Unit CastleScene
Rendering of scenes (TCastleScene).
- SysUtils
- Classes
- Generics.Collections
- CastleGL
- CastleVectors
- CastleBoxes
- X3DNodes
- CastleClassUtils
- CastleFonts
- CastleUtils
- CastleSceneCore
- CastleInternalBackgroundRenderer
- CastleGLUtils
- CastleInternalShapeOctree
- CastleInternalGLShadowVolumes
- X3DFields
- CastleTriangles
- CastleShapes
- CastleFrustum
- CastleTransform
- CastleGLShaders
- CastleRectangles
- CastleCameras
- CastleRendererInternalShader
- CastleColors
- CastleSceneInternalShape
- CastleInternalFileMonitor
- CastleRenderOptions
- CastleTimeUtils
- CastleImages
- CastleBehaviors
- CastleInternalShapesRenderer
- CastleSceneInternalBlending
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class TCastleScene |
Complete loading, processing and rendering of a scene. |
Class TCastleSceneList |
Class TCastleRootTransform |
Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene). |
Class TCastleAbstractPrimitive |
Base class to express primitives that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
Class TCastleText |
Text that is displayed and transformed as TCastleTransform, inside TCastleViewport, and can be manipulated in 3D. |
Class TCastleBox |
Box with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleSphere |
Sphere with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastlePlane |
Plane with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleCone |
Cone with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleCylinder |
Cylinder with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleImageTransform |
Image (that you can place within TCastleViewport) with configurable size and repeat. |
Class TCastleBackground |
Background, a skybox with a color gradient to represent sky and ground behind. |
Class TCastleFog |
Control fog in 3D world. |
Class TCastleAbstractLight |
Base class to express lights that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
Class TCastlePunctualLight |
Ancestor class for all punctual lights: point, spot, directional. |
Class TCastlePointLight |
Point light is a point in 3D space that shines uniformly in all directions. |
Class TCastleDirectionalLight |
Directional light shines along a direction in 3D space, simulating a light source far away (like a sun). |
Class TCastleSpotLight |
Spot light shines a cone of light, from a given location, along a direction (-Z in local coordinates). |
TBeforeShapeRenderProc = procedure (Shape: TShape) of object; |
TRenderingAttributesEvent = TCastleRenderOptionsEvent deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptionsEvent'; |
TSceneRenderingAttributes = TCastleRenderOptions deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptions'; |
TPrepareResourcesOption = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOption; |
TPrepareResourcesOptions = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOptions; |
TTransformOptimization = (...); |
TCastleSceneClass = class of TCastleScene; |
TTriangle4List = specialize TStructList<TTriangle4>; |
TUseHeadlight = (...); |
TPrimitiveMaterial = (...); |
InternalEnableRendering: Boolean = true; |
DynamicBatching: Boolean = false
deprecated 'use TCastleViewport.DynamicBatching'; |
TBeforeShapeRenderProc = procedure (Shape: TShape) of object; |
This item has no description. |
TRenderingAttributesEvent = TCastleRenderOptionsEvent deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptionsEvent'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleRenderOptionsEvent This item has no description. |
TSceneRenderingAttributes = TCastleRenderOptions deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptions'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleRenderOptions This item has no description. |
TPrepareResourcesOption = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOption; |
This item has no description. |
TPrepareResourcesOptions = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOptions; |
This item has no description. |
TTransformOptimization = (...); |
Possible values for TCastleScene.TransformOptimization. Values
TCastleSceneClass = class of TCastleScene; |
This item has no description. |
TTriangle4List = specialize TStructList<TTriangle4>; |
This item has no description. |
TUseHeadlight = (...); |
Possible value of TCastleRootTransform.UseHeadlight. Values
TPrimitiveMaterial = (...); |
Primitive material type, used by TCastleAbstractPrimitive.Material. Values
prRenderSelf = CastleTransform.prRenderSelf; |
This item has no description. |
prRenderClones = CastleTransform.prRenderClones; |
This item has no description. |
prBackground = CastleTransform.prBackground; |
This item has no description. |
prBoundingBox = CastleTransform.prBoundingBox; |
This item has no description. |
prShadowVolume = CastleTransform.prShadowVolume; |
This item has no description. |
weNormal = CastleRenderOptions.weNormal; |
This item has no description. |
weWireframeOnly = CastleRenderOptions.weWireframeOnly; |
This item has no description. |
weSolidWireframe = CastleRenderOptions.weSolidWireframe; |
This item has no description. |
weSilhouette = CastleRenderOptions.weSilhouette; |
This item has no description. |
InternalEnableRendering: Boolean = true; |
This item has no description. |
DynamicBatching: Boolean = false
deprecated 'use TCastleViewport.DynamicBatching'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleViewport.DynamicBatching This item has no description. |
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