Class TIfcGeometricRepresentationContext



type TIfcGeometricRepresentationContext = class(TIfcRepresentationContext)


Context that applies to several shape representations of products within a project.




Public nested const TypeModel = 'Model';
Public nested const TypePlan = 'Plan';
Public nested const TypeNotDefined = 'NotDefined';


Protected function WantsGlobalId: Boolean; override;
Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Published property CoordinateSpaceDimension: TIfcDimensionCount read FCoordinateSpaceDimension write FCoordinateSpaceDimension;
Published property Precision: TIfcReal read FPrecision write FPrecision;
Published property WorldCoordinateSystem: TIfcAxis2Placement read FWorldCoordinateSystem write FWorldCoordinateSystem;
Published property TrueNorth: TIfcDirection read FTrueNorth write FTrueNorth;
Published property HasSubContexts: TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContextList read FHasSubContexts;
Published property HasCoordinateOperation: TIfcCoordinateOperation read FHasCoordinateOperation write FHasCoordinateOperation;



Public nested const TypeModel = 'Model';

The following values for ContextType are limited to these 3 constants for TIfcGeometricRepresentationContext.

Public nested const TypePlan = 'Plan';

This item has no description.

Public nested const TypeNotDefined = 'NotDefined';

This item has no description.


Protected function WantsGlobalId: Boolean; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TIfcPersistent.WantsGlobalId.

If True, instances of this class will have GlobalId auto-assigned at saving, and they will be saved as part of the "data" list in IFC JSON files.

Strictly following the spec, this should be only defined for TIfcRoot, because only IfcRoot has GlobalId. In reality, we need GlobalId at TIfcPersistent to load some files, and we sometimes need WantsGlobalId = True to save some files.

Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

This item has no description.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

This item has no description.


Published property CoordinateSpaceDimension: TIfcDimensionCount read FCoordinateSpaceDimension write FCoordinateSpaceDimension;

The integer dimension count of the coordinate space modeled in a geometric representation context.

Published property Precision: TIfcReal read FPrecision write FPrecision;

Value of the model precision for geometric models.

Published property WorldCoordinateSystem: TIfcAxis2Placement read FWorldCoordinateSystem write FWorldCoordinateSystem;

Establishment of the engineering coordinate system (often referred to as the world coordinate system in CAD) for all representation contexts used by the project.

Published property TrueNorth: TIfcDirection read FTrueNorth write FTrueNorth;

Direction of the true north, or geographic northing direction, relative to the underlying project coordinate system.

Published property HasSubContexts: TIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContextList read FHasSubContexts;

The set of IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContexts that refer to this IfcGeometricRepresentationContext.

Published property HasCoordinateOperation: TIfcCoordinateOperation read FHasCoordinateOperation write FHasCoordinateOperation;

Indicates conversion between coordinate systems.

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