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On 9-13 November the Web3D 2020 conference will be held. This year, it is online and completely free! I recommend this event for people interested in the X3D standard, which is an important building block of our engine.
I will have a short talk (20 minutes) about view3dscene capabilities, esp. in regards to new X3Dv4 features there.
On 19-22 November, MiniDebConf Online #2 “Gaming Edition” will take place. It is also free and completely online. I recommend this event for people interested in Linux, Debian and gaming on these platforms. Actually my talk there will be quite universal, so you’re all invited 🙂
I will give a talk presenting new Castle Game Engine 7.0 features during the “talks weekend” (21+22 November). It will be 35 min talk + 10 minutes for questions.
I will announce more as we get closer to these dates.
Start the discussion at Castle Game Engine Forum