Class TViewDialogYesNo



type TViewDialogYesNo = class(TViewDialog)


Ask user a simple "yes" / "no" question. See unit CastleDialogViews documentation for example usage.




Protected procedure InitializeButtons(var Buttons: TViewDialog.TButtonArray); override;
Public function Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean; override;


Public property Answer: boolean read FAnswer;



Protected procedure InitializeButtons(var Buttons: TViewDialog.TButtonArray); override;

This item has no description.

Public function Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TCastleUserInterface.Press.

Override this method to react to user pressing a key, mouse button or mouse wheel. Return True if the event was handled, which prevents from passing this event to other UI controls.

When implementing in descendants it is best to override it like this:

function TMyControl.Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean;
  Result := inherited;
  if Result then Exit; // exit if ancestor already handled this event

  if Event.IsKey(keyEnter) then
    // do something in reaction to Enter key
    // let engine know that this input event was handled

  if Event.IsMouseButton(buttonLeft) then
    // do something in reaction to left mouse button press
    // let engine know that this input event was handled

These events are generated for all UI controls, whether they are considered "interactive" or not. These events are generated for non-interactive controls like TCastleRectangleControl or TCastleLabel as well. For example, these events ignore the TCastleButton.Enabled state, they are generated always (see ). Use instead TCastleButton.OnClick to detect clicks on a button in a way that honors the TCastleButton.Enabled state.

When a control returns True from Press, it means it starts to "capture" subsequent mouse events: subsequent mouse moves and release will be send to this control even if mouse will move outside of this control.

The events Press and Release are passed to the parent only after the children had a chance to process this event. Overriding them makes sense if you draw something that "looks clickable" in TCastleUserInterface.Render, which is the standard place you should draw stuff. For example our TCastleButton draws there.

In contrast, the events PreviewPress and PreviewRelease are passed first to the parent control, before children have a chance to process this event. In partcular, overriding them makes sense if you draw something that "looks clickable" in TCastleUserInterface.RenderOverChildren.


Public property Answer: boolean read FAnswer;

User answer to the dialog question, defined when Answered.

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