Class TCastleTheme



type TCastleTheme = class(TCastleComponent)


Theme for user interface controls.

You can customize Theme singleton to change the default look.

You can also create new instances of TCastleTheme and use them for multiple controls, assigning to TCastleUserInterface.CustomTheme.

You can also use FallbackTheme to effectively disable any customizations and always use default hardcoded look.




Public TooltipTextColor: TCastleColor;
Public TextColor: TCastleColor;
Public DisabledTextColor: TCastleColor;
Public MessageTextColor: TCastleColor;
Public MessageInputTextColor: TCastleColor;
Public BarEmptyColor: TVector3Byte;
Public BarFilledColor: TVector3Byte;
Public BackgroundColor: TCastleColor;
Public BackgroundOpaqueColor: TCastleColorRGB;
Public LoadingBackgroundColor: TCastleColor;
Public LoadingColor: TCastleColor;
Public LoadingUIScaling: TUIScaling;
Public LoadingUIReferenceWidth: Single;
Public LoadingUIReferenceHeight: Single;
Public LoadingUIExplicitScale: Single;
Public ScrollBarWidth: Single;
Public MinimumScrollbarSliderHeight: Single;
Public DefaultLabelWhite: Boolean deprecated 'if you want the labels to be white, adjust TCastleLabel.Color to White after creating every TCastleLabel';


Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single = 1.0); overload;
Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single; const Color: TCastleColor); overload;
Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single = 1.0); overload;
Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single; const Color: TCastleColor); overload;
Public procedure DialogsLight;


Public property Images[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: TCastleImage read GetImages write SetImages; deprecated 'use ImagesPersistent[...].Image';
Public property ImagesPersistent[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: TCastleImagePersistent read GetImagePersistent;
Public property OwnsImages[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: boolean read GetOwnsImages write SetOwnsImages; deprecated 'use ImagesPersistent[...].OwnsImage';
Public property Corners[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: TVector4 read GetCorners write SetCorners; deprecated 'use ImagesPersistent[...].ProtectedSides';
Public property MessageFont: TCastleAbstractFont read FMessageFont write SetMessageFont;
Public property OwnsMessageFont: boolean read FOwnsMessageFont write FOwnsMessageFont default true;
Public property LoadingTextColor: TCastleColor read LoadingColor write LoadingColor; deprecated 'use LoadingColor';
Public property LoadingImageForWindowHeight: Single read LoadingUIReferenceHeight write LoadingUIReferenceHeight; deprecated 'use LoadingUIReferenceHeight';



Public TooltipTextColor: TCastleColor;

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Public TextColor: TCastleColor;

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Public DisabledTextColor: TCastleColor;

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Public MessageTextColor: TCastleColor;

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Public MessageInputTextColor: TCastleColor;

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Public BarEmptyColor: TVector3Byte;

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Public BarFilledColor: TVector3Byte;

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Public BackgroundColor: TCastleColor;

Color layer displayed between modal dialogs (CastleMessages, CastleDialogViews, TGLModeFrozenScreen) and their background (view underneath or a screenshot). Default is (0, 0, 0, 0.25), making things underneath darker, which helps dialog to stand out.

Public BackgroundOpaqueColor: TCastleColorRGB;

Color used instead of BackgroundColor when InternalMessageFallbackLook is used. You can only customize the RGB values, alpha is always 1, so the resulting color is always opaque. It's a dark gray color (0.33, 0.33, 0.33) by default.

Public LoadingBackgroundColor: TCastleColor;

Colors used when displaying the loading image (by default just with the "Loading..." text) when application is loading (before proper CGE UI can be displayed). By default, LoadingBackgroundColor is black, and LoadingColor is white.

See for an example how to set loading image.

Public LoadingColor: TCastleColor;

Colors used when displaying the loading image (by default just with the "Loading..." text) when application is loading (before proper CGE UI can be displayed). By default, LoadingBackgroundColor is black, and LoadingColor is white.

See for an example how to set loading image.

Public LoadingUIScaling: TUIScaling;

Adjust loading image following the UI scaling determined by these properties. They determine for what window reference size was the loading image prepared. The loading image is whatever you set at ImagesPersistent[tiLoading]. See for an example how to set loading image.

These properties deliberately match the behavior of TCastleContainer.UIScaling, TCastleContainer.UIReferenceWidth, TCastleContainer.UIReferenceHeight, TCastleContainer.UIExplicitScale. If these LoadingUIXxx properties are equal to the TCastleContainer.UIXxx properties, then the rendered image size will be precisely equal to how TCastleImageControl rendering of this image (with anchors set to middle) would look.

The reason why these properties exist is that when rendering ImagesPersistent[tiLoading], TCastleApplication.OnInitialize is not yet run, and so TCastleContainer.UIScaling may be not yet be initialized (because you cannot read CastleSettings.xml earlier).

By default, we set LoadingUIScaling = usEncloseReferenceSize, LoadingUIReferenceWidth = 1600, LoadingUIReferenceHeight = 900. Note that this is in contrast to TCastleContainer.UIXxx properties, that by default set no UI scaling.

Public LoadingUIReferenceWidth: Single;

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Public LoadingUIReferenceHeight: Single;

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Public LoadingUIExplicitScale: Single;

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Public ScrollBarWidth: Single;

Width of scrollbar for TCastleScrollView.

Public MinimumScrollbarSliderHeight: Single;

Minumum scrollbar height, to be comfortably visible and draggable.

Public DefaultLabelWhite: Boolean deprecated 'if you want the labels to be white, adjust TCastleLabel.Color to White after creating every TCastleLabel';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: if you want the labels to be white, adjust TCastleLabel.Color to White after creating every TCastleLabel

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Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

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Public destructor Destroy; override;

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Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single = 1.0); overload;

Draw the selected theme image on screen.

Color tint of the image. If you do not specify a color, white will be used, so image will be displayed as-is. Specifying a color means that image will be multiplied by it, just like for TDrawableImage.Color.
Used to properly scale corners, passed to TDrawableImage.ScaleCorners. This parameter does not scale the place where image is displayed, to do this just scale the given Rect parameter yourself.
Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single; const Color: TCastleColor); overload;

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Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single = 1.0); overload;

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Public procedure Draw(const Rect: TRectangle; const ImageType: TThemeImage; const UIScale: Single; const Color: TCastleColor); overload;

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Public procedure DialogsLight;

Set dialogs theme to light.


Public property Images[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: TCastleImage read GetImages write SetImages; deprecated 'use ImagesPersistent[...].Image';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use ImagesPersistent[...].Image

Theme images, represented as TCastleImage. Although they all have sensible defaults, you can also change them at any time. Simply create TCastleImage instance (e.g. by LoadImage function) and assign it here. Be sure to adjust also OwnsImages if you want the theme to automatically free the image when it's no longer used.

The alpha channel of the image, if any, is automatically correctly used (for alpha test or alpha blending, see TDrawableImage).

Public property ImagesPersistent[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: TCastleImagePersistent read GetImagePersistent;

Images used to draw UI controls by default.

You can adjust them e.g. to adjust how a default TCastleButton looks. Note that some controls have properties to override the "theme" look for a particular control, e.g. on a particular TCastleButton you can set TCastleButton.CustomBackground and TCastleButton.CustomBackgroundNormal.

When adjusting these images, it is simplest to assign the image URL by setting TCastleImagePersistent.URL. See . Adjust also TCastleImagePersistent.ProtectedSides to use 9-slice scaling.

Public property OwnsImages[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: boolean read GetOwnsImages write SetOwnsImages; deprecated 'use ImagesPersistent[...].OwnsImage';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use ImagesPersistent[...].OwnsImage

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Public property Corners[const ImageType: TThemeImage]: TVector4 read GetCorners write SetCorners; deprecated 'use ImagesPersistent[...].ProtectedSides';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use ImagesPersistent[...].ProtectedSides

Corners that determine how image on Images is stretched when drawing by TCastleTheme.Draw method. Together with assigning Images, adjust also this property. It is used for images rendered using TDrawableImage.Draw3x3, it determines how the image is stretched. The corners are specified as 4D vector, order like in CSS: top, right, down, left.

Public property MessageFont: TCastleAbstractFont read FMessageFont write SetMessageFont;

Font used by dialogs. Leave Nil to use TCastleContainer.DefaultFont.

Public property OwnsMessageFont: boolean read FOwnsMessageFont write FOwnsMessageFont default true;

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Public property LoadingTextColor: TCastleColor read LoadingColor write LoadingColor; deprecated 'use LoadingColor';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use LoadingColor

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Public property LoadingImageForWindowHeight: Single read LoadingUIReferenceHeight write LoadingUIReferenceHeight; deprecated 'use LoadingUIReferenceHeight';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use LoadingUIReferenceHeight

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