Video: Advanced Castle Game Engine: forms, 3D generation, shaders, customizing editor

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TCastleControl on Delphi FMX form

A recording from my presentation in 2023 is now available on YouTube. This talk is titled “Advanced Castle Game Engine: forms, 3D generation, shaders, customization” and I presented it at ITDevCon conference in Rome almost exactly 1 year ago. I go through important CGE features:

  1. You can put engine rendering on Delphi FMX form.
  2. You can create and modify X3D nodes using Pascal, to build or modify 3D models — e.g. to display something from external sources (e.g. some machinery state) or to procedurally generate worlds.
  3. Compositing shaders using shader effects — original and powerful way to write shader code in our engine.
  4. Registering custom components in the editor — a gateway to extending what you can do in the CGE editor.


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