Class TDebugArrow



type TDebugArrow = class(TComponent)


3D arrow, as an X3D node, to easily visualize debug things.

This is useful in connection with your custom TDebugTransform descendants, to show an arrow to visualize something.

Create it and add the Root to your X3D scene graph within some TCastleSceneCore.RootNode.


  • TObject
  • TPersistent
  • TComponent
  • TDebugArrow



Public constructor Create(const AOwner: TComponent; const Color: TCastleColorRGB); reintroduce;


Public property Root: TTransformNode read FTransform;
Public property Origin: TVector3 read FOrigin write SetOrigin;
Public property Direction: TVector3 read FDirection write SetDirection;
Public property Visible: boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible;
Public property Render: Boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible; deprecated 'use Visible';



Public constructor Create(const AOwner: TComponent; const Color: TCastleColorRGB); reintroduce;

This item has no description.


Public property Root: TTransformNode read FTransform;

This item has no description.

Public property Origin: TVector3 read FOrigin write SetOrigin;

This item has no description.

Public property Direction: TVector3 read FDirection write SetDirection;

This item has no description.

Public property Visible: boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible;

This item has no description.

Public property Render: Boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible; deprecated 'use Visible';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Visible

This item has no description.

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