Packed Record TGenericVector3
type TGenericVector3 = packed record
Vector of 3 floating-point values.
This is generic type (although not using "proper" Pascal generics for implementation reasons). In has two actual uses:
TVector3, a vector of 3 Single values (floats with single precision),
TVector3Double, a vector of 3 Double values (floats with double precision).
The actual type of TGenericScalar is Single or Double for (respectively) TVector3 or TVector3Double.
Nested Types
class operator + (const A, B: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class operator - (const A, B: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class operator - (const V: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class operator * (const V: TGenericVector3; const Scalar: TGenericScalar): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class operator * (const Scalar: TGenericScalar; const V: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class operator * (const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class operator / (const V: TGenericVector3; const Scalar: TGenericScalar): TGenericVector3; inline; |
procedure Init(const AX, AY, AZ: TGenericScalar); inline; deprecated 'initialize instead like "V := Vector3(X, Y, Z)"; modifying a temporary record value is a trap, e.g. this is not reliable: "Scene.Translation.Init(X, Y, Z)"'; |
function ToString: string; |
function ToRawString(const FloatFormat: String = '%g'): string; |
function Normalize: TGenericVector3; inline; |
procedure NormalizeMe; inline; deprecated 'normalize instead like "V := V.Normalize"; modifying a temporary record value is a trap, e.g. this is not reliable: "Scene.Translation.NormalizeMe"'; |
function Length: TGenericScalar; inline; |
function LengthSqr: TGenericScalar; inline; |
function AdjustToLength(const NewLength: TGenericScalar): TGenericVector3; inline; |
class function CrossProduct(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; static; inline; |
class function DotProduct(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): TGenericScalar; static; inline; |
function Abs: TGenericVector3; inline; |
function Min: TGenericScalar; |
function Max: TGenericScalar; |
function Average: TGenericScalar; inline; |
function IsZero: boolean; overload; inline; |
function IsZero(const Epsilon: TGenericScalar): boolean; overload; inline; |
function IsPerfectlyZero: boolean; inline; |
class function Equals(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): boolean; overload; inline; static; |
class function Equals(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3; const Epsilon: TGenericScalar): boolean; overload; inline; static; |
class function PerfectlyEquals(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): boolean; static; inline; |
class function Lerp(const A: TGenericScalar; const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; static; inline; |
class function Zero: TGenericVector3; static; inline; |
Nested Types
TIndex = 0..Count - 1; |
This item has no description. |
nested const Count = 3; |
This item has no description. |
class operator * (const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; inline; |
Vector * vector makes a component-wise multiplication. This is consistent with GLSL and other vector APIs.
procedure Init(const AX, AY, AZ: TGenericScalar); inline; deprecated 'initialize instead like "V := Vector3(X, Y, Z)"; modifying a temporary record value is a trap, e.g. this is not reliable: "Scene.Translation.Init(X, Y, Z)"'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: initialize instead like "V := Vector3(X, Y, Z)"; modifying a temporary record value is a trap, e.g. this is not reliable: "Scene.Translation.Init(X, Y, Z)" This item has no description. |
function ToString: string; |
This item has no description. |
function ToRawString(const FloatFormat: String = '%g'): string; |
Convert to string using the most precise (not always easily readable by humans) float format. This may use the exponential (scientific) notation to represent the floating-point value, if needed.
You can pass, as parameter, the format to use. By default it is '%g', "general number format" with maximum precision documented on .
This is suitable for storing the value in a file, with a best precision possible.
procedure NormalizeMe; inline; deprecated 'normalize instead like "V := V.Normalize"; modifying a temporary record value is a trap, e.g. this is not reliable: "Scene.Translation.NormalizeMe"'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: normalize instead like "V := V.Normalize"; modifying a temporary record value is a trap, e.g. this is not reliable: "Scene.Translation.NormalizeMe" This item has no description. |
function Length: TGenericScalar; inline; |
This item has no description. |
function LengthSqr: TGenericScalar; inline; |
Vector length squared. This is slightly faster than Length as it avoids calculating a square root along the way. (But, please remember to not optimize your code without a need. Optimize only parts that are proven bottlenecks, otherwise don't make the code less readable for the sake of speed.)
function AdjustToLength(const NewLength: TGenericScalar): TGenericVector3; inline; |
Calculate a new vector scaled so that it has length equal to NewLength. NewLength may be negative, in which case we'll negate the vector and then adjust it's length to Abs(NewLength).
class function CrossProduct(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): TGenericVector3; static; inline; |
Vector cross product. See .
Result is a vector orthogonal to both given vectors. Generally there are two such vectors, this method returns the one following right-hand rule. More precisely, V1, V2 and Product(V1, V2) are in the same relation as basic X, Y, Z axes. Reverse the order of arguments to get negated result.
If you use this to calculate a normal vector of a triangle (P0, P1, P2): note that TVector3.CrossProduct(P1 - P0, P1 - P2) points out from CCW triangle side in right-handed coordinate system.
When V1 and V2 are parallel (that is, when V1 = V2 multiplied by some scalar), and this includes the case when one of them is zero, then result is a zero vector.
function Average: TGenericScalar; inline; |
Average from all components.
function IsZero: boolean; overload; inline; |
Are all components equal to zero (within some epsilon margin).
function IsZero(const Epsilon: TGenericScalar): boolean; overload; inline; |
Are all components equal to zero (within Epsilon margin).
function IsPerfectlyZero: boolean; inline; |
This item has no description. |
class function Equals(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): boolean; overload; inline; static; |
Compare two vectors, with epsilon to tolerate slightly different floats.
class function Equals(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3; const Epsilon: TGenericScalar): boolean; overload; inline; static; |
This item has no description. |
class function PerfectlyEquals(const V1, V2: TGenericVector3): boolean; static; inline; |
Compare two vectors using exact comparison (like the "=" operator to compare floats).
class function Zero: TGenericVector3; static; inline; |
This item has no description. |
property AsArray [const Index: TIndex]: TGenericScalar read GetItems; |
Get vector components by index. This is a default property, so you can write MyVector[0] instead of MyVector.Data[0] or MyVector.AsArray[0] .
But note that this is not writeable (because exposing writeable properties on vectors would cause some subtle traps, see ). Use MyVector.Data[0] := 123.456 if you want to set by index, or MyVector.X := 123.456 .
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