Class TPrepareParams




type TPrepareParams = class(TObject)


Information that a TCastleTransform object needs to prepare rendering.

This is an internal class.

You should not need to create it, you should not need to read anything inside or deal with this class otherwise.

The only usage allowed, but deprecated, is to pass an instance of this class taken from TCastleViewport.PrepareParams as a parameter to TCastleTransform.PrepareResources. You should treat this class as a "black box" in normal applications.


  • TObject
  • TPrepareParams



Public GlobalLights: TAbstractLightInstancesList;
Public GlobalFog: TAbstractFogNode;
Public RendererToPrepareShapes: TObject;



Public GlobalLights: TAbstractLightInstancesList;

Include a headlight and all lights that shine on all scenes (thanks to TCastleScene.CastGlobalLights).

It is not necessary to define this (it may be Nil). And all the lighting is dynamic, so of course you can always turn on / off things like a headlight during the game. However, passing here the appropriate lights will mean that the shaders are immediately prepared for the current lighting.

Public GlobalFog: TAbstractFogNode;

World fog, in any, to prepare for.

Public RendererToPrepareShapes: TObject;

Always TRenderer, to prepare shapes. This is useful to prepare shapes (rendering them with renderer creates VBOs, shaders, and makes them "ready" for next fast rendering).

Note that shapes and scenes *should not* get associated with this TRenderer instance when being prepared. See TRenderParams.RendererToPrepareShapes.

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