Record TRenderStatistics




type TRenderStatistics = record


Statistics about what was rendered during last frame. You will usually access this by viewport property, see TCastleViewport.Statistics.



Public ShapesRendered: Cardinal;
Public ShapesVisible: Cardinal;
Public ShapesRenderedBlending: Cardinal;
Public BoxesOcclusionQueriedCount: Cardinal;
Public ScenesRendered: Cardinal;
Public ScenesVisible: Cardinal;
Public DrawCalls: Cardinal;


Public function ToString: String;



Public ShapesRendered: Cardinal;

How many shapes were rendered (send to OpenGL) versus all shapes that were potentially visible. Potentially visible shapes are the ones with TShape.Visible inside a TCastleTransform with TCastleTransform.Exists.

When ShapesRendered is much smaller than ShapesVisible, it means that various algorithm(s) designed to reject invisible scene parts do a good job. This includes per-shape frustum culling (TCastleScene.ShapeFrustumCulling), distance culling (TCastleScene.DistanceCulling), occlusion culling (see TCastleViewport.OcclusionCulling).

Public ShapesVisible: Cardinal;

How many shapes were rendered (send to OpenGL) versus all shapes that were potentially visible. Potentially visible shapes are the ones with TShape.Visible inside a TCastleTransform with TCastleTransform.Exists.

When ShapesRendered is much smaller than ShapesVisible, it means that various algorithm(s) designed to reject invisible scene parts do a good job. This includes per-shape frustum culling (TCastleScene.ShapeFrustumCulling), distance culling (TCastleScene.DistanceCulling), occlusion culling (see TCastleViewport.OcclusionCulling).

Public ShapesRenderedBlending: Cardinal;

Subset of shapes counted in ShapesRendered that have been rendered using blending (partial transparency).

Public BoxesOcclusionQueriedCount: Cardinal;

The number of shapes that were not rendered, but their bounding box was rendered to check occlusion culling. This is always zero when not using occlusion culling (TCastleViewport.OcclusionCulling). Basically, this measures the "invisible overhead" of occlusion culling.

Public ScenesRendered: Cardinal;

TCastleScene rendered vs all visible.

Public ScenesVisible: Cardinal;

TCastleScene rendered vs all visible.

Public DrawCalls: Cardinal;

Draw calls done, in case of OpenGL this literally counts the number of calls to glDrawElements and glDrawArrays.


Public function ToString: String;

Present the statistics information as a string (without any newlines). Display it e.g. by assigning to TCastleLabel.Caption.

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0-snapshot.