Class TX3DNodeClassesList



type TX3DNodeClassesList = class(TList)


Copyright 2002-2018 Michalis Kamburelis.

This file is part of "Castle Game Engine".

"Castle Game Engine" is free software; see the file COPYING.txt, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright.

"Castle Game Engine" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



  • TObject
  • TList
  • TX3DNodeClassesList



Public procedure AssignArray( const AItemsArray: array of TX3DNodeClass);
Public function IndexOf(NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass): Integer; overload;
Public function IndexOf(Node: TX3DNode): Integer; overload;
Public function IndexOfAnyAncestor(Node: TX3DNode): Integer;
Public procedure Add(Value: TX3DNodeClass);


Public property Items[Index: Integer]: TX3DNodeClass read GetItems write SetItems;



Public procedure AssignArray( const AItemsArray: array of TX3DNodeClass);

This item has no description.

Public function IndexOf(NodeClass: TX3DNodeClass): Integer; overload;

This item has no description.

Public function IndexOf(Node: TX3DNode): Integer; overload;

Equivalent to IndexOf(NodeClass.ClassType), taking care of necessary typecasts.

Public function IndexOfAnyAncestor(Node: TX3DNode): Integer;

Looks for a node class that is ancestor of given Node, in other words that satisfies the Node is Items[Result] condition. Contrast this with IndexOf method, which looks only for an exact class match.

Returns -1 if not found.

Public procedure Add(Value: TX3DNodeClass);

This item has no description.


Public property Items[Index: Integer]: TX3DNodeClass read GetItems write SetItems;

This item has no description.

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