Android: Platformer on Google Play, “Pretend Touch Device” option to test mobile behavior on desktop, touch input docs, target API bump, fixes

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Platformer on Google Play
  1. We have released our Platformer game on Google Play! It’s a full-featured 2D platformer game, with sources available inside the engine, in examples/platformer subdirectory.

    The Platformer release on has also been upgraded. The new platformer version features a helpful dialog showing how to control the game on mobile, and pause view improvements (dimmed background, consistent Escape key on desktop, pause button on mobile).

  2. New menu item in editor to debug input behavior: “Run -> Run Parameters -> Pretend Touch Device”. Accompanied by a command-line parameter --pretend-touch-device.

  3. Extended our touch input documentation: more about TCastleTouchNavigation, mentioned compilation symbols, example using ApplicationProperties.TouchDevice.

  4. Fixed the check when setting “Android SDK Location” from the editor, because the latest Android SDK may not have tools subdirectory.

  5. Fixed stopping (from editor) an application running on Android from Unix. Previously, it always left adb logcat process in the background, and made a warning about incorrect child id. Now it properly kills adb logcat.

  6. We bumped the Android target API to 34 (Android 14) to match the upcoming Google Play requirements.

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