Save screen (screenshot)

1. Save a screenshot to the default location

The easiest way to save a screenshot is to call TCastleContainer.SaveScreenToDefaultFile method. It takes a screenshot and saves it to a reasonable filename under a reasonable directory (following the current system conventions). It returns the URL indicating where was the screenshot saved. The used URL is also send to engine log.

Use it from anywhere, e.g. from the Press method of your view like this:

function TViewMain.Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): Boolean;
  Result := inherited;
  if Result then Exit;

  if Event.IsKey(keyF5) then
    Container.SaveScreenToDefaultFile; // ignore the SaveScreenToDefaultFile result
    Exit(true); // Key press was handled

2. Save a screenshot to the indicated URL

To get more involved, you can use the TCastleContainer.SaveScreen method.

The overloaded version procedure TCastleContainer.SaveScreen(const URL: string); takes a screenshot and saves it to the indicated file/URL.

The TCastleContainer.SaveScreenToDefaultFile that we mentioned earlier is really just a shortcut to get the preferred screenshot directory on current system using SaveScreenPath, invent a nice screenshot filename using ApplicationName and finally save it using TCastleContainer.SaveScreen.

3. Save a screenshot to TRGBImage and process it before saving, e.g. to draw on a screenshot

The overloaded version function TCastleContainer.SaveScreen: TRGBImage; offers even more possibility. It does not save to any file, instead it creates a new TRGBImage class instance with the current screen contents.

You can then process the resulting image to do anything you want, including to save it anywhere you like.

Remember to free the TRGBImage instance at some point.

This example code grabs a screenshot and draws a yellow crosshair on it before saving:

// Note: Add to "uses" clause some necessary units:
// CastleImages, CastleColors, CastleLog, CastleFilesUtils

function TViewMain.Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): Boolean;
  Image: TRGBImage;
  XMiddle, YMiddle: Integer;
  SaveUrl: String;
  Result := inherited;
  if Result then Exit;

  if Event.IsKey(keyF5) then
    Image := Container.SaveScreen;
      if (Image.Width > 10) and (Image.Height > 10) then
        XMiddle := Image.Width div 2;
        YMiddle := Image.Height div 2;
        Image.HorizontalLine(XMiddle - 4, XMiddle + 4, YMiddle, Yellow);
        Image.VerticalLine(XMiddle, YMiddle - 4, YMiddle + 4, Yellow);
      SaveUrl := ApplicationConfig('screenshot_with_crosshair.png');
      SaveImage(Image, SaveUrl);
      WritelnLog('Saved to ' + SaveUrl);

    Exit(true); // Key press was handled

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