Castle Game Engine includes a lot of units. They are divided into groups, which correspond to the subdirectories in the engine src
subdirectory: transform
, audio
and so on. The groups are shortly described below.
One of the ways how we keep the engine maintainable is to limit the dependencies between unit groups. For example, the transformation and UI stuff depends on images, but the units in the images
group cannot depend on units in the transform
or ui
groups. A simple dependency tree allows to easily debug some hard problems (when you want to strip the used units, to get to the "bottom of the problem").
The allowed dependencies are listed below. In short, the list of subdirectories goes from "lower level" to "higher level" in the sections below.
These dependencies are automatically checked (by tools/internal/check_units_dependencies, executed by Jenkins after every push).
Temporarily, some units are allowed exception to break from this rule. Right now 3 units have such exception, i.e. they actually break dependencies outlined below. See AllowedExceptions list in check_units_dependencies. This is a TODO — we will fix those. It’s also a practical decision — while we want to watch over these dependencies, in practice breakage (in some cases) has no bad consequences. |
Basic utilities and classes. Stuff for dealing with vectors, colors, strings, Unicode, logging, rectangles…
Depends on: nothing else.
Files, URLs, XML utilities, downloading files from the network. See manual about network and downloading.
Depends on: everything above (that is, units in "base" group).
Sound files loading, sound playback (including 3D sound), processing of sound files. See manual about sound.
Depends on: everything above (that is, units in "base" and "files" groups).
Image loading and saving: TCastleImage
, TGPUCompressedImage
(with ancestor TEncodedImage
Depends on: everything above except audio.
OpenGL(ES) basic units. Headers, loading images/textures to OpenGL(ES), rendering basic 2D primitives (TDrawableImage
, DrawPrimitive2D
Depends on: everything above except audio.
Loading font data from files using FreeType, rendering text (TCastleFont
), converting font data to be embeddable as Pascal units.
Depends on: everything above except audio.
2D user interface of the engine: TCastleContainer
, TCastleUserInterface
, lots of TCastleUserInterface
descendants like buttons, rectangles, labels… Also keyboard, mouse and other input handling.
Depends on: everything above.
Integration with environment (operating system). Opening a document, making a mobile payment, sending analytics data…
The unit CastleMessaging , important for Android services and iOS services, is inside the base group, not here. Reason: nearly everything else can use it, e.g. sound engine needs to use it.
Depends on: everything above.
Basic transformation stuff, in particular TCastleTransform
, TCastleCamera
. Also quaternions, axis-aligned bounding box types.
Depends on: everything above.
Parsing and executing expressions and programs in the CastleScript language.
Depends on: everything above.
The core of our engine rendering and processing for typical games:
: loading many 2D and 3D formats, rendering, writing and processing (animating, collisions..).
to display 2D and 3D scenes.
Depends on: everything above.
, window with an OpenGL context.
Depends on: castlescript
In the past it depended on more (even scene ) but there should not be a need for this now. The container (TCastleContainer , inside TCastleWindow ) allows to add TCastleUserInterface and TCastleView inside, and that’s enough, there’s no need for window to deal with viewports/scenes specifics directly.
, a Lazarus component to render with our engine.
Depends on: ui
. (not castlescript
for now, doesn’t need it.)
This is an alternative to TCastleWindow, so it has the same dependencies. Units between window
and components
group cannot use each other.
In the past it depended on more (even scene ) but there should not be a need for this now. The container (TCastleContainer , inside TCastleControl ) allows to add TCastleUserInterface and TCastleView inside, and that’s enough, there’s no need for control to deal with viewports/scenes specifics directly.
To improve this documentation just edit this page and create a pull request to cge-www repository.