Class TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator



type TIfcCartesianTransformationOperator = class abstract(TIfcRepresentationItem)


An abstract supertype of different kinds of geometric transformations.





Protected function Scl: Single;
Protected function Scl2: Single; virtual;
Protected function Scl3: Single; virtual;
Protected function Axis1Vector: TVector3;
Protected function Axis2Vector: TVector3;
Protected function Axis3Vector: TVector3; virtual;
Public procedure GetTransform(out Translation: TVector3; out Rotation: TVector4; out AScale: TVector3); virtual;


Published property Axis1: TIfcDirection read FAxis1 write FAxis1;
Published property Axis2: TIfcDirection read FAxis2 write FAxis2;
Published property LocalOrigin: TIfcCartesianPoint read FLocalOrigin write FLocalOrigin;
Published property Scale: TIfcReal read FScale write FScale;



Protected function Scl: Single;

The derived scale of the transformation, equal to scale if that is non-zero (it is zero if not specified in file), or 1.0 otherwise.

Protected function Scl2: Single; virtual;

The derived scale of the transformation along the axis 2 (normally the y axis).

Protected function Scl3: Single; virtual;

The derived scale of the transformation along the axis 3 (normally the z axis).

Protected function Axis1Vector: TVector3;

This item has no description.

Protected function Axis2Vector: TVector3;

This item has no description.

Protected function Axis3Vector: TVector3; virtual;

This item has no description.

Public procedure GetTransform(out Translation: TVector3; out Rotation: TVector4; out AScale: TVector3); virtual;

This item has no description.


Published property Axis1: TIfcDirection read FAxis1 write FAxis1;

The direction used to determine U[1], the derived X axis direction.

Published property Axis2: TIfcDirection read FAxis2 write FAxis2;

The direction used to determine U[2], the derived Y axis direction.

Published property LocalOrigin: TIfcCartesianPoint read FLocalOrigin write FLocalOrigin;

The required translation, specified as a cartesian point. The actual translation included in the transformation is from the geometric origin to the local origin.

Published property Scale: TIfcReal read FScale write FScale;

The scaling value specified for the transformation.

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