Class TIfcProductRepresentation



type TIfcProductRepresentation = class abstract(TIfcPersistent)


Representation of a product, including its (geometric or topological) representation. A product can have zero, one or many geometric representations.



  • TObject
  • TPersistent
  • TComponent
  • TIfcPersistent
  • TIfcProductRepresentation



Protected function WantsGlobalId: Boolean; override;
Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function BuildNode(const Mapping: TCastleIfcMapping; const ParentProduct: TIfcProduct; const LitAppearance, UnlitAppearance: TAppearanceNode): TAbstractChildNode;


Published property Name: TIfcLabel read FName write FName;
Published property Description: TIfcText read FDescription write FDescription;
Published property Representations: TIfcRepresentationList read FRepresentations;



Protected function WantsGlobalId: Boolean; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TIfcPersistent.WantsGlobalId.

If True, instances of this class will have GlobalId auto-assigned at saving, and they will be saved as part of the "data" list in IFC JSON files.

Strictly following the spec, this should be only defined for TIfcRoot, because only IfcRoot has GlobalId. In reality, we need GlobalId at TIfcPersistent to load some files, and we sometimes need WantsGlobalId = True to save some files.

Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

This item has no description.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

This item has no description.

Public function BuildNode(const Mapping: TCastleIfcMapping; const ParentProduct: TIfcProduct; const LitAppearance, UnlitAppearance: TAppearanceNode): TAbstractChildNode;

This item has no description.


Published property Name: TIfcLabel read FName write FName;

The word or group of words by which the product representation is known.

Published property Description: TIfcText read FDescription write FDescription;

The word or group of words that characterize the product representation.

Published property Representations: TIfcRepresentationList read FRepresentations;

Contained list of representations (including shape representations).

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