Class TCommonSurfaceShaderNode



type TCommonSurfaceShaderNode = class(TAbstractShaderNode)


Advanced material that can be heavily configured using textures (specular maps, normal maps and much more).




Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function ShininessFactorExp: Single;
Public function Transparency: Single;
Public function MaterialInfo: TMaterialInfo;
Public procedure CreateNode; override;
Public class function ClassX3DType: String; override;
Public procedure SetTextureTransformEnabled(const Value: array of boolean); overload;
Public procedure SetTextureTransformEnabled(const Value: TBooleanList); overload;


Public property FdAlphaFactor: TSFFloat read FFdAlphaFactor;
Public property AlphaFactor: Single read GetAlphaFactor write SetAlphaFactor;
Public property FdAlphaTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdAlphaTextureId;
Public property AlphaTextureId: Integer read GetAlphaTextureId write SetAlphaTextureId;
Public property FdAlphaTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdAlphaTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property AlphaTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetAlphaTextureCoordinatesId write SetAlphaTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdAlphaTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdAlphaTextureChannelMask;
Public property AlphaTextureChannelMask: String read GetAlphaTextureChannelMask write SetAlphaTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdAlphaTexture: TSFNode read FFdAlphaTexture;
Public property AlphaTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetAlphaTexture write SetAlphaTexture;
Public property FdAmbientFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdAmbientFactor;
Public property AmbientFactor: TVector3 read GetAmbientFactor write SetAmbientFactor;
Public property FdAmbientTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdAmbientTextureId;
Public property AmbientTextureId: Integer read GetAmbientTextureId write SetAmbientTextureId;
Public property FdAmbientTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdAmbientTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property AmbientTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetAmbientTextureCoordinatesId write SetAmbientTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdAmbientTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdAmbientTextureChannelMask;
Public property AmbientTextureChannelMask: String read GetAmbientTextureChannelMask write SetAmbientTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdAmbientTexture: TSFNode read FFdAmbientTexture;
Public property AmbientTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetAmbientTexture write SetAmbientTexture;
Public property FdDiffuseFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdDiffuseFactor;
Public property DiffuseFactor: TVector3 read GetDiffuseFactor write SetDiffuseFactor;
Public property FdDiffuseTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdDiffuseTextureId;
Public property DiffuseTextureId: Integer read GetDiffuseTextureId write SetDiffuseTextureId;
Public property FdDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property DiffuseTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId write SetDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdDiffuseTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdDiffuseTextureChannelMask;
Public property DiffuseTextureChannelMask: String read GetDiffuseTextureChannelMask write SetDiffuseTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdDiffuseTexture: TSFNode read FFdDiffuseTexture;
Public property DiffuseTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetDiffuseTexture write SetDiffuseTexture;
Public property FdDiffuseDisplacementTexture: TSFNode read FFdDiffuseDisplacementTexture;
Public property DiffuseDisplacementTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetDiffuseDisplacementTexture write SetDiffuseDisplacementTexture;
Public property FdDisplacementAxis: TSFString read FFdDisplacementAxis;
Public property DisplacementAxis: String read GetDisplacementAxis write SetDisplacementAxis;
Public property FdDisplacementFactor: TSFFloat read FFdDisplacementFactor;
Public property DisplacementFactor: Single read GetDisplacementFactor write SetDisplacementFactor;
Public property FdDisplacementTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdDisplacementTextureId;
Public property DisplacementTextureId: Integer read GetDisplacementTextureId write SetDisplacementTextureId;
Public property FdDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property DisplacementTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId write SetDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdDisplacementTexture: TSFNode read FFdDisplacementTexture;
Public property DisplacementTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetDisplacementTexture write SetDisplacementTexture;
Public property FdEmissiveFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdEmissiveFactor;
Public property EmissiveFactor: TVector3 read GetEmissiveFactor write SetEmissiveFactor;
Public property FdEmissiveTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdEmissiveTextureId;
Public property EmissiveTextureId: Integer read GetEmissiveTextureId write SetEmissiveTextureId;
Public property FdEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property EmissiveTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId write SetEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdEmissiveTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdEmissiveTextureChannelMask;
Public property EmissiveTextureChannelMask: String read GetEmissiveTextureChannelMask write SetEmissiveTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdEmissiveTexture: TSFNode read FFdEmissiveTexture;
Public property EmissiveTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetEmissiveTexture write SetEmissiveTexture;
Public property FdEnvironmentFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdEnvironmentFactor;
Public property EnvironmentFactor: TVector3 read GetEnvironmentFactor write SetEnvironmentFactor;
Public property FdEnvironmentTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdEnvironmentTextureId;
Public property EnvironmentTextureId: Integer read GetEnvironmentTextureId write SetEnvironmentTextureId;
Public property FdEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property EnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId write SetEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdEnvironmentTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdEnvironmentTextureChannelMask;
Public property EnvironmentTextureChannelMask: String read GetEnvironmentTextureChannelMask write SetEnvironmentTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdEnvironmentTexture: TSFNode read FFdEnvironmentTexture;
Public property EnvironmentTexture: TAbstractEnvironmentTextureNode read GetEnvironmentTexture write SetEnvironmentTexture;
Public property FdMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture;
Public property MultiDiffuseAlphaTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture write SetMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture;
Public property FdMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture;
Public property MultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture write SetMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture;
Public property FdMultiSpecularShininessTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiSpecularShininessTexture;
Public property MultiSpecularShininessTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiSpecularShininessTexture write SetMultiSpecularShininessTexture;
Public property FdMultiVisibilityTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiVisibilityTexture;
Public property MultiVisibilityTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiVisibilityTexture write SetMultiVisibilityTexture;
Public property FdNormalFormat: TSFString read FFdNormalFormat;
Public property NormalFormat: String read GetNormalFormat write SetNormalFormat;
Public property FdNormalSpace: TSFString read FFdNormalSpace;
Public property NormalSpace: String read GetNormalSpace write SetNormalSpace;
Public property FdNormalTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdNormalTextureId;
Public property NormalTextureId: Integer read GetNormalTextureId write SetNormalTextureId;
Public property FdNormalTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdNormalTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property NormalTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetNormalTextureCoordinatesId write SetNormalTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdNormalTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdNormalTextureChannelMask;
Public property NormalTextureChannelMask: String read GetNormalTextureChannelMask write SetNormalTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdNormalScale: TSFVec3f read FFdNormalScale;
Public property NormalScale: TVector3 read GetNormalScale write SetNormalScale;
Public property FdNormalBias: TSFVec3f read FFdNormalBias;
Public property NormalBias: TVector3 read GetNormalBias write SetNormalBias;
Public property FdNormalTexture: TSFNode read FFdNormalTexture;
Public property NormalTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetNormalTexture write SetNormalTexture;
Public property FdNormalTextureParallaxHeight: TSFFloat read FFdNormalTextureParallaxHeight;
Public property NormalTextureParallaxHeight: Single read GetNormalTextureParallaxHeight write SetNormalTextureParallaxHeight;
Public property FdReflectionFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdReflectionFactor;
Public property ReflectionFactor: TVector3 read GetReflectionFactor write SetReflectionFactor;
Public property FdReflectionTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdReflectionTextureId;
Public property ReflectionTextureId: Integer read GetReflectionTextureId write SetReflectionTextureId;
Public property FdReflectionTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdReflectionTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property ReflectionTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetReflectionTextureCoordinatesId write SetReflectionTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdReflectionTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdReflectionTextureChannelMask;
Public property ReflectionTextureChannelMask: String read GetReflectionTextureChannelMask write SetReflectionTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdReflectionTexture: TSFNode read FFdReflectionTexture;
Public property ReflectionTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetReflectionTexture write SetReflectionTexture;
Public property FdShininessFactor: TSFFloat read FFdShininessFactor;
Public property ShininessFactor: Single read GetShininessFactor write SetShininessFactor;
Public property FdShininessTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdShininessTextureId;
Public property ShininessTextureId: Integer read GetShininessTextureId write SetShininessTextureId;
Public property FdShininessTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdShininessTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property ShininessTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetShininessTextureCoordinatesId write SetShininessTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdShininessTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdShininessTextureChannelMask;
Public property ShininessTextureChannelMask: String read GetShininessTextureChannelMask write SetShininessTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdShininessTexture: TSFNode read FFdShininessTexture;
Public property ShininessTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetShininessTexture write SetShininessTexture;
Public property FdSpecularFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdSpecularFactor;
Public property SpecularFactor: TVector3 read GetSpecularFactor write SetSpecularFactor;
Public property FdSpecularTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdSpecularTextureId;
Public property SpecularTextureId: Integer read GetSpecularTextureId write SetSpecularTextureId;
Public property FdSpecularTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdSpecularTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property SpecularTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetSpecularTextureCoordinatesId write SetSpecularTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdSpecularTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdSpecularTextureChannelMask;
Public property SpecularTextureChannelMask: String read GetSpecularTextureChannelMask write SetSpecularTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdSpecularTexture: TSFNode read FFdSpecularTexture;
Public property SpecularTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetSpecularTexture write SetSpecularTexture;
Public property FdTransmissionFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdTransmissionFactor;
Public property TransmissionFactor: TVector3 read GetTransmissionFactor write SetTransmissionFactor;
Public property FdTransmissionTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdTransmissionTextureId;
Public property TransmissionTextureId: Integer read GetTransmissionTextureId write SetTransmissionTextureId;
Public property FdTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property TransmissionTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId write SetTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdTransmissionTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdTransmissionTextureChannelMask;
Public property TransmissionTextureChannelMask: String read GetTransmissionTextureChannelMask write SetTransmissionTextureChannelMask;
Public property FdTransmissionTexture: TSFNode read FFdTransmissionTexture;
Public property TransmissionTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetTransmissionTexture write SetTransmissionTexture;
Public property FdTangentTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdTangentTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property TangentTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetTangentTextureCoordinatesId write SetTangentTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdBinormalTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdBinormalTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property BinormalTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetBinormalTextureCoordinatesId write SetBinormalTextureCoordinatesId;
Public property FdInvertAlphaTexture: TSFBool read FFdInvertAlphaTexture;
Public property InvertAlphaTexture: Boolean read GetInvertAlphaTexture write SetInvertAlphaTexture;
Public property FdRelativeIndexOfRefraction: TSFFloat read FFdRelativeIndexOfRefraction;
Public property RelativeIndexOfRefraction: Single read GetRelativeIndexOfRefraction write SetRelativeIndexOfRefraction;
Public property FdFresnelBlend: TSFFloat read FFdFresnelBlend;
Public property FresnelBlend: Single read GetFresnelBlend write SetFresnelBlend;
Public property FdTextureTransformEnabled: TMFBool read FFdTextureTransformEnabled;



Public destructor Destroy; override;

This item has no description.

Public function ShininessFactorExp: Single;

Shininess expressed as an exponent for shading equations. This is just ShininessFactor * 128.

Public function Transparency: Single;

Transparency determined by the AlphaFactor. This is just 1 - AlphaFactor.

Public function MaterialInfo: TMaterialInfo;

Material information based on this node. It is automatically updated when properties of this material change. Do not free it yourself, it will be automatically freed when this node is freed.

Public procedure CreateNode; override;

Create node fields and events.

Public class function ClassX3DType: String; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TX3DNode.ClassX3DType.

Node type name in VRML/X3D, for this class. Normal VRML/X3D node classes should override this to return something non-empty, and then X3DType automatically will return the same value.

Empty for classes that don't have a hardcoded VRML/X3D node name, like a special TX3DUnknownNode. Such special classes should override then X3DType to return actual non-empty name there.

You usually should call X3DType. The only use of this method is that it works on classes (it's "class function"), without needing at actual instance.

Public procedure SetTextureTransformEnabled(const Value: array of boolean); overload;

This item has no description.

Public procedure SetTextureTransformEnabled(const Value: TBooleanList); overload;

This item has no description.


Public property FdAlphaFactor: TSFFloat read FFdAlphaFactor;

Internal wrapper for property AlphaFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AlphaFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AlphaFactor: Single read GetAlphaFactor write SetAlphaFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAlphaTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdAlphaTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property AlphaTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AlphaTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AlphaTextureId: Integer read GetAlphaTextureId write SetAlphaTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAlphaTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdAlphaTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property AlphaTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AlphaTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AlphaTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetAlphaTextureCoordinatesId write SetAlphaTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAlphaTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdAlphaTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property AlphaTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AlphaTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AlphaTextureChannelMask: String read GetAlphaTextureChannelMask write SetAlphaTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAlphaTexture: TSFNode read FFdAlphaTexture;

Internal wrapper for property AlphaTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AlphaTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AlphaTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetAlphaTexture write SetAlphaTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAmbientFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdAmbientFactor;

Internal wrapper for property AmbientFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AmbientFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AmbientFactor: TVector3 read GetAmbientFactor write SetAmbientFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAmbientTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdAmbientTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property AmbientTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AmbientTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AmbientTextureId: Integer read GetAmbientTextureId write SetAmbientTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAmbientTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdAmbientTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property AmbientTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AmbientTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AmbientTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetAmbientTextureCoordinatesId write SetAmbientTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAmbientTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdAmbientTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property AmbientTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AmbientTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AmbientTextureChannelMask: String read GetAmbientTextureChannelMask write SetAmbientTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdAmbientTexture: TSFNode read FFdAmbientTexture;

Internal wrapper for property AmbientTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler AmbientTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property AmbientTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetAmbientTexture write SetAmbientTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDiffuseFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdDiffuseFactor;

Internal wrapper for property DiffuseFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DiffuseFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DiffuseFactor: TVector3 read GetDiffuseFactor write SetDiffuseFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDiffuseTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdDiffuseTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property DiffuseTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DiffuseTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DiffuseTextureId: Integer read GetDiffuseTextureId write SetDiffuseTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property DiffuseTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DiffuseTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DiffuseTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId write SetDiffuseTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDiffuseTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdDiffuseTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property DiffuseTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DiffuseTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DiffuseTextureChannelMask: String read GetDiffuseTextureChannelMask write SetDiffuseTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDiffuseTexture: TSFNode read FFdDiffuseTexture;

Internal wrapper for property DiffuseTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DiffuseTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DiffuseTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetDiffuseTexture write SetDiffuseTexture;

The texture controlling the diffuse color, multiplied by DiffuseFactor.

Public property FdDiffuseDisplacementTexture: TSFNode read FFdDiffuseDisplacementTexture;

Internal wrapper for property DiffuseDisplacementTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DiffuseDisplacementTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DiffuseDisplacementTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetDiffuseDisplacementTexture write SetDiffuseDisplacementTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDisplacementAxis: TSFString read FFdDisplacementAxis;

Internal wrapper for property DisplacementAxis. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DisplacementAxis instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DisplacementAxis: String read GetDisplacementAxis write SetDisplacementAxis;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDisplacementFactor: TSFFloat read FFdDisplacementFactor;

Internal wrapper for property DisplacementFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DisplacementFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DisplacementFactor: Single read GetDisplacementFactor write SetDisplacementFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDisplacementTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdDisplacementTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property DisplacementTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DisplacementTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DisplacementTextureId: Integer read GetDisplacementTextureId write SetDisplacementTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property DisplacementTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DisplacementTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DisplacementTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId write SetDisplacementTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdDisplacementTexture: TSFNode read FFdDisplacementTexture;

Internal wrapper for property DisplacementTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler DisplacementTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property DisplacementTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetDisplacementTexture write SetDisplacementTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEmissiveFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdEmissiveFactor;

Internal wrapper for property EmissiveFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EmissiveFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EmissiveFactor: TVector3 read GetEmissiveFactor write SetEmissiveFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEmissiveTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdEmissiveTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property EmissiveTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EmissiveTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EmissiveTextureId: Integer read GetEmissiveTextureId write SetEmissiveTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property EmissiveTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EmissiveTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EmissiveTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId write SetEmissiveTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEmissiveTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdEmissiveTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property EmissiveTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EmissiveTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EmissiveTextureChannelMask: String read GetEmissiveTextureChannelMask write SetEmissiveTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEmissiveTexture: TSFNode read FFdEmissiveTexture;

Internal wrapper for property EmissiveTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EmissiveTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EmissiveTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetEmissiveTexture write SetEmissiveTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEnvironmentFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdEnvironmentFactor;

Internal wrapper for property EnvironmentFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EnvironmentFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EnvironmentFactor: TVector3 read GetEnvironmentFactor write SetEnvironmentFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEnvironmentTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdEnvironmentTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property EnvironmentTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EnvironmentTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EnvironmentTextureId: Integer read GetEnvironmentTextureId write SetEnvironmentTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property EnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId write SetEnvironmentTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEnvironmentTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdEnvironmentTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property EnvironmentTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EnvironmentTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EnvironmentTextureChannelMask: String read GetEnvironmentTextureChannelMask write SetEnvironmentTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdEnvironmentTexture: TSFNode read FFdEnvironmentTexture;

Internal wrapper for property EnvironmentTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler EnvironmentTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property EnvironmentTexture: TAbstractEnvironmentTextureNode read GetEnvironmentTexture write SetEnvironmentTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture;

Internal wrapper for property MultiDiffuseAlphaTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler MultiDiffuseAlphaTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property MultiDiffuseAlphaTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture write SetMultiDiffuseAlphaTexture;

The texture controlling the diffuse (rgb) and alpha (alpha channel). Diffuse color is multiplied by DiffuseFactor, alpha is (or rather: should be) multiplied by AlphaFactor.

Public property FdMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture;

Internal wrapper for property MultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler MultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property MultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture write SetMultiEmmisiveAmbientIntensityTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdMultiSpecularShininessTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiSpecularShininessTexture;

Internal wrapper for property MultiSpecularShininessTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler MultiSpecularShininessTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property MultiSpecularShininessTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiSpecularShininessTexture write SetMultiSpecularShininessTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdMultiVisibilityTexture: TSFNode read FFdMultiVisibilityTexture;

Internal wrapper for property MultiVisibilityTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler MultiVisibilityTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property MultiVisibilityTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetMultiVisibilityTexture write SetMultiVisibilityTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalFormat: TSFString read FFdNormalFormat;

Internal wrapper for property NormalFormat. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalFormat instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalFormat: String read GetNormalFormat write SetNormalFormat;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalSpace: TSFString read FFdNormalSpace;

Internal wrapper for property NormalSpace. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalSpace instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalSpace: String read GetNormalSpace write SetNormalSpace;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdNormalTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property NormalTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalTextureId: Integer read GetNormalTextureId write SetNormalTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdNormalTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property NormalTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetNormalTextureCoordinatesId write SetNormalTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdNormalTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property NormalTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalTextureChannelMask: String read GetNormalTextureChannelMask write SetNormalTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalScale: TSFVec3f read FFdNormalScale;

Internal wrapper for property NormalScale. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalScale instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalScale: TVector3 read GetNormalScale write SetNormalScale;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalBias: TSFVec3f read FFdNormalBias;

Internal wrapper for property NormalBias. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalBias instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalBias: TVector3 read GetNormalBias write SetNormalBias;

This item has no description.

Public property FdNormalTexture: TSFNode read FFdNormalTexture;

Internal wrapper for property NormalTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetNormalTexture write SetNormalTexture;

Normalmap for bump mapping (the texture controlling the normals).

Public property FdNormalTextureParallaxHeight: TSFFloat read FFdNormalTextureParallaxHeight;

Internal wrapper for property NormalTextureParallaxHeight. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NormalTextureParallaxHeight instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property NormalTextureParallaxHeight: Single read GetNormalTextureParallaxHeight write SetNormalTextureParallaxHeight;

This item has no description.

Public property FdReflectionFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdReflectionFactor;

Internal wrapper for property ReflectionFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ReflectionFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ReflectionFactor: TVector3 read GetReflectionFactor write SetReflectionFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdReflectionTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdReflectionTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property ReflectionTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ReflectionTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ReflectionTextureId: Integer read GetReflectionTextureId write SetReflectionTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdReflectionTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdReflectionTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property ReflectionTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ReflectionTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ReflectionTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetReflectionTextureCoordinatesId write SetReflectionTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdReflectionTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdReflectionTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property ReflectionTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ReflectionTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ReflectionTextureChannelMask: String read GetReflectionTextureChannelMask write SetReflectionTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdReflectionTexture: TSFNode read FFdReflectionTexture;

Internal wrapper for property ReflectionTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ReflectionTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ReflectionTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetReflectionTexture write SetReflectionTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdShininessFactor: TSFFloat read FFdShininessFactor;

Internal wrapper for property ShininessFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ShininessFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ShininessFactor: Single read GetShininessFactor write SetShininessFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdShininessTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdShininessTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property ShininessTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ShininessTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ShininessTextureId: Integer read GetShininessTextureId write SetShininessTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdShininessTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdShininessTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property ShininessTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ShininessTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ShininessTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetShininessTextureCoordinatesId write SetShininessTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdShininessTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdShininessTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property ShininessTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ShininessTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ShininessTextureChannelMask: String read GetShininessTextureChannelMask write SetShininessTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdShininessTexture: TSFNode read FFdShininessTexture;

Internal wrapper for property ShininessTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler ShininessTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property ShininessTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetShininessTexture write SetShininessTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdSpecularFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdSpecularFactor;

Internal wrapper for property SpecularFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler SpecularFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property SpecularFactor: TVector3 read GetSpecularFactor write SetSpecularFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdSpecularTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdSpecularTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property SpecularTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler SpecularTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property SpecularTextureId: Integer read GetSpecularTextureId write SetSpecularTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdSpecularTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdSpecularTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property SpecularTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler SpecularTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property SpecularTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetSpecularTextureCoordinatesId write SetSpecularTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdSpecularTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdSpecularTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property SpecularTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler SpecularTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property SpecularTextureChannelMask: String read GetSpecularTextureChannelMask write SetSpecularTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdSpecularTexture: TSFNode read FFdSpecularTexture;

Internal wrapper for property SpecularTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler SpecularTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property SpecularTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetSpecularTexture write SetSpecularTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTransmissionFactor: TSFVec3f read FFdTransmissionFactor;

Internal wrapper for property TransmissionFactor. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TransmissionFactor instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property TransmissionFactor: TVector3 read GetTransmissionFactor write SetTransmissionFactor;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTransmissionTextureId: TSFInt32 read FFdTransmissionTextureId;

Internal wrapper for property TransmissionTextureId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TransmissionTextureId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property TransmissionTextureId: Integer read GetTransmissionTextureId write SetTransmissionTextureId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property TransmissionTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TransmissionTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property TransmissionTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId write SetTransmissionTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTransmissionTextureChannelMask: TSFString read FFdTransmissionTextureChannelMask;

Internal wrapper for property TransmissionTextureChannelMask. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TransmissionTextureChannelMask instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property TransmissionTextureChannelMask: String read GetTransmissionTextureChannelMask write SetTransmissionTextureChannelMask;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTransmissionTexture: TSFNode read FFdTransmissionTexture;

Internal wrapper for property TransmissionTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TransmissionTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property TransmissionTexture: TAbstractTextureNode read GetTransmissionTexture write SetTransmissionTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTangentTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdTangentTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property TangentTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TangentTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property TangentTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetTangentTextureCoordinatesId write SetTangentTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdBinormalTextureCoordinatesId: TSFInt32 read FFdBinormalTextureCoordinatesId;

Internal wrapper for property BinormalTextureCoordinatesId. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler BinormalTextureCoordinatesId instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property BinormalTextureCoordinatesId: Integer read GetBinormalTextureCoordinatesId write SetBinormalTextureCoordinatesId;

This item has no description.

Public property FdInvertAlphaTexture: TSFBool read FFdInvertAlphaTexture;

Internal wrapper for property InvertAlphaTexture. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler InvertAlphaTexture instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property InvertAlphaTexture: Boolean read GetInvertAlphaTexture write SetInvertAlphaTexture;

This item has no description.

Public property FdRelativeIndexOfRefraction: TSFFloat read FFdRelativeIndexOfRefraction;

Internal wrapper for property RelativeIndexOfRefraction. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler RelativeIndexOfRefraction instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property RelativeIndexOfRefraction: Single read GetRelativeIndexOfRefraction write SetRelativeIndexOfRefraction;

This item has no description.

Public property FdFresnelBlend: TSFFloat read FFdFresnelBlend;

Internal wrapper for property FresnelBlend. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler FresnelBlend instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Public property FresnelBlend: Single read GetFresnelBlend write SetFresnelBlend;

This item has no description.

Public property FdTextureTransformEnabled: TMFBool read FFdTextureTransformEnabled;

Internal wrapper for property TextureTransformEnabled. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler TextureTransformEnabled instead, if it is defined (TODO: for now, some field types do not have a simpler counterpart).

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.