AbsoluteFileUri |
CastleUriUtils |
Does URI contain only an absolute filename. |
AbsoluteUri |
CastleUriUtils |
Make sure that the URI is absolute (always has a protocol). |
ActivityConfidenceToStr |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Convert between lowercase activity confidence name and TUserActivityConfidence type. |
ActivityToStr |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Convert between lowercase activity name and TUserActivity type. |
AddExeExtension |
CastleFilesUtils |
Add an exe file extension, searching for an existing file starting with ExePath. |
AddImageExtensions |
CastleImages |
Add all image extensions (with leading dots) (unless they are already there). |
AddImageMimeTypes |
CastleImages |
Add all image MIME types to the list (unless they are already there). |
AddLoadImageListener |
CastleImages |
All image URLs are processed by this event before loading. |
AddStrArrayToStrings |
CastleClassUtils |
Add all strings from string array to TStrings instance. |
AddTranslatedCharacters |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
AddTranslatedCharacters |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Extract from MO file all unique characters in translated strings, add them to Characters. |
AdjustViewAngleDegToAspectRatio |
CastleProjection |
Calculate second viewing angle for perspective projection. |
AdjustViewAngleRadToAspectRatio |
CastleProjection |
AfterPackImage |
CastleGLImages |
AfterUnpackImage |
CastleGLImages |
AlphaMaxVar |
CastleImages |
Maximum alpha channel type. |
AngleLerp |
CastleUtils |
Linear interpolation between 2 angle values, in radians. |
AngleRadBetweenNormals |
CastleVectors |
AngleRadBetweenVectors |
CastleVectors |
Angle between two vectors, in radians. |
AngleRadPointToPoint |
CastleUtils |
Angle between a 2D line segments and OX axis. |
AnyOrthogonalVector |
CastleVectors |
AnyOrthogonalVector |
CastleVectors |
Return, deterministically, some vector orthogonal to V. |
AppendToFilename |
CastleUtils |
Add Suffix to the filename, right before extension. |
Application |
CastleWindow |
Single global instance of TCastleApplication. |
ApplicationConfig |
CastleFilesUtils |
URL where we should read and write configuration files. |
ApplicationData |
CastleFilesUtils |
ApplicationProperties |
CastleApplicationProperties |
Approximate2DScale |
CastleVectors |
Approximate2DScale |
CastleVectors |
Approximate3DScale |
CastleVectors |
Approximate3DScale |
CastleVectors |
Approximate3DScale |
CastleVectors |
When you really, really must approximate a 3D or 2D scale by a single float. |
ArcCot |
CastleUtils |
AreParallelVectorsSameDirection |
CastleVectors |
Assuming that Vector1 and Vector2 are parallel, check do they point in the same direction. |
ArrayContainsString |
CastleUtils |
ArrayPosStr |
CastleUtils |
Search the array for a given value. |
ArrayPosText |
CastleUtils |
BackCharsPos |
CastleStringUtils |
BackPos |
CastleStringUtils |
BackPos |
CastleStringUtils |
Find last occurrence of SubString within S. |
Barycentric |
CastleTriangles |
BeforePackImage |
CastleGLImages |
BeforeUnpackImage |
CastleGLImages |
Save / restore OpenGL pixel store for unpacking / packing given TCastleImage. |
BEtoN |
CastleUtils |
BEtoN |
CastleUtils |
BEtoN |
CastleVectors |
Endianess conversion for vectors (big endian to native). |
BEtoN |
CastleVectors |
BEtoN |
CastleVectors |
Between |
CastleUtils |
Between |
CastleUtils |
Between |
CastleUtils |
Between |
CastleUtils |
Between |
CastleUtils |
Biggest2Exponent |
CastleUtils |
Exponent of the largest power of 2 that it's still <= Value. |
BiggestPowerOf2 |
CastleUtils |
Largest power of 2 still <= Value. |
BoundingBox3DFromSphere |
CastleBoxes |
Smallest possible box enclosing a sphere with Center, Radius. |
Box3D |
CastleBoxes |
Construct TBox3D value from a minimum and maximum 3D point. |
Box3DAroundPoint |
CastleBoxes |
Box3DAroundPoint |
CastleBoxes |
Construct TBox3D value from a center and size. |
BreakLine |
CastleStringUtils |
BreakLine |
CastleStringUtils |
Insert newline characters into string S, such that each line has at most MaxCol chars. |
CalculateBoundingBox |
CastleBoxes |
CalculateBoundingBox |
CastleBoxes |
CalculateBoundingBox |
CastleBoxes |
CalculateBoundingBox |
CastleBoxes |
CalculateBoundingBox |
CastleBoxes |
Calculate bounding box of a set of 3D points. |
CalculateBoundingBoxFromIndices |
CastleBoxes |
CalculateBoundingBoxFromIndices |
CastleBoxes |
Calculate bounding box of a set of indexed 3D points. |
CalculateTangent |
CastleTriangles |
Calculate tangent (along texture S coordinate, when IsTangent) or bitangent (along texture T coordinate, when IsTangent=false), knowing positions and texture coordinates. |
CamDirUp2Orient |
CastleTransform |
CamDirUp2Orient |
CastleTransform |
CamDirUp2OrientQuat |
CastleTransform |
CameraNodeForWholeScene |
X3DCameraUtils |
Make camera node (like MakeCameraNode) that makes the whole box nicely visible (like CameraViewpointForWholeScene). |
CameraOrthoViewpointForWholeScene |
CastleTransform |
Calculate suitable camera to see everything using an orthographic projection. |
CameraViewpointForWholeScene |
CastleTransform |
Calculate sensible camera configuration to see the whole Box. |
CastleApplicationMode |
CastleUtils |
Current application mode, see TCastleApplicationMode for various possible values. |
CastleCoTan |
CastleUtils |
Our version of CoTan, to workaround old FPC bug. |
CastleDesignMode |
CastleUtils |
Are we in design-time now. |
CastleDivMod |
CastleUtils |
Better DivMod version, in case Dividend may be < 0. |
CastleGetTickCount64 |
CastleTimeUtils |
Just like standard GetTickCount64 function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE. |
CastleNow |
CastleTimeUtils |
Just like standard Now function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE. |
CastleRandomize |
CastleTimeUtils |
Just like standard Randomize function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE. |
CastleReadLink |
CastleUtils |
Return the symlink target path. |
CastleToday |
CastleTimeUtils |
Just like standard Today function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE. |
CastleTomorrow |
CastleTimeUtils |
Just like standard Tomorrow function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE. |
CastleTranslateResourceStrings |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Use this instead of FPC TranslateResourceStrings. |
CastleYesterday |
CastleTimeUtils |
Just like standard Yesterday function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE. |
CatmullRom |
CastleCurves |
Catmull-Rom spline low-level function. |
CatmullRomSpline |
CastleCurves |
Catmull-Rom spline. |
CeilDiv |
CastleUtils |
Returns Ceil(A / B), but calculated faster and more precisely (without floating-point help). |
CeilDiv |
CastleUtils |
ChangeFilePath |
CastleUtils |
Returns FileName with directory (path) part replaced with given NewPath. |
ChangeIntCycle |
CastleUtils |
Increase Value by Change, nicely wrapping in [0..MaxValue], accepting also negative Change. |
ChangeUriExt |
CastleUriUtils |
Change extension of the URL. |
CharPos |
CastleStringUtils |
CharSetToStr |
CastleStringUtils |
CharsPos |
CastleStringUtils |
Find first occurrence of any character in Chars in string S. |
CharsPosEx |
CastleStringUtils |
CharToNiceStr |
CastleKeysMouse |
Nice short description of the character. |
Check |
CastleUtils |
Check condition. |
CheckCopyFile |
CastleFilesUtils |
Copy file from Source to Dest. |
CheckDeleteFile |
CastleFilesUtils |
Remove file. |
CheckForceDirectories |
CastleFilesUtils |
Make sure directory exists, eventually creating it and all directories along the way. |
CheckIsMemCharFilled |
CastleUtils |
Check is memory filled with the given character. |
CheckRemoveDir |
CastleFilesUtils |
Remove empty directory. |
CheckRenameFile |
CastleFilesUtils |
Move file from Source to Dest. |
Clamp |
CastleUtils |
Clamp |
CastleUtils |
Clamp |
CastleUtils |
Clamp |
CastleUtils |
Clamp |
CastleUtils |
Clamped |
CastleUtils |
Clamped |
CastleUtils |
Clamped |
CastleUtils |
Clamped |
CastleUtils |
Clamped |
CastleUtils |
Clamped |
CastleUtils |
ClampVar |
CastleUtils |
ClampVar |
CastleUtils |
ClampVar |
CastleUtils |
ClampVar |
CastleUtils |
ClampVar |
CastleUtils |
ClampVar |
CastleUtils |
Clipboard |
CastleControls |
Single global instance of TCastleClipboard. |
ColorBlueConvertByte |
CastleColors |
ColorBlueStripByte |
CastleColors |
ColorGrayscaleByte |
CastleColors |
Convert color to grayscale. |
ColorGreenConvertByte |
CastleColors |
ColorGreenStripByte |
CastleColors |
ColorOpacity |
CastleColors |
Change color opacity (alpha). |
ColorRedConvertByte |
CastleColors |
Place color luminance (intensity) (calculated like for grayscale) into the given color component. |
ColorRedStripByte |
CastleColors |
Set color values for two other channels to 0. |
ColorRGBToHex |
CastleColors |
Change color into a hexadecimal notation of it (like in HTML). |
ColorToHex |
CastleColors |
Change color into a hexadecimal notation of it (like in HTML). |
ColorToVector3 |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert LCL color values to CGE colors (vectors). |
ColorToVector3Byte |
CastleLCLUtils |
CombinePaths |
CastleFilesUtils |
Combines BasePath with RelPath into complete path. |
CombineUri |
CastleUriUtils |
Return absolute URI, given base and relative URI. |
CompareMethods |
CastleUtils |
Compare two methods. |
ComponentClone |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Create a clone ("deep copy") of given component. |
ComponentLoad |
CastleComponentSerialize |
ComponentSave |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Save / load TComponent (or any descendant) to a .castle-component, .castle-user-interface or .castle-transform file. |
ComponentToString |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Save / load TComponent (or descendant) to a string. |
Config |
CastleConfig |
CopyDirectory |
CastleFilesUtils |
Copies the contents from SourceDir to DestinationDir. |
CopyPos |
CastleStringUtils |
Return S[StartPosition..EndPosition]. |
CorrectPreferredHeight |
CastleCameras |
See TCastleWalkNavigation.CorrectPreferredHeight. |
CosAngleBetweenNormals |
CastleVectors |
CosAngleBetweenVectors |
CastleVectors |
Cosinus of angle between two vectors. |
CountTokens |
CastleStringUtils |
Count the amount of tokens in the string |
CreateIfNeeded |
CastleClassUtils |
Create Component instance, if it's Nil . |
CreateOctreeVisibleTrianglesForScene |
CastleRayTracer |
Create spatial structure to resolve collisions in the given scene. |
CreateReadFileStream |
CastleDownload |
Open a proper stream to read a file, fast (with buffering) and with seeking. |
CreateTokens |
CastleStringUtils |
Returns TCastleStringList with tokens extracted from S. |
CreateValueIfNeeded |
CastleScript |
Make sure Value is assigned and of NeededClass. |
CubicBezier1D |
CastleCurves |
Cubic (4 control points) Bezier curve (with all weights equal) in 1D. |
CubicBezier2D |
CastleCurves |
Cubic (4 control points) Bezier curve (with all weights equal) in 2D. |
CubicBezier3D |
CastleCurves |
Cubic (4 control points) Bezier curve (with all weights equal) in 3D. |
CursorFromCastle |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert CGE to LCL cursor type. |
DataFormatToStr |
CastleSoundBase |
DateTimeToAtStr |
CastleTimeUtils |
Convert DateTime to string in the form "date at time". |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
DecodeX3DColor |
X3DFields |
Decode color from integer value, following VRML/X3D SFImage specification. |
DeFormat |
CastleStringUtils |
Parse a string according to the given format, returning the values corresponding to placeholders %x in format string. |
Deg |
CastleUtils |
Convert degrees to radians, consistent with CastleScript deg () function and display of rotations in CGE editor. |
DeleteFileExt |
CastleUtils |
Remove from the FileName the last extension (including the dot). |
DeletePos |
CastleStringUtils |
Delete from S range of characters [StartPosition..EndPosition]. |
DeleteUriExt |
CastleUriUtils |
Delete extension of the URL. |
DigitAsByte |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert digit character (like '0') to a number (like 0). |
DigitAsChar |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert digit (like number 0) to character (like '0'). |
DirectorySize |
CastleFilesUtils |
Calculate size of all files in this dir. |
DivRoundUp |
CastleUtils |
DivRoundUp |
CastleUtils |
DivUnsignedMod |
CastleUtils |
Like DivMod (return result of Integer division and a remainder), but always return Remainder >= 0. |
DOMGetAttribute |
CastleXmlUtils |
Retrieves from Element attribute Value and returns True , or (if there is no such attribute) returns False and does not modify Value. |
DOMGetBooleanAttribute |
CastleXmlUtils |
Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Boolean value. |
DOMGetCardinalAttribute |
CastleXmlUtils |
Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Cardinal value. |
DOMGetFloatAttribute |
CastleXmlUtils |
Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Float value. |
DOMGetIntegerAttribute |
CastleXmlUtils |
Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Integer value. |
DOMGetSingleAttribute |
CastleXmlUtils |
Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Single value. |
DOMGetTextChild |
CastleXmlUtils |
Gets a child of Element named ChildName, and gets text data within this child. |
DOMGetTextData |
CastleXmlUtils |
Download |
CastleDownload |
Download |
CastleDownload |
Return a stream to read given URL. |
DrawCircle |
CastleGLUtils |
DrawCircle |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a circle. |
DrawCircleOutline |
CastleGLUtils |
DrawCircleOutline |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a circle outline. |
DrawPrimitive2D |
CastleGLUtils |
DrawPrimitive2D |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw primitive, using a stipple (pattern) for line rendering. |
DrawPrimitive2D |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a simple 2D primitive with a given color. |
DrawRectangle |
CastleGLUtils |
DrawRectangle |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a rectangle filled with a color. |
DrawRectangleOutline |
CastleGLUtils |
DrawRectangleOutline |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a rectangle frame. |
DumpExceptionBackTraceToString |
CastleClassUtils |
DumpStackToString |
CastleClassUtils |
EnableJoysticks |
CastleJoysticks |
Detect connected joysticks. |
EqualRGB |
CastleImages |
Check if the two RGB colors are equal, ignoring small differences. |
ErrorWrite |
CastleUtils |
ErrorWrite |
CastleUtils |
Write using a dialog box or console. |
ExceptMessage |
CastleUtils |
Nice exception description. |
ExclPathDelim |
CastleUtils |
ExeName |
CastleFilesUtils |
Full (absolute) FileName to executable file of this program. |
ExpandHomePath |
CastleFilesUtils |
Expand tilde (~) in path, just like shell. |
ExtractFileDoubleExt |
CastleUtils |
Extracts two last extensions from the filename, if it has two extensions. |
ExtractOnlyFilename |
CastleUtils |
Extracts from FileName the name of file, without directory, without last extension and without any Windows drive letter. |
ExtractUriName |
CastleUriUtils |
Extract filename (last part after slash) from URL. |
ExtractUriPath |
CastleUriUtils |
Extract path (everything before last part), including final slash, from URL. |
FadeColor |
CastleColors |
FadeDarkColor |
CastleColors |
FallbackFont |
CastleControls |
The default font, used throughout the engine as a fallback. |
FallbackTheme |
CastleUIControls |
Fallback (do not change this, ever) theme. |
FastLookDirMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Calculate LookDirMatrix (or it's inverse), fast. |
FfmpegExecutable |
CastleVideos |
Returns full path to ffmpeg-compatible executable. |
FfmpegExecute |
CastleVideos |
Execute ffmpeg. |
FfmpegVideoMimeType |
CastleVideos |
Does given MIME type looks like a video file extension that can be handled (encoded or decoded) by ffmpeg. |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleFmxUtils |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleFmxUtils |
Convert file filters into FMX Dialog.Filter, Dialog.FilterIndex. |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
FileFiltersToDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert file filters into LCL Dialog.Filter, Dialog.FilterIndex. |
FileFiltersToOpenDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
FileFiltersToOpenDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
FileFiltersToOpenDialog |
CastleLCLUtils |
Deprecated names, use the identifiers without "Open" in new code. |
FileNameAutoInc |
CastleFilesUtils |
FileNameAutoInc |
CastleFilesUtils |
Substitute %d in given URL (UrlPattern) with successive numbers, until the resulting URL (which can be just a filename) doesn't exist. |
FilenameToUriSafe |
CastleUriUtils |
Convert filename to URI. |
FilenameToUriSafeUTF8 |
CastleLCLUtils |
Not necessary. |
FileToString |
CastleFilesUtils |
FileToString |
CastleFilesUtils |
Read file or URL contents to a string. |
FindExe |
CastleFilesUtils |
Find program on $PATH. |
FindFiles |
CastleFindFiles |
FindFiles |
CastleFindFiles |
FindFiles |
CastleFindFiles |
FindFiles |
CastleFindFiles |
Find all files matching the given mask, and call FileProc for them. |
FindFilesList |
CastleFindFiles |
Like FindFiles, but return found files as a list. |
FindFirstFile |
CastleFindFiles |
Find first file matching given Mask inside Path. |
FindFirstFileIgnoreCase |
CastleFindFiles |
Find first file matching given Mask inside Path, always ignores case (regardless of OS conventions). |
FindPos |
CastleStringUtils |
Find substring SubText within Text. |
FindRegisteredUrlProtocol |
CastleDownload |
If the given protocol is registered with RegisterUrlProtocol, returns the TRegisteredProtocol instance that describes how to handle this protocol. |
FirstDelimiter |
CastleStringUtils |
Find first occurrence of character in Delimiters. |
FloatDivMod |
CastleUtils |
Calculate Integer division and modulo on two Float arguments. |
FloatModulo |
CastleUtils |
Calculate Float modulo of division on two Float arguments. |
FloatRectangle |
CastleRectangles |
FloatRectangle |
CastleRectangles |
FloatRectangle |
CastleRectangles |
FloatsEqual |
CastleVectors |
Various compatibility functions (on Single) |
FloatsEqual |
CastleVectors |
FloatToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
FloatToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
FloatToStrDisplay |
CastleUtils |
Display float as nice concise number to read (but not necessarily with absolute precision). |
FloatToStrDot |
CastleUtils |
Like standard FloatToStr, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
FloatToStrFDot |
CastleUtils |
Like standard FloatToStr, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
FnameAutoInc |
CastleFilesUtils |
ForceFallbackLook |
CastleControls |
Force using FallbackFont (thus, ignore TCastleContainer.DefaultFont) and FallbackTheme (thus, disable any Theme customizations) in this UI. |
FormatDot |
CastleUtils |
Like standard Format, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
FormatNameCounter |
CastleStringUtils |
FormatNameCounter |
CastleStringUtils |
Replace sequences @counter(<padding>) in the NamePattern with Index. |
FrameProfiler |
CastleTimeUtils |
Single instance of TCastleFrameProfiler that you can use for frame profiling. |
FreeChildNodes |
CastleXmlUtils |
If needed, free result of TDOMElement.ChildNodes. |
FreeIfUnusedAndNil |
X3DNodes |
Free TX3DNode if it is unused (see TX3DNode.FreeIfUnused), setting reference to Nil (whether it was unused or not). |
FreeMemNiling |
CastleUtils |
Safer version of FreeMem, checks is parameter Nil , and sets it to Nil afterwards. |
FreeTexture |
CastleGLImages |
Delete texture object and set it to GLObjectNone. |
FrustumProjection |
CastleRenderContext |
FrustumProjectionMatrix |
CastleProjection |
FrustumProjectionMatrix |
CastleProjection |
FunctionHandlers |
CastleScript |
GameServiceStatusToStr |
CastleGameService |
GenerateGetTextPo |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
GenerateGetTextPo |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Generate GetText PO file contents that can be used as a basis for translators to localize this component. |
GetClearMem |
CastleUtils |
GetCurrentProgram |
CastleGLShaders |
GetEmbeddedFont |
CastleTextureFontData |
Is any font registered for given URL. |
GetEnableNetwork |
CastleDownload |
GetTempFileNameCheck |
CastleFilesUtils |
Get temporary FileName, suitable for ApplicationName, checking that it doesn't exist. |
GetTempFileNamePrefix |
CastleFilesUtils |
Return a prefix (beginning of an absolute FileName) to save a series of temporary files. |
GetTextPoEntry |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Generate text to insert to POT (PO template) to allow translating given text. |
GLBlendFunction |
CastleGLUtils |
Call OpenGL glBlendFunc. |
GLBlendRectangle |
CastleGLUtils |
GLBlendRectangle |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a rectangle with blending. |
GLDecompressTexture |
CastleGLImages |
Decompress texture image by loading it to a temporary OpenGL(ES) texture and reading back. |
GLFadeRectangle |
CastleGLUtils |
GLFadeRectangle |
CastleGLUtils |
GLFadeRectangleDark |
CastleGLUtils |
GLFadeRectangleDark |
CastleGLUtils |
GLFadeRectangleDark |
CastleGLUtils |
Draw a rectangle that modulates colors underneath, making nice animation to AFadeColor while FadeIntensity changes from 1.0 down to 0.0. |
GLFadeRectangleLight |
CastleGLUtils |
GLFadeRectangleLight |
CastleGLUtils |
GLInformationInitialize |
CastleGLUtils |
Initialize GLVersion and GLFeatures. |
GLInformationString |
CastleGLUtils |
Multiline string describing attributes of current OpenGL(ES) library. |
GLInformationStringSummary |
CastleGLUtils |
One-line string summarizing current OpenGL(ES). |
glTextureCubeMap |
CastleGLImages |
Comfortably load all six cube map texture images. |
glTextureImage3D |
CastleGLImages |
Comfortably load a 3D texture. |
GlueStrings |
CastleStringUtils |
GlueStrings |
CastleStringUtils |
GlueStrings |
CastleStringUtils |
GlueStrings |
CastleStringUtils |
Concatenate the string list with a given Delimiter. |
Grayscale |
CastleColors |
Grayscale |
CastleColors |
Grayscale |
CastleColors |
GrayscaleValue |
CastleColors |
GrayscaleValue |
CastleColors |
GrayscaleValue |
CastleColors |
GrayscaleValue |
CastleColors |
Calculate color luminance (intensity), for converting color to grayscale. |
HasNameCounter |
CastleStringUtils |
Does this NamePattern contain @counter in a format understood by FormatNameCounter. |
HermiteSpline |
CastleCurves |
Hermite spline. |
HermiteTenseSpline |
CastleCurves |
Hermite spline with tangents zero (it will be horizontal at control points). |
HexToColor |
CastleColors |
Convert hexadecimal color notation (like in HTML) into an RGBA color. |
HexToColorRGB |
CastleColors |
Convert hexadecimal color notation (like in HTML) into an RGB color. |
HomePath |
CastleFilesUtils |
User's home directory, with trailing PathDelim. |
HsvToRgb |
CastleColors |
Converting between RGB and HSV. |
HsvToRgba |
CastleColors |
HsvToRgbByte |
CastleColors |
IfcClasses |
CastleIfc |
List of all IFC classes that are defined in this unit. |
IfcJsonLoad |
CastleIfc |
IfcJsonLoad |
CastleIfc |
Load IFC from JSON. |
IfcJsonSave |
CastleIfc |
IfcJsonSave |
CastleIfc |
Save IFC to JSON. |
IfcToX3D |
CastleIfc |
Convert IFC file to X3D. |
Iff |
CastleUtils |
Iff |
CastleUtils |
Iff |
CastleUtils |
Iff |
CastleUtils |
Iff |
CastleUtils |
ImageClassBestForSavingToFormat |
CastleImages |
Choose TCastleImage descendant best matching for this image file format. |
ImageClassesEqual |
CastleImages |
Check if both arrays contain exactly the same classes in the same order. |
ImageExtToMimeType |
CastleImages |
Guess MIME type from image extension. |
ImageGLFormat |
CastleGLImages |
Return appropriate OpenGL format and type constants for given TCastleImage descendant. |
ImageGLInternalFormat |
CastleGLImages |
ImageGLType |
CastleGLImages |
InclPathDelim |
CastleUtils |
Include / exclude the last path delimiter, if necessary. |
IndexedConvexPolygonArea |
CastleTriangles |
IndexedConvexPolygonArea |
CastleTriangles |
Surface area of indexed convex polygon. |
IndexedConvexPolygonNormal |
CastleTriangles |
IndexedConvexPolygonNormal |
CastleTriangles |
Calculates normalized normal vector for polygon composed from indexed vertices. |
IndexedPolygonNormal |
CastleTriangulate |
Calculate normal vector of possibly concave polygon. |
IndexedTriangleNormal |
CastleTriangles |
Normal vector of a triangle defined as three indexes intro vertex array. |
IndexMax |
CastleUtils |
Index (0, 1 or 2) of maximum / minimum of 3 numbers. |
IndexMin |
CastleUtils |
InfoWrite |
CastleUtils |
InfoWrite |
CastleUtils |
InfoWriteParts |
CastleUtils |
Output messages, using console or dialog box. |
InImageClasses |
CastleImages |
Check is ImageClass one of the items in the ImageClasses array, or a descendant of one of them. |
InImageClasses |
CastleImages |
Check is Image class one of the items in the ImageClasses array, or a descendant of one of them. |
InitializeLog |
CastleLog |
Initialize logging. |
InputKey |
CastleKeysMouse |
Construct TInputPressRelease corresponding to given event. |
InputMotion |
CastleKeysMouse |
Construct TInputMotion. |
InputMouseButton |
CastleKeysMouse |
InputMouseWheel |
CastleKeysMouse |
InputsAll |
CastleInputs |
List of all global inputs. |
InputsGroup |
CastleInputs |
InternalProposeName |
CastleClassUtils |
IntSqrt |
CastleUtils |
Floor from Sqrt(Value). |
IntToStr16 |
CastleStringUtils |
IntToStr16 |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert integer to hexadecimal (base-16 numeric system). |
IntToStr2 |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert integer to binary (base-2 numeral system). |
IntToStrBase |
CastleStringUtils |
IntToStrBase |
CastleStringUtils |
IntToStrBase |
CastleStringUtils |
IntToStrBase |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert integer to string, in base-Base (like base-16) numeral system. |
IntToStrThousands |
CastleStringUtils |
IntToStrThousands |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert integer to string, inserting additional Separator to visually delimit thousands, milions etc. |
IntToStrZPad |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert integer to string, padding string with zeros if needed. |
InverseFastLookDirMatrix |
CastleVectors |
IsCenteredBox3DPlaneCollision |
CastleBoxes |
Tests for collision between box3d centered around (0, 0, 0) and a plane. |
IsCubeMapTextureSized |
CastleGLImages |
Part of CastleGLImages unit: cubemaps sizing and loading. |
IsGLContextOpen |
CastleUIControls |
Is any OpenGL context open. |
IsImageMimeType |
CastleImages |
Does this MIME type correspond to image. |
IsLineParallelToPlane |
CastleVectors |
IsLineParallelToSimplePlane |
CastleVectors |
IsMemCharFilled |
CastleUtils |
Check is memory filled with the given character. |
IsMemDWordFilled |
CastleUtils |
Check is memory filled with the DWord (4 byte sequence). |
IsMemWordFilled |
CastleUtils |
Check is memory filled with the Word (2 byte sequence). |
IsPathAbsolute |
CastleUtils |
Check is the given Path absolute. |
IsPathAbsoluteOnDrive |
CastleUtils |
Just like IsPathAbsolute, but on Windows accepts also paths that specify full directory tree without drive letter. |
IsPointOnSegmentLineWithinSegment |
CastleVectors |
IsPointOnSegmentLineWithinSegment |
CastleVectors |
IsPointOnTrianglePlaneWithinTriangle |
CastleTriangles |
Assuming a point lies on a triangle plane, check does it lie inside a triangle. |
IsPointWithinTriangle2D |
CastleTriangles |
IsPointWithinTriangle2D |
CastleTriangles |
Check does point lie inside a triangle, in 2D. |
IsPolygon2dCCW |
CastleTriangles |
IsPolygon2dCCW |
CastleTriangles |
Are the polygon points ordered CCW (counter-clockwise). |
IsPowerOf2 |
CastleUtils |
Check is Value an exact power of 2. |
IsPrefix |
CastleStringUtils |
Does given string S start with Prefix. |
IsPrefixSuffix |
CastleStringUtils |
Does given string S start with Prefix and end with Suffix, moreover the prefix and suffix are not overlapping. |
IsSegmentSphereCollision |
CastleVectors |
IsSpheresCollision |
CastleVectors |
IsSuffix |
CastleStringUtils |
Does given string S end with Suffix. |
IsTextureSized |
CastleGLImages |
IsTextureSized |
CastleGLImages |
Does image have proper size for 2D OpenGL texture. |
IsTriangleSegmentCollision |
CastleTriangles |
IsTriangleSegmentCollision |
CastleTriangles |
Check triangle with line segment collision. |
IsTriangleSphereCollision |
CastleTriangles |
IsTriangleSphereCollision |
CastleTriangles |
IsTriangleSphereCollision2D |
CastleTriangles |
IsTriangleSphereCollision2D |
CastleTriangles |
Test collision between triangle and sphere in 2D. |
IsTunnelSphereCollision |
CastleVectors |
Joysticks |
CastleJoysticks |
Global joystick manager object. |
KeyFromCastle |
CastleLCLUtils |
KeyFromCastle |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert TKey and/or character code into Lazarus key code (VK_xxx) and shift state. |
KeyRange |
X3DNodes |
Find a range within "key" field corresponding to given Fraction. |
KeyString |
CastleWindow |
KeyStringToNiceStr |
CastleKeysMouse |
Like CharToNiceStr, but accepts UTF-8 characters expressed as String. |
KeyToCastle |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert Key (Lazarus key code) to Castle Game Engine TKey. |
KeyToStr |
CastleKeysMouse |
KeyToString |
CastleWindow |
Describe given key. |
LastLog |
CastleLog |
Last log messages. |
LastLogCount |
CastleLog |
Lerp |
CastleUtils |
Lerp |
CastleUtils |
Lerp |
CastleUtils |
Lerp |
CastleUtils |
Lerp |
CastleUtils |
Lerp |
CastleUtils |
Linear interpolation between two values. |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Lerp |
CastleVectors |
Linear interpolation between two vector values. |
LerpRgbInHsv |
CastleColors |
Given two colors in RGB, interpolate them in HSV space. |
LEtoN |
CastleUtils |
LEtoN |
CastleUtils |
LEtoN |
CastleVectors |
LEtoN |
CastleVectors |
LEtoN |
CastleVectors |
Endianess conversion for vectors (little endian to native). |
Line2DFrom2Points |
CastleVectors |
Coefficients of the 2D line equation (Ax + By + C = 0), given 2 different points lying on the line. |
Line2DFromOriginVector |
CastleVectors |
Coefficients of the 2D line equation (Ax + By + C = 0), given 1 point lying on the line, and non-zero line direction. |
LineOfTwoDifferentPoints2D |
CastleVectors |
Lines2DIntersection |
CastleVectors |
Intersection of two 2D lines. |
ListImageExtsLong |
CastleImages |
List available image file formats. |
ListImageExtsShort |
CastleImages |
LoadEncodedImage |
CastleImages |
LoadEncodedImage |
CastleImages |
LoadEncodedImage |
CastleImages |
Load image to TEncodedImage format. |
LoadGetTextMo |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Load GetText MO file from and URL. |
LoadGLGeneratedTexture |
CastleGLImages |
Load OpenGL texture into an (already allocated) TextureId. |
LoadGLTexture |
CastleGLImages |
LoadGLTexture |
CastleGLImages |
Load new texture to OpenGL. |
LoadImage |
CastleImages |
LoadImage |
CastleImages |
LoadImage |
CastleImages |
LoadImage |
CastleImages |
The ultimate procedure to load an image from a file or URL. |
LoadNode |
X3DLoad |
Load a scene as X3D node from TStream. |
LoadNode |
X3DLoad |
Load a scene as X3D node. |
LoadScene_FileFilters |
X3DLoad |
File filters for files loaded by TCastleSceneCore.Load and LoadNode. |
LoadTextureImage |
CastleTextureImages |
LoadTextureImage |
CastleTextureImages |
Load image suitable for a texture. |
LoadX3DClassic |
X3DNodes |
Load VRML/X3D file in classic encoding, return it's root node. |
LoadX3DClassicFromString |
X3DNodes |
Load VRML/X3D file in classic encoding from a string. |
LoCase |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert uppercase letters to lowercase. |
LogOutput |
CastleLog |
Where is the log output going. |
LookAtMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Camera matrix to look at the specified point (or along the specified direction). |
LookDirMatrix |
CastleVectors |
LookDirMatrix |
CastleVectors |
MakeCameraNavNode |
X3DCameraUtils |
MakeCameraNode |
X3DCameraUtils |
MakeCameraNode |
X3DCameraUtils |
MakeCameraStr |
X3DCameraUtils |
MakeVectorOrthogonal |
CastleVectors |
Adjust and return the V1 vector to force V1 and V2 to be orthogonal, but keep the 3D plane determined by V1 and V2 unchanged. |
MakeVectorsAngleRadOnTheirPlane |
CastleVectors |
Adjust the V1 vector to force given angle between V1 and V2. |
MakeVectorsOrthoOnTheirPlane |
CastleVectors |
Adjust the V1 vector to force V1 and V2 to be orthogonal, but keep the 3D plane determined by V1 and V2 unchanged. |
MapRange |
CastleUtils |
MapRange |
CastleUtils |
MapRange |
CastleUtils |
MapRange |
CastleUtils |
Linearly map value from a one range to another. |
MapRangeClamped |
CastleUtils |
MapRangeClamped |
CastleUtils |
MapRangeClamped |
CastleUtils |
MapRangeClamped |
CastleUtils |
MapRangeTo01 |
CastleUtils |
MatricesPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
MatricesPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
MatricesPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
Matrix3 |
CastleVectors |
Convert between Double-precision and Single-precision matrix. |
Matrix3Double |
CastleVectors |
Matrix3Single |
CastleVectors |
Matrix4 |
CastleVectors |
Matrix4Double |
CastleVectors |
Matrix4Single |
CastleVectors |
MatrixDecompose |
CastleVectors |
Decompose a matrix that is composition of 3D translation, rotation and scale. |
MatrixMult |
CastleVectors |
MatrixMultDirection |
CastleVectors |
MatrixMultDirection |
CastleVectors |
MatrixMultPoint |
CastleVectors |
MatrixMultPoint |
CastleVectors |
MatrixRow |
CastleVectors |
MatrixRow |
CastleVectors |
MatrixRow |
CastleVectors |
MatrixToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
MatrixToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
MatrixToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
MatrixToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
MatrixToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
MatrixToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
MaxAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MaxAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MaxAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MaxVar |
CastleUtils |
MaxVar |
CastleUtils |
MaxVar |
CastleUtils |
MaxVar |
CastleUtils |
MaxVar |
CastleUtils |
MaxVar |
CastleUtils |
Update value of A to be a maximum of A, B. |
MaxVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MaxVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MaxVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
Which coordinate (0, 1, 2, and eventually 3 for 4D versions) is the largest. |
MaybeUseDataProtocol |
CastleUriUtils |
Tries change URI to use castle-data: protocol. |
MemoryStreamLoadFromDefaultString |
CastleClassUtils |
MemoryStreamLoadFromDefaultString |
CastleClassUtils |
Set contents of TMemoryStream to given string, in UTF-8 or UTF-16 (matching default String) encoding. |
MemoryStreamLoadFromString |
CastleClassUtils |
MemoryStreamLoadFromString |
CastleClassUtils |
Set contents of TMemoryStream to given string, in UTF-8 encoding. |
MenuItemFromSmallId |
CastleWindow |
Search for menu item with given SmallId. |
MessageChoice |
CastleMessages |
MessageChoice |
CastleMessages |
MessageChoice |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to choose one option from many. |
MessageInput |
CastleMessages |
MessageInput |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to input a string. |
MessageInputCardinal |
CastleMessages |
MessageInputCardinal |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to input an unsigned integer. |
MessageInputQuery |
CastleMessages |
MessageInputQuery |
CastleMessages |
MessageInputQuery |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to input a floating-point number. |
MessageInputQuery |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to input a string, or cancel. |
MessageInputQueryCardinal |
CastleMessages |
MessageInputQueryCardinalHex |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to input a value in hexadecimal. |
MessageInputQueryVector3 |
CastleMessages |
MessageInputQueryVector4 |
CastleMessages |
MessageKey |
CastleMessages |
MessageKey |
CastleMessages |
MessageKey |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to press any key, return this key as Keys.TKey. |
MessageKeyMouse |
CastleMessages |
MessageKeyMouse |
CastleMessages |
MessageKeyMouse |
CastleMessages |
MessageKeyMouse |
CastleMessages |
Ask user to press anything (key or mouse button or mouse wheel), and return it. |
MessageOK |
CastleMessages |
MessageOK |
CastleMessages |
MessageOK |
CastleMessages |
Ask user for simple confirmation. |
MessageYesNo |
CastleMessages |
MessageYesNo |
CastleMessages |
MessageYesNo |
CastleMessages |
Messaging |
CastleMessaging |
Auto-created single instance of TMessaging to communicate between native code (Pascal) and other languages (Java on Android, Objective-C on iOS). |
MilisecTimesAdd |
CastleTimeUtils |
Simply add and subtract two TMilisecTime values. |
MilisecTimesSubtract |
CastleTimeUtils |
MinAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MinAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MinAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
MinMax |
CastleUtils |
MinMax |
CastleUtils |
MinVar |
CastleUtils |
MinVar |
CastleUtils |
MinVar |
CastleUtils |
MinVar |
CastleUtils |
MinVar |
CastleUtils |
MinVar |
CastleUtils |
Update value of A to be a minimum of A, B. |
MinVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
ModelViewToNormalMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Convert ModelView matrix to a Normal matrix, just like 3D graphic libraries do. |
ModifierKeysToNiceStr |
CastleKeysMouse |
ModifiersDown |
CastleKeysMouse |
ModifiersDown |
CastleKeysMouse |
Determine pressed modifier keys (ctrl, shift and so on). |
MouseButtonToCastle |
CastleLCLUtils |
Convert Lazarus TMouseButton value to Castle Game Engine TCastleMouseButton. |
MultMatricesTranslation |
CastleVectors |
MultMatrixTranslation |
CastleVectors |
Multiply matrix M by translation matrix. |
NatNatPower |
CastleUtils |
Calculate power Base to Exponent, knowing both arguments (and so, also the result) are >= 0. |
NextToken |
CastleStringUtils |
Find next part in the string S separated by delimiters TokenDelims. |
NextTokenOnce |
CastleStringUtils |
NextTokenOnce works just like NextToken, but doesn't advance the SeekPos position.
NLerp |
CastleQuaternions |
NLerp |
CastleQuaternions |
Interpolate between two rotations, along the straightest path on the unit sphere. |
NormalFileExists |
CastleFilesUtils |
Normalized |
CastleVectors |
Normalized |
CastleVectors |
NormalizePlaneVar |
CastleVectors |
This normalizes Plane by scaling all four coordinates of Plane so that length of plane vector (taken from 1st three coordinates) is one. |
NormalizeVar |
CastleVectors |
NormalizeVar |
CastleVectors |
NtoBE |
CastleUtils |
NtoBE |
CastleUtils |
NtoBE |
CastleVectors |
Endianess conversion for vectors (native to big endian). |
NtoBE |
CastleVectors |
NtoBE |
CastleVectors |
NtoLE |
CastleUtils |
NtoLE |
CastleUtils |
NtoLE |
CastleVectors |
NtoLE |
CastleVectors |
Endianess conversion for vectors (native to little endian). |
NtoLE |
CastleVectors |
OffscreenRendering |
CastleGLImages |
Are we currently doing off-screen rendering. |
Offset |
CastleUtils |
OffsetUInt |
CastleUtils |
Calculate shift between A and B addresses (in bytes). |
OnGLContextClose |
CastleUIControls |
Called when last OpenGL context closes. |
OnGLContextOpen |
CastleUIControls |
Called when first OpenGL context opens. |
OnScreenNotification |
CastleOpenDocument |
Simple on-screen notification using Android "toast" call. |
OpenApplicationStore |
CastleOpenDocument |
Show the application in the application store (Google Play on Android, AppStore on iOS). |
OpenDocument |
CastleOpenDocument |
Open a local file or directory. |
OpenUrl |
CastleOpenDocument |
Open URL with the suitable application. |
OptionDescription |
CastleParameters |
Return a multiline command-line option help, containing the option name and description, nicely indented and broken into multiple lines. |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
Make sure the Smaller value is <= than the Larger value, by eventually swapping them. |
OrderUp |
CastleUtils |
Assign the smaller value from X, Y to Smaller variable, the other one to Larger variable. |
OrientationFromDirectionUp |
CastleTransform |
OrientationFromDirectionUp |
CastleTransform |
OrientationFromDirectionUp |
CastleTransform |
Convert camera direction and up vectors into a rotation (X3D "orientation" vector). |
OrientationQuaternionFromDirectionUp |
CastleTransform |
OrientationQuaternionFromDirectionUp |
CastleTransform |
Convert camera direction and up vectors into a "rotation quaternion". |
OrientationToDirection |
CastleTransform |
Convert rotation (X3D orientation) to a direction vector, reversing the OrientationFromDirectionUp. |
OrientationToUp |
CastleTransform |
Convert rotation (X3D orientation) to an up vector, reversing the OrientationFromDirectionUp. |
Ortho2DProjectionMatrix |
CastleProjection |
Ortho2DProjectionMatrix |
CastleProjection |
OrthoProjection |
CastleRenderContext |
OrthoProjectionMatrix |
CastleProjection |
OrthoProjectionMatrix |
CastleProjection |
Functions to create 4x4 matrices used in 3D graphics for projection. |
OSCheck |
CastleUtils |
OSCheck |
CastleUtils |
If not TrueValue then RaiseLastOSError. |
PAnsiCharOrNil |
CastleStringUtils |
PAnsiCharOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.
ParentPath |
CastleFilesUtils |
Parent directory name. |
ParseBoolExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a boolean value. |
ParseConstantFloatExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse constant float expression. |
ParseConstantIntExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse constant Int64 expression. |
ParseExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Creates and returns instance of TCasScriptExpression, that represents parsed tree of expression in S. |
ParseFloatExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a float value. |
ParseIntExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a float value. |
ParseProgram |
CastleScriptParser |
ParseProgram |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse CastleScript program. |
ParseStringExpression |
CastleScriptParser |
Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a string value. |
PathFileSearch |
CastleFilesUtils |
Search a file on $PATH. |
PCharOrNil |
CastleStringUtils |
PCharOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.
PerfectlyZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
PerfectlyZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
PerfectlyZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
PerspectiveProjection |
CastleRenderContext |
Calculate projection matrix, and set RenderContext.ProjectionMatrix to given value. |
PerspectiveProjectionMatrixDeg |
CastleProjection |
PerspectiveProjectionMatrixRad |
CastleProjection |
PlaneAntiMove |
CastleVectors |
PlaneDirInDirection |
CastleVectors |
PlaneDirInDirection |
CastleVectors |
Vector orthogonal to plane and pointing in the given direction. |
PlaneDirNotInDirection |
CastleVectors |
PlaneDirNotInDirection |
CastleVectors |
PlaneMove |
CastleVectors |
Move a plane by a specifed vector. |
PlaneMoveVar |
CastleVectors |
PlaneTransform |
CastleVectors |
Transform plane by a matrix. |
Platform |
CastleUtils |
Current platform of this application, where we run on. |
PlatformToStr |
CastleUtils |
PointerAdd |
CastleUtils |
Pointer arithmetic. |
PointerToStr |
CastleStringUtils |
Returns Ptr as 0xXXX... |
PointOnLineClosestToLine |
CastleVectors |
Given two 3D lines (both given as an some point + direction in 3D), calculate closest point on 1st line to the 2nd line. |
PointOnLineClosestToPoint |
CastleVectors |
PointOnLineClosestToPoint |
CastleVectors |
PointOnPlaneClosestToPoint |
CastleVectors |
Orthogonally project a point on a plane, that is find a closest point to Point lying on a Plane. |
PointsDistance |
CastleVectors |
PointsDistance |
CastleVectors |
PointsDistance2DSqr |
CastleVectors |
Distance between points projected on the 2D plane. |
PointsDistanceSqr |
CastleVectors |
PointsDistanceSqr |
CastleVectors |
PointsSamePlaneSides |
CastleVectors |
Check if both points are on the same side of given 3D plane. |
PointToLineDistanceSqr |
CastleVectors |
PointToNormalizedPlaneDistance |
CastleVectors |
Distance from a point to a plane (with already normalized direction). |
PointToPlaneDistance |
CastleVectors |
Distance from a point to a plane. |
PointToPlaneDistanceSqr |
CastleVectors |
PointToSegmentDistanceSqr |
CastleVectors |
PointToSimplePlaneDistance |
CastleVectors |
Polygon2dArea |
CastleTriangles |
Polygon2dArea |
CastleTriangles |
Calculate polygon area. |
PossibleActivitiesToStr |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Convert TUserActivities to a String, using Delimiter to separate items. |
PrefixRemove |
CastleStringUtils |
Removes the prefix, if it is present. |
PrefixSuffixRemove |
CastleStringUtils |
Removes the prefix and suffix, if they are both present. |
ProcessImageUrl |
CastleImages |
Process URL through events registered by AddLoadImageListener. |
ProcessTimer |
CastleTimeUtils |
Current time, local to this process. |
ProcessTimerBegin |
CastleTimeUtils |
Simple measure of process CPU time. |
ProcessTimerEnd |
CastleTimeUtils |
ProcessTimerNow |
CastleTimeUtils |
ProcessTimerSeconds |
CastleTimeUtils |
Subtract two times obtained from ProcessTimer, A-B, return a difference in seconds. |
Profiler |
CastleTimeUtils |
Single instance of TCastleProfiler that you can use for all profiling. |
ProgramBreak |
CastleUtils |
ProgramName |
CastleFilesUtils |
The name of our program. |
ProjectGetLocalSettings |
CastleInternalProjectLocalSettings |
Read (or create new) local settings for the project in ProjectPath. |
ProjectionTypeToStr |
CastleProjection |
ProjectOverridePlatform |
CastleInternalProjectLocalSettings |
Optionally adjust the given platform specification if project has a file called CastleProjectLocalSettings.json defining TCastleProjectLocalSettings. |
ProjectSetLocalSettings |
CastleInternalProjectLocalSettings |
Write local settings for the project in ProjectPath. |
ProposeComponentName |
CastleClassUtils |
Propose a name for given component class, making it unique in given ComponentsOwner. |
PWideCharOrNil |
CastleStringUtils |
PWideCharOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.
Quaternion |
CastleQuaternions |
Quaternion with given vector. |
QuatFromAxisAngle |
CastleQuaternions |
QuatFromAxisAngle |
CastleQuaternions |
Calculate unit quaternion representing rotation around Axis by AngleRad angle (in radians). |
QuatFromRotationMatrix |
CastleQuaternions |
Initialize rotation quaternion from a 3x3 matrix that contains only rotation. |
RandomBoolean |
CastleUtils |
RandomFloatRange |
CastleUtils |
RandomFloatRange |
CastleUtils |
Random Float value in the given range, result is between RangeBegin and RangeEnd. |
RandomIntRange |
CastleUtils |
RandomIntRange |
CastleUtils |
Random integer value in the given range, result is always >= RangeBegin and < RangeEnd. |
RandomIntRangeInclusive |
CastleUtils |
RandomIntRangeInclusive |
CastleUtils |
Random int value in the given range, result is always >= RangeBegin and <= RangeEnd. |
RandomPlusMinus |
CastleUtils |
Random -1 or +1. |
RandomString |
CastleStringUtils |
RawUriDecode |
CastleUriUtils |
Replace all sequences like %xx with their actual 8-bit characters. |
ReadGrowingStream |
CastleClassUtils |
Read a growing stream, and append it to another destination stream. |
ReadGrowingStreamToDefaultString |
CastleClassUtils |
Read a growing stream, and returns it's contents as a string. |
ReadGrowingStreamToString |
CastleClassUtils |
Read a growing stream, and returns it's contents as a string. |
Rectangle |
CastleRectangles |
Rectangle |
CastleRectangles |
Register |
CastleControl |
Register |
CastleDialogs |
Register |
CastlePropEdits |
Register |
Fmx.CastleControl |
Register |
Vcl.CastleControl |
RegisterClipboard |
CastleControls |
Register custom TCastleClipboard implementation, that replaces the global Clipboard. |
RegisteredComponents |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Read-only list of currently registered (using RegisterSerializableComponent) components. |
RegisteredUrlProtocol |
CastleDownload |
Is given protocol name registered with RegisterUrlProtocol. |
RegisterEmbeddedFont |
CastleTextureFontData |
TCastleFont.Load should use a given TTextureFontData instance instead of loading from given URL. |
RegisterModelFormat |
X3DLoad |
Register given model format, to enable loading and/or saving it using LoadNode, SaveNode and all routines on top of them, like TCastleSceneCore.Load. |
RegisterSerializableComponent |
CastleComponentSerialize |
RegisterSerializableComponent |
CastleComponentSerialize |
RegisterSerializableComponent |
CastleComponentSerialize |
Register a component that can be serialized and edited using CGE editor. |
RegisterUrlProtocol |
CastleDownload |
Register how we can load and/or save the URLs with given protocol. |
RegularFileExists |
CastleFilesUtils |
Returns True if file exists and is a "regular" file. |
RelativeFilenameToUriSafe |
CastleUriUtils |
Convert filename to URI, if the filename is relative – the URI will also be relative. |
RelativeToCastleDataUrl |
CastleUriUtils |
If this URL indicates something inside the CGE data directory then return URL relative to this data directory. |
RemoveLoadImageListener |
CastleImages |
Remove listener added by AddLoadImageListener. |
RemoveNonEmptyDir |
CastleFilesUtils |
Remove the directory DirName, recursively, unconditionally, with all the files and subdirectories inside. |
RenderControlToImage |
CastleUIControls |
Render control contents to an RGBA image, using off-screen rendering. |
ResizeForTextureSize |
CastleGLImages |
Resize the image to a size accepted as GL_TEXTURE_2D texture size for OpenGL. |
ResizeToCubeMapTextureSize |
CastleGLImages |
ResizeToTextureSize |
CastleGLImages |
ResizeToTextureSize |
CastleGLImages |
ResolveCastleDataUrl |
CastleUriUtils |
If the given URL uses "castle-data:..." protocol, resolve it, returning a URL that does not use "castle-data:..." protocol any more. |
RestOf3DCoords |
CastleUtils |
Remaining 3D coordinates (0, 1 or 2) except the given coordinate, in the ascending order. |
RestOf3DCoordsCycle |
CastleUtils |
Remaining 3D coordinates (0, 1 or 2) except the given coordinate, in order to cycle. |
RgbToHsv |
CastleColors |
RgbToHsv |
CastleColors |
RotatePoint2D |
CastleVectors |
Rotate point in 2D, in a counter-clockwise fashion. |
RotatePointAroundAxis |
CastleVectors |
Rotate Point around the given axis by a given angle. |
RotatePointAroundAxis90 |
CastleVectors |
Rotate Point around the Axis by 90 degrees. |
RotatePointAroundAxisDeg |
CastleVectors |
RotatePointAroundAxisMinus90 |
CastleVectors |
Rotate Point around the Axis by -90 degrees. |
RotatePointAroundAxisRad |
CastleVectors |
Rotate Point around the Axis by given Angle. |
RotationAngleRadBetweenVectors |
CastleVectors |
Signed angle between two vectors, in radians. |
RotationAngleRadBetweenVectors |
CastleVectors |
Signed angle between two vectors, in radians. |
RotationMatricesRad |
CastleVectors |
RotationMatricesRad |
CastleVectors |
RotationMatrix |
CastleVectors |
RotationMatrixDeg |
CastleVectors |
RotationMatrixDeg |
CastleVectors |
RotationMatrixRad |
CastleVectors |
RotationMatrixRad |
CastleVectors |
RotationNegate |
CastleVectors |
Negate a rotation expressed as axis-angle (3 components for axis, 1 for angle). |
RoundClamp255 |
CastleUtils |
RoundUpToMultiply |
CastleUtils |
Smallest multiple of Multiplicator that is still >= Value. |
SameMethods |
CastleUtils |
SAnsiCompare |
CastleStringUtils |
Compare strings, taking into account current locale. |
SAnsiSame |
CastleStringUtils |
Check if strings are equal, taking into account current locale. |
SAppendData |
CastleStringUtils |
Appends to a string S DataSize bytes from Data. |
SAppendPart |
CastleStringUtils |
If S = '' then returns NextPart, else returns S + PartSeparator + NextPart. |
SaveImage |
CastleImages |
SaveImage |
CastleImages |
Save image to a file. |
SaveNode |
X3DLoad |
SaveNode |
X3DLoad |
Save model to a file. |
SaveNode_FileFilters |
X3DLoad |
File filters for files saved by SaveNode. |
SaveScreenDepth_NoFlush |
CastleGLImages |
Save depth buffer contents. |
SaveScreenPath |
CastleFilesUtils |
Recommended path where to put screenshots on the current platform. |
SaveScreenToGL_NoFlush |
CastleGLImages |
Captures current screen as a TDrawableImage instance, ready to be drawn on 2D screen. |
SaveScreen_NoFlush |
CastleGLImages |
SaveScreen_NoFlush |
CastleGLImages |
SaveScreen_NoFlush |
CastleGLImages |
Save the current color buffer contents to image. |
SaveTextureContents |
CastleGLImages |
Save OpenGL texture contents to TCastleImage. |
ScaleFromMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Extract scale from matrix. |
ScalingMatrices |
CastleVectors |
ScalingMatrix |
CastleVectors |
SCastleEngineProgramHelpSuffix |
CastleUtils |
SChar |
CastleStringUtils |
A pointer to S[CharNum], that is just @S[CharNum], avoiding range checking. |
SCharIs |
CastleStringUtils |
SCharIs |
CastleStringUtils |
Check whether S[Index] = C, also checking is Index within S length. |
SCharsCount |
CastleStringUtils |
SCharsCount |
CastleStringUtils |
SCheckChars |
CastleStringUtils |
Check that all characters are within a given set. |
SCompilerDescription |
CastleUtils |
Name and version of the Pascal compiler used to compile this unit. |
SCompressWhiteSpace |
CastleStringUtils |
Replace any number of consecutive whitespace (including newlines) with a single whitespace. |
SDeleteChars |
CastleStringUtils |
Returns S with all chars in ExcludedChars deleted. |
SearchFileHard |
CastleFindFiles |
Search for a file, ignoring the case. |
SEnding |
CastleStringUtils |
Returns suffix of S starting from position P. |
SeparateArgsToVector3 |
CastleParameters |
SeparateArgsToVector3Single |
CastleParameters |
SetCurrentProgram |
CastleGLShaders |
SetEnableNetwork |
CastleDownload |
SetTextureFilter |
CastleGLImages |
Set current texture minification and magnification filter. |
SetToStr |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert a set to a string representation, in somewhat hacky way. |
ShareText |
CastleOpenDocument |
Share a text/link through user-choosen application. |
SimpleHtmlQuote |
CastleFonts |
Protect characters from being interpreted as special HTML sequences by TCastleAbstractFont.Print with Html = True parameter. |
SizeToStr |
CastleStringUtils |
Format size of file, in bytes / megabytes / and so on, whatever looks nice. |
SLerp |
CastleQuaternions |
SLerp |
CastleQuaternions |
Interpolate between two rotations, along the shortest path on the unit sphere, with constant speed. |
Smallest2Exponent |
CastleUtils |
Smallest exponent such that 2ˆthis exponent is >= Value. |
Smallest2Power |
CastleUtils |
Smallest power of 2 that is >= Value. |
SmallFactorial |
CastleUtils |
Trivial factorial with Int64 result. |
SmoothStep |
CastleUtils |
Hermite interpolation between two values. |
SmoothTowards |
CastleVectors |
SmoothTowards |
CastleVectors |
SmoothTowards |
CastleVectors |
Smoothly change Source to Target. |
SortAbsVectorCoord |
CastleVectors |
SoundEngine |
CastleSoundEngine |
The sound engine. |
SPad |
CastleStringUtils |
Pad (fill from the left with character C) string S, until length of resulting string is at least Len. |
SpecialDirName |
CastleUtils |
Checks is the directory name special, like "." or "..". |
SPercentReplace |
CastleStringUtils |
SPercentReplace |
CastleStringUtils |
Searches for %x patterns and replaces them with specified strings. |
SPlatformDescription |
CastleUtils |
Describe current platform, OS, CPU. |
SplitString |
CastleStringUtils |
Split a string by a character delimiter. |
SQuoteLCLCaption |
CastleLCLUtils |
Make each '&' inside string '&&', this way the string will not contain special '&x' sequences when used as a TMenuItem.Caption and such. |
SQuoteMenuEntryCaption |
CastleWindow |
Returns S with each underscore '_' replaced by two underscores, '__'. |
SReadableForm |
CastleStringUtils |
SReadableForm |
CastleStringUtils |
Replace typically unreadable characters in string S with #number notation. |
SRemoveMnemonics |
CastleWindow |
Returns S with each '__' replaced with single '_', any other '_' removed. |
SReplaceChars |
CastleStringUtils |
SReplaceChars |
CastleStringUtils |
SReplaceChars |
CastleStringUtils |
Replace all occurrences of characters in FromChars with the new string / character. |
SReplacePatterns |
CastleStringUtils |
SReplacePatterns |
CastleStringUtils |
SReplacePatterns |
CastleStringUtils |
Replace all strings in Patterns with corresponding strings in Values. |
SRight |
CastleStringUtils |
Return rightmost RPart characters from S. |
Str2ToInt |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert string representing binary number to an integer. |
StreamReadChar |
CastleClassUtils |
Read one character from stream. |
StreamReadString |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_EOS |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_EOS |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_EOS |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_EOS |
CastleClassUtils |
Read stream, until you find some character in EndingChars, or end of stream. |
StreamReadUpto_NotEOS |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_NotEOS |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_NotEOS |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamReadUpto_NotEOS |
CastleClassUtils |
Read stream, until you find some character in EndingChars. |
StreamReadZeroEndString |
CastleClassUtils |
StreamSaveToFile |
CastleDownload |
Save the contents of given Stream to an Url. |
StreamToString |
CastleClassUtils |
Convert whole Stream to a string. |
StreamWriteString |
CastleClassUtils |
Encode / decode a string in a binary stream. |
StrHexToInt |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert string with hexadecimal number to an integer. |
StringCopy |
CastleUnicode |
Copy a number of Unicode characters from given string, from given position. |
StringEnding |
CastleUnicode |
Copy all characters from given string, from given position. |
StringLength |
CastleUnicode |
Length of the string, in Unicode characters. |
StringReplaceAllVar |
CastleStringUtils |
Replace all occurrences of FromPattern string to ToPattern string, within another string S. |
StringsAdd |
CastleClassUtils |
Strings_AddSplittedString |
CastleClassUtils |
Splits S by Splitter, and adds each splitted part to Strings. |
Strings_SetText |
CastleClassUtils |
Strings_Trim |
CastleClassUtils |
Make sure we don't have more than MaxCount strings on a list. |
StringToAlpha |
CastleImages |
StringToComponent |
CastleComponentSerialize |
StringToFile |
CastleFilesUtils |
StringToTextureCompression |
CastleImages |
Convert string to TTextureCompression enum. |
StringToUtf16 |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert String to UTF-16 (UnicodeString). |
StringWithHtmlEntities |
CastleUnicode |
Convert all special Unicode characters in the given string to HTML entities. |
StrToActivity |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Convert between lowercase activity name and TUserActivity type. |
StrToActivityConfidence |
CastleActivityRecognition |
Convert between lowercase activity confidence name and TUserActivityConfidence type. |
StrToCapabilities |
CastleGLUtils |
Convert a string (like command-line argument) to TGLRequestCapabilities. |
StrToFloatDef |
CastleStringUtils |
StrToFloatDefDot |
CastleUtils |
Like standard StrToFloatDef, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
StrToFloatDot |
CastleUtils |
Like standard StrToFloat, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
StrToKey |
CastleKeysMouse |
Convert string value back to a key name, reversing KeyToStr. |
StrToOrientationType |
CastleTransform |
StrToPlatform |
CastleUtils |
Convert string to a platform name. |
STruncateHash |
CastleStringUtils |
Remove from the string S everything after the first hash "#" character. |
SuffixRemove |
CastleStringUtils |
Removes the suffix, if it is present. |
SUnformattable |
CastleStringUtils |
Return the value to reproduce exactly string S by Format procedure. |
Swap32 |
CastleUtils |
Utility functions to control the endianess. |
Swap64 |
CastleUtils |
SwapEndian |
CastleUtils |
SwapEndian |
CastleUtils |
SwapEndian |
CastleVectors |
Endianess swapping for vectors. |
SwapEndian |
CastleVectors |
SwapEndian |
CastleVectors |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
SwapValues |
CastleUtils |
Swap variables values. |
SwapValues |
CastleVectors |
SwapValues |
CastleVectors |
SwapValues |
CastleVectors |
Replace contents of 2 variables. |
SystemLanguage |
CastleSystemLanguage |
Returns the language code of the system language. |
SystemLocale |
CastleSystemLanguage |
Returns the locale code of the system locale. |
SZeroPad |
CastleStringUtils |
Pad (fill from the left) with zeros string S, until length of resulting string is at least Len. |
TexParameterMaxAnisotropy |
CastleGLImages |
Call glTexParameterf to set GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT on given texture target. |
Texture2DClampToEdge |
CastleGLImages |
Return wrap GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in both directions. |
TextureCompressionToString |
CastleImages |
Convert TTextureCompression enum to string. |
TextureFilter |
CastleGLImages |
Part of CastleGLImages unit: texture filtering (TTextureFilter and friends). |
TextureMemoryProfiler |
CastleGLImages |
OpenGL texture memory profiler, to detect which textures use up the GPU texture memory. |
Theme |
CastleUIControls |
Theme that you can customize, used by default by all UI controls. |
ThreePlanesIntersectionPoint |
CastleVectors |
Intersection of three 3D planes, results in a single 3D point. |
ThreePlanesIntersectionPointDouble |
CastleVectors |
Intersection of three 3D planes, results in a single 3D point. |
Timer |
CastleTimeUtils |
Timer to measure (real) time passed during some operations. |
TimerSeconds |
CastleTimeUtils |
Subtract two times obtained from Timer, A-B, return a difference in seconds. |
TimeTickDiff |
CastleTimeUtils |
Difference in times between SecondTime and FirstTime. |
TimeTickSecondLater |
CastleTimeUtils |
Check is SecondTime larger by at least TimeDelay than FirstTime. |
TransformCoordsMatrices |
CastleVectors |
Calculate matrix to convert to given coordinate system (like TransformToCoordsMatrix) and it's inverse (like TransformFromCoordsMatrix). |
TransformFromCoordsMatrix |
CastleVectors |
TransformFromCoordsMatrix |
CastleVectors |
TransformFromCoordsNoScaleMatrix |
CastleVectors |
TransformLoad |
CastleTransform |
TransformMatricesMult |
CastleTransform |
TransformSave |
CastleTransform |
Save / load TCastleTransform (or descendant) to a .castle-transform file. |
TransformToCoords |
CastleVectors |
Transform vector into new coordinate space. |
TransformToCoordsMatrix |
CastleVectors |
TransformToCoordsMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Transform coordinates to / from a coordinate system. |
TransformToCoordsNoScaleMatrix |
CastleVectors |
TranslateAllDesigns |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Translate all future designs (component hierarchies) loaded using CastleComponentSerialize using the given GetText MO file. |
TranslateDesign |
CastleLocalizationGetText |
Translate all possible properties in the given component hierarchy with given translation file. |
TranslateProperties |
CastleClassUtils |
Enumerate all properties that are possible to translate in this component and its children. |
TranslationFromMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Extract translation from matrix. |
TranslationMatrices |
CastleVectors |
TranslationMatrices |
CastleVectors |
TranslationMatrix |
CastleVectors |
TranslationMatrix |
CastleVectors |
Functions to create common 4x4 matrices used in 3D graphics. |
Triangle2 |
CastleTriangles |
Triangle3 |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleArea |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleBoundingBox |
CastleBoxes |
TriangleDir |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleDir |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleDirection |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleNormal |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleNormal |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleNormPlane |
CastleTriangles |
TrianglePlane |
CastleTriangles |
TrianglePlane |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleToNiceStr |
CastleTriangles |
TriangleTransform |
CastleTriangles |
TriangulateConvexFace |
CastleTriangulate |
Triangulate convex polygon. |
TriangulateFace |
CastleTriangulate |
TriangulateFace |
CastleTriangulate |
Triangulate potentially non-convex face. |
TrimEndingNewline |
CastleStringUtils |
Remove one newline from the end of the string, if any. |
TryCylinderRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
Intersection between an (infinitely tall) cylinder and a ray. |
TryDeFormat |
CastleStringUtils |
TryInverseHarder |
CastleVectors |
Try to inverse single-precision matrix using double-precision, if necessary. |
TryMatrixInverse |
CastleVectors |
TryMatrixInverse |
CastleVectors |
TryMatrixInverse |
CastleVectors |
TryPlaneLineIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TryPlaneLineIntersection |
CastleVectors |
Plane and line intersection. |
TryPlaneRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TryPlaneRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TryPlaneSegmentDirIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TryPlaneSegmentDirIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TrySimplePlaneRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TrySimplePlaneRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TrySimplePlaneRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
Plane and ray intersection. |
TrySimplePlaneSegmentIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TrySimplePlaneSegmentIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TrySimplePlaneSegmentIntersection |
CastleVectors |
Plane and line segment intersection. |
TrySphereRayIntersection |
CastleVectors |
TryStrToFloatDot |
CastleUtils |
TryStrToFloatDot |
CastleUtils |
Like standard TryStrToFloat, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings. |
TryTriangleRayCollision |
CastleTriangles |
TryTriangleRayCollision |
CastleTriangles |
Calculate triangle with ray collision. |
TryTriangleSegmentCollision |
CastleTriangles |
Calculate triangle with line segment collision. |
TryTriangleSegmentDirCollision |
CastleTriangles |
TryTriangleSegmentDirCollision |
CastleTriangles |
TwoPlanesIntersectionLine |
CastleVectors |
Intersection of two 3D planes. |
UnicodeCharToReadableString |
CastleUnicode |
Like UnicodeCharToString, but in case C is not a printable character (like ASCII control characters with code < 32), show it as '#' + character number. |
UnicodeCharToString |
CastleUnicode |
Express single Unicode character code as a String that you can write. |
UnregisterUrlProtocol |
CastleDownload |
Unregister protocol, reverting the RegisterUrlProtocol. |
UriCaption |
CastleUriUtils |
Convert URI to a nice form for a short caption. |
UriCurrentPath |
CastleUriUtils |
Current working directory of the application, expressed as URL, including always final slash at the end. |
UriDeleteAnchor |
CastleUriUtils |
Return URI with anchor (if was any) stripped. |
UriDeleteProtocol |
CastleUriUtils |
Remove the protocol part from URI. |
UriDisplay |
CastleUriUtils |
Convert URI to a nice form for display (to show in messages and such). |
UriExcludeSlash |
CastleUriUtils |
Ensure URL does not end with slash. |
UriExists |
CastleUriUtils |
Does a file or directory exist under this URL. |
UriExtractAnchor |
CastleUriUtils |
Extracts #anchor from URI. |
UriFileExists |
CastleUriUtils |
Does a file exist, that is: whether it makes sense to load it with the Download function. |
UriGetAnchor |
CastleUriUtils |
Like UriExtractAnchor, but URI remains unchanged. |
UriGetSettingsFromAnchor |
CastleUriUtils |
Calculate #anchor from an URI, and split it into a key-value map. |
UriIncludeSlash |
CastleUriUtils |
Ensure URL ends with slash. |
UriMimeExtensions |
CastleUriUtils |
Map from an extension to a MIME type, used by UriMimeType. |
UriMimeType |
CastleUriUtils |
UriMimeType |
CastleUriUtils |
Get MIME type for content of the URI without downloading the file. |
UriProtocol |
CastleUriUtils |
Get protocol from given URI. |
UriProtocolIs |
CastleUriUtils |
Check does URI contain given Protocol. |
UriToFilenameSafe |
CastleUriUtils |
Convert URI (or filename) to a filename. |
UriToFilenameSafeUTF8 |
CastleLCLUtils |
UriValidProtocol |
CastleUriUtils |
Is the S a valid protocol scheme. |
UrlReadXML |
CastleXmlUtils |
UrlReadXML |
CastleXmlUtils |
UrlReadXML |
CastleXmlUtils |
UrlReadXML |
CastleXmlUtils |
Replacements for standard ReadXMLFile and WriteXMLFile that operate on URLs. |
UrlSaveStream |
CastleDownload |
Create a stream to save (write to) a given URL. |
UrlWriteXML |
CastleXmlUtils |
UrlWriteXML |
CastleXmlUtils |
UseFMODSoundBackend |
CastleFMODSoundBackend |
Use this to set sound engine backend to FMOD. |
UseOpenALSoundBackend |
CastleOpenALSoundBackend |
Use this to set sound engine backend to OpenAL. |
UserConfig |
CastleConfig |
User preferences. |
UserConfigFile |
CastleFilesUtils |
Filename to store user configuration. |
UserConfigPath |
CastleFilesUtils |
Path to store user configuration files. |
UserInterfaceLoad |
CastleUIControls |
UserInterfaceSave |
CastleUIControls |
Save / load TCastleUserInterface (or descendant) to a .castle-user-interface file. |
Utf16ToString |
CastleStringUtils |
Convert UTF-16 (UnicodeString) to String. |
Vector2 |
CastleVectors |
Vector2 |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector2 value. |
Vector2 |
CastleVectors |
Vector2 |
CastleVectors |
Vector2Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector2Byte |
CastleVectors |
Convert float vectors into byte vectors. |
Vector2Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
Vector2Double |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector2Double value. |
Vector2FromStr |
CastleVectors |
Convert string to vector. |
Vector2Integer |
CastleVectors |
Vector2Single |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector2 value. |
Vector2Single |
CastleVectors |
Vector2SingleCut |
CastleVectors |
Vector2SingleFromStr |
CastleVectors |
Vector2SmallInt |
CastleVectors |
Vector3 |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector3 value. |
Vector3 |
CastleVectors |
Vector3 |
CastleVectors |
Vector3 |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Double |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Double |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector3Double value. |
Vector3FromStr |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Integer |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Single |
CastleVectors |
Vector3Single |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector3 value. |
Vector3Single |
CastleVectors |
Vector3SingleCut |
CastleVectors |
Vector3SingleFromStr |
CastleVectors |
Vector3ToRGBE |
CastleImages |
Encode RGB color as Red + Green + Blue + Exponent format. |
Vector4 |
CastleVectors |
Vector4 |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector4 value. |
Vector4 |
CastleVectors |
Vector4 |
CastleVectors |
Vector4 |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Byte |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Cardinal |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Double |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector4Double value. |
Vector4Double |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Double |
CastleVectors |
Vector4FromStr |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Integer |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Single |
CastleVectors |
Construct an initialized TVector4 value. |
Vector4Single |
CastleVectors |
Vector4Single |
CastleVectors |
Vector4SingleFromStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorAdd |
CastleVectors |
VectorAdd |
CastleVectors |
VectorAdd |
CastleVectors |
Various compatibility functions (on vectors and matrices) |
VectorAdjustToLength |
CastleVectors |
VectorAdjustToLength |
CastleVectors |
VectorAdjustToLength |
CastleVectors |
VectorAverage |
CastleVectors |
VectorDotProduct |
CastleVectors |
VectorDotProduct |
CastleVectors |
VectorDotProduct |
CastleVectors |
VectorLen |
CastleVectors |
VectorLen |
CastleVectors |
VectorLen |
CastleVectors |
VectorLenSqr |
CastleVectors |
VectorLenSqr |
CastleVectors |
VectorLenSqr |
CastleVectors |
VectorMultiplyComponents |
CastleVectors |
VectorMultiplyComponents |
CastleVectors |
VectorMultiplyComponents |
CastleVectors |
VectorMultTransposedSameVector |
CastleVectors |
Multiply vector by a transposition of the same vector. |
VectorProduct |
CastleVectors |
VectorRGBETo3Single |
CastleImages |
Decode Red + Green + Blue + Exponent back into RGB (3 floats). |
VectorsEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsParallel |
CastleVectors |
Are the two vectors parallel (one is a scaled version of another). |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerfectlyEqual |
CastleVectors |
VectorsPerp |
CastleVectors |
VectorsSamePlaneDirections |
CastleVectors |
VectorsSamePlaneDirections |
CastleVectors |
Check if both directions indicate the same side of given 3D plane. |
VectorSubtract |
CastleVectors |
VectorSubtract |
CastleVectors |
VectorSubtract |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToNiceStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
VectorToRawStr |
CastleVectors |
VendorTypeToStr |
CastleGLVersion |
Vibrate |
CastleOpenDocument |
Vibrate the device. |
WarningWrite |
CastleUtils |
WarningWrite |
CastleUtils |
WritelnLog |
CastleLog |
Log message. |
WritelnLog |
CastleLog |
WritelnLog |
CastleLog |
WritelnLog |
CastleLog |
Format and log a message. |
WritelnLogMultiline |
CastleLog |
Log multiline message. |
WritelnStr |
CastleClassUtils |
WritelnStr |
CastleClassUtils |
WritelnWarning |
CastleLog |
WritelnWarning |
CastleLog |
A shortcut for WritelnWarning(Category, FormatDot(MessageBase, Args)) . |
WritelnWarning |
CastleLog |
WritelnWarning |
CastleLog |
Log a warning, and call ApplicationProperties.OnWarning event. |
WriteLogMultiline |
CastleLog |
WriteStr |
CastleClassUtils |
WriteStr |
CastleClassUtils |
Write string contents, encoded as 8-bit (UTF-8), to stream. |
X3DChangesToStr |
X3DFields |
X3DFieldsManager |
X3DFields |
X3DNodeList_FreeUnusedAndNil |
X3DNodes |
Free all unused X3D nodes on the list, then free and Nil the list itself. |
X3DToIfc |
CastleIfc |
Convert X3D content to IFC. |
Zero |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZeroVector |
CastleVectors |
ZipDirectory |
CastleZip |
Create a .zip file named ZipUrl containing all files (recursively) in the DirectoryUrl. |