material information that defines parameters for unlit lighting equations. |
TUnlitMaterialNode | X3DNodes |
TUrlAsynchronousReader | CastleDownload | Implement this class, and pass to RegisterUrlProtocol, to read protocols asynchronously (such that TCastleDownload can read them asynchronously). |
TUrlFunctionality | X3DNodes | Functionality used by all nodes that contain data located on the World Wide Web. |
TValueTriggerNode | X3DNodes | Generate events upon receiving a boolean TRUE value. |
TVector2Byte | CastleVectors | Vector of 2 Byte values. |
TVector2Cardinal | CastleVectors | Vector of 2 Cardinal values. |
TVector2DoubleList | CastleVectors | List of TVector2Double. |
TVector2Integer | CastleVectors | Vector of 2 Integer values. |
TVector2List | CastleVectors | List of TVector2. |
TVector2SmallInt | CastleVectors | Vector of 2 SmallInt values. |
TVector3Byte | CastleVectors | Vector of 3 Byte values. |
TVector3Cardinal | CastleVectors | Vector of 3 Cardinal values. |
TVector3DoubleList | CastleVectors | List of TVector3Double. |
TVector3Integer | CastleVectors | Vector of 3 Integer values. |
TVector3List | CastleVectors | List of TVector3. |
TVector4Byte | CastleVectors | Vector of 4 Byte values. |
TVector4Cardinal | CastleVectors | Vector of 4 Cardinal values. |
TVector4DoubleList | CastleVectors | List of TVector4Double. |
TVector4Integer | CastleVectors | Vector of 4 Integer values. |
TVector4IntegerList | CastleVectors | List of TVector4Integer. |
TVector4List | CastleVectors | List of TVector4. |
TVector4Pointer | CastleVectors | Vector of 4 Pointers. |
TVectorInterpolatorNode | X3DNodes | Interpolate (animate) a set of floats, for example to animate TElevationGridNode heights. |
TVertexArrayObject | CastleGLUtils | Vertex array object. |
TVertexJoints | X3DNodes |
TVideo | CastleVideos | Video. |
TVideosCache | CastleVideos | A cache of loaded videos. |
TViewDialog | CastleDialogViews | Abstract class for a modal dialog user-interface view. |
TViewDialogChoice | CastleDialogViews | Ask user to choose from a number of options. |
TViewDialogInput | CastleDialogViews | Ask user to input a string, or cancel. |
TViewDialogKey | CastleDialogViews | Ask user a press any key, and return this key. |
TViewDialogOK | CastleDialogViews | Wait for simple confirmation ("OK") from user. |
TViewDialogPressEvent | CastleDialogViews | Ask user a press anything (key, mouse button, mouse wheel), for example to configure a keybinding for a game. |
TViewDialogYesNo | CastleDialogViews | Ask user a simple "yes" / "no" question. |
TViewpointGroupNode | X3DNodes | Group of viewpoints. |
TViewpointMirrorNode | X3DNodes | Viewpoint for making reflections on flat objects. |
TViewpointNode | X3DNodes | Viewpoint that provides a perspective view of the scene. |
TViewpointStack | CastleSceneCore |
TViewVectors | CastleVectors | Express a 3D transformation as position, direction and up 3D vectors. |
TVisibilitySensorInstance | CastleShapes |
TVisibilitySensorNode | X3DNodes | Detects visibility changes of a rectangular box as the user navigates the world. |
TVRML1State | X3DNodes | Nodes that are saved during VRML/X3D traversing. |
TWarningEventList | CastleApplicationProperties |
TWaypoint | CastleSectors |
TWaypointList | CastleSectors |
TWindowContainer | CastleWindow | Container suitable to be used in TCastleWindow. |
TWindowList | CastleWindow |
TWindowRecentFiles | CastleWindowRecentFiles | Manage a list of recently opened files, and show a menu in TCastleWindow. |
TWordList | CastleUtils | List of Word (16-bit unsigned) values. |
TWorldInfoNode | X3DNodes | Information about the world. |
TWWWAnchorNode_1 | X3DNodes |
TWWWInlineNode_1 | X3DNodes | VRML 1.0 WWWInline node. |
TX3DBindableStack | CastleSceneCore | Stack of bindable nodes (only the top, bound, node is used for rendering/navigation). |
TX3DBindableStackBasic | X3DNodes |
TX3DEvent | X3DFields | X3D event. |
TX3DEventList | X3DFields |
TX3DEventsEngine | X3DNodes | Abstract class representing a scene that renders and processed events of the X3D nodes. |
TX3DEventsEngineList | X3DNodes |
TX3DExport | X3DNodes |
TX3DExportList | X3DNodes |
TX3DExternalPrototype | X3DNodes | X3D external prototype (referencing another file). |
TX3DField | X3DFields | Base class for all VRML/X3D fields. |
TX3DFieldList | X3DFields |
TX3DFieldOrEvent | X3DFields | Base class for VRML/X3D field or event. |
TX3DFieldsManager | X3DFields | Stores information about available VRML/X3D field classes. |
TX3DFileItem | X3DFields | Base class for any item within X3D file: a node, a field, a route, a prototype etc. |
TX3DFileItemList | X3DFields |
TX3DFontTexturesCache | X3DNodes | Cache for font texture nodes (TPixelTextureNode that we need for each font). |
TX3DGraphTraverseState | X3DNodes | Current state (transformation and such) when traversing VRML/X3D graph. |
TX3DGraphTraverseStateStack | X3DNodes | Stack of TX3DGraphTraverseState. |
TX3DImport | X3DNodes | Copyright 2002-2023 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TX3DImportableNames | X3DNodes |
TX3DInterfaceDeclaration | X3DNodes | Interface declaration, used in VRML/X3D (exposed) prototypes and for nodes with dynamic fields (Script, ComposedShader). |
TX3DInterfaceDeclarationList | X3DNodes |
TX3DMultField | X3DFields | X3D field with a list of values. |
TX3DNode | X3DNodes | X3D node. |
TX3DNodeClassesList | X3DNodes | Copyright 2002-2018 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TX3DNodeDeepCopyState | X3DNodes | Private stuff for TX3DNode.DeepCopy and friends implementation. |
TX3DNodeList | X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeNameRec | X3DNodes |
TX3DNodeNames | X3DNodes | List to track node names while parsing VRML/X3D file. |
TX3DNodesCache | X3DNodes | Cache for X3D nodes. |
TX3DPrototype | X3DNodes | X3D non-external prototype (describing how to expand the prototype into other nodes). |
TX3DPrototypeBase | X3DNodes | Common class to represent X3D external prototypes (referencing another file) or non-external prototypes (describing how to expand the prototype into other nodes). |
TX3DPrototypeBaseList | X3DNodes |
TX3DPrototypeNames | X3DNodes |
TX3DPrototypeNode | X3DNodes | Node with information about X3D prototype. |
TX3DReader | X3DFields | Reading of VRML/X3D from stream. |
TX3DReaderNames | X3DNodes | Container tracking VRML/X3D node and prototype names during parsing. |
TX3DRootNode | X3DNodes | A top-level VRML/X3D node. |
TX3DRoute | X3DNodes | Route makes a connection between two X3D events, making the destination event occur when the source event happened. |
TX3DRouteList | X3DNodes |
TX3DSimpleMultField | X3DFields | X3D field with a list of values. |
TX3DSingleField | X3DFields | Copyright 2002-2018 Michalis Kamburelis. |
TX3DTime | X3DTime | Complete timestamp for X3D events. |
TX3DUnknownNode | X3DNodes | Not recognized VRML/X3D node type. |
TX3DWriter | X3DFields | Writer of VRML/X3D to stream. |
TXFAnyEvent | X3DFields | Universal input event that can receive value of any type. |
TXMLCDataIterator | CastleXmlUtils | Iterate over all CDATA nodes of given XML element. |
TXMLElementFilteringIterator | CastleXmlUtils | Iterate over children elements of given XML element, that have matching TagName. |
TXMLElementIterator | CastleXmlUtils | Iterate over all children elements of given XML element. |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.