Class TSingleList



type TSingleList = class(specialize TStructList<Single>)


List of Single (single-precision floating point) values.




Public function ToDouble: TDoubleList;
Public procedure Assign(const Source: TDoubleList); overload;
Public procedure AssignLerpRange(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: specialize TStructList<Single>; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize); override;
Public procedure AddListRange(const Source: TSingleList; const Index, AddCount: TListSize); deprecated 'use AddSubRange';
Public function Equals(SecondValue: TObject): boolean; override;
Public function Sum: Single;
Public procedure MultiplyAll(const Factor: Single);
Public procedure SortAndRemoveDuplicates;
Public procedure AppendFloats(Floats: TFloatList);



Public function ToDouble: TDoubleList;

This item has no description.

Public procedure Assign(const Source: TDoubleList); overload;

Assign value from TDoubleList, converting to single-precision.

Public procedure AssignLerpRange(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: specialize TStructList<Single>; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize); override;

This item has no description.

Public procedure AddListRange(const Source: TSingleList; const Index, AddCount: TListSize); deprecated 'use AddSubRange';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use AddSubRange

This item has no description.

Public function Equals(SecondValue: TObject): boolean; override;

Does the SecondValue have equal length and content. The values are compared with an Epsilon tolerance, as usual for floating-point values.

Public function Sum: Single;

This item has no description.

Public procedure MultiplyAll(const Factor: Single);

Multiply all items by Factor.

Public procedure SortAndRemoveDuplicates;

Sort and remove (exact) duplicates. Removal of duplicates is very fast, utilizing the fact that the list is sorted.

Public procedure AppendFloats(Floats: TFloatList);

using deprecated, to keep it working

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