Class TIfcSurfaceTexture



type TIfcSurfaceTexture = class abstract(TIfcPresentationItem)


2-dimensional image-based texture map. It can either be given by referencing an external image file through an URL reference (TIfcImageTexture), including the image file as a blob (long binary) into the data set (TIfcBlobTexture), or by explicitly including an array of pixels (TIfcPixelTexture).




Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Published property RepeatS: Boolean read FRepeatS write FRepeatS default true;
Published property RepeatT: Boolean read FRepeatT write FRepeatT default true;
Published property Mode: TIfcIdentifier read FMode write FMode;
Published property TextureTransform: TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D read FTextureTransform write FTextureTransform;
Published property Parameter: TCastleStringList read FParameter write FParameter;
Published property IsMappedBy: TIfcTextureCoordinateList read FIsMappedBy write FIsMappedBy;
Published property UsedInStyles: TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTexturesList read FUsedInStyles;



Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

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Public destructor Destroy; override;

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Published property RepeatS: Boolean read FRepeatS write FRepeatS default true;

How the texture wraps in the S direction, True by default.

Published property RepeatT: Boolean read FRepeatT write FRepeatT default true;

How the texture wraps in the T direction, True by default.

Published property Mode: TIfcIdentifier read FMode write FMode;

Hold the type of map this corresponds to, chosen from the following list: AMBIENT, NORMAL, EMISSIVE, METALLICROUGHNESS, OCCLUSION, SHININESS, SPECULAR, DIFFUSE. If Mode is omitted, DIFFUSE is assumed.

Published property TextureTransform: TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D read FTextureTransform write FTextureTransform;

2D transformation that is applied to the texture coordinates. It affects the way texture coordinates are applied to the surfaces of geometric representation items. The 2D transformation supports changes to the size, orientation, and position of textures on shapes. Mirroring is not allowed to be used in the IfcCartesianTransformationOperator.

Published property Parameter: TCastleStringList read FParameter write FParameter;

This attribute is deprecated and shall no longer be used.

Published property IsMappedBy: TIfcTextureCoordinateList read FIsMappedBy write FIsMappedBy;

Texture coordinates, either provided by a corresponding list of texture vertices to vertex-based geometric items or by a texture coordinate generator, that applies the surface texture to the surfaces of the geometric items.

Published property UsedInStyles: TIfcSurfaceStyleWithTexturesList read FUsedInStyles;

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