Class TCastleZip



type TCastleZip = class(TObject)


A collection of files inside a ZIP archive.

Use this to:

  • Read ZIP files from any TStream or URL supported by Castle Game Engine.

    Example of reading:

      Zip: TCastleZip;
      Zip := TCastleZip.Create;
        MyStream := Zip.Read('level1/grass.png');
      finally FreeAndNil(Zip) end;

  • Modify and write ZIP files, consisting with above.

    TODO: For now, with FPC, ZIP can only be open for reading or writing (when OpenEmpty). So you cannot open existing ZIP and then modify it.

    TODO: Delphi version doesn't support writing yet, at all.

    Example of writing:

      Zip: TCastleZip;
      Zip := TCastleZip.Create;
        Zip.Write('level1/grass.png', 'file:///home/myuser/my_textures/level1/grass.png');
      finally FreeAndNil(Zip) end;

  • Optionally register a URL handler, to read files inside a ZIP archive by just accesing URL with the given prefix. See RegisterUrlProtocol for example.

    TODO: add write support this way too. For now, it only works for reading, when the ZIP was opened for reading.

  • Have uniform API for both FPC and Delphi (they have different support in their standard units).

Open a ZIP archive by Open. Later close it by Close. While the ZIP file is open, read files using Read, add files using Write.


  • TObject
  • TCastleZip



Public constructor Create;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Open(const Url: String); overload;
Public procedure Open(const Stream: TStream; const OwnsStream: boolean); overload;
Public procedure OpenEmpty;
Public procedure Close;
Public function IsOpen: Boolean;
Public function Read(const PathInZip: String): TStream;
Public procedure RegisterUrlProtocol(const Protocol: String);
Public procedure UnregisterUrlProtocol;
Public procedure Write(const PathInZip: String; const Stream: TStream; const OwnsStream: Boolean); overload;
Public procedure Write(const PathInZip: String; const Url: String); overload;
Public procedure Save(const Url: String);



Public constructor Create;

This item has no description.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

This item has no description.

Public procedure Open(const Url: String); overload;

Open the ZIP archive from given URL.

Depending on the implementation details, the opened ZIP file may need to exist on disk while we read from it, until we Close it.

Public procedure Open(const Stream: TStream; const OwnsStream: boolean); overload;

Open the ZIP archive from given TStream instance. The TStream instance must exist as long as the ZIP file is open. We can free it automatically at close if OwnsStream is True.

Public procedure OpenEmpty;

Create a new, empty ZIP archive in memory. You can then add files to it using Write and save it using Save.

Public procedure Close;

Close the ZIP archive. This releases all resources (avoids keeping in memory the ZIP contents), but afterwards you cannot Read files from ZIP anymore.

There's usually no need to call this, as the destructor or opening a new ZIP archive using Open will first close the existing archive. It is only useful if you want to release the resources related to your ZIP earlier, which is in turn only a concern if you really deal with huge (e.g. gigabytes) ZIP files.

Public function IsOpen: Boolean;

Was Open called and succeded (without any exception) and we didn't yet call Close.

Public function Read(const PathInZip: String): TStream;

Read a file from the ZIP archive. PathInZip should be a relative path within the zip archive, with parts separated by slashes, like 'images/my_image.png'.

The caller is responsible for freeing the returned stream.

The stream is positioned at the beginning, so you can read from it immediately.

The stream contents are guaranteed to be valid independently of the TCastleZip instance lifetime and independently of whether you will close the ZIP archive.

Public procedure RegisterUrlProtocol(const Protocol: String);

Register read handler for a given URL protocol, to access the ZIP contents by just reading from a given URL protocol using Download routine (or any routine on top of it).

For example, you can register a URL handler for 'my-textures' prefix:

  Zip: TCastleZip;
  Zip := TCastleZip.Create;
    MyStream := Download('my-textures:/level1/grass.png');
  finally FreeAndNil(Zip) end;

Full example usage in the examples/network/custom_url_handler.

ZIP doesn't have to be IsOpen when calling this. In fact, you can close and reopen the ZIP file while the URL handler continues to be registered. But it has to be open when you actually read using the indicated URL protocol.

Public procedure UnregisterUrlProtocol;

Unregister the URL protocol handler registered by RegisterUrlProtocol. This is automatically done when destroying the TCastleZip instance.

Public procedure Write(const PathInZip: String; const Stream: TStream; const OwnsStream: Boolean); overload;

Create a new file entry inside the ZIP. If the given path already existed in the ZIP, it is overwritten.

There are 2 overloads, one taking a TStream and one taking a URL of the file to be added.

  • For overload with URL:

    We will read the URL contents and add them to the ZIP.

    We will also use some of the "metadata" of the URL, which in practice now means: if the URL indicates a local file, we will look at the file modification time and Unix permissions and store them alongside the ZIP entry.

  • For overload with TStream:

    We expect the provided stream to be positioned at the beginning, and we will read from it until the end. We assume nothing about the given TStream, in particular we don't assume that it is seekable, we don't assume it has useful TStream.Size. We will process it using ReadGrowingStream.

    Note that there's no way to provide the "metadata" of the file (like file modification, Unix permissions) when you provide a stream. For this reason we advise to use the overload with URL whenever possible.

    When OwnsStream, we will take care of freeing the Stream. The work may be more efficient then (because when OwnsStream=false we may have to do a copy of stream, to have it available for later), so use OwnsStream = True when possible.

After this is called, the new file entry appears in the FileList.

The ZIP archive is not saved to disk until you call Save. If you call Close without calling Save, the changes are lost. Save is never called automatically.

Public procedure Write(const PathInZip: String; const Url: String); overload;

This item has no description.

Public procedure Save(const Url: String);

Save the currently open ZIP archive (with all modificaiotns done by Write) to the given URL.

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