Class TVector3List



type TVector3List = class(specialize TStructList<TVector3>)


List of TVector3. Note that the notification mechanism (OnNotify) is broken here by routines like AddRange and AddSubRange (for maximum speed).




Public procedure AssignNegated(const Source: TVector3List); deprecated 'use Assign and Negate separately';
Public procedure Negate;
Public procedure Normalize;
Public procedure MultiplyComponents(const V: TVector3);
Public procedure AssignLerpRange(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: specialize TStructList<TVector3>; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize); override;
Public procedure AssignLerpNormalize(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: TVector3List; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize);
Public procedure AssignLerpRgbInHsv(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: TVector3List; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize);
Public procedure AddRange(const Source: TVector3List); overload;
Public procedure AddSubRange(const Source: TVector3List; const Index, AddCount: Integer);
Public procedure AddListRange(const Source: TVector3List; const Index, AddCount: Integer); deprecated 'use AddSubRange';
Public procedure AddRangeTransformed(const Source: TVector3List; const Transform: TMatrix4);
Public function ToVector4(const W: Single): TVector4List;
Public function MergeCloseVertexes(MergeDistance: Single): Cardinal;
Public function Equals(SecondValue: TObject): boolean; override;



Public procedure AssignNegated(const Source: TVector3List); deprecated 'use Assign and Negate separately';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Assign and Negate separately

This item has no description.

Public procedure Negate;

Negate all items.

Public procedure Normalize;

Normalize all items. Zero vectors are left as zero.

Public procedure MultiplyComponents(const V: TVector3);

Multiply each item, component-wise, with V.

Public procedure AssignLerpRange(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: specialize TStructList<TVector3>; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize); override;

This item has no description.

Public procedure AssignLerpNormalize(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: TVector3List; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize);

Assign linear interpolation between two other vector arrays, and normalize resulting vectors.

See also
Assign linear interpolation between two other arrays.
Public procedure AssignLerpRgbInHsv(const Fraction: Single; const V1, V2: TVector3List; const Index1, Index2, ACount: TListSize);

Assign linear interpolation between two other vector arrays, treating vectors as RGB colors and interpolating in HSV space.

See also
Assign linear interpolation between two other arrays.
Public procedure AddRange(const Source: TVector3List); overload;

This item has no description.

Public procedure AddSubRange(const Source: TVector3List; const Index, AddCount: Integer);

This item has no description.

Public procedure AddListRange(const Source: TVector3List; const Index, AddCount: Integer); deprecated 'use AddSubRange';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use AddSubRange

This item has no description.

Public procedure AddRangeTransformed(const Source: TVector3List; const Transform: TMatrix4);

This item has no description.

Public function ToVector4(const W: Single): TVector4List;

Convert to TVector4List, with 4th vector component in new array set to constant W.

Public function MergeCloseVertexes(MergeDistance: Single): Cardinal;

When two vertexes on the list are closer than MergeDistance, set them truly (exactly) equal. Returns how many vertex positions were changed.

Public function Equals(SecondValue: TObject): boolean; override;

Does the SecondValue have equal length and content. The values are compared with an Epsilon tolerance, as usual for floating-point values.

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