Unit X3DFields
X3D fields (TX3DField and many descendants).
- Classes
- SysUtils
- Generics.Collections
- CastleVectors
- CastleInternalX3DLexer
- CastleUtils
- CastleClassUtils
- CastleImages
- CastleStringUtils
- X3DTime
- CastleColors
- CastleQuaternions
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class EX3DError |
Any error related to VRML/X3D. |
Class EX3DFieldAssign |
Class EX3DFieldAssignInvalidClass |
Class EX3DNotFound |
Raised by various X3D methods searching for X3D items (nodes, fields, events and such) when given item cannot be found. |
Class EInvalidNurbs |
Class TX3DWriter |
Writer of VRML/X3D to stream. |
Class TX3DReader |
Reading of VRML/X3D from stream. |
Class TX3DFileItem |
Base class for any item within X3D file: a node, a field, a route, a prototype etc. |
Class TX3DFileItemList |
Class TX3DFieldOrEvent |
Base class for VRML/X3D field or event. |
Class TPartialSend |
Send along with the animation that should be applied only partially (because it fades-out or fades-in). |
Class TX3DField |
Base class for all VRML/X3D fields. |
Class TX3DFieldList |
Class TX3DEvent |
X3D event. |
Class TX3DEventList |
Class TSFBoolEvent |
TX3DEvent descendants with comfortable Send methods. |
Class TSFDoubleEvent |
Class TSFTimeEvent |
Class TSFFloatEvent |
Class TSFImageEvent |
Class TSFLongEvent |
Class TSFInt32Event |
Class TSFMatrix3dEvent |
Class TSFMatrix3fEvent |
Class TSFMatrix4dEvent |
Class TSFMatrix4fEvent |
Class TSFNodeEvent |
Class TSFRotationEvent |
Class TSFStringEvent |
Class TSFVec2dEvent |
Class TSFVec2fEvent |
Class TSFVec3dEvent |
Class TSFVec3fEvent |
Class TSFVec4dEvent |
Class TSFVec4fEvent |
Class TSFColorEvent |
Class TSFColorRGBAEvent |
Class TXFAnyEvent |
Universal input event that can receive value of any type. |
Class TMFBoolEvent |
Class TMFDoubleEvent |
Class TMFTimeEvent |
Class TMFFloatEvent |
Class TMFLongEvent |
Class TMFInt32Event |
Class TMFMatrix3dEvent |
Class TMFMatrix3fEvent |
Class TMFMatrix4dEvent |
Class TMFMatrix4fEvent |
Class TMFNodeEvent |
Class TMFRotationEvent |
Class TMFStringEvent |
Class TMFVec2dEvent |
Class TMFVec2fEvent |
Class TMFVec3dEvent |
Class TMFVec3fEvent |
Class TMFVec4dEvent |
Class TMFVec4fEvent |
Class TMFColorEvent |
Class TMFColorRGBAEvent |
Class TX3DSingleField |
Copyright 2002-2018 Michalis Kamburelis. |
Class TSFBitMask |
VRML 1.0 (deprecated) field representing a bitmask, where a number of "flags" can be "on" or "off". |
Class TSFBool |
X3D field containing a single boolean value. |
Class TSFEnum |
VRML 1.0 (deprecated) field representing an enumerated value, which means that you choose one (named) value from a set of possible values. |
Class TSFFloat |
X3D field containing a floating-point value with Single precision. |
Class TSFDouble |
X3D field containing a floating-point value with Double precision. |
Class TSFTime |
X3D field containing a time, expressed as seconds that passed since some moment. |
Class TSFImage |
X3D field containing an image that is "embedded" in the X3D file. |
Class TSFLong |
X3D field containing an single integer 32-bit value. |
Class TSFInt32 |
X3D field containing an single integer 32-bit value. |
Class TSFGenericMatrix |
Generic class for an X3D field containing a single matrix value. |
Class TSFMatrix3f |
X3D field containing a 3x3 matrix with Single precision. |
Class TSFMatrix3d |
X3D field containing a 3x3 matrix with Double precision. |
Class TSFMatrix4f |
X3D field containing a 4x4 matrix with Single precision. |
Class TSFMatrix4d |
X3D field containing a 4x4 matrix with Double precision. |
Class TSFMatrix |
VRML 1.0 SFMatrix field. |
Class TSFRotation |
X3D field representing a 3D rotation around an arbitrary axis. |
Class TSFString |
X3D field containing a single string. |
Class TSFStringEnum |
X3D field that contains a value from a specified set. |
Class TSFGenericVector |
X3D field containing a vector. |
Class TSFVec2f |
X3D field containing a 2D vector with Single precision. |
Class TSFVec3f |
X3D field containing a 3D vector with Single precision. |
Class TSFColor |
X3D field containing an RGB color. |
Class TSFVec4f |
X3D field containing a 4D vector with Single precision. |
Class TSFColorRGBA |
X3D field containing an RGBA color (with an alpha). |
Class TSFVec2d |
X3D field containing a 2D vector with Double precision. |
Class TSFVec3d |
X3D field containing a 3D vector with Double precision. |
Class TSFVec4d |
X3D field containing a 4D vector with Double precision. |
Class TX3DMultField |
X3D field with a list of values. |
Class TX3DSimpleMultField |
X3D field with a list of values. |
Class TMFBool |
Class TMFLong |
Class TMFInt32 |
Class TMFMatrix3f |
Class TMFMatrix3d |
Class TMFMatrix4f |
Class TMFMatrix4d |
Class TMFVec2f |
Class TMFVec3f |
Class TMFColor |
Class TMFVec4f |
Class TMFColorRGBA |
Class TMFVec2d |
Class TMFVec3d |
Class TMFVec4d |
Class TMFRotation |
Class TMFFloat |
Class TMFDouble |
Class TMFTime |
Class TMFString |
Class TX3DFieldsManager |
Stores information about available VRML/X3D field classes. |
Functions and Procedures
function X3DFieldsManager: TX3DFieldsManager; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var G: Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var GA: TVector2Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var RGB: TVector3Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var RGBA: TVector4Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var G: Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var GA: TVector2Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var RGB: TVector3Byte); overload; |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var RGBA: TVector4Byte); overload; |
function X3DChangesToStr(const Changes: TX3DChanges): string; |
TSaveToXmlMethod = (...); |
TX3DChange = (...); |
TX3DChanges = set of TX3DChange; |
TX3DFieldOrEventList = specialize TObjectList<TX3DFieldOrEvent>; |
TX3DFieldClass = class of TX3DField; |
TX3DEventReceive = procedure (const Event: TX3DEvent; const Value: TX3DField; const Time: TX3DTime) of object; |
TInputIgnoreEvent = function ( const Field: TX3DField; const Event: TX3DEvent; const Value: TX3DField; const Time: TX3DTime): Boolean of object; |
TX3DSingleFieldClass = class of TX3DSingleField; |
TX3DSingleFieldList = specialize TObjectList<TX3DSingleField>; |
TConstantStringArray = array [0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer) - 1] of String; |
PConstantStringArray = ˆTConstantStringArray; |
X3DChangeToStr: array [TX3DChange] of string = (
'Visible Geometry',
'Visible Non-Geometry',
'VRML 1.0 State (but not affecting geometry or Coordinate)',
'VRML 1.0 State (affecting geometry, but not Coordinate)',
'Light active property',
'Light location/direction',
'Light for shadow volumes',
'Switch choice',
'Color node',
'Texture coordinate',
'Texture transform',
'Geometry + FontChanged',
'Environmental sensor bounds',
'Time stop/start/pause/resume',
'Viewpoint vectors',
'Viewpoint projection',
'Texture image',
'Texture renderer properties',
'TextureProperties node',
'Shadow caster',
'Generated texture update',
'FontStyle + FontChanged',
'HeadLight on',
'Shadow maps',
'Children added',
); |
FloatOutputFormat: String = '%g'; |
Functions and Procedures
function X3DFieldsManager: TX3DFieldsManager; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var G: Byte); overload; |
Decode color from integer value, following VRML/X3D SFImage specification. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var GA: TVector2Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var RGB: TVector3Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: UInt32; var RGBA: TVector4Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var G: Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var GA: TVector2Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var RGB: TVector3Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
procedure DecodeX3DColor(const Pixel: Int32; var RGBA: TVector4Byte); overload; |
This item has no description. |
function X3DChangesToStr(const Changes: TX3DChanges): string; |
This item has no description. |
TSaveToXmlMethod = (...); |
This item has no description. Values
TX3DChange = (...); |
Possible things that happen when given field is changed. Used by TX3DField.ExecuteChange and TX3DField.ChangeAlways. Values
TX3DChanges = set of TX3DChange; |
This item has no description. |
TX3DFieldOrEventList = specialize TObjectList<TX3DFieldOrEvent>; |
This item has no description. |
TX3DFieldClass = class of TX3DField; |
This item has no description. |
TX3DEventReceive = procedure (const Event: TX3DEvent; const Value: TX3DField; const Time: TX3DTime) of object; |
Called when TX3DEvent is received, see TX3DEvent.AddNotification. |
TInputIgnoreEvent = function ( const Field: TX3DField; const Event: TX3DEvent; const Value: TX3DField; const Time: TX3DTime): Boolean of object; |
This item has no description. |
TX3DSingleFieldClass = class of TX3DSingleField; |
This item has no description. |
TX3DSingleFieldList = specialize TObjectList<TX3DSingleField>; |
This item has no description. |
TConstantStringArray = array [0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer) - 1] of String; |
Array of strings used with TSFStringEnum and TSFEnum. Passing around them as just pointers to a constant array makes them fast and avoids copying and wasting memory for each TSFStringEnum / TSFEnum to keep the names list in some separate object. |
PConstantStringArray = ˆTConstantStringArray; |
This item has no description. |
X3DChangeToStr: array [TX3DChange] of string = (
'Visible Geometry',
'Visible Non-Geometry',
'VRML 1.0 State (but not affecting geometry or Coordinate)',
'VRML 1.0 State (affecting geometry, but not Coordinate)',
'Light active property',
'Light location/direction',
'Light for shadow volumes',
'Switch choice',
'Color node',
'Texture coordinate',
'Texture transform',
'Geometry + FontChanged',
'Environmental sensor bounds',
'Time stop/start/pause/resume',
'Viewpoint vectors',
'Viewpoint projection',
'Texture image',
'Texture renderer properties',
'TextureProperties node',
'Shadow caster',
'Generated texture update',
'FontStyle + FontChanged',
'HeadLight on',
'Shadow maps',
'Children added',
); |
This item has no description. |
FloatOutputFormat: String = '%g'; |
Float output precision, for outputting 3D models (X3D text encodings, in the future also glTF - the JSON parts). Not for serializing to CGE JSON using CastleComponentSerialize, which shall always use maximum precision. |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.