Unit CastleGLImages


Using images in OpenGL (as textures and as normal images).

For non-OpenGL image management, see CastleImages and CastleTextureImages units. They contain functions and classes to load, save and process images.

This unit has functions and classes to:

This unit hides from your some details about OpenGL images handling. For example, you don't have to worry about "pixel store alignment", we handle it here internally when transferring images between memory and GPU. You also don't have to worry about texture sizes being power of 2, or about maximum texture sizes — we will resize textures if necessary.

Routines in this unit that take TCastleImage or TEncodedImage parameter are limited to TextureImageClassesAll (for routines dealing with textures) or PixelsImageClasses (for routines dealing with images drawn on 2D screen).



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class ETextureLoadError  
Class EImageClassNotSupportedForOpenGL  
Class ECannotLoadCompressedTexture  
Class EInvalidImageForOpenGLTexture  
Record TTextureFilter  
Packed Record TTextureWrap2D  
Packed Record TTextureWrap3D  
Record TDrawableImageRenderStatistics Statistics to measure TDrawableImage rendering impact.
Class TDrawableImage Image that can be drawn.
Class TCastleImagePersistent Image that can be easily loaded from URL (possibly reusing a cache), drawn, and serialized to/from file.
Class ECannotSaveTextureContents Raised by SaveTextureContents when we cannot get texture contents.
Class EFramebufferError type - don't add this Delphi can't parse it correctly
Class EFramebufferSizeTooLow  
Class EFramebufferInvalid  
Class TGLRenderToTexture Rendering to texture with OpenGL.
Class TTextureMemoryProfiler OpenGL texture memory profiler.
Class TGLVideo Video as a sequence of OpenGL textures that can be easily played.
Class TGLVideo3D Video expressed as a series of textures, to play as texture on any 3D object.
Class TGLVideo2D Video expressed as a series of TDrawableImage, to play as 2D GUI control.
Record TSpriteAnimationFrame A frame of a custom animation.
Class TSpriteAnimation Custom animation of a sprite.
Class TSprite Sprite is an animation composed from frames arranged in rows and columns inside a single image.

Functions and Procedures

function ImageGLFormat(const Img: TCastleImage): TGLenum;
function ImageGLInternalFormat(const Img: TEncodedImage): TGLenum;
function ImageGLType(const Img: TCastleImage): TGLenum;
procedure FreeTexture(var Tex: TGLTextureId);
procedure TexParameterMaxAnisotropy(const target: TGLenum; const Anisotropy: TGLfloat);
function TextureFilter(const Minification: TMinificationFilter; const Magnification: TMagnificationFilter): TTextureFilter;
procedure SetTextureFilter(const Target: TGLenum; const Filter: TTextureFilter);
function Texture2DClampToEdge: TTextureWrap2D;
procedure ResizeForTextureSize(var r: TCastleImage; const Sizing: TTextureSizing);
function ResizeToTextureSize(const r: TCastleImage; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): TCastleImage; overload;
function ResizeToTextureSize(const Size: Cardinal; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): Cardinal; overload;
function IsTextureSized(const r: TEncodedImage; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): boolean; overload;
function IsTextureSized(const Width, Height: Cardinal; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): boolean; overload;
function LoadGLTexture(const image: TEncodedImage; const Filter: TTextureFilter; const Wrap: TTextureWrap2D; const CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage = nil; const GUITexture: boolean = false): TGLTextureId; overload;
function LoadGLTexture(const Url: String; const Filter: TTextureFilter; const Wrap: TTextureWrap2D; const CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage = nil; const GUITexture: boolean = false): TGLTextureId; overload;
procedure LoadGLGeneratedTexture(const TextureId: TGLTextureId; Image: TEncodedImage; Filter: TTextureFilter; const Wrap: TTextureWrap2D; CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage = nil; const GUITexture: boolean = false); overload;
function GLDecompressTexture(const Image: TGPUCompressedImage): TCastleImage;
procedure SaveTextureContents(const Image: TCastleImage; const Texture: TGLTextureId);
procedure glTextureImage3D(const TextureIdForProfiler: TGLTextureId; const Image: TEncodedImage; Filter: TTextureFilter; CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage);
function IsCubeMapTextureSized(const Size: Cardinal): boolean; overload;
function ResizeToCubeMapTextureSize(const Size: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload;
procedure glTextureCubeMap(const TextureIdForProfiler: TGLTextureId; const PositiveX, NegativeX, PositiveY, NegativeY, PositiveZ, NegativeZ: TEncodedImage; const CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage; const Mipmaps: boolean; out DisableMipmaps: Boolean);
function SaveScreen_NoFlush( const Rect: TRectangle; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer): TRGBImage; overload;
function SaveScreen_NoFlush(const ImageClass: TCastleImageClass; const Rect: TRectangle; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer): TCastleImage; overload;
procedure SaveScreen_NoFlush(const Image: TCastleImage; const Left, Bottom: Integer; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer); overload;
function SaveScreenToGL_NoFlush(const Rect: TRectangle; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer; const SmoothScaling: boolean = false): TDrawableImage;
function SaveScreenDepth_NoFlush(const Rect: TRectangle): TGrayscaleImage;
function OffscreenRendering: Boolean;
function TextureMemoryProfiler: TTextureMemoryProfiler;
procedure BeforeUnpackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);
procedure AfterUnpackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);
procedure BeforePackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);
procedure AfterPackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);


TGLTextureId = TGLTexture;
TMinificationFilter = CastleRenderOptions.TMinificationFilter;
TMagnificationFilter = CastleRenderOptions.TMagnificationFilter;
TGLImageManaged = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';
TGLImageOnDemand = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';
TGLImageCore = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';
TGLImage = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';
TProtectedSidesScaling = (...);
TTextureSizing = (...);
TColorBuffer = (...);
TGLRenderToTextureBuffer = (...);


PixelsImageClasses: array [0..8] of TEncodedImageClass = ( TRGBImage, TRGBAlphaImage, TGrayscaleImage, TGrayscaleAlphaImage, TGPUCompressedImage, TGrayscaleFloatImage, TGrayscaleAlphaFloatImage, TRGBFloatImage, TRGBAlphaFloatImage );
minNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearest;
minLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinear;
minNearestMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapNearest;
minNearestMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapLinear;
minLinearMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapNearest;
minLinearMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapLinear;
magNearest = CastleRenderOptions.magNearest;
magLinear = CastleRenderOptions.magLinear;
Texture2DRepeat: TTextureWrap2D = (Data: (GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT));


GLTextureScale: Cardinal = 1;
GLTextureMinSize: Cardinal = 16;
LogTextureLoading: boolean = false;


Functions and Procedures

function ImageGLFormat(const Img: TCastleImage): TGLenum;

Return appropriate OpenGL format and type constants for given TCastleImage descendant. If you will pass here Img that is not a descendant of one of TextureImageClassesAll or PixelsImageClasses, they will raise EImageClassNotSupportedForOpenGL.

ImageGLInternalFormat works with TGPUCompressedImage classes also, returning appropriate enum, suitable for glCompressedTexImage2D.

Exceptions raised
When Img class is not supported by OpenGL.
function ImageGLInternalFormat(const Img: TEncodedImage): TGLenum;

This item has no description.

function ImageGLType(const Img: TCastleImage): TGLenum;

This item has no description.

procedure FreeTexture(var Tex: TGLTextureId);

Delete texture object and set it to GLObjectNone.

- Before doing anything, checks is it GLObjectNone. - After freeing, sets it to GLObjectNone. - Also takes care to call TextureMemoryProfiler.Deallocate .

procedure TexParameterMaxAnisotropy(const target: TGLenum; const Anisotropy: TGLfloat);

Call glTexParameterf to set GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT on given texture target.

Takes care to check for appropriate OpenGL extension (if not present, does nothing), and to query OpenGL limit for Anisotropy (eventually clamping provided Anisotropy down).

function TextureFilter(const Minification: TMinificationFilter; const Magnification: TMagnificationFilter): TTextureFilter;

Part of CastleGLImages unit: texture filtering (TTextureFilter and friends).

procedure SetTextureFilter(const Target: TGLenum; const Filter: TTextureFilter);

Set current texture minification and magnification filter.

This is just a thin wrapper for calling

glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ...);
glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ...);

function Texture2DClampToEdge: TTextureWrap2D;

Return wrap GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in both directions.

procedure ResizeForTextureSize(var r: TCastleImage; const Sizing: TTextureSizing);

Resize the image to a size accepted as GL_TEXTURE_2D texture size for OpenGL. It tries to resize to a larger size, not smaller, to avoid losing image information.

It also makes texture have power-of-two size, if Sizing <> tsAny (or if GLFeatures.TextureNonPowerOfTwo = False). This is a must for normal textures, used for 3D rendering (with mipmapping and such). Using OpenGL non-power-of-2 textures is not good for such usage case, some OpenGLs crash (ATI), some are ultra slow (NVidia), some cause artifacts (Mesa). OpenGL ES explicitly limits what you can do with non-power-of-2. Sample model using non-power-of-2 is in inlined_textures.wrl.

Use Sizing = tsAny only for textures that you plan to use for drawing GUI images by TDrawableImage.

function ResizeToTextureSize(const r: TCastleImage; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): TCastleImage; overload;

This item has no description.

function ResizeToTextureSize(const Size: Cardinal; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): Cardinal; overload;

This item has no description.

function IsTextureSized(const r: TEncodedImage; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): boolean; overload;

Does image have proper size for 2D OpenGL texture. See ResizeForTextureSize. Note that this checks glGet(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), so requires initialized OpenGL context.

function IsTextureSized(const Width, Height: Cardinal; const Sizing: TTextureSizing): boolean; overload;

This item has no description.

function LoadGLTexture(const image: TEncodedImage; const Filter: TTextureFilter; const Wrap: TTextureWrap2D; const CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage = nil; const GUITexture: boolean = false): TGLTextureId; overload;

Load new texture to OpenGL. Generates new texture number by glGenTextures, then binds this texture, and loads it's data.

Takes care of UNPACK_ALIGNMENT inside (if needed, we'll change it and later revert back, so that the texture is correctly loaded).

Sets texture minification, magnification filters and wrap parameters.

Changes currently bound texture to this one (returned).

If mipmaps will be needed (this is decided looking at Filter.Minification) we will load them too.

  1. As a first try, if CompositeForMipmaps is non-nil and has mipmaps (CompositeForMipmaps.Mipmaps), we will load these mipmaps. CompositeForMipmaps must be a normal 2D texture (CompositeType = ctTexture).

    Otherwise, we'll try to generate mipmaps, using various OpenGL mechanisms.

  2. We will try using GenerateMipmap functionality to generate mipmaps on GPU. If not available, for uncompressed textures, we will generate mipmaps on CPU. For compressed textures, we will change minification filter to simple minLinear and make WritelnWarning.

If True, the texture is not forced to have sizes as power-of-two. For TTextureSizing, it is like tsAny instead of tsScalablePowerOf2. Also, mipmaps are always disabled, regardless of requested Filter value, since mipmaps cannot work without power-of-two.
Exceptions raised
If texture cannot be loaded for whatever reason. This includes ECannotLoadCompressedTexture if the compressed texture cannot be loaded for whatever reason. This includes EInvalidImageForOpenGLTexture if Image class is invalid for an OpenGL texture.
When Image class is not supported by OpenGL.
function LoadGLTexture(const Url: String; const Filter: TTextureFilter; const Wrap: TTextureWrap2D; const CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage = nil; const GUITexture: boolean = false): TGLTextureId; overload;

This item has no description.

procedure LoadGLGeneratedTexture(const TextureId: TGLTextureId; Image: TEncodedImage; Filter: TTextureFilter; const Wrap: TTextureWrap2D; CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage = nil; const GUITexture: boolean = false); overload;

Load OpenGL texture into an (already allocated) TextureId. You can also use this to set "default unnamed OpenGL texture" parameters by passing TextureId = GLObjectNone.

Exceptions raised
Raised in the same situations as LoadGLTexture.
When Image class is not supported by OpenGL.
function GLDecompressTexture(const Image: TGPUCompressedImage): TCastleImage;

Decompress texture image by loading it to a temporary OpenGL(ES) texture and reading back. IOW, this does decompression by using current OpenGL(ES) context.

TODO: Note that the current implementation will always raise ECannotLoadCompressedTexture on OpenGLES, e.g. on mobile. Same as SaveTextureContents. This is fixable (we need to use FBO instead of glGetTexImage on OpenGLES), please submit a bugreport if you need it.

Exceptions raised
If we cannot decompress, for example because we cannot load to OpenGL this compressed texture (for example because appropriate OpenGL extensions are not available, or such).
procedure SaveTextureContents(const Image: TCastleImage; const Texture: TGLTextureId);

Save OpenGL texture contents to TCastleImage. Size of the texture must match the Image size, otherwise terrible things (writing over unallocated memory) will happen.

Exceptions raised
If we cannot get texture contents (not supported on OpenGLES).
procedure glTextureImage3D(const TextureIdForProfiler: TGLTextureId; const Image: TEncodedImage; Filter: TTextureFilter; CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage);

Comfortably load a 3D texture. Think about this as doing glTexImage3D(...) for you. It also sets texture minification, magnification filters and creates mipmaps if necessary.

It checks OpenGL 3D texture size requirements, and throws exceptions if not satisfied.

It takes care about OpenGL unpack parameters. Just don't worry about it.

If Filter uses mipmaps, then all mipmap levels will be loaded.

  1. As a first try, if CompositeForMipmaps is non-nil and has mipmaps (CompositeForMipmaps.Mipmaps), we will load these mipmaps. CompositeForMipmaps must be a 3D texture (CompositeType = ctVolume).

  2. Otherwise, we'll generate mipmaps.

    GenerateMipmap functionality will be required for this. When it is not available on this OpenGL implementation, we will change minification filter to simple linear and make WritelnWarning. So usually you just don't have to worry about this.

Pass TextureIdForProfiler only for profiling purposes (for TextureMemoryProfiler). This procedure assumes that the texture is already bound.

Exceptions raised
If texture cannot be loaded for whatever reason, for example it's size is not correct for OpenGL 3D texture (we cannot automatically resize 3D textures, at least for now). Or it's compressed (although we support here TEncodedImage, OpenGL doesn't have any 3D texture compression available.)
When Image class is not supported by OpenGL.
function IsCubeMapTextureSized(const Size: Cardinal): boolean; overload;

Part of CastleGLImages unit: cubemaps sizing and loading.

function ResizeToCubeMapTextureSize(const Size: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload;

This item has no description.

procedure glTextureCubeMap(const TextureIdForProfiler: TGLTextureId; const PositiveX, NegativeX, PositiveY, NegativeY, PositiveZ, NegativeZ: TEncodedImage; const CompositeForMipmaps: TCompositeImage; const Mipmaps: boolean; out DisableMipmaps: Boolean);

Comfortably load all six cube map texture images. Think about this as doing glTexImage2D(Side, ...) for each cube side. It takes care of (almost?) everything you need to prepare OpenGL cube map texture.

It automatically takes care to adjust the texture size to appropriate size, honoring the "power of two" requirement and the GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB limit of OpenGL. So texture image may be resized (preferably up) internally before loading. Although, if texture is compressed, we cannot resize it — so ECannotLoadCompressedTexture will be raised if texture is not appropriate size.

It takes care about OpenGL unpack parameters. Just don't worry about it.

Pass TextureIdForProfiler only for profiling purposes (for TextureMemoryProfiler). This procedure assumes that the texture is already bound.

If mipmaps are requested:

  1. First of all, if CompositeForMipmaps is non-nil and has mipmaps defined, we will load them from this CompositeForMipmaps image. CompositeForMipmaps must have CompositeType = ctCubeMap.

  2. Otherwise, we'll try to generate images using OpenGL GenerateMipmap.

  3. As a last resort, if GenerateMipmap is not available, we will fallback to generating mipmaps on CPU.

Exceptions raised
If texture cannot be loaded for whatever reason. This includes ECannotLoadCompressedTexture if the compressed texture cannot be loaded for whatever reason (not availble appropriate extension, not correct texture size, mipmaps requested and CompositeForMipmaps/glGenerateMipmap not available). This includes EInvalidImageForOpenGLTexture if Image class is invalid for an OpenGL texture.
When Image class is not supported by OpenGL.
function SaveScreen_NoFlush( const Rect: TRectangle; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer): TRGBImage; overload;

Save the current color buffer contents to image.

The suffix "NoFlush" is there to remind you that this function grabs the current buffer contents. Usually you want to redraw the screen to the back buffer, and call this function to capture back buffer before swapping, since this is the only reliable way to capture OpenGL screen. Just use TCastleWindow.SaveScreen to do it automatically.

Version with ImageClass can save to any image format from PixelsImageClasses.

Version with TCastleImage instance just uses this instance to save the image. You must pass here already created TCastleImage instance, it's class, Width and Height will be used when saving.

Exceptions raised
When Image class is not supported by OpenGL.
function SaveScreen_NoFlush(const ImageClass: TCastleImageClass; const Rect: TRectangle; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer): TCastleImage; overload;

This item has no description.

procedure SaveScreen_NoFlush(const Image: TCastleImage; const Left, Bottom: Integer; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer); overload;

This item has no description.

function SaveScreenToGL_NoFlush(const Rect: TRectangle; const ReadBuffer: TColorBuffer; const SmoothScaling: boolean = false): TDrawableImage;

Captures current screen as a TDrawableImage instance, ready to be drawn on 2D screen.

function SaveScreenDepth_NoFlush(const Rect: TRectangle): TGrayscaleImage;

Save depth buffer contents.

function OffscreenRendering: Boolean;

Are we currently doing off-screen rendering. This is True if we're between TGLRenderToTexture.RenderBegin and TGLRenderToTexture.RenderEnd.

function TextureMemoryProfiler: TTextureMemoryProfiler;

OpenGL texture memory profiler, to detect which textures use up the GPU texture memory. Especially useful on mobile devices, where texture memory is limited and your application must really optimize texture usage. Also useful to detect texture memory leaks.

Enable it at the very beginning of the application (for example in the main unit initialization clause), like this:

TextureMemoryProfiler.Enabled := true

Then at any point during the game you can query texture usage by TTextureMemoryProfiler.Summary method. For example dump it to the log like this:

WritelnLog('Textures', TextureMemoryProfiler.Summary);

The resulting output lists the currently allocated textures, in descending order of their size. This tells you which textures are worth optimizing. Maybe scale these textures down, maybe compress them, maybe remove alpha channel or convert them to grayscale...

The profiler counts the real texture size on GPU, knowing that some textures are resized to power of 2, that textures may be compressed on GPU, that some textures have mipmaps and so on. All kinds of textures (2D, 3D, cubemaps, float, depth etc.) are covered. Every type is reported — loaded from files, generated (like by GeneratedCubeMapTexture), embedded in code (by embedding images or fonts in code)... The textures loaded from disk are described by URL, for other textures we invent special URLs like:

  • embedded-font:/CastleTextureFont_CanterBold_120

  • embedded-image:/PanelSeparator

  • generated:/GeneratedCubeMapTexture(GenTex2)

You can also use the profiler from castle-model-viewer, run it with "–debug-texture-memory" command-line option, load your 3D model and then use menu option "Console -> Print Texture Memory Usage".

procedure BeforeUnpackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);

Save / restore OpenGL pixel store for unpacking / packing given TCastleImage. Before you pass this image to some OpenGL procedures (like glDrawPixels for unpacking, glReadPixels for packing), call BeforeXxx, and later call AfterXxx to restore original state. These will take care of setting / restoring pixel alignment.

procedure AfterUnpackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);

This item has no description.

procedure BeforePackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);

This item has no description.

procedure AfterPackImage(const Image: TCastleImage);

This item has no description.


TGLTextureId = TGLTexture;

type - don't add type Delphi can't parse that correctly

TMinificationFilter = CastleRenderOptions.TMinificationFilter;

We recommend using CastleRenderOptions unit to get these types. But for backward compatibility, they are also available here.

TMagnificationFilter = CastleRenderOptions.TMagnificationFilter;

This item has no description.

TGLImageManaged = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TDrawableImage

This item has no description.

TGLImageOnDemand = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TDrawableImage

This item has no description.

TGLImageCore = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TDrawableImage

This item has no description.

TGLImage = TDrawableImage deprecated 'use TDrawableImage';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TDrawableImage

This item has no description.

TProtectedSidesScaling = (...);

How is TCastleImagePersistent.ProtectedSides applies. Determines how does the 9-slices algorithm work.

  • pssDefault: All 4 sides of the image are preserved, and between them the middle may be arbitrary scaled vertically or horizontally.

    The target drawing area must have at least the size of all protected sides, otherwise the rendering cannot look perfect – as some parts of corners will not fit.

    This is what 9-slices does by default.

  • pssMatchHeight: The protected sides are all scaled such that the image is stretched in a uniform way vertically.

    This makes the vertical protected sides (top, bottom) meaningless: they don't matter, the image is effectively always scaled uniformly to match the target area height.

    However, the horizontal protected sides (left, right) now behave in more interesting way: they will be scaled just like the vertical sides. Just makes sense e.g. when your image has circular endigns on left and right sides (see default TCastleAbstractSlider background image for example).

TTextureSizing = (...);

Constraints on texture size, used by ResizeToTextureSize and IsTextureSized.

  • tsAny: Texture size does not have to be a power of two (unless GLFeatures.TextureNonPowerOfTwo = False, in which case all textures must have power-of-two, and then tsAny may be scaled to satisfy it (but it still will not be scaled for GLTextureScale)). It is not affected by GLTextureScale.
  • tsRequiredPowerOf2: Texture size must be a power of two. It is not affected by GLTextureScale, because we cannot scale it.
  • tsScalablePowerOf2: Texture size must be a power of two. It is affected by GLTextureScale, we can scale it.
TColorBuffer = (...);

Color buffer to grab, used by SaveScreen_NoFlush.

  • cbFront
  • cbBack
  • cbColorAttachment0
TGLRenderToTextureBuffer = (...);

This item has no description.

  • tbColor
  • tbDepth
  • tbColorAndDepth
  • tbNone


PixelsImageClasses: array [0..8] of TEncodedImageClass = ( TRGBImage, TRGBAlphaImage, TGrayscaleImage, TGrayscaleAlphaImage, TGPUCompressedImage, TGrayscaleFloatImage, TGrayscaleAlphaFloatImage, TRGBFloatImage, TRGBAlphaFloatImage );

Part of CastleGLImages unit: miscellaneous stuff.

minNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearest;

We recommend using CastleRenderOptions unit to get these constants. But for backward compatibility, they are also available here.

minLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinear;

This item has no description.

minNearestMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapNearest;

This item has no description.

minNearestMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapLinear;

This item has no description.

minLinearMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapNearest;

This item has no description.

minLinearMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapLinear;

This item has no description.

magNearest = CastleRenderOptions.magNearest;

This item has no description.

magLinear = CastleRenderOptions.magLinear;

This item has no description.

Texture2DRepeat: TTextureWrap2D = (Data: (GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT));

Part of CastleGLImages unit: texture wrapping modes.


GLTextureScale: Cardinal = 1;

Scaling for all textures loaded to OpenGL. This allows you to conserve GPU memory. Each size (width, height, and (for 3D textures) depth) is scaled by 1 / 2ˆGLTextureScale. So value = 1 means no scaling, value = 2 means that each size is 1/2 (texture area is 1/4), value = 3 means that each size is 1/4 and so on.

Note that textures used for GUI, by TDrawableImage (more precisely: all non-power-of-2 textures) avoid this scaling entirely.

This allows to scale the textures at runtime. For an independent mechanism that allows to load already downscaled textures (and scale them as a preprocessing step when packaging your game), see TextureLoadingScale. The documentation of TextureLoadingScale lists all the differences between these two approaches to scaling.

GLTextureMinSize: Cardinal = 16;

Constraints the scaling done by GLTextureScale. Scaling caused by GLTextureScale cannot scale texture to something less than GLTextureMinSize. If texture size was already < GLTextureMinSize, it is not scaled at all by GLTextureScale. This must be a power of two.

LogTextureLoading: boolean = false;

Log (through CastleLog) all texture and image loading to GPU. If additionally TextureMemoryProfiler is enabled, then we will dump texture memory usage.

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